The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 60: Xi Zhongcai has surpassed the generals

"Resolve the danger of Yingchuan in the west?"

"Yes, Duke Ming."

Liu Bei didn't understand Sun Min's intention for a while, and asked: "Sun Jun, why did you suddenly propose this? Want me to solve the danger of Yingchuan?"

Sun Min said: "Duke Ming, after defeating Gao Shun today, did not hear the prisoner's words that Lei Book and Chen Lan led Nanyang troops into Yingchuan and were fighting with Zhang Liao to attack Yangzhai. , are you facing against the city of Yangzhai now?"


"In my humble opinion, Zhang Liao, Lei Book and Chen Lan are at odds with each other, and the two tigers are fighting each other. Wouldn't this give Duke Ming an opportunity to take advantage?"

Liu Bei said, "Sun Jun, what do you mean?"

Sun Min said: "Duke Ming, the subordinate means that Zhang Liao is at odds with Lei Bo and Chen Lan, and if Duke Ming can seize this opportunity at this time, enter Yingchuan in the west, and the subordinates predict that they will be together. Hearing that Duke Ming's troops arrive, he will definitely be unwilling to fight because of mutual suspicion. In this way, Duke Ming can easily win! Duke Ming, this is a great achievement that can be achieved at your fingertips!

"Not only is it just a great achievement, but Duke Ming's name is bound to spread between Ying and Ru because of this, and it will be passed down to Hainei scholars. The local area of ​​Sichuan recruits warriors to fill up the army, - Duke Ming, isn't this a three-for-one?

Liu Bei fell into thought and murmured, "Three birds with one stone."

"Duke Ming, the only people who can fight under Lv Bu's tent are Zhang Liao and Gao Shun. Gao Shun has already been defeated in Zhaoling. If Zhang Liao is defeated by Duke Ming in Yingchuan again, it will be like breaking Lv Bu's arm again. It is also beneficial for Sun Lang to besiege the letter of praise."

Liu Bei rubbed his smooth and beardless chin, thought for a while, and said, "Sun-kun, although your strategy is good, it's probably not suitable for you right now."

Sun Min asked, "Why can't it be done?"

Liu Bei said: "One, I came to rescue Zhaoling with Sun Lang this time, and only brought a thousand soldiers and soldiers to fight Yingchuan, which is not enough to use; two, Sun Lang's biggest enemy now is Lu Bu. I came to help Sun Lang on the order of Zhendong, and I should go all out to help Sun Lang break Lv Bu first. How can Lv Bu not be broken, but he asks to divide his troops to Ying first? As for Zhang Liao, if Lv Bu is defeated, what should I worry about? !"

He refused to accept Sun Min's suggestion.

What Sun Min said about the "three benefits" makes sense. If someone were to be an ordinary person, he might be confused by the "three benefits", so he would listen to his suggestion, but who is Liu Bei? Compared with the small "three benefits", in his opinion, it is to help Sun Ce beat his father-killer Lu Bu, in order to win Sun Ce's further goodwill, which is more beneficial to him, so it is high-sounding. , rejected Sun Min.

Sun Min saw that Liu Bei didn't listen, that's all.

Although Liu Bei didn't listen, he praised Sun Min, saying that his plan was indeed a good plan.

Sun Min was not disappointed because he was, but because he was praised by Liu Bei, he became more and more lamented at Corporal Liu Bei's Lixian.

Early the next morning, when Liu Bei finished tidying up his headquarters, he went to see Sun Ce and asked when he would leave the camp and return the letter of praise.

Seeing Sun Ce, he seemed to have a happy face, and Liu Bei asked, "Sun Lang, is there anything good?"

Sun Ce said: "I want to let Duke Liu know that our army in Hanoi has defeated Zhang Yang's pursuers and entered Yingchuan the day before yesterday. The military report I received this morning has already been communicated to him, and ordered them immediately. Go to Yangzhai. When they get to Yangzhai, even if they can't defeat Zhang Liao, Lei Bo, Chen Lan, etc. for the time being, Zhang Liao and the others will not be a concern. Therefore, I am quite happy."

Hearing Sun Ce's words, Liu Bei thought to himself, "Fortunately, I didn't listen to Sun Min's suggestion last night. Otherwise, Hanoi soldiers have already entered Yingchuan. If I go again, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

It was a small interlude. After Cheng Pu and the others were all set up, Sun Ce and Liu Bei ordered troops to set off, and together with Cheng Pu and others returned with the letter of praise. On the way to the letter of praise, Sun Ce ordered Pingyu to garrison the army, and asked Liu Wu Jing to lead some troops to garrison, and the rest went to the letter of praise. However, according to Liu Bei's strategy, he tried his best to mobilize the troops and horses of Yuzhou, and prepared to fight with Lu Bu outside Baoxin City.

Three days later, arrived at the north of the city of praise.

Only after returning to the camp, an army reported to him.

The military newspaper said: Zhang Xun and Lejie's troops were stationed in the area of ​​Yichun and Ancheng in the north, and they camped on the spot, and they would not go any further. The guards of Lv Bu in Bei Yichun and other counties strictly guarded the city and did not let Zhang Xun and others enter the city. The swords were drawn on both sides, and they were not like comrades in arms, but like enemies.

After Sun Ce heard the news, he became more and more delighted, and said to Liu Bei, "Before in Zhaoling, Wen Leibo and Chen Lan had already competed with Zhang Liao for Yangzhai, now Zhang Xun and Le have stopped at North Yichun again, as if they wanted to sit and watch Lv Bu. The status of success or failure, it can be seen that Yuan Shu and Lu Bucheng are already at odds with each other! Duke Liu, we don’t need to worry about the Nanyang army, but with Lu Bu’s army alone, I can defeat it!”

Liu Bei smiled and said, "Lü Bu is arrogant and arrogant, and he is not Sun Lang's enemy!"

The four-character comment of "inconsiderate and short-sighted" is indeed quite suitable for Lu Bu.

It was a good situation. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Sun Jian's death in battle, Lu Bu had the opportunity to attack the entire territory of Runan and Yingchuan. Although Lei Book and Chen Lan led Nanyang troops to Yingchuan, as long as Zhang Liao and Lei Book, Chen Lan confronted him and kept Yingchuan for nothing. On the other side, Lu Bu insisted on taking down Zhaoling first and then attacked Kepingyu. Sun Ce's army would naturally disperse at this point, and the only way to go to Xuzhou was to join Xunzhen. The entire southern territory will be owned by him, and after occupying the entire territory of Runan, Lu Bu will return to Yingchuan, and Lei Book and Chen Lan can only withdraw their troops and return to Nanyang, but he himself gave up besieging Zhaoling and did The biggest wrong choice was made, and the initiative in the battlefield was immediately transferred to Sun Ce's side. Now he can only passively take a defensive response in Baoxin City.

But having said that, even though Lu Bu was in a passive state, and although Zhang Xun and Le Ye were just like Sun Ce's conjectures, they were planning to sit back and watch Lv Bu's success or failure, but "I can defeat Lu Bu alone with one army." A bit too early.

After all, Lu Bu is a titan after all.

But when Sun Ce, Liu Bei, Cheng Pu and other soldiers arrived outside Baoxin City, Lü Bu knew about Gao Shun's defeat.

Just the day before yesterday, Gao Shun fled back to Lü Bu's camp.

When Lu Bu saw Gao Shun, he didn't blame him, just told him to take a good rest.

After Gao Shun went out, Lü Bu said to Fanyi and other generals, "I told Zixiang long ago that it would be best to abandon Zhaoling temporarily, and the whole army will come to support him. He is stubborn, how is it now?"

Fanyi and other generals all said: "Ming Gong's foresight is comparable to that of Gao Shun."

Although Gao Shun was defeated, Zhang Xun and Le refused to obey Lu Bu's order to come and help. At the same time, with the arrival of Cheng Pu and Pingyu's garrison, Sun Ce and Liu Bei had more and more soldiers, but At this time, Lu Bu was actually not worried at all, and still had great confidence in defeating Sun Ce.

. He said loudly to the generals: "Sun Wentai's name is Jiangdong Tiger, and he is a famous general in the world. He is still killed by me. What about Bofu's child? You wait and wait for him. Within ten days, I will capture this son alive!"

Lü Bu's camp had already been built, and the next day, Fanyi was sent out to challenge him. Sun Ce responded to the battle and made Han Dang lead his troops to fight. There was a fight on both sides, no winner or loser. At sunset, they returned to their respective camps. For the next ten days, Lü Bu fought day by day, and Sun Ce responded sometimes and sometimes not. However, although Sun Ce had a large number of soldiers and horses, Lü Bu's camp was in the west of the city, and Song Xian and Hou Cheng in the city, the two armies formed a thorny situation. For Sun Ce, it was not easy to attack the city. Therefore, even though Sun Ce, a new-born calf, and Lu Bu, a veteran of the battlefield, said that it was easy to defeat the other side, the battle was going on, and the enemy and our armies gradually formed a stalemate.

Until Xun Zhen personally led his troops to arrive.


Pingyu Prefecture, after hearing Wu Jing's introduction to Runan, including the battle situation in Yingchuan, Xunzhen didn't say anything. He returned to the camp outside the city that day, called the military under the tent, and discussed how to get there. Deploy with troops.

Chen Dao, Chen Bao, Chen Wu and other cavalry generals, such as Chen Dao, Chen Bao and Chen Wu, and Zhang Fei and other cavalry generals from the expedition here, mostly thought: "At present, our army has greatly defeated Cao Cao, defeated Zhang Miao, and has recovered Yanzhou. With the prestige of this great victory, we will drive straight down and cross. Yi and Ru, go straight to the letter of praise, join forces with Sun Lang, and attack Lü Bu in a hurry, this is the best policy."

Chen Bao added: "Although the Nanyang soldiers led by Zhang Xun and Le Jiu were only a hundred miles away from Lü Bu's army, as Duke Ming had expected, the discord between the two armies was obviously not enough to worry about, so they seemed to be soldiers. There are many horses, but if our army is divided, it will not be difficult to win!"

Xun Zhen listened and fell silent.

So the generals asked, "Could it be that Duke Ming has some other strategy? Dare to ask Duke Ming what he meant?"

Xun Zhen didn't express her opinion first, and turned to Xi Zhicai, who had never spoken, and said, "Zhi Cai, what do you think? What do you think should be done next in this battle?"

Xi Zhicai stroked his beard and said with a slight smile, "What the gentlemen of Shicai said is not wrong. However, in the humble opinion of loyalty, the best way now is to have another 'sport battle'."

The word "sports warfare" is a vocabulary of later generations, but why did Xi Zhicai say the word "sports warfare" at this time? For no other reason, it was because he heard it from Xun Zhen.

It's not what I heard before, it's just recently. But it was Xun Zhen who first relieved the siege of Kangfu this time, and then recaptured the entire battle process of Shanyang and Jiyin counties. From the perspective of strategy and tactics, he defined a name, which is "movement warfare".

After careful analysis, Xun Zhen's entire battle process, so far, is indeed a mobile battle.

The so-called mobile warfare, its specific combat strategy and essentials are: step forward and retreat, lure the enemy deep, concentrate troops, destroy each one, and wipe out the enemy while moving.

In the course of Xun Zhen's battle, he first led his troops to sneak to Liang, lured Zhang Miao to return to the division, and then set up an ambush to defeat him on the way back. After defeating Zhang Miao, Xun Zhen concentrated his strength to deal with the remaining enemy Cao Cao. During this battle, Xun Zhen's troops first traveled from Kangfu to Liang State, marching for more than 200 li, then from Liang State northwards to the north to set up an ambush, marching for more than 100 li, and then from the east to Changyi, The march was another one or two hundred miles, and the mileage of the entire march was calculated. In such a small area of ​​​​three hundred miles from north to south and only three hundred miles from east to west, the tortuous and circuitous march was more than 500 miles away. It is a successful application of "annihilating the enemy in motion".

Therefore, after the battle was over, when I recalled Xun Zhen's name of "sports battle", Xi Zhicai and others felt it was very appropriate, so they continued to use it.

Xun Zhen heard Xi Zhicai's words and said, "Zhi Cai, tell me in detail, why do you have another sports battle?"

Xi Zhicai said: "Ming Gong, Sun Tzu has a saying, 'Those who use soldiers should be controlled by others, not by others'. The essence of Ming Gong's 'mobile warfare' is actually what Sun Tzu said. My humble opinion, if our army goes directly to join forces with Sun Lang and attack Lu Bu, first of all, the city of Baoxin is in the hands of Lu Bu, and there are soldiers under the command of Lu Bu outside the city as foreign aid in the city. It is definitely not easy, then our army is not controlled by others, but by others, which will be passive in the overall situation.

"Secondly, our army defeated Zhang Miao first, and then defeated Cao Cao again. Although they were all victorious, today, they have been fighting continuously for nearly a month. The soldiers are still able to fight, but they are almost exhausted. On the other hand, the cloth army, Most of the family members of their soldiers are in the city of praise and credit. To protect their families and wives, their fighting spirit must be firm, but it is morale, and it is not conducive to our army to fight Lv Bu now.

"Finally, although Zhang Xun and Le are probably not going to help Lü Bu when Lü Bu is at a disadvantage, but if our army has a small setback, they will help Lü Bu if they see the advantage, but they will help Lü Bu. Not bad either.

"So, with the humble opinion of loyalty, the best policy now is not to fight Lu Bu or to give praise."

Xun Zhen said: "Now the enemy of Yuzhou, apart from the commendation letter, are the two armies of Zhang Liao, Lei Book, and Chen Lan of Yingchuan. If you don't give a letter of praise, Zhicai, then you mean that our army should attack Ying first. Sichuan?"

Xi Zhicai said: "Yes, Zhongzhi's stupid opinion, our army should attack Yingchuan first."

After Chen Dao and the others heard what Xi Zhicai said, they couldn't help but whispered.

Xun Zhen coughed, and the tent became quiet. He continued to ask Xi Zhicai calmly, and said, "Tell me carefully, why do you hit Yingchuan first?"

Xi Zhicai said: "Zhong believes that if we attack Yingchuan first, our army will have three victories."

"Oh? Which three wins?"

"The Duke of Ming and Zhong are both from Yingchuan. Duke Ming was in Yingchuan, and he was highly respected by Sulong, while Lü Bu used to burn, kill, loot and loot in Dingling, Yanxian and other places. , as long as our troops and horses enter Yingchuan, the people of Yingchuan will inevitably meet them, because we have the hearts of the people in our hands. This is a victory.

"The officials of the counties in Yingchuan and the local gentry and tyrannical gentry are mostly old and old. When our army enters Yingchuan, they will definitely respond positively. These two wins.

"Lei Book, Chen Lan, and Zhang Liao faced off against the city of Yangzhai, and they all wanted to seize the city, but they were afraid of attacking the city because of their mutual scruples. Now there are Yuzhou soldiers originally stationed in Hanoi who have arrived at the bank of Yingshui in the north of Yangzhai City. , In this situation, if our army moves from the east to Yangzhai, and join forces with Yuzhou soldiers to attack, Zhong expects Zhang Liao, Lei Bo, and Chen Lan to be frightened and may even flee without fighting. This is the three victories.

"With this three wins, I will attack them, why should Yingchuan be worried?"

Xun Zhen folded her palms, looked forward to the generals, called out the words of Chen Bao and Zhang Fei, and said with a smile: "Uncle Zhi, Yide, Jun and others, what do you think of Zhicai's strategy?"

Chen Bao, Zhang Fei and the others all agreed and said, "What we have said is not enough, and this policy of supervising the army is the best policy!"


, Xi Zhicai's official position is now the army general.

Xi Zhicai said: "If we attack Yingchuan first, it will not only be easy for our army to win, but it will also be of great benefit to the battle situation after recovering Yingchuan. If Zhang Liao is defeated, it means that Lv Bu's troops are left alone. Moreover, Zhang Liao was a general under Lü Bu's tent, and his defeat would surely shake Lü Bu's army, one of them; if Lei Bo and Chen Lan retreated, then eight or nine out of ten of Zhang Xun and Lejie's troops would also be defeated. The intention to retreat is the second. In this way, our army will come to the letter of praise, join forces with Sun Lang, and attack Lu Bu, even if it is not me who is controlled by others, but Lu Bu is controlled by me! Also; if it dares not to leave, it will be like a backhand to destroy it!"

Xun Zhenxiao and Chen Dao and the others said, "Those who know my heart will be talented."

It was decided to carry out the following military operations according to Xi Zhicai's suggestion.

After resting for two days in Pingyu County, Xunzhen asked Wu Jing to stay in the city, and set off from the headquarters, along the Yishui River to the northwest, first to Zhaoling, and then to Yingchuan. After entering Yingchuan, continue to go northwest for about 100 miles, the former is Yingyang County.

The soldiers and horses had not yet reached the outside of the city, and they could see from a distance on the official road in the countryside. Many people were densely gathered, and a large area was covered in darkness. Among them were scholars from the county, as well as the elders in the village, as well as ordinary people. . These people either carried wine or meat, and the rich family drove a flock of sheep to reward and welcome Xun Zhen and her followers.

The surnames in Yingyang are mainly Jizun and Wang. The ancestors of the two surnames were Ji Zun and Wang Ba. They were both heroes who followed Emperor Guangwu to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty, and their names were all listed among the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai.

Among the scholars who welcomed Xun Zhen, there was an old man, about sixty years old, who was the current suzerain of the Wang family.

Xun Zhen was in the middle of the army, and when he heard a report from the military officials, he said that the head of the Wang family was welcoming him by the side of the road, and hurriedly dismounted and stepped forward.

The head of the Wang family and Xun Zhen knew each other. Although he was old, he was white, so he bowed his head and said, "It's been almost ten years since we said goodbye to Duke Ming! Duke Ming's deeds in the county in the past, Severely punishing the tyrants and destroying the Yellow Turbans is still being preached by the townspeople today. It can be said that all women and children know it! Recalling the day when Duke Ming visited the county, he came to Yingyang to deal with the lawless tyrants, and later took the lead in destroying the Yellow Turbans and protecting the people of our county. This majestic figure, the old man often still sighs! This time, the two thieves Lu Bu and Zhang Liao invaded our Yingchuan and ravaged the county. How dare these two thieves, Zhang Liao, be so arrogant? But unexpectedly, he suddenly heard that Duke Ming led his troops and returned to the county. It was like a **** who descended from heaven! The old man hurriedly led the children of his clan and the elders of the village to greet him, but he was not able to greet him in time. Duke Ming is driving, please forgive me."

Xun Zhen hurriedly returned the salute and said, "How could Duke Lao welcome you! Zhe Shazhen, Zhe Shazhen!"

The head of the Wang family had already set up a banquet on the side of the road, and Xun Zhen sat down with him, along with a few gentlemen and elders who had enough status.

Everyone had a little talk.

The head of the royal family, the gentry, and the elders all brought tears to their eyes when they talked about the tragic scenes of Lü Bu's slaughter of Dingling and the massacre of the people.

The military discipline of Zhang Liao's troops was better. When they went from Yanxian to Yangzhai, and passed through Xiangcheng and Yingyang, it could not be said that Qiu did not commit any crimes, but there were not many looters of the local people. But there are bound to be some evil deeds. Speaking of the evil deeds done by Zhang Liao's department in Yingyang, the head of the Wang family and others all gritted their teeth and was very indignant, but after all, Dingling is another county, Yingyang is their hometown, and the atrocities of the Bu army in Dingling , since they were no more angry than Zhang Liao's evil deeds in Yingyang.

Furthermore, after Lei Book and Chen Lan led the troops to enter Yingchuan from Luyang County of Nanyang County, they burned, burned, looted and looted in Fucheng, Jiaxian and other places along the way. When he scolded, his white beard trembled with anger, and he said, "People say 'Yuan Road, a fierce ghost on the road', this statement is true! The old man heard that Yuan Road was brutal in Nanyang. , also does all evil, he actually disregards Yuan's reputation, does not care about the goodness of you and Ying, and burns my village and kills my people, which is extremely hateful!"

Xun Zhen comforted the head of the Wang family and said, "I heard that Lv Bu invaded Yingchuan, and that Wentai was unfortunately killed in battle. I should have come to rescue my hometown as soon as possible, but Cao Mengde and Zhang Mengzhuo invaded our Yanzhou for no reason. At that time, the situation of Kang's father was critical. If Kang's father is lost, I am afraid that Xuzhou will also be attacked by his two armies, so I have to relieve Kang's father first, and then gallop to save Yingchuan. I am late, and I feel ashamed of the elders in the village." Having said that, Xun Zhen stood up and bowed to everyone, making apology.

The head of the Wang family and others quickly got up, not even daring to say.

Xun Zhen asked everyone to sit down, paced with their swords in hand, pointed to the part on the road in the direction of Yangzhai, and said, "But now that I'm here, please rest assured, I will definitely defeat Zhang Liao and Chen Lan. , Thunder Book thieves, avenge the people of Yingchuan who were killed by them!"

The head of the Wang family got up and said, "May the generals destroy the thieves as soon as possible, and return me to Yingchuan!"

Xun Zhen and the head of the Wang family had a few drinks, then got up to leave, and went with the troops to the outside of Yingyang Yingyang County was originally stationed by Zhang Liao's army, but There were not many soldiers and horses in this army. When they heard that Xun Zhen and others led the troops in person, they fled. This is why the head of the Wang family and others were able to come to welcome Xun Zhen. Therefore, this city of Yingyang, not It was necessary for Xun Zhen to attack, so Xun Zhen just ordered to go, and told the troops to rest here for a day, and the military officials came to report.

Welcoming that person in, he was indeed a clan brother of Xun Zhen.

Yingyang and Yingyin were bordered by two counties. Xun Zhen's clan brother heard that he had led troops to Yingyang, so he came to meet Xun Zhen. Yingyin and Yingyang are very close, only forty miles away, so he came quite quickly. Seeing Xun Zhen, Xun Zhen's brother didn't have anything else to do. After telling the other feelings, he asked Xun Zhen to go back to Yingyin's house to have a look.

Xun Zhen said, "The danger of Yangzhai is still unresolved. My ancestors in Yingchuan are still being mutilated by the thieves of Zhang Liao. How can I go home to see it now?" Still rejected his brother's request.

When his brother went out, he told Xun Zhen's answer that he would go out, and the head of the Liu family heard it and praised him.

One night in Yingyang.

That night, the Yuzhou soldiers in the north of Yangzhai sent their officers to report to Xun Zhen about the current situation of the occupation of Xiayangzhai.

The next day, Xun Zhen led his troops across the Yingshui River, and went northwest along the Yingshui River to advance toward Yangzhai. ——Yingyang and Yangzhai are both on the shore of Yingshui, Yangzhai is on the south bank of Yingshui, and Yingyang is on the north bank of Yingshui, so we set out towards Yangzhai and crossed the Yingshui first.

Yingyang was less than a hundred miles away from Yangzhai, and the camp was set up in the morning. By evening, the leading cavalry troops had already seen the city walls of Yangzhai.

The leader of this army is none other than Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei took a look around the city of Yangzhai and was greatly disappointed.

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