The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 83: Xun Town East Tour 2 Prefectures (8)

Back in time more than ten days ago.

Chunyu Qiong led 20,000 soldiers and cavalry from Jizhou to the outside of Luchang Mountain.

The Luchang Mountain is connected to the Taihang Mountains in the west. From the mountain to the west, it is full of mountains, and to the east is a plain in Chaoge County, Hanoi County.

Chunyu Qiong first joined the troops sent by Zhang Yang in Chaoge County, and then the two armies joined forces and left Chaoge County, heading west, and arrived at Luchang Shandong on this day.

——Zhang Yang only recovered the lost land in Hanoi, and in the previous battles with Sun Jian, his Bingzhou military lineage suffered a lot of damage. In fact, he did not want to help Yuan Shao crusade the Montenegrin army in Luchangshan. But on the one hand, Yuan Shao's order, he had to obey, on the other hand, Luchang Mountain Montenegro Army built a camp in Hanoi, and there was a lot of friction with Zhang Yang's department. , is also happy to see it succeed, so he finally dispatched more than a thousand troops and horses, and he just pretended to be.

Looking at this mountain from outside the mountain, it is continuous from north to south, and it must be dozens of miles long. Although it is autumn, it is still lush and lush.

However, if you look closer to the mountain, you will find that the north and south parts of the mountain are indeed lush with vegetation, while the middle part of the mountain is also full of shrubs and weeds, but more exposed than the north and south sides. Brown rock.

The main camp of the Black Mountain Army is not in the middle part of the mountain, nor in the northern part of the mountain. It is located in a valley called Cangyankou in the south of the mountain. "Cang", the color of green is also, from this place name can be seen, this valley must be a lot of trees.

There is only one mountain road to Cangyankou, which is not only winding, but also narrow.

Zhang Yang did not personally come to help, but sent a general who was close to him to lead the team.

The army general introduced the situation to Chunyu Qiong and others, and said: "The mountain road to Cangyankou is the only one in front of you. The black mountain thieves set up all the checkpoints in the narrow turns on the mountain road, and the guards of the checkpoints ranged from more than 100 to more than a hundred. , as many as hundreds, all of them are good archery thieves, and have accumulated a lot of wood and rolling stones in the level. The road up the mountain is very difficult to walk."

A feeling of dread.

After listening to his introduction, Chunyu Qiong pondered for a long time, and asked Yan Liang, Zhang He, Han Meng and other generals nearby, and said, "The so-called 'one husband is the gate, ten thousand men can't open'. The mountain road is narrow and there are many checkpoints, if our army is rushed If you advance, I am afraid there will be many casualties. What insights do you have to solve this problem for our army?"

Yan Liang, Han Meng, etc. are clueless.

Zhang He said: "There will be a strategy at the end, which may solve this difficulty."

Chunyu Qiong asked, "What policy?"

Zhang He said: "Forcing up the mountain will definitely cause unnecessary casualties to our army, but what if our army is on fire now?"

Chunyu Qiong heard the words, thoughtfully, stroked his beard and said, "Light a fire?"

Zhang He Yao pointed to the trees that covered the mountain road, and said, "It's autumn now, it hasn't rained for days, the sky is dry, the vegetation is dry, and if our army sets fire to the mountain, the fire will definitely not be small. The bandit soldiers in the mountain pass, are they still made of iron, they can endure such a taste, still refuse to escape, still guard the pass?"

Chunyu Qiong understood what Zhang He meant, and said overjoyedly, "Your strategy is excellent!"

So he accepted Zhang He's suggestion and told the sergeant to prepare a fire, and the next day the whole army entered the mountain and set fire to clear the way.

The wildfires ignited, birds flew in fright, and wild deer, hares, monkeys, wild sheep, tigers, wolves and other mountain beasts all fled. Seeing such a lively scene in the mountains, Chunyu Qiongxiao and Han Meng and other confidants said: "It's a pity, we are here to fight, not to hunt, otherwise, we will take this opportunity to scare the beasts, and we will definitely gain a lot. many!"

Han Meng is a native of Yuzhou. When Chunyu Qiong was a school captain in the West Garden in the early years, Han Meng was his subordinate and won Chunyu Qiong's trust, so he joked: "Meng heard about it, the decisive battle in the battlefield, also known as 'hunting'. , today the general leads the army to slay the black mountain thieves in Luchang Mountain, which can be described as hunting. With the general personally commanding, even if there is no income for animals and the like, the results of this battle will definitely be excellent!"

Chunyu Qiong laughed.

For this battle, he also has sufficient confidence.

The scouts rushed back to report that the Montenegrin army guards in the checkpoint on the front mountain road were not resistant to fire, and they abandoned the checkpoint and left.

After waiting for the fire to be small, Chunyu Qiong urged the soldiers and horses to enter the mountain road and climb up.

After crossing two hills, we marched until the afternoon, and even the camp of the Montenegrin Army in Luchang Mountain.

The camp stands in a valley, covering a wide area, and outside is a wall made of stone, as high as more than zhang. The upper part of the wall is wide enough to accommodate guards on top of it. Every other distance, there is a hopeful building, and there are archers in the building. On the four sides outside the camp, there are dense trees, thorns and weeds in the vicinity, there is only one road, and the self-camp gate leads to the mountain road; the distance is surrounded by mountains.

The soldiers of the Montenegrin army in the village had already received a message from the soldiers at the mountain pass, and knew that the enemy was coming. At this time, the camp wall was already full of guards; the archers on the watchtower were also armed with bows and arrows, ready to fight.

Chunyu Qiong climbed up and looked around, watching the various defensive measures of the battalion for a while, knowing what to do, returning to the army and giving orders.

Shilling Yan Liang led his headquarters and lined up outside the gate of the camp.

The soldiers and horses sent by Zhang Yang were ordered to eradicate the trees, shrubs, thorns and weeds near the camp to clear the space for the troops to build the camp.

Then Han Meng, Zhang He and other troops were asked to do the preparatory work for building the camp with the cooperation of the military and civilian husbands.

Han Meng asked, "General, when do you plan to attack the bandit camp?"

Chunyu Qiong said: "Let's build the camp before tomorrow evening, and when the camp is built, we will start the attack!"

Zhang Heshu looked at the barriers of the Heishan army, and then looked at the sky, and said: "General, there are many trees and grass outside the thief's wall, and our army's vision is not good. This is one of them; this is a thief's nest, and the thieves are better than our army. The second is to be more familiar with the terrain; I am afraid that it will be difficult to clear enough places to build a camp before nightfall, which is three nights; therefore, the third general thinks that tonight, the anti-thief soldiers may sneak attack on our army. "

Chunyu Qiong nodded and said, "Your words are very true." Then he laughed, "If the thieves dare to attack our army, it would be best, just so that we can defeat it first! Boost our morale."

As Zhang He expected, by nightfall, the campsites had not been cleared out.

Chunyu Qiong then ordered Yan Liang's department to take on the task of guarding at night.

But the night passed, and the Montenegrin army in the barrier did not attack Chunyu Qiong.

Chunyu Qiong was disappointed and said to the generals: "The location is good, and they didn't attack our army at night, which shows that the thieves will not know the soldiers. Once my camp is built, we will attack with all our strength. Dangerous, but it will be easy for our army to win.”

It's not easy to win.

The Jizhou barracks were built, and they rested for the night.

The next day, began to attack the camp of the Montenegrin army.

There are tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Montenegro living in the camp, and there are more than 10,000 Ding Zhuang who can go into battle. Besides, their leaders do not know how to fight, and these Ding Zhuang's combat power and armament are not as good as those of Jizhou soldiers. Chunyu Qiong was unable to overcome the danger of the camp even after attacking for three days.

After the battle on the third day, Dusk withdrew his troops.

This day was the day before it was going to snow, when Xun Zhen was on his way from Guangqi County to Pengcheng County.

Chunyu Qiong summoned Yan Liang, Zhang He, Han Meng and other generals to his tent. His face was blue and he was furious. He slapped the table and said angrily: "It's a small fort of thieves. I have more than 20,000 soldiers and horses, and I won't be able to attack them for three days! I'll see Yuan in the next day. Gong, Yuan Gong asks about the history of this battle, what kind of face do we have to report? If the rumors are about to go out, we will laugh at the heroes of the country! Now I will order: Tomorrow the whole army will attack again, and those who dare to retreat will be killed; Those who advance, choose one out of ten, behead! Those who climb the fortress first will be rewarded with great deeds!"

Yan Liang, Zhang He, Han Meng, etc. will be inspired by this, and they will all be ashamed and brave, and promise loudly.

On the fourth day, Chunyu Qiong dispatched all the rest of the troops except the central army of more than 3,000 people as a reserve.

The troops of Zhang Yang's troops attacked the north of the Heishan army camp; Yan Liang's army attacked the west of the Heishan army camp; Zhang He's army attacked the south of the Heishan army camp;


The battle started at the hour.

At one time, in the huge valley, the sound of golden drums, the sound of shouting clouds, the fighting and shouting of the soldiers of the Jizhou army and the soldiers of the Montenegrin army shook the mountains and rocks, the arrows of the enemy and the enemy were like rain, and all sides of the Heishan army camp wall could be seen. , is known to be a Jizhou soldier who was attacked by ants.

Storming into the afternoon, snowflakes fell.

Although it was snowing, Chunyu Qiong refused to stop the attack.

Yan Liang, Zhang He, Han Meng and other generals then led the soldiers of the headquarters in the snow and continued to attack.

Attacked for a whole day.

Under the strict supervision of Chunyu Qiong, there has been a great progress compared to the previous three days.

On the west side of the fortress where Yan Liang's troops were mainly attacking, the stone wall was knocked down a few sections.

That night, the generals gathered again in Chunyu Qiong's tent.

Han Meng said: "General, the snow is getting heavier and heavier. The thief wall is covered with snow, and the mountain is already cold. After another night, the thief wall will freeze tomorrow. I'm afraid it will not be good for our army to attack again!" "Do you want to take a break first and wait for the snow to stop before attacking?"

Chunyu Qiong was furious and said sternly: "You also know that the mountains are extremely cold, what if the snow does not stop for a day or two? Could our army be frozen in the mountains? It's not a big deal to be frozen, in case the snow falls too much. , the mountain road is blocked, so what should our army do when it arrives? The thieves at the front have not yet stepped down, and the retreat road behind is cut off. Isn't our army going to be trapped in this valley?

"It's snowing, that's why our army has to attack! There must be no rest tomorrow!"

Han Mengren has no name and is a fierce general, but in the face of Chunyu Qiong's anger, he is like a frightened child. already."

Zhang He opened his mouth at this time and said, "Although the snow is indeed a little disadvantageous for our army to attack again, it is precisely this 'disadvantage' that is actually a 'benefit' for our army."

Chunyu Qiong looked at him and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

Zhang He replied: "Xiaowei Han just said that the snow will stick to the thief's wall, and after a night, it will definitely freeze, which is not conducive to our army's re-attack. ... General General Han thinks this way, The bandit generals and bandit soldiers in the bandit fortress will definitely think so too. Then, as expected by the last general, tomorrow, the defense of bandit bandits will definitely relax a lot. 'Li'?"

Up to Chunyu Qiong, down to Yan Liang, Han Meng and other generals, they thought about it carefully, and they all felt that Zhang He's words were very reasonable.

Since the war, this is the third time Zhang He has spoken.

Three times, all the generals took it for granted.

Chunyu Qiong turned his anger into joy, and said to Zhang He, "I used to be less close to you, but I have heard for a long time that you have changed your mind, and there is no vacuous person under your reputation! The 'benefit' that you said is very true!"

The fruit was caught by Zhang He.

The guards and guards in the Heishan army camp really thought that the Jizhou soldiers would not make a hard attack in the snow, and their defense became loose.

The next day, the fifth day of the attack, the Jizhou soldiers continued to attack, and the defenders in the camp were caught off guard. In the afternoon, Yan Liang's troops first rushed into the battalion from the gaps opened yesterday; then, Zhang He, Han Meng and other troops attacked successively.

After five days of fierce fighting, Chunyu Qiong finally laid the fort here.

The Montenegrins in the battalion consisted of men, women and children, with a total of 20,000 to 30,000 prisoners.

Before he led his troops south from Ye County, Yuan Shao had already given Chunyu Qiong an order that the weeds should be eradicated.

Therefore, Chunyu Qiong carried out Yuan Shao's order and killed Ding Zhuang among the prisoners. The women chose the beautiful ones, or kept them for themselves, or gave them to the lieutenants and soldiers, and specially selected a few beautiful ones. , and sent someone to Ye County to be dedicated to Yuan Shao.

But that Chunyu Qiongbu had killed prisoners, cut off his ears for military exploits, and plundered the goods in the fortress. On the afternoon of the second day after the war, after welcoming the snow out of the valley, the once bustling and densely populated valley became. There is no trace of popularity, only broken walls and ruins, rivers of blood, red-stained snow, and corpses piled up like mountains.

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