The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 63: Fame Foot and 2 Yuan Kang

Sun Ce proposed to Xun Zhen to agree to keep Liu Bei in Yuzhou, to represent Liu Bei as the prefect of Yingchuan, and to make him an assistant to defend against Yuan Shu and Lu Bu. There were two reasons.

First of all, the first reason is that in the period before Xun Zhen and Liu Bei joined forces to besiege Gao Shun and defeat Gao Shun in the future, it was the time when the two of them were "alone". Liu Bei used his generosity, wisdom and bravery , of course, there are also the little flattering to Sun Ce that he quietly used a "respectful" attitude, which won Sun Ce's great favor.

——Speaking of which, Liu Bei's personality is indeed very attractive. With characteristics like Liu Bei, Xun Zhen actually met similar people in his previous life, which naturally gave people a sense of affinity. , can make people unconsciously lower their vigilance against him, and they will like this person involuntarily. This kind of popularity is very popular, and he will not get angry casually, and when he talks and does things, he always considers the other person It looks like, how can such a person not be favored by others? Even Xun Zhen knew that Liu Bei was an unreliable person, so he couldn't hate him. Besides, Sun Ce was good at fighting and heroic. After all, he was a young man of weak age. When it comes to "loyal and loyal elders" like Liu Bei, it is inevitable that he will soon be attracted by him.

This is a reason.

The second and most important reason is that in this battle to defend Yuzhou, although Sun Ce defeated Lv Bu and solved the danger of peace, he even recovered the south bank of Rushui during this battle. Now, it seems that he is doing better than Sun Jian, but Sun Ce clearly understands that he is incomparable to his father Sun Jian. He is young and lacks prestige. In the face of the current southern side, Yuan Shu and Lu Bu are likely to be defeated in the near future. He will counter-attack Runan, Yingchuan, and the enemy Zhang Miao to the north, and he also wants to fight back the lost ground in Hanoi. The overall situation of Yuzhou is obviously not possible by himself alone. It is extremely difficult for the enemy to repeat the loss of territory and stabilize the state. In other words, compared to any time before, the current Yuzhou, that is, the Jiangdong military group in Yuzhou now under his command, They all need Xuzhou and Xun Zhen's strong support. In order to get Xun Zhen's support, and to use Xun Zhen's reputation to shock the surrounding and the state, the only way is to ask Xun Zhen to send a trusted subordinate to stay in Yuzhou as an official. , and best of all, this person took office as the official Yu Xunzhen's hometown of Yingchuan County.

Out of these two considerations, Sun Ce made a request to Xun Zhen to keep Liu Bei. ——In fact, this request was suggested to Sun Ce by Gong Qiu, and Sun Ce followed his good deeds and recognized and accepted Gong Qiu's proposal, so he requested at this time.

Xun Zhen also knew very well why Sun Ce made this request.

Even if Sun Ce didn't have this request, Xun Zhen actually had the intention to keep some people in Yuzhou, but not to "take advantage of the fire", but because Yuzhou was too important to Xuzhou, and if he wanted to keep Yingchuan and Ru South, to keep Yuzhou, then he has only and must leave some subordinates, stationed here, not only to show an attitude to the outside world, but also to use his prestige to help Sun Ce, to suppress and stabilize the state, so , Xun Zhen had no intention of rejecting Sun Ce's request.

What Xun Zhen did not expect was that Sun Ce would ask him to keep Liu Bei.

The two candidates he originally sent to Yuzhou were Han Ji and Chen Bao.

At this time, after hearing Sun Ce's request to leave Liu Bei behind, Xun Zhen said in his heart, "I am saving Yingchuan now, and when the soldiers enter the country, the gentry, the elders and the elders are greeted like a block. In terms of fame, at this moment, two Yuan will go to Yingchuan. I am also able to resist it, although Xuande is good at being liked by people, I am not worried if I stay as the prefect of Yingchuan.”

However, Yingchuan was the hometown of the Xun family. The Xun family was a first-class family in Yingchuan, and they had in-laws with many famous families in Yangzhai and other counties. As far as Xun Zhen herself was concerned, his wife Chen Zhi. She is the daughter of the Chen family, the first right surname of the Changshe, and many of the gentry in other counties of Yingchuan have their children as officials. It can be said that he has the fame of the family in the local area, and also has his own reputation, just like him. What I thought, even if Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu arrived in Yingchuan, their prestige in Yingchuan might not be comparable to that of Xun Zhen, so, if Liu Bei was appointed as the prefect of Yingchuan, Xun Zhen would certainly be "worry-free". Thinking of this, Xun Zhen did not refuse, and agreed on the spot.

Before Sun Ce made this request to Xun Zhen, he had already discussed with Liu Bei in private and asked for Liu Bei's opinion. Because Liu Bei didn't know Xun Zhen's intentions, he was noncommittal at the time, neither refused nor approved, but in his heart, he was right. Of course, this is absolutely willing. Finally, at this moment, when he heard Xun Zhen's reply and agreed that he would come to be the prefect of Yingchuan, a stone fell to the ground, and he was overjoyed.

Liu Bei hurriedly left the table and got up, with a look of sincerity and fear, and said: "Yingchuan is a famous county, with a variety of clothes and clothes, and a name with little morality. I am afraid that I will embarrass the prefect, and if I lose the trust of Duke Ming and Sun Lang, it will damage the Ming Dynasty. The reputation of Duke and Sun Lang. I dare not bear this order, and dare to ask Duke Ming to choose another wise man!"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Xuande, you don't have to worry, I will leave you two Sasukes to help you."

Liu Bei asked, "Dare to ask Duke Ming, who will be prepared to help you?"

Xun Zhen said: "Xuande, Yingchuan, my hometown Ziye, just as Qing said, there are many clans in the county, and there are many high-ranking scholars, although Qing is from the clan of the Han family, but Qing is a native of Youzhou in the end, not unlike the scholars of Yingchuan. There are few contacts, and Ying Shi is not enough to know the virtues of the ministers. It may not be easy for you to get their convincing in a short period of time, because I plan to use the military governor to serve as the secretary of Han Ji to serve as the minister of the minister.... Xuande, what is your opinion? ?"

Han Ji was cast under Xun Zhen's account last year.

This person is a scholar from Nanyang, after Han Wangxin, this Han Wangxin is not Han Xin, he is one of many kings with different surnames in the early Han Dynasty. His name is the same as Han Xin, also called Han Xin. After leaving behind Han Ji, who settled in Nanyang, a county adjacent to Yingchuan,

generation. Han Ji's grandfather, Han Shu, was the prefect of Hedong, and his father, Han Chun, was the prefect of Nanjun, and his family was 2,000 stone.

In the early years, Han Ji had done two things and was famous for Jing and Yu.

One is that there is a powerful man in the county named Chen Mao, who has hatred with his family. Because he slandered Han Ji's father and brother, he almost got his father and brother sentenced to death, that is, the death penalty. Secretly accumulated money through leasing and other means of buying and selling, and bought off the dead men such as Qingxia and evil youths. Later, when they found enough people, they gathered together for a while, made a noise, rushed into the Chen family, and dispersed the disciples and disciples of Chen Mao's family. , He captured Chen Mao and killed him with his own hands. At this time, Han Ji's father had passed away, so he carried Chen Mao's head and paid homage to his father's tomb. After this incident, Han Ji became famous.

His family was originally a family of hairpins and ying, and he became famous again, so he was later named Xiaolian and recruited by Sikong, but he was not accepted. At this time, the country was in chaos and wars were raging everywhere, so Han Ji changed his name and went into seclusion to escape the chaos in the mountains of Luyang. The mountain people in the mountains formed a party and acted as thieves and wanted to plunder. In order to save the people in the surrounding villages from suffering, Han Ji scattered his family wealth to provide cattle and wine for the thieves party, and asked him to be the commander and Chen Anwei. These mountain people eventually Because of his influence, he took the initiative to dissolve, and no one would be a thief and make trouble again. After this incident spread, it boosted Han Ji's reputation even more.

Later, when Liu Biao and Yuan Shu arrived in Nanyang, they both came to recruit him, but Han Ji saw that neither of them was successful, so he ignored them. However, Yuan Shu, Liu Biao, and especially Yuan Shu who occupied Nanyang, were constantly persecuting him. Han Ji had no choice but to think about escaping from Nanyang. At this moment, a letter from Chen Qun inviting Hua Xin to Xuzhou arrived in Nanyang, and Hua Xin accepted it. After hearing Xun Zhen's invitation, Han Ji followed Hua Xin to Xuzhou and Tan County. Han Ji had a good idea of ​​water conservancy, and Xun Zhen made good use of his talents, so he let him be the governor of the army, and made him in charge of water conservancy and other matters in the state. until now.

According to Han Ji's previous experience, it can be seen that this man has both wisdom and courage, deep and strategic, and his deeds are close to chivalrous. The place after that is quite suitable.

Liu Bei and Han Ji are not familiar with each other, but after all, both of them are officials under Xun Zhen's account, so they also know Han Ji's reputation and ability. Hearing that Xun Zhen said that he would keep Han Ji as his assistant, he was overjoyed. He called out Han Ji and said to Xun Zhen, "Ming Gong, if you keep Gong Zhi as a high-level helper, then Yingchuan will surely be stable!"

Xun Zhen said: "Xuande, I sent Han Ji to you as Wen Zuo to get rid of his ability, there is another reason, do you know what it is?

Liu Bei thought for a while, guessed "another reason", and said: "I know, Han Gong is a native of Nanyang, familiar with Nanyang characters, and has a good reputation in Nanyang, so if Yuan Gonggong and Lu Fengxian attack our Yingchuan again, there will be He is in the county, so he can 'know the enemy'."

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "That's right, I stayed in Korea to be your Wenzuo, another reason is this."

He paused for a while, then said, "Xuande, Yingchuan is now generally settled, but Chen Lan and Lei Bu fled westward into Songgao Mountain, and the road between these two thieves was cut off from the south to Nanyang. No Nanyang, I predict that next, the two of them will either enter Henan Yin in the west and return to Nanyang by detour, or the two of them will cause chaos around Songgao Mountain. If the two of them escape from Yingchuan and enter Henan Yin in the west, then there is no need for you to do so. Pay attention to it, and if the two of them use the Songgao Mountains as their nests and disturb our realm, you should definitely annihilate them."

Liu Bei replied, "Don't worry, Duke Ming, Bei will not let his two thieves cause chaos in the county!"

Xun Zhen continued: "Xuande, there are two thieves Lei Book and Chen Lan in the high mountains, and Yuan Gonggong and Lu Fengxian are likely to attack Yingchuan again soon, because they must be good warriors. For Qing's drive, I intend to leave justice again, thinking that Qing's military chief, Qing's intentions are good?"

A fair person, Chen Bao is also.

Liu Bei rejoiced: "Jongdao is a fellow of Duke Ming, familiar with Yingchuan, and there is justice to help Bei, Bei can be called a 'confidant'! In the past, Bei and Gongdao and other lords guarded Kang's father together to resist Caodong County. It can be reached, Wende Hanjun, martial arts is fair, and you can 'know yourself and the enemy' when you are prepared, not to mention Lei Book and Chen Lan, it's not worth it, even Yuan Gonggong and Lu Fengxian come to attack me in Yingchuan, and it's not enough to be afraid of!"

On the surface, Han Ji is from Nanyang and knows the situation in Nanyang. Chen Bao is a native of Yingchuan and is familiar with the local situation in Yingchuan. He assigned them to Liu Bei as his deputy. Liu Bei really knows himself and his enemy. As long as the three of them are united and united, Yingchuan will be solid.

Xun Zhen's advisor, Sun Ce, smiled and said, "Bo Fu, how is it?"

Sun Ce was overjoyed and said: "Ce Ben only hoped that his teacher would leave Ce with Duke Xuande, but he did not expect that his teacher also left Han Ji and Chen Bao to Ce, as Duke Xuande said, Yuan Shu and Lu Bu are not enough. For worry!"

After talking with Xun Zhen and Sun Ce for a long time, Liu Bei said goodbye, returned to his camp, and immediately summoned Zhuo Ying, Zhan Qian, Sun Min, Shi Guan, Cheng Ding, etc. to see him.

When everyone arrived, he happily told them the good news and said: "Ming Gong accepted Bo Fu's request, agreed to Bo Fu, and kept me as the prefect of Yingchuan! It was issued jointly in the name of Duke Ming and Bo Fu."

When Zhuo Ying and others heard the words, they were all overjoyed, and said in unison, "Congratulations to Duke Ming, congratulations to Duke Ming!"

Liu Bei's current official position is Zhonglang general, his rank is 2,000 stone, and the prefect's rank is 2,000 stone. Although in terms of official position and salary, the prefect is only slightly higher than Zhonglang general, but in terms of real power, this is The difference is huge.

General Zhonglang is just a general who leads troops to fight. There is no territory to govern by himself, so the prefect will not.

In the same way, the prefect has his own jurisdiction; the generals and schools who lead the army to fight must be supplied by others, while the prefect can directly collect taxes from the people. Whether it is in terms of the power in his hands or in terms of the money and grain benefits that he can get in reality, Zhonglang generals are not as good as prefects.

——Of course, today is different from Taiping. If you want the prefect to be better than the general, there must be a premise, that is, the prefect must have soldiers in his hands, and Xun Zhen did not give Liu Bei the military position of the general. He took it back, that is, Liu Bei is now a prefect of military power. It can be said that he is in a county. He has both civil and military grasp. This is a qualitative leap for Liu Bei. For his subordinate Zhuo Ying and others, there is a sense It is: "One person attains the Tao, and the chicken and the dog ascend to the heaven", which is naturally a happy event.

Liu Bei, Zhuo Ying and the others said with a smile: "When Ying Chuan takes office, I will definitely make good arrangements for Qing and others, and they will all be well appointed!" Just a little time to make them happy, and later, I specially called Chengding and Shiguan, two warriors, and said to them with a smile, "This time we are rushing to help Yuzhou, fighting in Baoxin and Zhaoling, and the two of you will stand together. Great merit, I have already reported all the credits of both of you to Duke Ming, and Duke Ming's reward should arrive in a few days, and when Yingchuan arrives, I will give another reward to the two of you!"

Cheng Ding and Shi Guan were overjoyed, and they were busy paying their respects.

But why did the two of them abandon Chen Liujun and join the Xuzhou army, not because they felt that they had a future with the Xuzhou army, and because they wanted to get promoted and rich? It didn't take long for them to follow Liu Bei, and the two of them went from being an ordinary soldier to a rising military rank. Seeing that they could get the position of captain sooner or later, Liu Bei had always rewarded the two of them. Now Liu Bei After being appointed as the prefect of Yingchuan, it is conceivable that Liu Bei's income will definitely be much higher than before, so the rewards that the two of them can get in the future will obviously increase, which not only fulfills the wish for promotion, but also fulfills the need to make a fortune. Looking forward to the future, how can the two of them be unhappy?

After the two even got out of Liu Bei's tent, they started discussing in private whether to bring their respective clans and wives from their hometowns to Yingchuan. It was the two who thought that Yingchuan had become Liu Bei's territory. I want to live in peace in Yingchuan.

Needless to say, just say that although Lu Bu, Zhang Xun and other enemies have withdrawn, the troops stationed by Lu Bu in the counties on the south bank of Rushui have heard the news and fled to Nanyang, so these counties do not need to send troops to fight. However, this area borders Nanyang, but it is necessary for Sun Ce to choose a good general and go to the town. Sun Ce asked Xun Zhen for advice, and decided that Cheng Pu would be the leader, and Han Dang and others would be the supplements. , Han Dang thousands of elites, plus nearly 10,000 local soldiers in Yuzhou, ordered them to go to the sub-city to garrison immediately, it does not need to say much.

All things were arranged properly, Xun Zhen and Sun Ce facilitated the army to return the letter of praise to Pingyu on this day.

Xun Zhen lived in Pingyu for a few days. As a woman, Mrs. Wu did not come out to entertain Xun Zhen in person, so she was represented by the brothers Sun Ce and Sun Quan, and held a banquet for several days. Sun Jian was newly dead, although the brothers Sun Ce were landlords. , but not drinking alcohol.

When the banquet was over, Xun Zhen asked Sun Ce and Sun Quan how they were studying the art of war.

Sun Ceyou asked Xun Zhen for advice on what he did not understand about the art of war, and Xun Zhen did his best to explain it to him in detail.

For a few days, Sun Ce had always been unhappy, Xun Zhen knew what he was thinking, and said to him: "Bofu, Wentai's revenge, sooner or later, we must avenge it, but now Lv Bu and Zhang Liao have fled back to Nanyang, Judging from the current situation, we have not yet reached the time to attack Nanyang, so we can only temporarily allow the two thieves to escape.

Sun Ce's unhappiness is precisely because his father's revenge has not been avenged, but Sun Ce also knows that, as Xun Zhen said, Lu Bu and Zhang Liao have fled back to Nanyang, and it is obviously not time to attack Nanyang with troops - now Xuzhou side Speaking of which, the top priority is to stabilize Yanzhou, and from Yuzhou, the top priority is to stabilize the situation in the two counties of Runan and Yingchuan, and to find a way to retake Hanoi, so Sun Ce obeyed. Xun Zhen's persuasion forced herself to endure her grief for a while.

But this day, his clan brother and a few Yingyin scholars who followed Xun Zhen from Yingchuan to Pingyu asked Xun Zhen again, why not return to his hometown to take a look? Xun Zhen said, "I now know why Da Yu has been through the house three times but not entered! I have been away from home for many years, but I don't miss my hometown, but I have no time to spare!" Didn't have the time to see it.

Xun Zhen was the ruler of Xuzhou, and he had just recovered Shanyang and Jiyin. He could not stay in Yuzhou any longer, so on the day of summer, when the newly recruited soldiers from Yingchuan arrived in Pingyu, Xunzhen led the way. The headquarters and the recruits, as well as his clan brother and some Yingchuan scholars who had joined his army this time left Pingyu and returned to Xuzhou.

Sun Ce, Liu Bei, Chen Bao and others sent Xun Zhen far away until they left the border of Pingyu county.

Xun Zhen was sent away, and Sun Ce and the others returned to Pingyu County. Sun Ce arranged a banquet again, and warmly entertained Liu Bei and Chen Bao for two days. There is no need to wait for the reply that should not come, Liu Bei and Chen Bao led troops to Yingchuan to take office.

As early as a few days ago, Xun Zhen had already sent the order to transfer Han and come to Yingchuan to Xuzhou. A few days after Liu Bei arrived in Yingchuan, Han Ji arrived from Xuzhou. Since then, Liu Bei, Han Ji, and Chen Bao have worked together and, in accordance with Xun Zhen's instructions, while appeasing the territory, planning to attack Chen Lan and Lei Bo in Songshan, and at the same time strictly guarding against possible re-attacks from Nanyang. , needless to say.

It is only said that on this day, Xun Zhen led his army back to Xuzhou and went to Tan County, the prefecture, and was greeted by Xun Yu, Xu Xian and others who had stayed in the prefecture to guard the state.

After entering the prefecture, Xun Yu said to Xun Zhen: "Ming Gong, there is an important political matter, which urgently needs to be decided by the Ming Gong."

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