The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 68: Axiom Numbers and Controversy

Yuan Shao summoned the officials under the tent to discuss whether to fight Gongsun Zan first or the Heishan army first. When the officials arrived, there was a lot of discussion. There was an official who got up from the table and said in a loud voice: "Ming Gong Yi's humble opinion is an excellent opportunity to take Gongsun Zan."

The officials in the hall saw that the person who spoke was slightly darker in complexion, had long beards under his jaw, and his eyes were full of energy. It was none other than Guo Tu. Yuan Shao called his words and said, "Gongze, why do you say that this is a good opportunity to take Gongsun Zan?"

Fighting Gongsun Zan first, then fighting the Montenegrin Army, this is Guo Tu's consistent opinion.

Guo Tu paced into the hall, first looking forward to Ju Shou, Chunyu Qiong and others, then facing Yuan Shao and answering: "Ming Gong, there are two reasons."

Yuan Shao said, "I would like to hear the details."

Guo Tunai talked eloquently and said, "Gongsun Zan was first defeated by Duke Ming at Jieqiao, and then at Longcuo, and he was defeated repeatedly. And because of the losing streak, the morale of his subordinates must have been very low. It is not comparable to when he won the Yellow Turban Bandit and invaded Jizhou.

"On the other hand, Duke Ming, after the two great victories of Jieqiao and Long Min, and after defeating the Black Mountain thieves before, the Duke Ming selected the elites among the captives, put them all into the army, and distributed all the captured ordnance. Each battalion, Quyi, Chunyu Qiong, Zhang He and other ministries under the Ming government's account, today all have strong soldiers and horses, excellent armor and high morale; and the county governors and tyrants who secretly linked with Gongsun Zan in Jizhou prefectures and lords, Ming Gong has now also To eliminate them all, it can be said that now the people of Jizhou all support Duke Ming wholeheartedly, and I basically have no worries in Jizhou. This means that Duke Ming can now use the strength of my whole state to attack him. The pirate who is waiting to die!

"Under such a situation, Gongsun Zanyan is the enemy of Duke Ming? Our army will definitely win, one of them."

Yuan Shao nodded slightly and asked, "What about the second one?"

Guo Tu continued: "Just now I heard Duke Ming talk about what Guo Xun had seen and heard in Youzhou. This time Guo Xun was envoy to Youzhou. Although he did not receive an official reply from Liu Youzhou on the matter of the alliance, it was obvious. Gongsun Zan lost the hearts of the people in Youzhou, and the conflict between him and Liu Youzhou has become more and more serious, which is also different from the previous time when he attacked our Jizhou.

"When he attacked me in Jizhou last time, Liu Youzhou gave him a lot of help with grain and baggage, even though he did not support it on the surface, but now he refuses to obey Liu Youzhou's dispatch. Liu Youzhou is now aware of the fact that Ma was detained by Yuan Shu. Therefore, Tu dares to conclude that if Duke Ming attacked Gongsun Zan at this time, even if Liu Yu would not join forces with Duke Ming, at least Liu Yu would definitely not do it again. Help Gongsun Zan.

"It's not only a defeated army, but also a lonely and poor army. Taking advantage of its shortcomings, why worry about our army's attack on it? This is the second one. To sum up these two points, because the picture thinks that the present is the bright future. Gong destroys Gongsun Zan's great opportunity."

Guo Tu's analysis is quite reasonable.

He mainly analyzed from two aspects. On the one hand, after Gongsun Zan's losing streak, the number of his troops and the morale of his soldiers are now inferior to those of Yuan Shao; on the other hand, Youzhou is not like Jizhou. The governor of the state is Liu Yu, and the prefects of the prefectures in Youzhou will follow Liu Yu's orders. If Liu Yu refuses to help Gongsun Zan, then Gongsun Zan will be isolated and helpless in Youzhou. Supplements, logistical supplies, etc., will obviously be incapable of succeeding, but Jizhou is able to unite the state, that is, in terms of mobilization ability and logistical supplies, Gongsun Zan is now inferior to Yuan Shao.

After Guo Tu finished speaking, he bowed to Yuan Shao again, but he hadn't returned to the seat and sat down, and Yuan Shao hadn't expressed his opinion. One of the people sitting on the right seat stood up, walked to the hall, and made a deep voice. He said, "Duke Ming, the officials think that Gongsun Zan is probably not the time to take him! In the humble opinion of the officials, we should attack the Black Mountain bandits first."

Everyone saw that the person who spoke was Ju Shou.

Fighting the Black Mountain bandit first, then Gongsun Zan, this is also Ju Shou's consistent opinion.

When he saw Ju Shou getting up, Guo Tu stopped his steps to go back to the seat and take a seat. After listening to Ju Shou, he immediately turned back, stood in the hall again, turned to Ju Shou, and said with great disapproval. : "What the supervisor said is a big absurdity!"

"Supervisor" is also the current official position of Ju Zhu.

As the name suggests, "supervising the army" means "guarding the army". The current official position of Ju Shu is slightly the same as that of Xi Zhicai under Xun Zhen's account in Xuzhou. Xi Zhicai is now the "supervisor of the army" under Xun Zhen's account, but specifically, Ju Shu's power under Yuan Shao's account It's bigger than Xi Zhicai. Although Xi Zhicai was in charge of the army, he mainly made plans and plans, while Ju Shu had real power and could really "guard" the battalions and horses under Yuan Shao's account. Can be called below one person, above all generals.

But it is said that Yuan Shao himself is a native of Runan, and he and Guo Tu and other Yingchuan scholars are "people from the prefecture", and Ying and Ru are bordering, so the relationship should be closer, so why is Yuan Shao's army now, But with Ju Shou as the supervisor?

This is for three reasons.

For one thing, Yuan Shao was in Jizhou. Of course, he had to rely on the local scholars in Jizhou, so he had to make great use of these local scholars such as Ju Shou, Shen Pei, and Tian Feng.

Before Yuan Shao was able to get Jizhou, it was because of the help of Ju Shu and other local scholars in Jizhou. Of course, there was also the help of Yingchuan scholars such as Guo Tu and Gao Gan, but it was only the help given by Guo Tu and others. , mainly because of their identity as "Yingchuan natives", as "Yingchuan fellows", to persuade Han Fu, who is also a Yingchuan native, to give up the position of Jizhou prefect to Yuan Shao, but this is only "icing on the cake", Han Fu In the end, the fundamental reason for giving up Jizhou was that Ju Shu and other local scholars supported Yuan Shao, which forced Han Fu to give up Jizhou to Yuan Shao.

Second, it is because Ju has bestowed his own talents.

Ju Shu this person is indeed a great talent and has a long-term strategic vision.

After Yuan Shao obtained Jizhou, he once asked Jushou for his strategy, and asked him how he should develop his power in the future. At that time, he asked him: "Now the thieves are in chaos, the emperor is being held hostage by the thieves, and he is forced to move west from Luoyang to Chang'an. Dang. My family has been favored in the past. I want to do my best to restore the Han Dynasty. However, if Duke Huan of Qi establishes no Guanzhong, he will not be able to achieve hegemony, and if Goujian establishes no Fanli, he will not be able to protect the country. , work together in the community. Dare to ask Yu Qing, what will you teach me?"

In Yuan Shao's conversation, two examples were cited: Duke Huan of Qi and Gou Jian. The example of Duke Huan of Qi is to use the story of Duke Huan of Qi's "nine feudal feudal lords, and the whole world" to express his wish to "cut down the separatist state and revive the Han Dynasty". The example of Goujian corresponds to the time of Jizhou, including the current situation. That is, there are powerful enemies such as Gongsun Zan and the Heishan Army, as well as enemies such as the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, so he not only needs a counselor like Guan Zhong who can assist him in achieving hegemony, but also needs a person like Fan Li who can help him keep Jizhou and defeat the strong. The enemy's counselor.

Ju Shou gave him an overall strategic plan at that time.

He said to Yuan Shao: "The general was weak and ascended to the dynasty, and his fame spread all over the country. Dong Zhuo was in trouble in the dynasty, and he was good at raising and abolishing the establishment. The general was enthusiastic and loyal. He rode alone and ran from Luoyang, which made Dong Zhuo feel fear. The court worshiped the general, the prefect of Bohai, and after the general took office in Bohai, the people turned their heads and surrendered.

"The general rode out of Luo alone, and in just a short time, he first mobilized the soldiers of a county, and now he has embraced the crowd of Jizhou, and he is indeed a mega-heshuo, famous all over the world! Although the yellow scarf is cunning and the Black Mountain is domineering, if the general raises an army To the east, the Yellow Turbans of Qingzhou can be settled, and the Black Mountains can be seized, then Zhang Yan can be destroyed. Then, the general will return to the north, and Gongsun Zan can only be captured without hesitation, and the Xiongnu will follow. Combining the land of the four states, collecting the talents of heroes, and possessing millions of people, they will welcome Dajia in Xijing, restore the ancestral temple in Luoyi, and give orders to the world to punish the unrecovered and fight for the front. Who can be the enemy? , the great merit of reviving the Han Dynasty, the general will definitely be able to stand!"

Ju's strategic plan, in short, can be divided into two major stages.

The first stage is: first eliminate the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, then eliminate the Heishan Army in the west of Jizhou, establish Qingzhou and Ji, and cross the territory currently occupied by the Heishan Army. The most powerful enemies, Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu, also took Youzhou. In this way, the four provinces of You, Ji, Bing, and Qing north of the Yellow River became Yuan Shao's territory. At the same time, they could rely on their powerful strength , forcing the Huns, Wuhuan, Xianbei, Xiutu and other tribes in You and Ping and other places to send cavalry to the annex.

The second stage is: after the first stage is completed, the four states are in hand, and Hu Qi is attached. After that, they go to fight the Liangzhou Corps such as Li Jue and Guo Si, and bring the emperor back to Luoyang, relying on the reputation of "Dayi" , and once again eradicated the separatist forces in the Northwest, Central Plains, Yang, Jing, Yi and other Jiangzuo states such as Liang, Henan, and Yan.

This second stage, to put it bluntly, is actually the strategy of "holding the emperor to command the princes" that Cao Cao later used in the original time and space. - Ju Shou is actually the earliest proposer of this strategy.

This overall strategic plan is indeed very good in terms of seeking truth from facts. It not only draws on the old road of Emperor Guangwu starting from Hebei and reviving the Han Dynasty, but also according to the current background situation, it is supplemented by Yingtianzi to Luoyang. The new strategy of relying on the emperor to command the princes is not only clear in thinking, but also has practical operability. If it is carried out completely and thoroughly, it is indeed as Ju Shou said, it should not be difficult to pacify the world.

Yuan Shao heard it at that time, and agreed with joy, saying, "This is my heart!"

Immediately, he was designated as a supervisor and a general.

Of course, Ren Jushou's appointment as a military supervisor was not entirely due to his ability. Apart from his ability factor and the first reason, there was also a third reason, that is, the generals who lead troops under Yuan Shao's current account, such as Quyi, Gao Lan, Zhang He, Wen Chou, Yan Liang, etc., were half of Taizhou natives. Guo Tu and other Yingchuan and Yuzhou scholars had important responsibilities under Yuan Shao's account, but they were all scholars, in other words, they were all civil servants. There is only one military general who is capable of leading troops to fight, namely Chunyu Qiong, who was Yuan Shao's colleague in the Xiyuan Army before and who was the right commander of the eight commanders at that time. It is barely enough to add Yuan Shao's nephew Gaogan. In order to convince the generals of Jizhou under his command, he could only choose one person from Jizhou scholars to be the supervisor of the army. In the words of Guo Tu and others, it would be difficult to convince the public.

This is also one of the reasons why Ju Shou was appointed as the supervisor.

And needless to say.

He only said that Ju Shu heard Guo Tu's words, so he asked him and said, "Dare to ask Guo Jun, why do you say that I am absurd?"

Guo Tu stroked his beard and said, "Isn't it easy for the Black Mountain thieves to be pacified? The Black Mountain thieves are entrenched in the Taihang Valley, which stretches for hundreds of kilometers in the west of Jizhou, from Changshan in the north to Chaoge in the south. The cliffs and cliffs, not to mention fighting, even entering the mountain, the mountain road is narrow and rugged! I can conclude that it is very difficult to pacify the Montenegrin army in a short period of time. Moreover, although Zhang Yan is a thief, he is quite talented and won the Montenegro With the support of the army, his people are brave and good at fighting, and they are quick to defend and surpass others, so they are called Feiyan. The valley is no longer unfavorable to attack, and the thieves are fierce. I dare to ask the supervising army, what is the strategy to win quickly? And if you can't win quickly , If the battle to eliminate the Black Mountain thieves is protracted, wouldn't this give Gongsun Zan a chance to survive in Youzhou and regain his strength? If we fight Gongsun Zan at that time, I'm afraid it won't be as easy as now. But the outcome will be unpredictable! Therefore, I say that the general's statement is absurd."

Ju Shou also stroked his beard, glanced at Guo Tu, and calmly said, "Guo Jun's words sound reasonable, but Guo Jun has only seen one of them, and he doesn't know the other."

Guo Tu said, "How come I only see one and not the other?"

Ju Shou did not talk to him more, turned to Yuan Shao, and continued to say to Yuan Shao: "Duke Ming, it is not easy to negotiate with Heishan thieves entrenched in the valleys, but compared with Gongsun Zan, dare to ask Ming Duke, whether the Heishan thieves are stronger or not. Gongsun Zanqiang?"

Yuan Shao pondered for a while, and said, "Although Zhang Feiyan has a reputation for bravery, he is not as good as Gongsun Bogui; although the Black Mountain thieves are known to be one million, they are numerous, and they are not as good as Gongsun Bogui's troops. Naturally, the Black Mountain thieves are not as strong as Gongsun Bogui."

Ju Shu said, "Exactly! Just as Duke Ming said, the Black Mountain thief is not as good as Gongsun Zan. If Duke Ming is attacking the Black Mountain thief, he has three disadvantages."

Yuan Shao asked, "What are the three evils?"

Ju Shou eloquently said: "The black mountain thieves are crowded together, and they are distributed in the Taihang valley hundreds of miles long. This is called 'the power is large and scattered', which is one of the disadvantages; although Zhang Feiyan is called the handsome of the black mountain thieves , although the person he can direct directly is only the thief in Changshan County, and the thieves in other places may not be willing to obey his orders. It can't be compared with Gongsun Zanzhi's long experience in the battlefield and his ability to fight.

"There are these three disadvantages. If Duke Ming goes to attack now, he may not be able to destroy them all quickly, but it is not difficult to conquer victory by slowly deploying troops! If you take a step back, it will definitely be better than attacking Gongsun Zan. Much easier."

Yuan Shao said, "Your remarks are reasonable."

Ju Shou said, "This is one of the reasons why the subordinate officials suggested that Duke Ming should attack the Montenegrin army first."

Yuan Shao heard this and asked, "The first reason? Could there be a second reason?

Ju Shou nodded, caressed his beard and said, "There is a second reason."

"What's the reason?"

"The second reason is that there are as many as one million thieves in the Black Mountains. If Duke Ming first exterminates the Black Mountain thieves, he will be able to draw out the strength of the million people, expand Duke Ming's army, and leave the rest to the old and weak. In the prefectures and counties, let them do farming and farming for the Duke of Ming, and supply the Duke of Ming's army with food. In this way, it will not only expand Duke Ming's military, but also expand Duke Ming's financial resources."

Yuan Shao asked, "Is there a third reason?"

Ju Shou really did, and said: "Ming Gong is wise, there is indeed a third reason."

"tell me the story."

"After defeating the Black Mountain thieves, Duke Ming's troops entered Bingzhou, and there was no obstacle in the process. Therefore, Bingzhou can also be brought under the rule of Duke Ming. This is the third reason, or it can be said that it is the third benefit."

Ju Shu paused, then glanced at Guo Tu again, and then said to Yuan Shao, "Duke Ming, fighting the Black Mountain Army has three disadvantages for this thief, and three advantages for me, but if we fight Gongsun Zan, our army will have a big advantage. disadvantages."

Yuan Shao asked, "What's the big disadvantage?"

Ju Shu said, "Aside from the fact that Gongsun Zan's army is stronger than Zhang Yan's army as mentioned by the subordinate just now, this major disadvantage is that Liu Yu is now leading Youzhou Shepherd!"

"Liu Yu is currently leading Youzhou Shepherd?"

"Ming Gong, Liu Yu's reputation has always been higher than that of the North, and he has a reputation for benevolence and righteousness. He does not say that the local scholars and people in Youzhou support him, but only that in recent years, he has avoided chaos in Youzhou because of his name. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the state! Under such circumstances, if the Ming government shares Guo Jun's suggestion, he will go to fight Gongsun Zan now, and suppose that as Guo Jun said, our army can really defeat Gongsun Zan in one fell swoop, but After that? With Liu Yu in Youzhou, the subordinates dare to ask Duke Ming, is it possible for Duke Ming to take Youzhou as a land under his rule?"

Yuan Shao was silent when he heard the words.

First of all, Liu Yu first rejected his proposal to make Liu Yu the emperor, and he also rejected his proposal to ask Liu Yu to lead the minister, which shows that Liu Yu would not be willing to obey him; secondly, Liu Yuruo If he disobeys, he can naturally fight with soldiers. However, the elder of Liu Yu's clan has a high reputation, and he is very popular among the scholars and people in Youzhou. And the people of Youzhou may not be willing to accept his rule, and it is impossible to say that there will be an uncertain situation of rebellion.

Therefore, Yuan Shao did not have the confidence to take Youzhou as a land under his rule.

Ju Shu said: "Even if Gongsun Zan is defeated, the officials are stupid, given the current situation of Youzhou, Youzhou must not be brought under the rule of Duke Ming... It can even be said that Duke Ming has made a wedding dress for Liu Yu. Helped him get rid of Gongsun Zan and stabilized his rule in Youzhou. This is the great evil that the subordinate said."

Yuan Shao pondered and said, "Making a wedding dress for Liu Youzhou?"

Ju Shu said, "That's right. Duke Ming, so in my humble opinion, although the conflict between Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan is gradually intensifying, Duke Ming should not take this opportunity to join forces with Liu Yu and attack Gongsun Zan. At this time, it is the best policy to sit and watch the tiger fight. Gongsun Zan is constantly crippling the people and repeatedly violates Liu Yu's restraint. How can Liu Yu endure it? It is expected that Liu Yu will be against Gongsun Zan sooner or later. When they are fighting, Duke Ming seeks the matter of seclusion again, so wouldn't the two tigers fight each other, and Duke Ming will get the benefit of sitting?"

Yuan Shao pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "The superintendent's remarks are extremely reasonable!"

Compared with Guo Tu's suggestion, Ju Shou's opinion is indeed much more wise.

Ju Shu said: "Just like the policy that the subordinate officials suggested to the Duke of Ming earlier, the subordinate officials still think that the Duke of Ming should first destroy the Montenegro, stabilize the prefecture, take the Bingzhou for use, and then roll up the territory northward. Take Youzhou again! From these three states, go back to the east and take the green. The Duke of Ming chooses the elite soldiers of the four states, welcomes the Son of Heaven in the old capital, Xuzhou Xunzhen in the east, Jing Yang in the south, and all the heroes of Jingyang in the south. !"

Yuan Shao was overjoyed and said, "The general's words are the best policy."

But when Ju Shou first presented Yuan Shao with that set of strategic plans, Xun Zhen hadn't shown much in Xuzhou, so Ju Shou planned Yuan Shao to take Qingzhou first, but then Xunzhen rose to Xu, if he still attacked Qingzhou first. , then he would inevitably go to war with Xunzhen first, which is not good for Jizhou, because Ju Shu also made some changes to his strategic policy, and put Qingzhou into Ji, Bing, You, Qing In this first stage, Yuan Shao needed to capture the last of the four states, and it was changed to be the last to fight.

After Ju Shu's remarks, Guo Tu was speechless and speechless, so he had to turn back to the seat and sit down without speaking.

Therefore, Yuan Shao did not follow Guo Tu's advice, but accepted Ju Shou's advice, and decided to fight the Montenegrin army first.

It was getting late, and the discussion was now dispersed.

When to use troops in Montenegro, etc., we will wait until the next day to discuss.

But he said that it was just a matter of discussion. Guo Tu left the hall, and when he arrived outside the house, he didn't get into his car immediately. They go to their car.

Xin Pi and others went with him.

When they got to the car, Guo Tu stopped and said, "When I was in the hall, the supervisor insisted that Duke Ming should fight the Black Mountain bandit first, and then Gongsun Zan. I would argue with him according to the reasons, and I would not be as good at speaking as he is, but I was finally listened to by Duke Ming. After reading his opinion, I dare to ask you, why didn't you help me with a word or two at that time?"

There are roughly three types of people under Yuan Shao's important literary advisors. One category is Yingchuan people like Guo Tu, who

Xu You's brocade embroidered clothes, gorgeous clothes, silk shoes, and jade pendants hanging from the waist are the most luxurious clothes among Chunyu Qiong and others. Seeing that Chunyu Qiong and the others did not speak, he stood up and said with a smile: "Prince, it's not that I didn't help you when I was in the hall just now, but what the supervisor said was indeed reasonable, and you didn't notice it? When talking, Duke Ming nodded frequently, obviously he had already agreed with the supervisor's suggestion. In this case, if we were to forcefully fight, not only would we not be able to gain the joy of Duke Ming, but also could not reduce the pressure on the guard and others to be in Duke Ming. I have a position in my heart, and Duke Ming may think that I have no plans to wait, so I was silent just now."

Guo Tu and others were scholars from Yingchuan, Nanyang and other places. Although they were closer to Yuan Shao in relationship, the place where they were now was Jizhou after all, and their innate conditions were not as good as those of Ju Shu and others, so if they wanted to favor Yuan Shao, they had to speculate even more. Yuan Shao's thoughts.

Guo Tu was unwilling, sighed and said: "Jushu, Shen and Pei, relying on their family in Jizhou, and made a contribution to the matter of Ming Gong's acquisition of Jizhou's prefect, now they are deeply trusted by Ming Gong, so they often despise them. My generation. I have spoken to Duke Ming in private several times before, and Ju Shou's strategy of 'first Montenegro and then Gongsun Zan' is really unusable. Just now I resolutely opposed Ju Shou's opinion in the hall. Could it be that what I did was just for the sake of Am I myself? I'm also thinking about it for the sake of you! And today, you don't help me, making Ju Shou and others more important in Duke Ming's mind. I'm only afraid that I will be in Jizhou and Duke Ming It will become worse and worse than it used to be.”

Chunyu Qiong and Yuan Shao had known each other for a long time, and they had a very good relationship with Yuan Shao. He said: "Ming Duke is a person who is fond of old times and loves. Although the supervising army is small and successful, if you want to come to Ming Gong, you will never alienate me from waiting, so why worry? Just wait for the opportunity."

Guo Tu hated that iron was not made of steel, and stomped his feet and said, "In the past, Han Fu asked Jizhou to go to Duke Ming, and Ju Shou and others were already more successful than me. My power in Jizhou has fallen far behind those of Ju Shou and others. Whether it is to fight Gongsun Zan or Heishan thieves is actually the key decision of my current hope. That’s why I have always opposed Ju Shou’s suggestion of ‘fighting Montenegro first’. The thief's proposal, I hope that if Duke Ming is willing to adopt my proposal, I may be able to take this opportunity to win a round, but all the gentlemen will not help me, and this opportunity will be missed! 'Let's wait for the opportunity'? I'm just afraid of the future There is no chance! Once the Black Mountain Bandit is destroyed, and Gongsun Zan is defeated again, all of them will be rewarded with the merits of offering strategies. From now on, we will honestly stay under him and be driven by his generation."

Xu You smiled and said, "Even though Duke Ming accepted the supervisor's proposal to 'fight the Black Mountain thieves first', but the rule is just like what the supervisor said in the hall, 'make a wedding dress', this discussion, this matter , but it is not because the supervisors are also 'making wedding dresses' for us."

Guo Tu was stunned and asked, "How do you say this?"

Xu You said: "Is it enough to just talk about fighting the Black Mountain thief? Don't you have to choose the general Renmou for the specific implementation?"

"Ziyuan, what do you mean?"

"We can put some effort into the selection of the leader of the Black Mountain Bandit, the counselors and assistants!"

"The candidate for the leader, the counselor and counselor?"

Xu You tapped Chunyu Qiong lightly, and said with a smile, "Isn't the selection of the leader right in front of you?" She tapped herself again, and said, "Zhiruo counselor, can I do it?"

Guo Tu was instantly overjoyed and said, "Ziyuan, this is a very good plan!"

He also acted decisively and immediately took care of everyone, saying, "Then let's follow Ziyuan's plan. Tonight, we will join hands to ask Ming Gong, and suggest that Ming Gong Zi Ju will be the main general of this time to destroy the black mountain thief, and use Zi Yuan as the plan. Zo! How?"

Xin Ping, Xin Pi, and Chunyu Qiong had no reason to refuse, and they were all delighted, and they all praised them.

It's not good for everyone to gather outside Yuan Shao's mansion, so they agreed to go to see Yuan Shao together in the evening, so they each returned to their cars, ordered to drive, and returned home first.

Brother Xin Ping and Xin Pi took the same car.

In the car, the two brothers chatted, unknowingly, from the situation in Jizhou, to Xuzhou, and about Xunzhen.

They were of the same clan as Xin A, and when Xun Zhen was in Yingchuan to put down the Yellow Turbans in the early years, they also gave Xun Zhen a lot of help.

Xin Pi said: "Brother, Zhenzhi is really prosperous in Xuzhou, and Cao Mengde is also a good warrior, but he fought for Yan twice and was defeated by him. Now, most of Yanzhou's counties and counties have also fallen. In his hands. When it comes to the heroes in the sea, he is now ranked among the best. But brother, Gongze and Zhenzhi used to be my Yingchuan county officials, but why do I look at him? Why do I always mention Zhenzhi? You all seem unhappy?"

Xin Ping said, "How can he be happy?"

Xin Pi asked, "Why?"

Xin Ping said: "In the early years, when Gongze and Zhenzhi were both county officials in Yingchuan, he was at odds with Zhenzhi, but at that time, Gongze was the top strategist of my Yingchuan county government, and Zhenzhi served as the postal supervisor. It is the Duke who is still above it, but he cannot compare it today, so it is no wonder that he is unhappy."

Xin Pi hesitated, so he didn't continue to talk about it, instead he still sighed with emotion about Xun Zhen's current career, and sighed: "How can I think that Zhenzhi can do such a career now? Although he is in the southeast, but in Today's reputation is actually only inferior to Duke Ming!"

The two brothers speak privately, and there is no need to say much.

It is only said that after Guo Tu and others left the palace, Ju Shou returned to the hall and asked to see Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao hadn't left the residence when he heard the news, so he returned to the hall and asked him, "How did the guards get back? Is there anything else?"

"Ming Gong, there is indeed something else."

Yuan Shao asked him to take a seat, and he sat down as well. He also asked the clerk to bring soup and water, and then he asked, "What's the matter?"

Ju Shou replied, "The matter of Youzhou."

"The matter of Youzhou?"

Ju Shu said: "Ming Gong, Gongsun Zan is good at fighting, Liu Yu is a literate elder, and he is quite jealous of Gongsun Zan. Although the two are not on good terms, the officials are worried that Liu Yu may not dare to turn against Gongsun Zan, so , the subordinate officials have a small plan to dedicate to Duke Ming."

Yuan Shao's heart moved, he had probably guessed what Ju Shou was going to say, and asked slowly, "What are the best strategies for the supervisor?"

Ju Shu said, "Why not try to provoke me?"

Yuan Shao asked, "A plan to provoke?"

"Of course."

There was no one else in the hall, and since Youzhou was indeed something Yuan Shao had coveted for a long time, Yuan Shao asked bluntly, "How to do it?"

Ju Shu said, "Why don't you ask Liu He to write a letter and send it to Youzhou?"

Yuan Shao asked, "Ask Liu He to write another letter, what should I write?"

Ju Shu said: "I told Liu He to spit out the bitterness in the letter, and describe the suffering he suffered when he was detained by Yuan Shu in Nanyang. In the letter, he attacked Gongsun Zan and accused him of harboring evil intentions, and it would cause serious trouble for Liu Yu's confidants for a long time. Let's strengthen Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan's determination to go against their goals."

Even if there is no one else in the hall, it is necessary to put on a pretense when talking here, Yuan Shao pretended to be hesitant, and said, "Liu Youzhou is a loyal elder, and the Han family's clan, if I use this strategy to ridicule him, will it be possible? Not so good? If it goes out, it will damage my reputation."

Ju Shu said: "Why does Duke Ming go out in person for this kind of thing, and the subordinates will send someone to go to Liu He and tell him secretly, that's all."

Yuan Shao was overjoyed and said, "If that's the case, then follow the supervisor's policy."

Ju Shu replied, "No."

Yuan Shao and Ju Shuo said, "The superintendent's talent is unparalleled, and he is really my Guan Zhong! If the superintendent has any high-level strategies in the future, please let the superintendent speak freely, don't hide it, and tell me everything, and I will follow the good."

Ju Shou replied respectfully, "No."

The next day, there was another military meeting. Because Guo Tu and others had already persuaded Yuan Shao the night before, they used Chunyu Qiong as the main general to attack the Montenegrin army. Tian Feng was recommended, and Yuan Shao used Tian Feng to be the mastermind of this war.

In the next few days, Yuan Shao sent people to the west of the Taihang Valley to peep and investigate the situation of the Montenegrin army, collect food supplies, dispatch troops, and prepare to send troops to attack. State.

So wait, let's not talk about it first.

It is only said that in the southeast of Jizhou, in the middle of Chenliu County in Yanzhou, on this day, in order to reduce the impact of the defeat, Zhang Miao held a banquet and called a gathering of officials. A group of officials came, but Chen Gong was not seen for a long time.

After waiting for a long time, still not seeing Chen Gong coming, Zhang Miao sent someone to look for him in his house.

About half an hour later, the official who sent him hurried back and reported: "Ming Gong, Chen Jun, he is not in the house."

Zhang Miao was stunned and said, "Not in the house? Where did he go?" He asked, "But went out of town to play?"

The official said: "It's not out of the city to play." Then he took out a letter and presented it to Zhang Miao, saying, "This is a letter left by Chen Jun to Duke Ming."

Zhang Miao took the letter, opened the seal, took out the letter, looked at it a few times, his face changed slightly, put the letter down, and remained silent.

Some of the officials in the hall asked, "What is this letter written by Chen Jun?"

Zhang Miao still did not speak.

The officials asked again and again.

After a while, Zhang Miao let out a leisurely sigh and said, "The words in the letter from the public platform, he went south to Nanyang."

The officials were surprised when they heard the words, and some people said: "Going to Nanyang, he, he, what is he doing?" Thinking of a reason, he couldn't believe it, and guessed, "No way, he is going to Yuan Road. Is it?"

Everyone in the hall was uncertain, and they didn't know what Chen Gong was going to do in Nanyang.

In fact, Chen Gong didn't go to Yuan Shu, he actually went to Lu Bu according to what he thought before.

The day before Zhang Miao held the banquet, Chen Gong had already left Chenliu County secretly, and only brought two followers and headed south to Nanyang.

The route from Chenliu County to Nanyang County is roughly like this: first go out from Chenliu County, go south to Fugou County, then enter the border of Chenguo County, then go south from Chenguo all the way to the border of Runan County, and then go from the border of Runan County to the border of Runan County. And go west, and finally enter Nanyang County.

After traveling for five or six hundred miles, Chen Gong was considered a thousand miles long. After more than ten days, he arrived at the county of Zhiwan, a county in Nanyang County.

Chen Gong was a scribe, and he didn't ride very much. On the way, he was in front of him to avoid Zhang Miao's men chasing him. Later, he was "in an enemy country", lest he would be discovered by soldiers under Sun Ce's subordinates, so he rode all the way. Row.

Hundreds of miles down for ten days, the inner sides of both of his thighs were torn to pieces. When he got off the horse to the ground, not only did his thighs hurt, but because of the long time of continuous riding, he felt like walking. Is stepping on cotton, light and fluttering. After entering the city, Chen Gong didn't go to see Yuan Shu, but when he found out where Lu Bu lived, he went straight to Lu Bu's residence, so lightly, enduring the pain.

However, after Lü Bu withdrew his troops from Runan County and returned to Nanyang, although he had rebuked Yuan Shu in person, Yuan Shu hated him quite a bit, but in the end Lü Bu had many brave generals, and although he was defeated, his subordinates still had a lot of troops and horses, so Yuan Shu also He didn't dare to neglect him, so he specially selected a large mansion with a previous surname in Wan County for him to live in.

When he got to the outside of the house, Chen Gong looked around and saw a hundred or ten soldiers with bright helmets and bright armor standing at the gate of the house, and they were lined up along the outside of the house wall. The brave soldiers were on duty. In total, there were no less than hundreds of soldiers around the house. These were all the soldiers and cool soldiers that Lu Bu had transferred from his army to serve as his guards.

Chen Gong made a brief arrangement, took the two entourages, led the horse to the door of the house, and said, "I'll beg to see Wenhou below."

Although he walked on the road for more than ten days, his body was dirty, his face was gray, and he looked very unclean, and when he walked, his legs were sore and light, and he looked crooked, but after all, Chen Gong He is a scholar, dressed as a scholar, with a bushy beard, and his appearance is quite majestic. The military official who was guarding the **** in front of the gate did not dare to be scornful, so he asked him, "Who are you?"

Chen Gong did not report his name, but took out a name thorn that was more than chi long, and handed it to the military officer, saying, "Take my name thorn to Wen Hou, and Wen Hou will know who I am."

The military official was illiterate, and when he got the name thorn, he didn't know what was written on it, so he responded, took Chen Gong's name thorn, went into the house, and went to find Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was drinking and having fun with his concubines in the back house, when he heard that there were scholars outside asking to see him. He asked the military officer who came to report the news, and said, "Who is it?"

The officer said, "He doesn't want to tell his name, but I heard his accent, it seems to be from Yanzhou."

Saying that, he handed over Chen Gong's famous thorn.

Lu Bu took it over and saw the name of Chen Gong. - Of course he knew about Chen Gong. The last time he "joined forces with Zhang Miao" to fight Sun Jian was Chen Gong's plan. When he saw Chen Gong's name, Lv Bu was immediately suspicious and thought: "It turned out to be Chen Gongtai. But it's strange, why did he stay silent and suddenly leave Chen to my Nanyang? ... Could it be that he sent another letter for Zhang Mengzhuo? come?"

But he felt that even if Zhang Miao had a letter for him, he would not need someone like Chen Gong to send it.

While Lü Bu wondered, he asked the military officer to invite Chen Gong to come in to meet him.

The officer then went out and reported Lü Bu's order, leading Chen Gong into the house.

Chen Gong left his two entourages and his own mounts in the front yard, and went to the back house with the military officer to see Lv Bu.

Entering the back house, you can see the luxurious decoration, the newly painted red paint on the columns is shining brightly, the house is hung with colorful hanging curtains, the couch and table are made of high-quality wood, painted with black paint and painted in red. picture of. The table utensils, either gold or silver, are eye-catching.

A group of singing and dancing girls played music and danced in the hall. The host of the hall sat down, and there was one person sitting, strong and burly, with an open chest, could it be Lu Bu? There were three or four beautiful women sitting beside Lu Bu, drinking with him.

One of the women in the middle knelt down at Lu Bu's feet, turned her face up, raised a wine glass, and handed it to Lu Bu's mouth.

Lu Bu's face was full of joy and looked very happy. Just as he was about to drink from the golden bowl, he glanced at Chen Gong's arrival, and he pushed the wine bowl that the woman held up to his mouth away, with a faint drunkenness. , looked Chen Gong up and down, and asked, "Is your Excellency Chen Jun?"

Although he knew the name of Chen Gong, he had never met Chen Gong.

Chen Gong bowed his bow and said, "In the next Chen Gong, I will meet you."

Although it was because of Chen Gong's plan that Lu Bu was defeated by Runan, Lu Bu was not an unreasonable person. He knew that his defeat had nothing to do with Chen Gong. What kind of resentment? On the contrary, he still attached great importance to Chen Gong's reputation and wisdom. Hearing that it was Chen Gong, he was very enthusiastic and said, "When did you arrive in Nanyang? Why didn't you send a servant to tell me in advance? It’s better to go out of town to meet you. I happen to be having a feast, so please take a seat. Let’s have a few drinks.”

After Chen Gong briefly introduced himself, he kept a bowed gesture and remained silent. At this time, he quietly waited for Lu Bu to finish his sentence, stood up, shook his clothes, but said a sentence. . He said, "I'm asking to see the lord and lord, and there is a good plan to go up. Since the lord and lord are having a banquet, it is inconvenient to disturb me, so I will leave." After saying this, he turned around and left.

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