The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 78: Xun Town East Tour 2 Prefectures (3)

Xun Zhen asked, "What is this?"

Hua Xin said: "These are the correspondence between Xiaguan and Kong Beihai, and I wanted to show them to Duke Ming for a long time, but I never had the opportunity. It happened that Duke Ming was visiting Bi County this time, so I asked Duke Ming to take a look at it. Look."

Beihai Kingdom is adjacent to Langya County, but not Taishan County, but it is also very close to Taishan County, and the distance between the two counties is only 60 to 70 miles. Hua Xin and Kong Rong are both contemporary celebrities. Hua Xin's prefect of Mount Tai is currently in office on behalf of Xuncheng, but he was in Mount Tai long before he took office. Since he arrived in Mount Tai, one is He originally respected Kong Rong's reputation, and secondly, he also obeyed Xunzhen's orders, so he kept in constant communication with Kong Rong and exchanged letters very closely.

Xun Zhen took the stack of documents and opened it.

It was Kong Rong's reply to Hua Xin.

After reading a few letters, there is no other content. Most of them are discussing academic issues of various classics. Occasionally, there are words that involve the political current situation. Kong Rong's tone is also worrying about the country and the people. I don't know how much he suffered, worried about the safety of the emperor, and criticized Yuan Shao, the Yuan Shu brothers and other separatist forces, and so on.

As for Xun Zhen, I read several letters, but there is not a word. This is probably because Hua Xin did not mention the internal affairs of Xuzhou in his letter to Kong Rong, and it should also be because Kong Rong knew that Hua Xin was Xun Zhen’s. He was an official, so he did not want to talk about Xun Zhen with him.

But that's all, there's no need to mention it.

After reading Kong Rong's letter, Xun Zhen remembered something and asked Hua Xin, "I sent people to invite Zheng Xuan to my state several times, but Zheng Xuan refused to go. How is his life in Nancheng? "

Hua Xin replied: "According to Duke Ming's instructions, the lower officials take great care of Duke Zheng. During the festivals, they will send people gifts to greet him in his daily life. Some time ago, Duke Zheng also contracted a slight illness, and the lower officials He specially invited a famous doctor in the county to treat him....Xiaguan also invited him to live in the county house and prepared a house for him, but he refused to come and insisted on living in Nancheng."

"Zheng Gonghai is a great scholar in the sea and has famous works from all over the world. I have heard that even in today's prefecture and county, there are many scholars who travel thousands of miles and risk bandits and thieves to travel to Nancheng to study scriptures under his school. Is there such a thing?"

Hua Xin covered his mouth with his sleeves, coughed twice, with a look of admiration and admiration on his face, nodded and replied: "It's exactly as Minggong said, that's right. Not only the scholars in Taishan County, Including Qingzhou, Yanzhou, Jiangdong Jing, Yang, Youzhou, and Bingzhou scholars, thousands of miles away, there are many scholars who have enrolled under Zheng Gong to study. Of course, I also have a lot of scholars from various counties in Xuzhou. Now, there are no less than a thousand people together.”

But the expression on Hua Xin's face seemed to be difficult to understand. Why was it both admiration and admiration? But Xun Zhen understood.

That admiration, admiration is Zheng Xuan's tireless teaching.

Appreciate those scholars who risked their lives to study from afar.

Xun Zhen couldn't help but sigh, thinking in her heart: "The so-called fire is passed down from generation to generation, and the Chinese civilization has gone through hardships and has been unstoppable. There are students who are willing to take risks and travel thousands of miles to study hard!"

Thinking of this, Xun Zhen said, "Although the world is in turmoil today, it will not always be a chaotic world. There will always be a time when the battle is over. The Confucian scholar who studies the classics will not be able to go to the battlefield during the war, but the most important thing is to educate and transform the people. , when the peace reappears, the learning of the first saints..."

At this point, Xun Zhen moved in his heart, paused for a moment, and immediately retracted his thoughts. After finishing what he said, he said, "It is still up to them to pass on the inheritance, so, not only Duke Zheng, but also the daily life of these students who are studying. You also have to take care of your life... They come to Nancheng from other places, one is to live, and the other is to eat. These two aspects must be taken care of. Among these scholars, there should be Han scholars, who may not even be able to eat food. , you have to take good care of it."

Hua Xin replied: "Don't worry, Duke Ming, I have not only explained to the Nancheng County magistrate, but also specially sent someone to take charge of this matter, that is, the literary department in the county. I told him to go to Nancheng every ten days and a half to take a look. If the child is poor and cannot eat three meals a day, then the county government and Nancheng county temple will pay for the support."

Just like what Xun Zhen said, when the war is always over, how can the inheritance of culture be guaranteed? In a certain respect, this is actually more important than the war. Therefore, Xun Zhen’s tour of the state this time, Yu Donghai The first stop of the tour was the state school. When we arrived in Taishan County, the first question was Zheng Xuan, and the situation of those scholars who studied with Zheng Xuan in Nancheng.

——Liu Biao and Yuan Shu are both in Jingzhou. Why is Liu Biao's reputation better than Yuan Shu?

First, because Yuan Shu himself was not up to his standards, he condoned the soldiers to loot the place, and he was arrogant and arrogant; second, it was precisely because Liu Biao respected the wise men, and now the Xiangyang area of ​​Jingzhou has become a cultural center of Jiangzuo. Many scholars from the north and the south and local scholars from Jingzhou gathered under Liu Biao's tent to discuss articles and research academics. Yuan Shao who was far away in Jizhou, and Xun Zhen who was in Xuzhou, have long heard of it. It has the reputation of rich cultural atmosphere in Xiangyang.

Taking a step back, let’s not talk about the long-term problem of cultural inheritance, but only talk about the fact that although Confucian scholars cannot go to war, they are also very useful in other aspects, such as public opinion. Public opinion is controlled by cultural people. It is in the hands of the scholars today, so respecting the scholars is not only out of cultural inheritance, but also has great benefits for one's own reputation.

Xun Zhen actually has the intention to turn Tan County under his rule into a cultural center, like Xiangyang, but he hasn't put all his energy into it yet, but if he wants to do it in the future, Zheng Xuan will definitely need to invite him. to one.

Xun Zhen revealed what she had just thought of, and said to Hua Xin, "I have a few words to give to Duke Zheng."

Hua Xin asked, "Dare to ask Duke Ming, what are your words?"

Xun Zhen got up, went down to the hall, paced with hands behind her back, and chanted loudly, "Build your mind for the heaven and earth, build your life for the people, follow the sages of the past, and create peace for the world!"

As soon as the four sentences came out, Hua Xin changed color in horror.

Only feeling the goose bumps on his body came out, Hua Xin couldn't help clenching his fists, and his posture on the couch suddenly stood up straight, he murmured: "For the sake of the world, for the life of the people, for the sake of the saints Absolute learning, create peace for the world!"

Xun Zhen looked back with a smile, asked Hua Xin, and said, "I want to give these four sentences to Duke Zheng, what is your reason?"

"If Duke Zheng receives the gift of Duke Ming's four sentences, he will surely regard Duke Ming as his confidant for thousands of years!"

More than Zheng Any aspiring Confucian scholar, as long as he hears these four sentences, I am afraid that any one will feel that these four sentences speak to their hearts, and they may not be able to take it as Xun Zhen did. These four sentences have been said, but the four points in these four sentences are exactly their lifelong pursuits.

"Lao Fanqing fetch me a pen and paper."

Hua Xin didn't call the attendants, so he left the table in person, and presented Xun Zhen with a pen and paper.

Xun Zhen turned back to the case.

Hua Xin spreads paper and ink.

Xun Zhen had the pen in hand, and after a while of luck, the images of Wen Tianxiang, the anti-Yuan, Li Ying, the iron-boned, and other literati and righteous men, which he knew and heard in his past and present life, appeared in his mind. He dipped in thick ink and wrote large characters. Write these four sentences.

Taking a few steps back, holding the pen and looking at it, I saw that these four sentences were written on silver hooks and iron, and three points into the paper.

Xun Zhen's calligraphy was ordinary, but he was very satisfied with this one.

"Zhicai, the elector will send this letter to Duke Zheng for me."

Xi Zhicai's eyes lit up, lingering on the inscription, his eyes couldn't bear to leave for a while, and said: "Ming Gong, write a picture for me another day? I want to hang it on the wall and watch it every day. Mian!"

Xun Zhen responded with a smile.

Not to mention how excited Zheng Xuan would be when he received Xun Zhen's letter.

It is only said that Xun Zhen left Taishan County on his tour, and left the county today. He was separated from Huaxin and others at the county boundary. He traveled northwest, but he could travel only a few dozen miles, and in front of him was the Licheng City of Jinan, Qingzhou.

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