The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 76: Xun Town East Tour 2 Prefectures (Part 1)

On this day, Xun Zhen summoned the officials of the prefecture and said, "It is the autumn harvest, and there is nothing else to do in the prefecture for the time being. I intend to go to Xu and Yan various counties, first to see the autumn harvest, and secondly to visit the people."

So on this day in the middle of September, Xun Yu, Zhang Zhao, Chen Qun and others were left to deal with the daily state affairs. Xun Zhen brought Xi Zhicai and other officials, and Dian Wei and Xu Chu led the Hu Shi and Jia soldiers to follow the hundreds. After leaving Tan County, he set out to inspect Xu and Yan states.

The Han family originally had regulations. The prefect of the county would inspect the county every spring to observe the farming situation. This is called Xingchun. When Xun Zhen was in Yingchuan County earlier, the then prefect Yin Xiu went to spring and went to Fanyang Pavilion where he was the governor at the time. It was at that time that Xun Zhen and Chen Qun and other scholars from Yingchuan met for the first time.

After taking control of Xuzhou, when Xun Zhen was not busy, he usually visited the state every spring.

However, Xuzhou is a state after all, not a county. It has a large area under its jurisdiction. It is six or seven hundred miles long from north to south, and three or four hundred miles long from east to west. There are five counties in total. If you visit all these counties, it will take a long time. Therefore, he often chose one or two counties to visit before, but this was the first time he planned to visit the territory as a whole.

Xun Zhen chose to visit Xu and Yan at this time for two reasons.

First, after several battles, there were many prisoners. Some of the strong prisoners were incorporated into the Xuzhou army, but there were also many, especially the Yellow Turbans who were sent to the field. What was the effect of the field? Can't just read the report below, he needs a comprehensive inspection. In addition, there are refugees, those who have been resettled in various counties, he also needs to take a look.

After all, the surrender of the Yellow Turbans and the refugees are now a very important part of Xuzhou's civil power.

And most of them are outsiders, can they live in peace with the local indigenous people? Did the officials and tyrants of the local county bully or exploit them? These are all major events related to internal stability, and you must see them in person before you can feel at ease.

Second, just like Qin Shihuang inspected the world after unifying the six kingdoms, the Yanzhou side had to fight two consecutive vicious battles. It was a preliminary decision, and he needed to use his prestige to overwhelm the counties in order to deter him from accepting it. There will be tyrants who have a different mind because of the two battles in Yanzhou, and they also need to be repressed through his personal inspections.

And needless to say.

Xuzhou's prefecture, Tan County, is subordinate to Donghai County. Since it is an overall patrol of the state, Xun Zhen's first stop is of course Donghai County.

However, because Donghai County is the seat of the prefecture, Xun Zhen usually goes to the various counties in the county whenever he has time. This is the first-hand source of information for him to understand the local people's conditions. He already understands it very well, and there is no need to make redundant inspections. Therefore, he is not going to inspect the counties in the East China Sea this time, but only intends to focus on inspecting the state school located in Tan County.

Donghai County did not go anywhere else, but chose the state school as the first stop of the inspection, Xun Zhen naturally wanted to show that he valued Confucianism and religion.

This morning, on the first day of the tour of the state, with Xi Zhicai, the chief bookkeeper Chen Yi, the teacher and friend Liu Qian, the minister of the state, Wen Zhi, and the book Cao Qin Song , Dianxue engaged in Li Xuan, Dufu Sima Xuankang, Dufu Gong Cao Lusu, Zhuge Liang and other literati and Dian Wei, Xu Chu and other guards, Xun Zhen went out of the mansion and went outside the mansion.

Because the state school was located in the county seat of Tanxian, the only escorts to follow were Dian Wei, Xu Chu and dozens of guards.

The rest of the tiger soldiers, the guards, and the generals Zang Ba, Xin Ai, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, and Xun Chang who were responsible for leading the cavalry and horses to serve as the security guard for Xun Zhen's tour of the prefecture were all waiting outside the city.

The county seat of Donghai County and the prefecture of Xuzhou are located in Tan County.

The prefecture was in the south of the city, and the prefecture was in the west. The minister of the East China Sea, Handan Rong, was earlier than Xun Zhen. Before dawn, he was waiting outside the prefecture, together with the chief civil and military officials of the prefecture, such as Qin Qian, the prefect of the East China Sea, and Ling Cao, the prefect of the East China Sea.

At this time, seeing Xi Zhicai and the others calling and hugging, Xun Zhen came out of the mansion, and Handan Rong, Qin Gan, Ling Cao and others hurriedly greeted him.

Handan Rong and Qin Qian wore civilian crown belts, and Ling Cao wore armor.

"Is it already here? Gongzai."

Handan Rong replied, "It's just been a while since the lower official arrived."

"Aren't you a little too respectful for your ceremony?" Xun Zhen and Handan Rong are old acquaintances. , From time to time, they would gather for a banquet, so Xun Zhen was very casual when talking to Handan Rong, and he said this with a joking tone.

Handan Rong smiled and said, "How can you be disrespectful when you are waiting for the king?"

"That's it!" Xun Zhen greeted Qin Gan and said to him with a smile, "Zhong Ren will praise a gentleman if he has a book to deliver. A tiger's father has no dog's son."

The "gentleman" is Qin Xiang, the son of Qin Qian. ——As mentioned above, Qin Xiang is now serving as the chief history officer under Xun Cheng’s account, and as mentioned above, suggestions such as attacking Qingzhou are all books that Qin Xiang encouraged Xun Cheng to submit to Xun Zhen.

Qin Gan was an old friend of Xun Zhen when he was in Yingyin. In terms of the year of acquaintance, it was even earlier than Handan Rong. However, he knew that he could not be compared with Handan Rong. Facing Xun Zhen, he was very respectful and bowed to him as a salute. He replied: "The dog's talent for fighting the shackles was not abandoned by the Duke Ming, but he was reused! The lower official often went to write to him, and told him to be diligent in public affairs and fulfill his duties."

Among the civil officials and subordinates of the First Army, Changshi is the highest, and indeed can be regarded as valuable.

Xun Zhen said to Ling Cao again: "Qing manages the county well, the East China Sea has no robbers now, and there is no way to pick up things, all of them are Qing Gong. Lv Bu attacked Xiakou before, although Liu Deng and other aids retreated to Xiling, but I expected him to be ten years old. Eight or nine times, Xiakou will still be committed again, if Jiangxia starts the war again and the war is bigger, then I may send Qing to Jiujiang to help Liu Deng and others, would you like it?"

Ling Cao is from Wu County, Yangzhou. If there is a war between Yang and Jing, it is indispensable, and he must be sent to participate in the war.

Ling Cao was overjoyed and said, "The last general does not dare to hide Duke Ming, under the prestige of Duke Ming, there are not even a few thieves in this Donghai County, and the last general has long been boring. If I can go to Jiujiang, I will swear to cut Lu Bu's head for Duke Ming at the end!" Leaning over and salute, his body was shaken, and the pieces of armor all over his body couldn't stop ringing.

Xun Zhen laughed.

After chatting for a while, without further ado, Xun Zhen boarded the car. Handan Rong waited in the front to lead, Xi Zhicai waited in the back, Dian Wei and Xu Chu led the guards and squires from both sides of Xun Zhen's car. A line of carriages and horses, go to the state to learn.

Xun Zhen usually travels, and the guards of honor are very simple, and this time is no different.

However, it is still early, the sky is only bright, and there are not many people on the street, so there is no need to clear the streets.

The vehicle was running smoothly on the road made of rammed earth, without any bumps.

——Under the governance of Xun Zhen, Xuzhou has not had any wars in the past few years, it has been relatively stable, and agriculture has developed well in all aspects. To make some extra money, at the end of last year, during the slack season, it was also for the purpose of giving the people in the county some extra money. The money was used to repair the infrastructure such as roads and canals in Tan County. This road in the middle of the county has just been repaired, and it is natural to sit on the road.

The car was comfortable, but Xun Zhen's thoughts were not on this comfort. Thinking back to the Xunzhou this time, looking forward to the future, he was under a lot of pressure and felt terrified, like walking on thin ice.

Speaking of which, he now occupies almost two prefectures, and Yuzhou, where he has great influence, is nearly three prefectures.

Jiang Zuo did not mention, he has nearly half of the golden and prosperous land in the north.

Yu Xia, who is a scholar in the world or a hero at home, who mentions the various princes, can't talk about Xun Zhen, and attaches great importance to him?

But Xun Zhen, at this moment, from the bottom of his heart, he really didn't have the slightest thought of neglect or comfort.

After all, when he read history in his previous life, Yuan Shao, with the strength of the four states and the will to win, was defeated by Guandu, and how could he dare to forget the story of Cao Cao's rise? And after Cao Cao unified the northern land, with an army of one million, he also felt that he would definitely win the battle and went south to Jiang Zuo. What was the result? But similar to Yuan Shao's defeat at Guandu, it was the Battle of Chibi, in which Cao Cao was defeated and returned, thus establishing a three-point situation.

If nothing else, just the use of troops in the battlefield, who can say that he is a general who is always victorious?

If a battle is not fought well, it may be all in vain.

This is one of the reasons why Xun Zhen is walking on thin ice.

The second reason is that, not to mention, Xun Zhen's current strength has not reached the level of Yuan Shao before the Guandu war and Cao Cao before the Chibi war! Yuan Shao, Liu Biao, Liu Yu, etc., who have divided the prefectures today, as well as Cao Cao, and a cadre of warlords in Xiliang, all of them must be people who can be underestimated and can stand out and occupy a place in the turbulent times. Which is not the best among men?

If you are complacent because of the small territory in front of you, it is tantamount to killing yourself. Xun Zhenyin absolutely did not dare to take it lightly.

Just in the midst of ups and downs, the car drove to the outside of Donghai County.

The car got here and stopped.

Handan Rong, who was in the car in front, got down to Xun Zhen's car and asked, "Ming Gong, do you want to go to the county palace to have a look?"

A slightly noisy sound came from outside the car.

Xun Zhen picked up the curtain of the car, looked out, passed Handan Rong, and saw about a dozen scholars near the tall Huan Biao outside the Donghai County Mansion. The cars of these scholars stopped at a distance, and people gathered outside the gate of the mansion, in groups of twos and threes, or whispered, or stood with their hands down in a very respectful attitude.

Being in the same county as Handan Rong, Xun Zhen knew all about Handan Rong's style of politics and people.

When he saw these scholars, he was not surprised, and at the same time he knew that these scholars did not come to greet him after hearing the news, and he thought: "I have heard that the scholars in the East China Sea are extremely intimidated by the Gongzai. There are scholars who were waiting outside the county house to worship. When I saw it today, it was as expected."

It turned out that these scholars outside the Donghai County Mansion were all waiting to meet Handan Rong.

But this Handan Rong, whose people are strict, although he is a scholar of Ji, in governing the situation and managing the people, is contrary to the scholars of Yu, especially the scholars of Yingchuan, who attach great importance to the law. Ji Shi Cheng Jia is quite similar.

And it is precisely because of his stern character and emphasis on legality that Donghai County is under his governance. Now, not only the common people, but also scholars and tyrants, as long as they hear the name of Handan Rong, they are all afraid.

But here's the thing, I have to mention, since it is said that the people of the East China Sea are all afraid of Handan Rong, why are there still scholars waiting to worship in front of the gate of his county? This is because in addition to attaching great importance to Fadu, Handan Rong has a little bit of great joy in his temperament. To put it bluntly, he likes the feeling of being held by the stars. The scholars in Donghai County discovered this feature of him, so they Huh, if there is nothing to do, just run to the Donghai County Mansion and ask to see him. This is also a good bet.

Those scholars in front of the county house saw Xun Zhen's guard of honor. No matter how simple the guard of honor was, they could tell that it was Xun Zhen's car, and they saw Handan Rong standing outside Xun Zhen's car. Whether they were talking, standing silently, or in a hurry, they all swarmed over, and when they got close, they all bowed to the cars of Handan Rong and Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen was visiting the prefectural school, so she didn't want to meet these scholars, so she said to Handan Rong: "Hurry up and tell them all to get up. I won't go to the prefecture to see, Zang Ba and the others are waiting for me outside the city. I will leave the city and go to Langya County when I finish reading the state school."

Donghai County is located in the hinterland of Xuzhou. Xunzhen’s route to visit Xuzhou and Yanzhou this time is to go out of the East China Sea, go to Langya County first, then leave Langya, enter Taishan County in the west, and then continue eastward to Licheng, and then , from Licheng to the southwest, to Jibei, then Dongping, all the way south, and then to Rencheng, after this turn to the west, successively patrol Shanyang, Jiyin, Lihu, and after Lihu, return to Shanyang County, through Peiguo in the east, returned to Xuzhou, and then toured Pengcheng, Xiapi, Guangling, and finally returned to Tanxian County in the north.

It is equivalent to saying that starting from Donghai County, first to the east, then to the west, then to the south, and then to the north, just walking a circle.

Handan Rong listened to Xun Zhen's instructions, complied with the promise, and waved his hands to the scholars casually, saying, "I accompany Duke Ming to inspect the state school today, and I don't have time to see you. You should all go back to your own homes."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the reaction of those scholars, returned to his car, and ordered to continue.

After passing the county hall, not far ahead, a school with a large area appeared.

This is state school.

There was still a considerable distance from Zhou Xue, so Xun Zhen called the car to stop and got out of the car.

When Xi Zhicai, Liu Qian and other officials heard that Xun Zhen got off the bus, they also got off.

The officials gathered around Xun Zhen.

Liu Qian asked Xun Zhen and said, "Ming Gong, it's still far from the school, why did you stop the car?"

Xun Zhen replied, "School is a place for teaching and educating people. It is a place for teaching scriptures and teachings. It needs to be solemn. I don't want to disturb the teaching of the scripture teachers in the school, so I stopped the car here."

When Liu Qian heard the words, he was greatly admired, and said: "Today the sea is in chaos, the world is in constant war, and the lords of various places are fighting for strength only by fighting against each other. It is rare for someone like Duke Ming to attach great importance to education!"

Liu Qian, an old official of Kong Rong, came from Qingzhou.

Xun Zhen asked him with a smile, and said, "Speaking of re-education, Kong Beihai is the model of Shiliu. How do I compare to Beihai?"

Liu Qian replied: "Although Kong Beihai respects the virtuous and important men, but the Yellow Turbans are rampant in Beihai, and Beihai is unable to control them. Therefore, although the virtuous ones are respected, they are only three or two sons. How can they establish state studies with the Ming public, extend their names to Confucianism, and re-prosper. The way of the sage is in the realm, and the karma of widely imparting famous teachings is compared to the people?"

——This state school is not inherent, it was created by Xun Zhenyu himself.

Xun Zhen smiled when she heard this little flattery.

Li Xuanguan is engaged in Dianxue and is in charge of culture and education in the state. This state school is under his control and he is responsible for its establishment. Many scripture teachers in the state school are also hired by him. He was very familiar with them, so he led Xun Zhen in front of him. Li Xuan was Li Zan's son and Li Ying's grandson.

The group walked hundreds of steps to the school.

At this time, it was the early class time, and as soon as I entered the school gate, I heard the sound of reading aloud in the school building.

There are four courtyards in the state school.

One courtyard taught scriptures, another taught literature, arithmetic, etc. One courtyard was specially proposed by Xun Zhen, and it was a martial arts place for students to shoot arrows and learn to ride. Among the six arts of a gentleman, there are shooting and fighting, both of which are related to fighting. In the state school, the place to perform martial arts can be regarded as adhering to the meaning of the six arts of the gentleman. The remaining courtyard is where the teachers work.

In order not to disturb the classes in the school, Xun Zhen did not bring too many people in, only Handan Rong, Xi Zhicai, Liu Qian, and Li Xuan accompanied him.

Xun Zhen came to visit the state school this time without saying hello in advance, so the teachers and students in the state school didn't know about his arrival.

After arriving at the courtyard where the scriptures were taught, Li Xuan wanted to ask the teachers and students to come out to greet Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen stopped him and said, "The sacred place of the classroom, don't disturb them."

So, Li Xuan will stop.

Xun Zhen quietly went outside the classroom next to the gate of the courtyard and looked in.

I saw an old man with fluttering beards, about fifty years old, wearing a high crown and wearing a wide Confucian uniform, kneeling on the seat. In front of him, there were about ten students kneeling and sitting. The students were of different ages, the youngest being twelve or thirteen years old. , The elders were seventeen or eighteen years old, and because they were minors, they did not wear crowns, but they also wore Confucian clothes. There is no scripture in front of the old man, and a scripture is placed in front of the students. The old man closed his eyes and recited a sentence, and the student followed it, but he was teaching reading.

——Xun Zhen made a small "invention", which is the punctuation mark of later generations. Now all the new books published in Xuzhou, including the textbooks for state studies and county studies, have basically used his "invention". . In fact, before he "invented" this set of things, similar symbols had already been used in the world, but they had not yet been systematically formed.

Xun Zhen listened intently, and heard what the teachers and students in the room recited was, "A husband can travel a thousand miles in one day, and a ten-horse steed can reach it. He will be boundless and chasing the infinite? His bones and tendons will never be reached in his life." also".

so on and so forth.

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "It's Xunzi."

This sentence is a passage from "Xunzi? Self-cultivation".

Xun Zhen listened for a while, and then heard, "A man who is good at the law is a scholar; a man who is determined and physique is a gentleman; a man who is wise and inexhaustible is a saint. If people can't, it will be sloppy; if there is a law but no will to its righteousness, then it will follow; according to the law and deep in its kind, then it will be warm and gentle." This paragraph will not be heard again.

He didn't disturb the teachers and students in the classroom. He passed the classroom and walked to the teacher's door in front, still standing quietly watching and listening.

The scene in the classroom was similar to the classroom just now, so he turned his ears to listen.

After listening to a few words, I heard it, but what was taught in this classroom was Zheng Xuan's theory.

Zheng Xuan is a great scholar of today's generation. He now lives in seclusion in Taishan County. Although Xun Zhen invited him to Tan County several times, he refused. , but he did not refuse again.

- There are two reasons for no more rejection.

On the one hand, respecting the teacher and valuing the Tao is an extremely important aspect of Zheng Xuan's thought. As far as he is concerned, how many thousands of disciples he has taught before and after? In the mountain where he lives in seclusion, there are still hundreds of thousands of students who have traveled far and wide, risking war and chaos, to study the scriptures with him.

Second, from the former Han Dynasty to the present, the various schools of Confucianism focus on the door and family study. Although Zheng Xuan has a wide connection with various schools and broke the gap between them, the more this is the case, the more he will want to spread his academic views. , which is an instinctive choice as a reader.

Therefore, although Zheng Xuan himself was reluctant to accept Xun Zhen's solicitation, after Xun Zhen sent someone to ask him to send a few high-level students to Xuzhou to teach, he happily followed it and chose four of his disciples. Five students brought them to Xuzhou.

At this time, the teacher who was teaching in this classroom was a disciple of Zheng Xuan.

Compared to the previous classroom, Xun Zhen spent a lot longer outside this classroom listening.

People like Handan Rong and Liu Qian, who either did not pay much attention to academics, or who had not known Xun Zhen for a long time, would probably draw the conclusion that Xun Zhen paid more attention to Zheng Xuan's theory, but it was not the case.

On the contrary, Xun Zhen valued Xun Zi's theory more than Zheng Xuan's theory.

Although Zheng Xuan was a Confucian scholar, Xun Zhen was more inclined to Xunzi's theory in at least two points.

One is that in terms of theological thinking, Zheng Xuan believes that there are personalised gods, while in Xunzi's view, there are no personalised gods, they are all natural laws, that's all.

On the one hand, in the aspect of governing the country, Xunzi advocated the combination of ritual and law, and proposed to use it to control the mandate of heaven. In this area, Zheng Xuan once used the method of "annotating the scriptures" to annotate the laws of the Han Dynasty. His annotations were clear and accurate. He could be called the most authoritative legal interpretation today, but he inherited Dong Zhongshu. The concept of "The Spring and Autumn Period", in fact, his attention to the Han law, is to promote the Confucianization of the law. Confucianization means such things as not punishing doctors and so on.

As a person with previous life experience, Xun Zhen knew that the Confucianization of the law was an inevitable trend, but he would inevitably reject it.

No need to say much.

It can only be said that Xun Zhen paid more attention to Xunzi's theory. Therefore, although he did not give clear instructions in prefectural studies, including county studies in various counties, Li Xuan and the officials in charge of educational work, such as Li Xuan and the literary bureaus in various counties, were also in charge of education. In fact, there are some who "respect Xunzi and light Zheng Xuan".

Then there is a question. Zheng Xuan is the most famous Confucian in the contemporary era. If he attaches so much importance to Xunzi's theory, does Xuzhou Shilin not object to it?

In fact, because Xunzi's thought is a combination of Confucianism and law, and the Han family system is a combination of the way of king and hegemony, Xunzi's theory is still very high in the position of the two Hans, and Xunzhen is nominally Ying After Chuan Xun, he was a descendant of Xunzi, so he vigorously advocated Xunzi's learning in the state and county schools.

Therefore, there is no objection.

These and needless to say.

Xun Zhen listened outside this classroom for a long time, and then went to the other classrooms to listen.

Transfer out of this courtyard, go to the courtyard that teaches literature, arithmetic, etc., and listen likewise.

In the Martial Arts Academy, this is the morning. According to the regulations of the state school, some martial arts training will be conducted here in the afternoon, because there are no students in the Martial Arts Arena. There are archery targets erected in the field, a runway for horses to run, and some stone locks and other equipment for strength training, as well as bows, swords and other weapons are placed on the Xunzhen has seen it A circle, to the office courtyard.

The head of the state school was a hindsight, and he had heard the news and knew that Xun Zhen was here.

Not long after Xun Zhen entered the hall and sat down, the head of the state school and other officials all came and sat down to accompany him.

Xun Zhen spoke to them kindly for a while.

There was one thing that had been in Xun Zhen's mind for a long time. He looked at these state officials in the hall, but hesitantly, he did not express his thoughts.

What he is thinking about is that he wants to promote the contention of a hundred schools of thought in Xuzhou academic circles, and try to see if he can implement his concept of governing the country, which is "emphasis on etiquette and law". Considering his enemy's style of study, if he dared to raise the contention of a hundred schools of thought, it would most likely lead to a large-scale debate, but this was not his original intention, so it was fine to think about it, and he didn't mention it after all.

At noon, Xun Zhen had a meal with the principal of the state school, the sutra teachers who had left the get out of class, and a few outstanding students.

In the afternoon, Xun Zhen left the state school and left Tan County.

——Handan Rong, Qin Gan, Ling Cao and other Donghai County officials and Xun Yu, Zhang Zhao and other state officials who stayed behind sent him out of Tan County and went back separately.

The infantry and cavalry troops and horses led by Zang Ba and Xin Ai had left the camp long ago, and had formed a team with a total of 1,000 infantry and 500 cavalry.

In the early autumn afternoon sunlight, Xun Zhen set off immediately, heading east to Langya County.

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