The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 73: Wan Yan recruits Xu Chu to vote

But why did Xun Zhen say this?

It turned out that just a few days ago, Xun Zhen and Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Chen Qun and others were discussing the battle between Lv Bu and Huang Zu in Jiangxia County, and the situation that Yuan Shu sent Zhang Xun and Le Jiu to attack Xiangyang. At that time, Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu both made a suggestion, that is, to suggest that Xun Zhen could take this opportunity to formally form an alliance with Liu Biao.

Why did Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu make this suggestion?

On the one hand, Xun Zhen has a very close relationship with Cai Mao and other scholars who are now reused by Liu Biao, especially Cai Mao, Xun Zhen's two young wives, namely the concubine, Da Cai and Xiao Cai, were exactly when Xun Zhen took refuge in Jingzhou. , Cai Mao carefully selected from the women of his own family and gave it to Xun Zhen. With this relationship with Cai Mao and other scholars, such as forming an alliance with Liu Biao, they can trust each other.

Second, now that Sun Jian died in the battle, Xun Zhen lost Sun Jian, a powerful ally, so in this background of the rise of heroes, chaotic wars between states and counties, and mutual gangs, it was inevitable that he would be a little lonely. Objectively, he also Need to find another heavyweight ally.

Liu Biao was the imperial clan of the Han family, and he himself was well-known in Shilin. In the past, he was one of the Eight Jun of Jiangxia, and he was also capable. He rode into Jing alone, took seven counties for use, fought against Yuan Shu, had the upper hand, and could rule the roost. Only, it is a suitable alliance object.

Three, Liu Biao is from Yanzhou, and his family is in Gaoping County, Shanyang County. If he can form an ally with Liu Biao, it can also play a positive role in appeasing Xunzhen to Yanzhou. Just as Sun Ce needed to rely on the name of Chong Xunzhen to stabilize Yuzhou, of course, Xun Zhen did not need Liu Biao himself like Sun Ce "sends charcoal in the snow", but if Liu Biao expressed his support for Xun Zhen, it would be obvious, It will definitely affect the perception of a group of Yanzhou scholars on Xun Zhen, at least it can play the role of "icing on the cake".

In the end, as far as Liu Biao was concerned, Lü Bu returned from Runan to Nanyang, and the pressure he faced in Nanyang suddenly increased. Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu expected that he would also be extremely happy to form an alliance with Xun Zhen in order to hope Xun Zhen was able to help him deal with Yuan Shu and Lu Bu. Lü Bu was sent back to Nanyang by Xun Zhen from Runan. He could be regarded as the common enemy of Xun Zhen and Liu Biao.

Therefore, in the four points, Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu both proposed that they could form an alliance with Liu Biao.

Xun Zhen listened to their words and agreed.

It was just unexpected that before Xun Zhen sent an emissary to Jingzhou, Liu Biao's emissary arrived first, and the two sides hit it off.

Therefore, Xun Zhen has such words.

——As for why Xun Zhen accepted the suggestions of Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu, and decided to form an alliance with Liu Biao a few days ago, but so far has not sent an envoy to Jingzhou, it is because Xun Zhen has selfishness .

The situation in Xiangyang is not very urgent now. Lu Bu and Huang Zu in Jiangxia are basically evenly matched, so if Liu Biao proposes an alliance now, it will not be obvious that Liu Biao is begging him, then in this alliance, the status of both sides will be more equal. Therefore, Xun Zhen wanted to wait. When the situation in Jiangxia or Xiangyang became more critical, he would send someone to see Liu Biao and offer to help.

However, at this time, Liu Biao's request to form an alliance with him has arrived.

Now that the document has arrived, Liu Biao is the first party to make a request for the alliance, which means that he is already passive in the relationship between the two parties. He said to Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu: "Zhicai, Wen Ruo, and Liu Jingsheng's letter asking for help and forming an alliance has arrived. In my opinion, this alliance with Jingzhou should be settled, right?"

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "The covenant has just been made, Duke Ming will send troops to help him, and Liu Jingsheng has a big advantage!"

The more you give now, the more you may get in return in the future.

Xun Zhen and Xun Yu all knew this truth, and they all laughed when they heard Xi Zhicai's words.

Xun Yu stopped laughing, and said in a deep voice, "Brother, since you want to conclude a covenant, you must send an envoy to Jingzhou. I don't know who your brother wants to choose as the envoy?"

Xun Zhen had already had a choice in her heart, but she didn't say it first. She asked Xun Yu, and said, "Wen Ruo, Qing must have already been selected. Who is Qing?"

Xun Yu looked at Chen Qun, who was sitting opposite him, and said, "You foolish brother has a humble opinion, and a long essay is good."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "It's exactly what I want!"

Changwen, Chen Qun is also.

The mission to Jingzhou is about forming an alliance. The envoy must first be someone Xun Zhen fully trusts. Secondly, when forming an alliance, the other party may make some unexpected demands. The military and political strength can be used to judge whether they can agree to the other party's request. Thirdly, there are now a lot of northern scholars gathered in Xiangyang. Therefore, the envoy also needs to have enough family voice and good personal demeanor. Finally, , Cai Mao and others are close to Xun Zhen, and the Cai family can be said to be Xun Zhen's "foreign family", and this envoy should preferably be qualified to represent Xun Zhen and visit Cai's and other homes.

Combining several factors, only Chen Qun is the most suitable.

Chen Qun was Xun Zhen's brother-in-law, and he had no problem with trusting him and being qualified to represent Xun Zhen to visit Cai's and other homes.

In recent years, Chen Qun has been in charge of Xuzhou's money and grain and other affairs, and has a very good understanding of Xuzhou's strength. If Liu Biao's side makes any unexpected request, Chen Qun can also judge whether or not to agree according to the actual situation of Xuzhou.

In terms of family voice and personal demeanor, Chen Qun's grandfather, Chen Hao, was famous for his virtuousness and virtue. After the death of Zhongping four years ago, He Jin sent envoys to condolences, and more than 30,000 people went overseas to offer condolences. There are more than 100 people who hold the ceremony of descendants and grandchildren. The family name of the Chen family is well-deserved.

Xun Zhen asked Chen Qun, and said, "Chang Wen, would you like to have a hard time?"

When Chen Qunchu came from Xunzhen, he was still a young man in his twenties, and now he is in his thirties, and he has come to stand. Compared with the past, his complexion and demeanor became more and more calm, and his black beard under his chin gave him a little majesty. He got up. He replied, "The group dares not to obey!"

"If you are willing to take on this heavy responsibility, after returning home today, you will pack up and leave for Jingzhou the day after tomorrow."

Chen Qun replied, "No."

Xun Zhen put on her hands, told him to sit down, and said with a smile, "We discussed that two days ago, when Yi and Liu Jingsheng formed an alliance, we also discussed in detail the content of the alliance if we formed an alliance with him. Now, when you arrive in Jingzhou, you should discuss with Jingzhou according to the content we discussed. I have nothing else to tell you, but there are only two things I want to tell you."

Chen Qun stood up again and said, "Qun is instructed to do so."

"I can't talk about the order. The first thing, you go to Jinglu Road, take a look at the local people's livelihood along the way, and see what the current situation of the people in Jingzhou is; the second thing, after you arrive in Jingzhou, finish the covenant and get down to business, don't be in a hurry. When I come back, I will visit the Cai, Kuai, Huang and other Jing family members. Some of them are my old friends. You can send some gifts to them on my behalf. Xiangyang and Yicheng are now home to many northern scholars. You should also choose a famous person among them, go to see them separately, and greet me on your behalf."

Chen Qun replied, "No."

"The last thing is that the journey to Xiangyang is nearly 2,000 miles. You should pay more attention to your body on the way, and don't burn your body for the sake of rushing."

Chen Qun replied, "Yes."

"Go home now, tell your wife and son, come and go, plus negotiate a covenant and visit celebrities, you are afraid that you will not be able to return for three or four months this time, and you will not be able to say it later. When you come back, it will be the end of the year, and your family will be settled so that you can go to Jingzhou to worry about it, and it will save them from worrying about you."

Hearing Xun Zhen's joking remarks, Chen Qun smiled and said, "Yes, Qun will go home to settle down with his wife, pack up, and leave tomorrow according to his brother-in-law's instructions."

"You go."

Chen Qun said goodbye.

Xun Zhen saw that the twilight was approaching outside the hall, and said to Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai, "You don't know the person Degui sent to give Liu Jingsheng a letter to me, but I know it. He got to know him. He is De Gui's clan younger brother. Speaking of Da Cai and Xiao Cai, they are still brothers and sisters. He came from afar, and I will host a banquet tonight. This is a family banquet. Let the two of you accompany you."

Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu have no reason to refuse.

As they were talking, one person asked to see him outside the hall.

The person who came was Yuan Sui, the chief historian of Xunzhen County.

Xun Zhen called him in.

When Yuan Sui entered the hall, he was overjoyed, bowed down and saluted, and said to Xun Zhen, "Congratulations to Duke Ming, congratulations to Duke Ming."

Xun Zhen asked, "Why are you happy?"

Yuan Sui: "Report to Duke Ming, the military government has just received a letter from General Xu, and the letter says that Xu Chu of Qiao County has obeyed Duke Ming."

When Xun Zhen heard this, her face was also delighted, and she said, "Xu Chu is willing to obey me?"

Yuan Sui replied: "Isn't that true! Duke Ming." He took out Xu Xian's letter and held it to Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen took it and opened it to see.

Seeing the letter, it roughly explained how Xu Xian recruited Xu Chu.

Or, in fact, it was not Xu Xian who recruited him himself, but how Sima Wanyan, who was under Xu Xian's account, recruited Xu Chu.

However, after Xu Xian returned to Xiapi under Xun Zhen's order, he reorganized his army, trained his troops, defended the territory, and paid attention to the situation in Yuzhou. At the same time, according to Xun Zhen's order, he sent Sima Wanyan to Qiao County, Peiguo. Recruit Xu Chu.

There are mainly four subordinate officials under Xu Xian’s current account, Yuanpan, the long history, and Xia Ming, the general of Chusu, all of whom are old people of Xun Zhen when he was the head of Fanyang Pavilion, and Du Xian, the military officer, who is a follower. , and another, is the performance of Sima Wan, who is second only to Chang Shi Yuanpan.

This Wan Yan is a native of Xuzhou. It was because of Chen Deng's recommendation that he was able to serve in Xuzhou. This person is not only martial and brave, but also eloquent and resourceful. Compared with Yuan Pan, he was old, Xia Ming's martial arts husband, Du Xian's lack of eloquence, if he sent someone to recruit Xu Chu, obviously Wan Yan was the only suitable person under Xu Xian's account. Therefore, Xu Xian used him to do this.

It was also a coincidence that Wan Yan left Xiapi and went to Qiao County on April 25th, which was the day after Lü Bu defeated Huang Zu's reinforcements Zhang Shuo and Chen Wei's troops in Pingchun westward.

From Xiapi County, Wan Yan traveled westward along Sishui all the way, first entered Pengcheng County, traveled 100 li, and entered the border of Pei. It is about a hundred miles away, and it is the county seat of the county governor of Peiguo.

——The prime minister of Pei was Yuan Zhong, Yuan Shao's clan brother. Later, the Yellow Turbans broke out, and the wars between Yan and Yu continued. Although Yuan Zhong was virtuous, he had no ability to use troops and could not defend the border, so he simply hung up his seal and went south to Yangzhou. After Sun Jian occupied Yuzhou, he designated Wu Jing as the prime minister of Pei, but Wu Jing spent most of his time in Pingyu, and now in Yuzhou, Sun Jian died in battle, and the biggest enemies were Yuan Shu, Lu Bu, and Pei in the south. Yanzhou in the north and Xuzhou in the east are very safe. He has not been back to Peiguo for a long time, and he is also here. He is here to recruit the powerful people of Peijing, and it is not appropriate to meet the officials of Peiguo Prefecture. Therefore, after Wanyan arrived outside Xiangxian County, he did not enter the city, but continued to travel south, not much farther, and then crossed Suisui from here, and then turned westward, passing Linsui and other counties, and even Qiao County.

The whole trip is not too far, less than four hundred miles.

The most famous people in Yuzhou are Yingchuan and Runan counties. However, the state governance has always been in Peiguo, which is Qiao County. However, after Sun Jian acquired Yuzhou, the focus of his governance was Runan and Yingchuan counties, especially Runan, which was the hometown of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, who supported Eryuan, in other words opposed Sun Jian's gang. There were quite a lot of scholars in Runan at that time when Jiangdong generals ruled Yuzhou, and it was Sun Jian who changed the governance of the state to Pingyu in Runan County. ——One of the main reasons that Xu Chu was able to maintain the separatist rule in Qiao County for so long was precisely because Sun Jian moved the state government to Pingyu.

Although the state administration of Yuzhou has actually been transferred to Runan, Qiao County is still a large county.

Entering the county boundary, Wan Yan can clearly feel that the number of villages passed along the road is more than that of Xiaoxian, Linsui and other places, and the population in the villages is also more than that of Xiaoxian and other places. The population is still slightly dense.

Walking along the official road for more than ten miles, Wan Yan saw from a distance that a small town appeared in front of him.

When I walked near, I saw this small city. The walls on all sides were tall, several feet high. The walls were all made of rammed earth, dark and yellow. At the four corners of the city wall there are watchtowers, look up at them, and there are people on duty on the watchtowers; there are also people on the city wall with weapons patrolling back and forth. There is only one city gate, which opens to the east. Above the city gate is a three-storey red city tower with a red flag without a word, rustling in the wind. Inside and outside the city gate, there were dozens of spear-wielding warriors standing in two opposite rows.

It was the afternoon right now, and the afternoon sun was shining down, making the city look very mighty.

Outside the city, a ditch was dug to divert water from the river to the north, and it was used as a defensive moat. The city is surrounded by a large area of ​​farmland. The ditch on the periphery of the city, between the city and the farmland, from this ditch, more than ten small canals have been dug, extending into the farmland, winding and flowing. At the same time, the ditch was used for irrigation purposes.

This small town is not Qiao County, but a dock built here by Xu Chu and his youth and clan who had joined him.

——It is not accurate to say that it was "built up". This dock was originally there, and belonged to Xu Chu's family. A few years ago, the Yellow Turbans came to invade Qiao County, and Xu Chu was repulsed by this dock. their offense. Afterwards, Xu Chu continued to use manpower to repair, expand, and reinforce the dock, and gradually, it became the scale it is today.

Stopping, Wan Yan observed and secretly estimated that according to the size of the dock, it was expected that it could accommodate more than 10,000 people. , in the far and near villages where seven or eight people live together jumped into view.

Wan Yan thought to himself: "There are more than 10,000 people in the wall, and there are hundreds or thousands of people in a single town. If you count, there are always 20,000 to 30,000 men and women. There are thousands of clans attached to Xu Chu. Looking at it, it’s not fake.”

However, since this dynasty, the power of the powerful landlords has become more and more powerful, and the manor economy has already developed to a point where it is almost reaching its peak. The so-called manor can be understood as a large mansion, or a small town like the one in front of Wan Yan. There are fences on all sides, and there is land inside the fence, where you can grow vegetables and grains; in the manor, most of the various handicraft workshops are complete, and there are ironsmiths, clothes making, and everything. Outside the manor, is the field owned by the manor owner. Living in the manor are the family members, servants and apprentices of the manor owner, as well as poor and poor families of his clan who are of the same clan as the manor owner but are similar to the apprentices. The owner of the manor usually selects brave people from slaves, disciples, and clansmen, and trains them into clan soldiers to maintain law and order in the manor and prevent the invasion of thieves.

The whole is a small economy that is self-sufficient and self-sufficient.

Originally, the manor economy had already reached its peak. Since the Yellow Turban Revolt, none of the prefectures in China, especially the northern states, have not been spared the pain of military chaos. As a result, the content of armament has been increased, and it has evolved into a military fortress that integrates farming and warfare. For example, Li Jin of Nacheng's family has such a form of manor.

Xu Chu's dock castle is also in this form.

Therefore, this Wubao is located in the surrounding of the fields, and the ditches outside the Wubao also divide the water to irrigate the fields, which is not only armed, but also takes into account the cultivation.

Wan Yan only brought two slave riders with him. After watching, he sent one slave rider to the gate of Nawubao, reported his name and asked to see Xu Chu.

Bo Ding, who was guarding in front of the dock gate, had already seen Wan Yin.

If Wan Yan doesn't ask people to explain his intentions, these Bodins might come to interrogate him.

However, he heard Wan Yan's name from the horseman, saying that he had come to see Xu Chu under the order of Xu Xian, the general of Xuzhou. , to report to Xu Chu.

Wan Yan waited for about two quarters of an hour, and the person who went to report got Xu Chu's reply, ran back, went to him, and respectfully invited him in.

Passing through the gate of the fort, entering the fort, looking up, it is a winding path of sheep intestines, the road is very narrow, at most two or three people can walk side by side. There is no sand or bluestone on the ground, it is a dirt road. It was early summer, the weather was hot and dry, the wind was blowing, and the dust was flying.

On both sides of this sheep intestine dirt road, there are densely packed houses. The houses are not high, most of them are earth houses, and some thatched houses are mixed in between. Many children were playing in front of the mud huts and huts, and when they saw Wan Yan and Nata riding the three strangers, some children cast curious glances. ——These earthen huts and thatched huts were newly built in the past few years, and they were not there before. More and more people joined Xu Chu. In order to accommodate them, these earthen huts and thatched huts were built. To squeeze more and more narrow.

Along the trail, go forward to the land of Yorich.

The eyes suddenly brightened, and they arrived at the center of the dock. Here is an open space with a radius of hundreds of steps, without any buildings, only a high platform in the middle. This is where Xu Chu called Bo Ding, assembled soldiers, and issued orders when he encountered a war.

To the east of this place is where Wan Yan came from.

The southern part of the west is still the area for the residents of the fort to live in, and the northern part is the fields, vegetable fields, fruit forests, and a fish pond. The fields are a little small, and the vegetable plots are very wide. Many of the vegetables are grown, and they look lush and green, which is very pleasing.

The south, the east, and the south of the west are also the areas for the residents of the fort to live in, as well as the various workshops in the fort.

The person who led the way came here and turned north.

Wan Yan followed behind.

The north is also a residential area, but compared to the residential areas in the west, east, and south, the houses in this area are not only tall and spacious, but also much larger. Wan Yan even saw several yards of different sizes scattered among them. In the gaps between houses and courtyards, trees of various colors were planted, mostly fruit trees, some bearing fruit, some full of flowers, and the fragrance of fruit overflowed, which is pleasing to the eye.

The people who lived here were high-ranking people in the fort, and Xu Chu lived here. In addition, the patriarchs of various clans who were attached to Xu Chu, and the chivalrous men and young men who were used by Xu Chu also lived in this area.

This area is located in the middle and is a lobby. This is where Xu Chu usually discusses affairs and entertains guests.

Wan Yan and the others followed the widened road, passed through the house and courtyard, and came to the hall.

The Boding, who was leading the way, asked him to wait, and two handsome women brought tea and soup.

Wan Yan sat down and waited, and his two cavalry attendants stood behind them.

After waiting for a while, there were mixed footsteps, and several people came in from outside.

Wan Yan turned his head and raised his eyes, seeing the people headed by these people, and immediately praised him in his heart.

But seeing this person, if Xu Xian said to him, he has a strong waist and a burly stature, walking like a mountain of meat, but he is agile, walking like flying, without any sense of cumbersomeness. Looking at his appearance, he can see that his face is as black as iron, and his beard is not very long, like a hedgehog, piercing outwards. This man did not wear a crown, his hair was wrapped in a white bun, and his clothes were not gorgeous, just casual clothes. Only the knife on his waist was sheathed in green shark skin, and the hilt was inlaid with rubies and other ornaments, which made people eye-catching. , quite luxurious.

Looking at the people behind him, although they are not as attractive as the leader, they are all tall and strong, all equipped with knives and swords, and two of them are holding two iron shorts in each hand. halberd. Tie Dianji is not something that any general can use. It must be done by someone with enough strength and good accuracy. There are several generals under Xun Zhen who are good at using this thing, and Xu Chuxian is also a person who is good at throwing this thing.

However, Wan Yan expected it well, and the person in charge was Xu Chu.

Xu Chu and the few strong men in his entourage came to the hall.

Wan Yan stood up, bowed his head and said, "Sima Wanyan, the general Xu Jun of the lower Xuzhou side, has an audience."

Xu Chu pressed the knife to his feet and looked at him up and down. Seeing Wan Yan's strong body and strong face, he had a three-point love in his heart. He put his hand away from the handle of the knife, folded it in a bow, and said in return, "Chu Baiding cloth clothes, how dare you be a Sima. Your Majesty."

"My name is Dong Huaisi, and Yu and Xu are heroes. How can they be the same as Bai Ding?"

I've seen it twice.

Xu Chu introduced Wan Yan to the strong men who followed him. Among these people, two were the patriarchs of his clans who had surrendered to him, and the rest were the vicious young men who had surrendered to him, and the best of the light chivalrous men. Among them, there are two names that Wan Yan has heard of.

Everyone just greeted each other separately.

Xu Chu went to the main seat in the hall and sat down, and asked Wan Yan to also take his seat.

Two of the sturdy men took their seats, and the rest did not sit, and stood in a row behind Xu Chu.

Wan Yan didn't take his seat, but said, "Xu Jun, I'm here today because I have an important matter, and I want to ask your intention."

Xu Chu asked, "What's the matter?"

Wan Yan did not speak first, he asked Xu Chu and said, "I dare to ask Xu Jun, the former Pei state minister Yuan Gong, the descendant of the Yuan clan in Runan, the four clans and the three clans, and he himself, Yuan Benchu ​​and Yuan Gonggong belong to the clan. Brothers, Yuan Peiguo and Fan Pang were inseparable from the domestic party back then, and they were famous all over the world, so dare to ask Xu Jun, do you think you can compare with Duke Yuan?" Xu Chu said, "How can I compare with Duke Yuan?"

Xu Chu was just a countryman, and there were not many officials in his clan, let alone "four generations and three princes". His clan was incomparable to a big clan like the Yuan clan. , in terms of fame, he can't compare with Yuan Zhong at all.

Wan Yan went on to say: "Xu Jun, a native of Cao Dongjun, a native of Zuxia, his father was the imperial commander of our dynasty. In the past, he pacified the Yellow Turbans and fought against Dong thieves. Cao Dongjun is famous for being a good soldier and good warfighter. He dared to ask Xu Jun, and asked himself to be with Caodongjun. How does it compare?"

Cao Cao's family was in Qiao County, and he and Xu Chu were fellow villagers.

Xu Chu was incomparable with Yuan Zhong, and he was incomparable with Cao Cao.

Although the reputation of the Cao family in China is not as good as that of the Yuan family in Runan, after all, the Cao family is a family of eunuchs, not a family of scholars, but Cao Cao's grandfather or his foster ancestor Cao Teng has served the Han family for four generations. Son of Heaven; his father, Cao Song, took advantage of Cao Teng's power, the official position of Taiwei, one of the three princes, and an extremely personable minister. ——In the words of later generations, Cao Cao can be regarded as a child of the deputy state. At the same time, as Wan Yan said, Cao Cao himself has a reputation for being good at fighting, and he has a great reputation in the north and south today.

Xu Chu was only a local tyrant in the countryside, and he was also incomparable to Cao Cao.

Xu Chu replied: "Caodong County is a high-ranking man in my county, Chu is just a rural villain, and he can't compare with Caodong County."

After listening to Xu Chu's answer, Wan Yan went straight to the point, looked directly at Xu Chu, and said, "Then I don't understand, Xu Jun, since you think you can't compare with Yuan Peiguo, and you also think you can't compare with Cao Dongjun, Then where did you get the guts to stay in Qiao County and disobey the orders of Xun Zhendong and Sun Yuzhou?"

As soon as Wan Yan said this, the two clan chiefs and the light chivalrous warrior behind Xu Chu all changed their expressions, and two or three of them pulled out half of their knives and stared at Wan Yan fiercely. One person shouted angrily, "What do you mean by that?"

The two slave riders that Wan Yan brought, each holding a saber, looked forward to them with anger, and responded with color.

Wan Yan ignored the behavior and questioning of these people at all, and just stood tall and sneered.

Xu Chu stopped the commotion of his subordinates, touched the hedgehog's beard, looked at Wan Yan, and asked, "Wanjun, what do you mean by this?"

Wan Yan said: "I don't hide it from my step, I came here today, and on the bright side, I was under the order of General Xu. In fact, I came here to cherish the talents of my step for Zhendong!"

"Wanjun, what are you trying to say?"

Wan Yan said: "Xu Jun, Zhendong tried to say, 'It is my ambition to cut down the level of ministers and welcome the Son of Heaven to restore the old capital'. Therefore, Caodong County robbed Yanzhou without permission, and Zhendong attacked it; Lu Feng first stole Runan, and Zhendong asked for it. , and alone, entrenched in Qiao, why did Xun Zhendong tolerate you?

"This is because Xun Zhendong cherishes your bravery. Zhendong once said to the people around him, 'Xu Chu in Qiaoxian County is fierce and arrogant. That's why Zhendong has endured you until now; you refused to obey the orders several times to summon you, and Zhendong didn't get angry because of it. But now, the situation is different!"

Xu Chu listened to Wan Yan's words, sat on the seat, and remained silent.

Wan Yan didn't intend to let him talk, and he continued to say: "Cao Mengde invaded our Yanzhou, and Li Jin of Cheng's family caused chaos, causing the death of old people in town, Gao Su and Feng Gong; now Cao Mengde has When Zhendong was defeated, he fled back to Dongjun in embarrassment, and Yanzhou regained stability. When Zhendong was around, he went to Zhendong and said, "Xu Chu of Qiao County, Li Jin of Leicheng, and his people are also gathered from light chivalrous and evil youths. , Hiding in desperation, relying on the dock for self-promotion, disobeying the orders of the county and county, it is good to have nothing to do in the state. In order to avoid future troubles, it is advisable to send troops to attack them and destroy them.” "

Having said this, Wan Yan looked at Xu Chu and asked, "I dare to ask Xu Jun again, because Yuan Peiguo's clan, reputation and virtue, and he knows that he has no ability to defend Peiguo, he abandoned his office; You know that the soldiers are good at fighting, but Zhendong has been defeated twice before and after, ... Dare to ask Xu Jun, please consider for yourself, if Zhendong really decides from the left and right, and sends troops to ask for it, can you defend Qiao County?"

Xu Chu replied sincerely: "I can't be here."

Wan Yan said, "Since you feel that you can't do it, now that Zhendong is around, you will talk to Zhendong to ask you, and then you will dare to ask Yujun, what is your opinion? What are you going to do?"

Xun Zhen's prestige has now been widely spread in Xu, Yan, Yu, Qing and other states. Although Xu Chu was famous in Huaisi, compared to Xun Zhen's prestige, it is insignificant. Not only did Xu Chu know about it, but also the Qing Xia and Sect Chiefs under him.

The few light chivalrous men who had frightened Wan Yan just now became silent after hearing Wan Yan's words.

Xu Chu sat for a while, and said earnestly to Wan Yan: "You have just said that you have come here for the sake of Zhendong because he cherishes the talent below, so he must have a wise idea to teach me. I dare to ask you Jun, what do you think should be done next?"

Wan Yan smiled a little and said, "Xu Jun, although Zhendong left and right came to talk to Zhendong to ask Yujun, but Zhendong still cherishes the bravery of Jun, and Ya didn't want to go to war, so he was sent here. Let me ask you, do you want to meet Zhendong Daobing, or do you want to meet Zhendong Daobing?"

Xu Chu said: "Zhendong is like a 'tiger idiot', and in the countryside, how dare you call it that? Zhendong is a dragon and tiger! How dare I fight with Zhendong? Naturally, I don't dare to fight Zhendong. East Swordsmen meet!"

Wan Yan said: "If you don't want to, then it will be easy to do. Zhendong said that if you are willing to enter Xuzhou, you will temporarily submit to you as a commander. Today, you can cite the part and go down to Xuzhou with you to see you. Town East."

Wan Yan's recruitment of Xu Chu this time can be said to be the right time.

Previously, in Yuzhou, Sun Jian was fighting Hanoi, fighting Lü Bu, or assisting Xun Zhen to fight Cao Cao, and he had no time to take care of Xu Chu; and Xun Zhen was also in constant wars and had no time to take care of him.

But now, although Sun Jian died and Lü Bu was driven away, Sun Ce instead took back the counties in the southern part of Runan. First, Xun Zhen defeated Cao Cao again, and Yanzhou also stabilized. Second, the north of Qiao County was Yanzhou. The west is Chen and Liang, the south is Runan, and the east is Xuzhou. This means that this place is just surrounded by Yan, Yu, and Xu. That is, there are no other forces around Qiao County. In existence, only the forces of Xun Zhen and Sun Ce exist.

It was just such a small piece of land, surrounded by Xun Zhen and Sun Ce's sphere of influence, what else could Xu Chu do? There are only two ways out for him now, one is to surrender to Xun Zhen, and the other is to surrender to Sun Ce. After all, Sun Ce was young, and he was inferior to Xun Zhen in every way, so the only feasible way was to join Xun Zhen.

In fact, just before Wan Yan came, Xu Chu had had many discussions with his subordinates, the sect chiefs and the light chivalrous men, about what they should do in the future. Where is the way out? Including Xu Chu, everyone thought that they should go to Xunzhen.

So, Xu Chu did not hesitate, got up immediately, bowed and said: "Chu Shi said to you, even if you don't come, Chu is going to Xuzhou to see Zhendong! Why are you here in Qiao County to defend against bandits and protect the people? It is to dedicate this place to Zhendong!"

Being able to be the leader of tens of thousands of people, Xu Chu is of course not just a warrior, he can also say what should be said nicely.

Wan Yan laughed and said, "If Junruo has such intentions, that would be great!"

Although Xu Chu agreed to join Xunzhen, but he had a lot of people under his command, but he couldn't say to leave, and he could leave on the same day.

He sent an order to leave the women and children, the old and the weak, to farm the land to work, and left some chorus to protect them, and then ordered the remaining strong, about three or four thousand people, and after three days, he followed Wan Yan and left Qiao County East. , to Xuzhou.

Wan Yan's two slave riders, there is only one left at the moment, and the other has already gone to Xiapi to deliver the letter on the same day that Xu Chu was recruited.

Xu Xianxian reported it and immediately reported to Xun Zhen.

When reporting to the military mansion, Yuan Sui just saw it, and hurried to report to Xun Zhen.

——At this moment, Xu Chugang led his ministry out of Peiguo and hadn’t arrived in Xiapi yet.

However, Xun Zhen said, after reading Xu Xian's report on recruiting Xu Chu, he covered up the report and laughed with Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai and said, "Chen Yuanlong is a person who knows people, and the Wan Yan he mentioned has made a great contribution this time. ." Fushou smiled, "Today, if I get a tiger crazy, I get a Fan Kuai."

The words spread outside the hall and were heard by a person standing at the entrance of the hall.

The man's face was gloomy, and he asked in the hall, "Dare to ask Duke Ming, if Xu Chu is Fan Kuai, who will he be at the end?"

Everyone saw that the person who spoke was Dian Wei.

Xun Zhen laughed loudly and said, "Hu Chi is like Fan Kuai, and Qing is like Fan Kuai! Qing and Hu Chi can be my Fan Kuai together."

Fan Kuai was a personal guard of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty. Taking Fan Kuai to compare Dian Wei and Xu Chu is an expression of Xun Zhen's love and trust in Dian Wei and Xu Chu, but Dian Wei can also be seen from his analogy. , What are the abilities of Xu Chu and Xu Chu in Xun Zhen's mind?

That is, Xun Zhen only regarded them as guards.

The ability of Dian Wei and Xu Chu is also true. Although both of them are unparalleled in valour, when it comes to the art of war and formation, they are not the same as the two of them. Therefore, Xun Zhen is happy to get Xu Chu, but this is not the case. This kind of happiness is more about the influence of his previous life on him. Xu Chu was famous in later generations. But when it comes to deploying troops on the battlefield, the enemy and the enemy are fighting fiercely, and when the troops are deployed, Xu Chu and Dian Wei are the same. place.

But needless to say.

It is only said that a few days later, Xu Chu led his ministry to Tan County, entered the prefecture, and met Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen led him to the military camp outside the and asked him to choose an empty tent to place his part.

On the one hand, it was to show generosity, and on the other hand, it was to let Xu Chu see the elite soldiers under his tent.

Xu Chu was shocked when he saw it. He approached the left and right privately and said, "I thought we were good at fighting before, but now, compared with the soldiers under Ming Gong's account, we are like children's play."

Xun Zhen worshipped Xu Chu as the captain, and asked him and Dian Wei to serve by his side.

Xun Zhen chose from the thousands of works that Xu Chu brought, and selected five hundred particularly brave and strong men from them. , Xun Zhen named this camp "Tiger Camp", and the sergeants of the camp were all called Tiger Warriors.

But in early May, Chen Qun arrived in the city of Xiangyang.

Liu Biao asked him to meet.

Entering the hall, the two greeted each other.

After chatting for a long time, Chen Qun saw that Liu Biao was laughing, but he might have seen that he was worried, so he asked, "I dare to ask your father, but what are you worried about?"

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