The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 62: Cheng Jiajin said to cut the mess

"What's the matter, so eager to wait? Wen Ruo, I just moved to the two states, Meng De and Lu Bu are both strong enemies, and my army has been fighting for more than a month before being able to break them one after another. Now, you can't let me rest, and bother me with common things?" Xun Zhen's words seemed impatient, but when he said this, he smiled, and his tone was actually more than just words. There is no impatience, on the contrary, he seems to be a little complacent, but it is no wonder that he is complacent, Zhang Miao is nothing, Cao Cao and Lu Bu are both famous generals. He defeated both Cao Cao and Lü Bu, and it can be said that they "swept Yan and Yu". This record, in the world at the moment, is really comparable to him.

Xun Yu knew that he was joking, so he said: "Ming Gong, you don't want the public to rest, but this political matter is too important. I don't hide it from Ming Gong, or it was because I was worried that it would disturb the battle between Ming Gong and Lv Fengxian, so Yu went on this. I am afraid that the request document for political affairs has already been reported to Ming’s public account.”

Hearing that Xun Yu only said, "I'm worried that it will interfere with the battle with Lv Bu," he didn't mention Cao Cao. Xun Zhen already knew roughly what the political matter he wanted to ask for instructions. Sitting down, he said, "What is the political matter? Is it so important?"

As expected, Xun Zhen heard Xun Yu say, "Duke Ming is the government of Yan."

"Governance of Yan?"

Xun Yu said: "That's right. Duke Ming, after the new acquisition of Yanzhou, he adopted the strategy of 'pacifying the people, developing mulberry farming, recruiting refugees, emphasizing the law and punishing evil'. Yin was lost immediately, Li Jin and Wan Qian rebelled one after another, so after the Duke of Ming defeated Caodong County again this time and recovered Shanyang and Jiyin, there was a dispute among the sages in the state. The reason why Hui was able to counterattack Shanyang and Jiyin, and succeeded, was partly because Gongda's previous policy of governing Yan was inappropriate, and it seems appropriate to change it."

There is a saying that "eat a cut, grow a wisdom", Jiyin and Shanyang are not long, and there have been rebellions in response to Cao Cao in these two counties and in Yanzhou Prefecture, and the rebels include local tyrants and The officials of the prefecture, in other words, include the two categories of tyrants and scholars, which are currently the largest local forces, which led to the immediate fall of these two counties, and almost made the Xuzhou army's last large-scale use of troops against Yanzhou to be ruined. Then, Why does this happen? The reason for this is of course to be clarified. If it is not clear, Jiyin and Shanyang will be taken down by Xuzhou again, but there is no guarantee that there will be no turbulence and chaos in the future.

Most of the officials in Xuzhou Prefecture were political advisers, so they spontaneously and proactively launched a lively discussion on this.

During the period when Xunzhen recovered Yanzhou and went south to Yuzhou to help Sun Ce, Xun Yu, Zhang Zhao and others who stayed in Xuzhou talked a lot and expressed their opinions, and now they have come to a conclusion, that is: first rule out The loss of Jiyin and Shanyang this time was due to military factors.

Cao Cao was a defeated general under Xun Zhen, and Zhang Miao was not worth mentioning in the military. With their current military strength and military capability, even if they attacked together, in terms of the original garrison in Yanzhou, it should have been It is sufficiently defensive—in fact, it is indeed the case. When examining the fall of the two counties of Shanyang and Jiyin, the fundamental reason is not the problem of the combat effectiveness of the garrison, but because of the rebel forces within, Gao Su. , Feng Gongxian was killed because of this, and he lost Jiyin. Wan Qian informed Cao Cao and Chen Gong, so that Cao Cao knew the truth of Shanyang and Changyi, and then lost Shanyang. This means that the root cause of the fall of the two counties, It's actually a political reason.

It is possible that the policy implemented in Yanzhou before may have gone wrong, and that is why Cao Cao's counter-offensive progressed rapidly.

Now that the cause is found, of course, it must be corrected immediately. If it is not changed immediately, Zhang Zhao and others are deeply worried that not only Shanyang and Jiyin may have civil strife, but even Jibei and other counties in Yanbei will follow.

It was not too late, because even though Xun Zhen had just returned to Tan County, Xun Yu immediately raised this issue with him and asked him to make a decision.

After Xun Yu finished his remarks, "Taiban is due to the fact that Gongda's previous policy of governing Yan was inappropriate, and it seems appropriate to change it", and then he reported to Xun Zhen about the situation discussed by the officials of Xuzhou Prefecture in recent days. Once again, these words were said, the two were not in the hall, Xun Zhen arrived at the prefecture, and she had to wash up and change her clothes first, but the two were in the school behind the hall.

After Xun Zhen heard it, she pondered for a while, and said, "Wen Ruo, this matter is as clear as you said, and the relationship is very important. Let's go back to the hall. I will listen to the opinions of Zhang Gong and others."

The two came out from the back of the hall and turned back to the hall.

One of the top officials of Xuzhou prefecture, Zhang Zhao in the central government, Chen Yi in the main book, Xun Yue in the office, Liu Qian as a teacher and friend, and Chen Duan and Du Xi, who are second to the above but have their own positions and real power. , Guo Jun, Du You, Huo Heng, Zhao Yan and other supervisors are engaged, and the right county is engaged in Wenzhi and the subordinates of Wenzhi are engaged in such as Langya and Xu Xuan, etc., and there are more downstairs, divisions of Cao For the specific affairs, the book Cao engaged in Qin Song, the Bing Cao engaged in Xu Ji, etc., as well as the military commander Cheng Jia of the non-state government system and other civilian captains, about dozens of people, some came back from Yuzhou with Xun Zhen, some were Those who followed Xun Yu to stay in the prefecture were all in the hall at this time.

Seeing Xun Zhen washing up, changing clothes, and returning to the hall, Zhang Zhao and the others all stood up and bowed in salute.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Duke Zhang, all gentlemen, please take your seats."

Since I sat down first, I looked forward to everyone in the hall. Today, the officials of the Xuzhou prefecture and the civil and military system can be said to be handsome from the three prefectures of Xu, Yan, and Henan, as well as capable men from the prefectures of Ji, Yang, and Jing. At this time, being able to be in the hall is a temporary choice. Xun Zhen was very happy and thought: "Since ancient times, people who have achieved great things have put people first, and they have not been worthy of my respect for the worthy and the rank and file. They have worked hard for more than ten years. There are so many sages and wise men as my assistants! Now Xuzhou is fundamentally solid, and it will take time for me to stabilize Yan and Henan, and integrate them with my Xuzhou. In one place, and then relying on the strength of the people of the three states, and leading my soldiers in a hundred battles, I will take the talents of all the sages, and use all the minions to roll them westward, not to mention Mengde, why should Yuan Benchu ​​think about it?"

In the eyes of today's Xun Zhen, all the heroes in the world are insignificant. If Yuan Shu, Gongsun Zan, Liu Yu, and Lu Bu were all just because of the times, they were lucky enough to get a place. The only ones who really caught his attention were Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. Just two people.

Xun Zhen and the others sat down and said calmly, "I heard the text is like saying, you seem to have a lot of discussions about Gongda's policy of governance. Duke Zhang and you gentlemen, what do you think? Listen carefully, choose what is good and follow it.”

Xun Zhen's voice fell to the ground, and the hall was quiet for a while, then one person stood up and spoke first.

Everyone looked at it, but it was Zhang Zhao.

When Xun Zhen rescued Kang's father, Zhang Zhao once followed Xun Zhen to Hexiang, but then Xun Zhen attacked Chenliu, then besieged Changyi, and so on. Zhang Zhao did not participate in these battles, but was left by Xun Zhen. Xun Yu became Xun Yu and Xu Xian's deputy to guard the prefecture.

When returning to the prefecture to discuss Xun You's policy of governance, Zhang Zhao was the leader of the opponents.

Zhang Zhao said: "Duke Ming has fought hard for a long time, and just now the soldiers returned to Tan County. Zhao et al wanted to wait for Duke Ming to rest for a few days before making a statement on the political affairs of Yanzhou, but they did not expect that Duke Ming had returned to the prefecture, so they asked about it. The Duke of Ming's diligence in government and love for the people is admired by Zhao Shi."

Xun Zhen made a rare joke and said, "I'm still young and my energy is good. If I wait another 20 years and this kind of battle goes on, I guess I have to rest for half a year and three months. It doesn't matter. Mr. Zhang, if you have any ideas, please tell me."

Zhang Zhao said "yes" and said, "Duke Ming, this time Caodong County has attacked me in Jiyin and Shanyang, so I can be powerful.

Such as breaking a bamboo and going straight to Kang's father, it seems that it was because of Li Jin's rebellion of Cheng's family, and Wan Qian of Yanzhou prefectural government's conspiracy with Chen Gong, and Cao Mengdli should make peace with the outside world. Da's previous policy in Yanzhou has gone wrong. "

Xun Zhen asked, "Mr. Zhang, what kind of deviation do you think is wrong?"

Zhang Zhao said: "Gongda's fault should not have severely punished Zhang Guan at that time."

Xun You severely punished Zhang Guan. As mentioned above, it was because Xun You distributed fields, cattle, and grain to the common people in Yanzhou, so that the local people who were attached to the gentry and powerful families in Yandi might leave. Guan was very angry, so he sent someone to poison the cattle that the official temple had distributed to the people. ——When Xun You first reported this matter, there were already two different opinions in Xuzhou Prefecture. One supported Xun You’s severe punishment, and the other believed that Zhang Guan’s family was a famous family name in Yanzhou and should not be taken seriously.

Xun Zhen was noncommittal, and said, "Mr. Zhang, please continue."

Zhang Zhao did not mention the different opinions within the Xuzhou prefecture at that time, but only talked about what happened in Yanzhou, and went on to say: "Zhang Guanzhe, the former official of Liu Dai, and the old friend of Wan Qian, Wan Qian was Zhang Guan at that time. Begging for mercy, but it is useless. Zhao Wenqian sneaked out and said to people 'make the emperor strict with the law'. Duke Ming, governing the country and administering government, should be strict and disciplined, but 'punishment is not as good as the doctor', the righteousness of the Spring and Autumn Period!

"After all, Yanzhou is a new land. Governing the locality and appeasing the people still relies on local right-handed gentry like Zhang Guan and Wan Qian. The Gongda severely punished Zhang Guan. On the surface, it has stopped the tyrants of Yandi. , The gentry obstructed the disciples under their own family from leaving, and changed their illegal behavior from the official temple to get the land. However, if Zhang Guan and Wan Qian, they could not help but feel resentment in their hearts, so there was the Cheng Clan's Li Clan's betrayal, and Wan Qian's rebellion. Qianzhi had an affair with Chen Gong and Cao Dong County! I made Jiyin and Shanyang bloodbath to get it, but I lost it quickly!

"Although Duke Ming has defeated Cao Dongjun and Zhang Mengzhuo, and regained the lost land of Jiyin and Shanyang, but in Zhao's humble opinion, Gongda's severe punishments and strict laws and policies of governance cannot be changed, and I am afraid that the same mistakes will be repeated in the future, and the story will be repeated. Yan is not stable."

Zhang Zhao's conversation, apart from what he said in the open, actually represented two differences in the concept of governance between Xuzhou scholars and Yingchuan scholars.

Yingchuan, as mentioned above, was deeply influenced by Legalists as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Famous legalists such as Shen Buha and Han Feizi had long been active in or around Yingchuan. Because Yingchuan's scholar family has always had a characteristic, that is, there are many scholar families who handed down the law, such as the Yangzhai Guo clan of Guo Jia's clan, and the Zhong clan of Zhong Yao's clan, all of them are good criminal laws. If you are good at the law, then in governing the country, of course, the law will be the most important thing, and Xuzhou scholars do not have this tradition. Therefore, Xuzhou scholars represented by Zhang Zhao are naturally good at governance in this regard. Yanzhice had a disagreement with Xun You.

Xun Zhen asked, "Duke Zhang, how to change?"

Zhang Zhao said: "The people are the foundation of the country; agriculture is the foundation of the people. Over the years, Yanzhou first experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and then Cao Cao fought with the Duke of Ming. It is necessary for the land to recover its vitality as soon as possible, attaching importance to agriculture and developing mulberry fields. Policies such as allocating cattle fields to the people and recruiting refugees can naturally continue to be implemented. Zhao has no objection.  … Local tyrants and gentry like Wan Qian, in my humble opinion, should they be given some gentle treatment? Of course, if those who violate discipline and bend the law and cause bad influence, they can be killed."

Zhang Zhao's remarks, to put it bluntly, mean that the previous policies of Yanzhou are beneficial to the people and can continue to be used, but they are too harsh for the gentry and tyrants of Yanzhou. Therefore, he thinks that it needs to be changed. After all, the people who have the final say, the power, and the influence in the local area are not the common people, but these gentry and tyrants. Then, in order to "stabilize the place and avoid revolts", the gentry and tyrants should no longer be punished blindly, but should change their tune and exchange their favor and respect, so as to bribe their loyalty and people's hearts. In other words, that is to say, in terms of dealing with the two major classes of Yanzhou, the powerful, the gentry and the common people, it should be better for the powerful and gentry, to pay attention to their interests, and not to provoke their rebellion.

When Xun Zhen heard this, she was still noncommittal and asked Xun Yu and the others, "Why do you think this is the case?"

Scholars from Xuzhou in Tangzhong, such as Chen Duan from Guangling, Qin Song from Guangling, etc., including scholars from Yanzhou, Gaotanglong from Mount Tai, etc., either spoke out to express support for Zhang Zhao's proposal, or although they did not speak, their faces showed Approval.

Xun Zhen asked Xun Yu and said, "Wen Ruo, what do you think about Duke Zhang's opinion?"

Xun Yu said: "What Zhang Gong said is reasonable."

"It makes sense" is an artistic answer. It seems to agree with Zhang Zhao's opinion, but if there is a "but" at the bottom as a turning point, it will become a disagreement. - That is, "it makes sense" is actually an ambiguous answer.

In this case, does Xun Yu approve of Zhang Zhao or disapprove of Zhang Zhao?

Xun Zhen was able to guess his attitude from Xun Yu's attitude towards him when Xun You punished Zhang Guan before.

However, Xun Yu only said this briefly at the moment, but he didn't say any more.

He refused to say it again, why is that? Xun Zhen could also guess what he was thinking.

After all, Xun Zhen's current team is mainly based on Yingchuan and some of his former officials and generals in Jizhou, but his territory is now dominated by Xuzhou. People's political opinions, whether it is Xun Zhen, Xun Yu, etc., must be given enough respect and attention to these outsiders. In this way, even if they do not agree with Zhang Zhao's argument, they are Xun Zhen's fellow clan. , As the head of the group of officials in the Xunzhen mansion, especially, as the officials in Yingchuan under Xunzhen's account, including most of the former officials and generals of Xunzhen's past in Jizhou, the overall representative, for now, also Indeed, it was not yet time for Xun Yu to make a formal statement.

Xun Zhen nodded, but did not ask any further questions, but instead asked the rest of the crowd.

One person said loudly: "Jia thinks that Duke Zhang's strategy is not advisable!"

The person who spoke was ugly but proud. It was none other than Cheng Jia.

Cheng Jia was short, and Zhang Zhao, Xun Yu, etc. were all sitting when they were talking, but if he was sitting, he would be very inconspicuous in so many people, so he answered Xun Zhen's question loudly, While getting up from the seat, stand in the hall.

Xun Zhen said, "Jun Chang, what are you talking about?"

Cheng Jia set up the others and said, "The folk saying goes: "A quick knife cuts through the mess. In Jia Zhi's humble opinion, these five characters are now suitable for Yan Ye."

Xun Zhen asked, "Cut the mess with a quick knife... Your Majesty, what do you mean? Be clear."

Cheng Jia looked forward to the hall and said loudly: "The merger has become more and more serious since this dynasty. Looking at the country, where is it that most of the good fields in the counties and counties are not owned by the tyrants? The small people and the leaders either have no land, or have very little land, and can only rely on them. Yu Haoqiang, it's just a hard life. It's a place where the rich and the rich are even in the fields of Tianqian, and the poor are standing on the ground! With the Yellow Turbans, why did the millions of people in the eight states of Qing, Xu, You, Ji, Jing, Yang, Yan and Henan respond? It is because of them Are they all followers of Taiping Dao, are they all Zhang Jiao's rebels? No! Most of them are because they are too poor! They can't survive, and one person rebels, and then he becomes a million followers!

"Although the Yellow Turbans are now destroyed, the situation in which the rich and the rich cannot live by selling their children and selling their daughters has not been alleviated, but has become even more serious! Because of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, there have been many refugees in various states, and Yanzhou has also No exception

. These refugees are displaced, leave their hometowns, and go to unfamiliar places, where they can only rely on tyrants. Therefore, the power of tyranny is even more prosperous than before!

"Let's not talk about other places, let's put it in Yanzhou, then Li Jin's chaos, with the strength of his family, he can gather more than a thousand troops, cause chaos in the whole county, and even involve the county of Jiyin! Such a tyrannical situation,... ... Zhang Gong, Jia dare to ask, can you give them special care and respect again? Do you dare to give them special care and respect again?

"If Duke Zhang's strategy is used to give special care and respect to the tyrannical, it can help stabilize the situation in Yanzhou temporarily, but Duke Zhang, don't you hear the words 'the tail can't be lost'? For these tyrants, one day can give special care, and the next day Tolerable, what about the third and fourth days? More and more people are attached to their sects, and fewer and fewer people belong to our state government. However, from such a long-term perspective, if there are more tyrants and rebellions, I am afraid that it will not be a family of more than a thousand soldiers, but will be a crowd, and the counties and counties will all obey! Ming Gong also!

"At that time, dare to ask Zhang Gong, is this Yanzhou the land of tyrannical powers, or the land under my rule of Xu?"

After hearing Cheng Jia's words, everyone was speechless for a while.

Cheng Jia went on to say: "The Pei country now has an example in front of me. Xu Chu, a native of Qiao County, and the public all know his name. His people are named after the imperial yellow turban. Up to now, entrenched in Qiao County has long been a separatist regime! Peiguo is also the land of Yuzhou, and Xu Chu never accepted the orders issued by Sun Yuzhou in the past! Even the people in Qiaodi, and even the people in the surrounding counties, only knew Xu Chu, but not Yuzhou!

"This time, Lv Fengxian and Yuan Gonggong invaded Yingchuan and Runan, and the situation in Yuzhou was at stake, but Xu Chu did not send any troops in Qiao County, and did not send a single soldier. Xu Chu can’t be said to be unfavorable, but what can he get in return? But this is the end! Dare to ask the princes, is this kind of tyrannical power the princes want to see?”

Many years ago, more than 10,000 people of the Yellow Turbans in Runan attacked Xu Chu's wall, and Xu Chu was short of food, so he proposed to the Yellow Turban Commander to exchange cattle for his food. The Yellow Turbans usually gathered together with their families and children. They not only fought wars, but also cultivated fields. They had great demand for important agricultural materials such as cattle, so Commander Qu agreed with Xu Chu's proposal. But after the bull was pulled away by the Yellow Turbans, the bull did not know what to do with it, so he broke free from the pull of the Yellow Turbans and ran back. When Xu Chu saw it, he went to the front of the battle, pulled the bull's tail, and fell. Pulling it for more than a hundred paces, this is not a horse, it is a bull running. Such strength is really shocking. The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were all terrified, so they dared not take the ox and go away. From this, Xu Chu's name spread all over Huai, Ru, Chen, and Liang. Huai, Ru, Chen, Liang, "Huai", Huai Shui, "Ru", Ru Shui, "Chen", namely Chen Guo, "Liang" is Liang Guo. Later, when Sun Jian won Yuzhou, he recruited him several times, but he did not respond. Xun Zhen also tried to recruit him, but he ignored it. If you are someone else, if you don't agree to recruit you, Sun Jian or Xun Zhen may send troops to fight, but the problem is Xu Chu, he neither plunders nor does evil in Qiao County, and secondly, He was also famous for his bravery, and it would be difficult to beat him if he tried to beat him. Therefore, Xun Zhen didn't fight, and Sun Jian didn't fight, so it has been dragged on until now, and this place in Qiao County has now become Xu Chu's personal possession. stay.

Such a tyrannical force, not Xun Zhen, is Zhang Zhao and others, of course, they do not want to see it.

Qin Song couldn't get used to Cheng Jia's aggressiveness, and he "questioned" Zhang Zhao's appearance several times, so he spoke out and said, "Xu Chu, the enemy of ten thousand people, I heard that this person is more than eight feet long, with a waist of ten circumferences, and a handsome appearance. Yi, the bravery is unparalleled, this is not necessarily one in ten thousand people, how can you compare him with the tyrannical power of Yanzhou?"

Cheng Jia glanced at Qin Song and saw that Qin Song was a former official of Xun Zhen when he was the prefect of Guangling, and he was one of the officials in Xuzhou who had followed Xun Zhen earlier. He, however, did not forgive him, and said, "Isn't Li Jin of the Cheng clan such a tyrannical man? If he is not like Xu Chu, who is brave and brave, how could the thieves of Juye Ze be submissive to him and secretly communicate with him? "

He turned to Xun Zhen and said, "Duke Ming, this Li Jin is connected with the bandits in Juye Ze, after Liu Jiyin defeated the bandits in Juye Ze, he heard that Li Cao, Li Jin and the brothers had evidence of their contacts with bandits. , but did not punish the Li brothers according to the law. Instead, they showed the evidence to the Li brothers, and then released them. Why did Liu Jiyin not punish them according to the law? Come to think of it, the reason should be just like what Zhang Gong said just now. It was for the sake of favoring the tyrannical and powerful, and the person it intended was to use the power of the Li brothers to help him appease the situation, but what was the result? Li Jin rebelled! Duke Ming, like Liu Jiyin, acted according to the law at that time and killed him Brother Li, how could Li Jin be rebellious later? How could Gao and Feng Erjun unfortunately die in battle! ... Duke Ming, the death of Gao and Feng Erjun is due to Liu Jiyin!"

Xun Zhen closed her eyes and cleaned up the grief that came suddenly because of Cheng Jia's mention of Gao Su and Feng Gong, and said in her heart, "Zixiu, Hugou, I have already exterminated the Li family! Quan is a reward for both of you. It's revenge!" He opened his eyes and said, "You only talk about governance."

Cheng Jia replied, "No."

He bowed to Xun Zhen first, saluted, followed his own words, and then said, "Yi Jia thinks that it is useless to treat these tyrants in Yanzhou, like Zhang Gong said, to give them preferential treatment. Yes, the turbulent times should be carried out severely! Instead, the law should be strictly used to restrain them and punish them. This is the only way to achieve long-term stability, to truly restore the vitality of Yanzhou, and to truly gain the hearts of Yanzhou scholars and people. Now that the combined attack of Caodong County and Zhang Mengzhuo has been repelled by Duke Ming, Duke Ming's prestige has become more and more grand in Yanzhou, and now that Caodong County and Zhang Mengzhuo have regained their defeat, they must be unable to attack me again now, Jiazhi's humble opinion. The best policy today is not only not to order Xun Shijun to change his established policy of governing Yan, but also to take this opportunity to pass on Xun Shijun and ask him to intensify his efforts to rectify the tyrants of The so-called 'cutting the mess with a quick knife' will be done once and for all from now on."

Xun Zhen asked Zhang Zhao, Xun Yu and others, and said, "Duke Zhang, all the lords, what do you think of Junchang's words?"

Cheng Jia's remarks are well-founded, justified, and have examples, and they are indeed irrefutable. Moreover, as he said, Cao Cao and Zhang Miao have been defeated repeatedly, and now they are reluctant to defend their borders, and they attack Yanzhou again. There is absolutely no such ability, that is to say, after the two battles with Cao Cao, Yanzhou is now in an environment where there is no strong foreign enemy, so it is indeed possible to take this opportunity to completely or roughly shovel. The tyrants in the Pingjian territory will bring those people who are attached to the tyrants back under the control of the state government. In this way, while eliminating the hidden danger that there may be betrayals by tyrants like Li Jin, it also expands the available civilian power.

Xun Yu expressed his stance at this time, saying: "Yu thought that what Jun Chang said was very true."

Zhang Zhao also has nothing to object to, and also agrees.

Xun Zhen accepted Cheng Jia's suggestion and sent Xun You an order that day, telling him to hurry up to appease the localities, clean up the tyrants, and ordered Xuzhou counties to continue to allocate cattle, grain seeds and other agricultural materials to support Yanzhou. On the one hand, the tyrants were purged, and on the other hand, the division of cattle, fields, and grain crops among the common people was intensified. With this two-pronged approach, the rule of Yanzhou was stabilized, and at the same time, the agriculture of Yanzhou was restored and developed as much as possible.

Just as Xun Zhen was rewarding the conscripts for their merits and deeds, while busy with these political affairs related to Yanzhou, a letter was sent from Licheng, Qingzhou.

The letter was written by Xun Cheng.

Xun Zhen opened the viewing and saw the writing on it: "Chen Mai was first defeated and captured, Jinan's troops were again defeated by Zilong, Qingzhou lost soldiers and generals one after another, and the state was panicked, and Caodong County's mice ran into Dong County, and they were unable to look outside. I secretly think that this is the time to take Qingzhou!"

However, he suggested that Xun Zhen should now send troops to attack Qingzhou.

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