The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 57: Cao Mengde was suspicious and abandoned the city

Wan Qian was puzzled when he saw Cao Cao laughing, and thought in his heart, "Could it be that the bad news of Cao Cao is coming one after another, making him lose his mind?" He asked Cao Cao and said, "Cao Cao, Jinan soldiers are in Licheng. If Zhao Yun was defeated, there would be no threat from the Qingzhou army in the north of Licheng. Zhao Yun might lead his troops to assist Xuncheng in attacking Dongjun. In this way, the previous feinted attack might become a real attack. It's very unfavorable, but I don't know why, Duke Cao, you laughed and didn't worry about it?"

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said with a laugh, "Looking at it now, Zhenzhi sent Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun to attack my Dongjun county, but they killed two birds with one stone. Zhenzhi is really a good soldier!"

Wan Qian said, "A good soldier with two birds with one stone? Duke Ming, you mean..."

Cao Cao said: "That's right, when I first received the military report that Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun attacked my East County, I only expected that Zhenzhi wanted to use Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun to pretend to attack Dong County to lure me back to East County. Abandoning Father Kang, but he did not expect that his purpose of calling Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun to attack Dongjun was not only to confuse me, but also to use this strategy to lure the Prime Minister of Jinan to attack Licheng while Licheng was empty. So taking the opportunity to defeat it to eliminate the threat to the north of Licheng is really a good plan!"

Wan Qian couldn't understand even more, and said in his heart, "No matter how good it is, it's Zhendong who will benefit, not our army." He said again, "The plan is a good one, but because of Zhendong's plan, Dongjun will be afraid of generals. Dangerous! Why is Duke Ming laughing?"

Cao Cao's face was full of admiration, as if he had met an opponent, but also as if he was bragging, and said: "I thought that Zhenzhi's use of soldiers like this is exactly what I want, if it were me, I would definitely use soldiers like this, so not only did I feel sympathy for each other, You can't help but laugh out loud."

Hearing Cao Cao's words, Wan Qian and the others looked at each other in dismay.

Cao Cao's words were actually not sincere. He admired Xun Zhen's scheming, and it was true that he sympathized with each other, but it would be impossible to say that he was overjoyed because of this, and he knew it with his toes.

Having said that, in fact, the fact that Zhao Yun defeated the Jinan soldiers in Licheng was really not Xun Zhen's plan to kill two birds with one stone.

Xun Zhen did not expect to take the opportunity to defeat the Jinan soldiers, but after Xun Zhen received Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun's order to attack Dongjun, Xu Zhuo, who was ordered to serve under Xun Cheng's tent, presented it to Zhao Yun and Xun Cheng. calculated this. Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun felt that Xu Zhuo's strategy was very good. If they pretended to attack Dongjun, Jinan soldiers might attack Licheng, so they adopted this strategy. ——Of course, Cao Cao's credit was also due to the final sale of this strategy. If he had not written to the Prime Minister of Jinan and encouraged him to take the opportunity to attack Licheng, the Prime Minister of Jinan would definitely have used his troops.

Then there was Jinan Xiangguo to attack Licheng, and the result was defeated.

But regardless of whether this was Xun Zhen's one-shot strategy, it did achieve the result of two eagles.

Speaking of Cao Cao, the news of Zhao Yun's defeat of the Jinan soldiers had a negative impact on Cao Cao, but he believed that Xiahou Yuan, who stayed behind in Dongjun, and the elite soldiers he left to Xiahou Yuan, still believed that with the obstruction of the Yellow River, only Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun definitely won't be able to attack Dongjun, so that is to say, although this news has a negative impact, at least for the time being, it doesn't matter.

Then for the next two days, Xun Zhen was still besieging the city without fighting.

On the third day, seeing that Xun Zhen's troops outside the city were ready to attack the city after two days of preparations, the Xuzhou soldiers pushed forward with their existing and newly made catapults and other equipment. It was placed closer to the city, and the piled up hills of earth were basically formed. Cao Cao guessed that, perhaps sooner than the same day, or the next day, Xun Zhen would probably launch a general attack, but at this moment, another piece of news Coming from outside the city, compared with the previous news that Jinan was defeated in Licheng, this news is very important.

The news said: Sun Ce made a surprise attack on the letter of commendation, which was broken in the first battle. Lü Bu heard the news and hurriedly returned the letter of aid, but he was defeated by Sun Ce's ambush, and Lu Bu's troops and horses were damaged by seven or eight. Back to Nanyang. Sun Ce and his troops from Yuzhou were about to go north to Yanzhou to aid Xunzhen in attacking Changyi. When the news spread, all the generals in the city and the people in the tent changed their expressions.

But that Cao Cao's expression changed for a while, his eyes rolled, and he laughed again.

Xue Ti, Wan Qian and others were all shocked.

Xue Ti asked Cao Cao and said, "Duke Ming, if Sun Ce leads the troops of Yuzhou to help Xun Zhendong, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to hold Changyi. Now things are urgent, why is Duke Ming laughing instead? Why?"

Cao Cao stroked his beard and laughed with laughter for a while before he stopped laughing and said to the crowd, "If Zhenzhi personally leads his troops to help Sun Ce, then I will defeat Lu Bu and Yuan Shu in such a short period of time. I believe, but Zhenzhi is clearly outside the city of Changyi, and he can defeat Lu Bu only by relying on this young boy like Sun Bofu? I absolutely don’t believe it.”

Having said that, he slapped his thigh sharply and said, "Yes, I'll just say why this is? That's it!"

Wan Qian, Xue Ti and others were baffled by Cao Cao's words and deeds, and they didn't know what he was talking about.

Xue Ti asked: "Ming Gong, what is this and why? Dare to ask Ming Gong, what does this mean?"

Cao Cao said: "Zhenzhi has been besieging my Changyi for several days. He has not attacked the city. Outside the city, he is building some siege equipment and driving away the people. He is using these things to attack our army in an attempt to lower the morale of our army. Now it seems that he is indeed trying to attack me, but his attack is not outside the city. , but here!"

Xue Ti asked, "Here?"

Cao Cao said: "Sun Ce will lead troops north to help him. This is Zhenzhi's real attack. ... Hmph, if Zhao Yun defeats the Jinan soldiers in Licheng, this is also his attack!" Shaking his head, tsk tsk Approving, he said, "In any battle, attacking the city is the bottom, and attacking the heart is the top. Miaozai, Miaozai, Zhenzhi can be said to be the most important person in the art of war!"

Wan Qian couldn't help but interjected: "The servant understands why Duke Ming laughed just now.

Said, it is because if Duke Ming was replaced, Duke Ming would also use such tactics, because when he thought about this, Duke Ming suddenly felt a sense of sympathy, and he didn't feel laughter. "

Cao Cao ordered Wan Qian, looked at the people in the tent, praised Wan Qian with satisfaction, and said, "Those who know me, Wan Jun!"

Xue Ti heard the underlying meaning from Cao Cao's words, and thoughtfully asked Cao Cao, "Ming Gong's intention is to say that since it is a plan to attack one's heart, it doesn't matter whether it is Zhao Yun's defeat of the Jinan soldiers, or Sun's defeat. Whether Bofu defeated Lu Bu, are these two news really rumors?"

Cao Cao slapped the case vigorously and said: "These two news, especially Sun Bofu's defeat of Lu Bu, I dare to guarantee the vote, it must be a rumor!" Looking around the people in the tent, he comforted them with a soothing tone, and said with a smile, " You don't have to believe it."

Seeking truth from facts, Cao Cao's analysis is very reasonable. He has always been good at fighting, and has the reputation of being like a god. With the blessing of this reputation, his words are even more credible. degree. Xue Ti, Wan Qian and others thought for a while after hearing this, but they all accepted Cao Cao's judgment. Cheng Li, in particular, agrees. Thousands of people's hearts are calm.

But this ten thousand dives, he really had a hard time these days.

Wan Qian's spirit was not bad when he was fighting against Father Kang. After all, after his father was defeated, Yanzhou would be able to recover, so his future was still relatively bright. Then went down.

If Kang’s father cannot be defeated, not only does it mean that Yanjing cannot be recovered, but the two counties of Shanyang and Jiyin are hindered by the mountains and rivers, which is almost a flat river. That is to say, even if the two counties of Shanyang and Jiyin that have just been “recovered” can be saved at the moment In hand, but in the face of Xun Zhen's attack again in the future, Cao Cao will also be in a passive and disadvantageous position. If Xun Zhen attacked again, Wan Qian did not know the army, but in his opinion, Cao Cao was afraid It will also be hard to resist. In this case, if Shanyang and Jiyin were captured by Xunzhen again, what would he do?

Wan Qian has not been able to eat well or sleep well these days. Sometimes when he wakes up in the middle of the night, he can't help complaining about Chen Gong. If Chen Gong wants to turn against Xun Zhen, you turn back, but why do you have to tease Wan Qian? But if this is the case, there is nothing you can do but go with the flow.

The next day, in the south of Changyi City, he rode to a general.

This army will draw a bow and an arrow, and shoot an arrow book toward the city.

The soldiers at the head of the city found the arrow book, but no one dared to read it.

According to military law, if a guard sees something shot by the enemy outside the city, his head will be cut off. Not only the guard's head, but also the heads of his fellow soldiers will be cut off. Law, but also to allow soldiers to supervise each other.

Therefore, the guard who picked up the arrow book was under the surveillance of his fellow soldiers and presented the arrow book to the team leader. The team leader didn't dare to read it, and presented Qu Junhou with a book of arrows. It was sent up layer by layer, and finally sent to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao opened the arrow book and saw it at a glance. It was Xun Zhen's handwriting.

The book of arrows wrote: "Recalling the past when I asked Dong, the minister and I fought side by side, like-minded, and wanted to suppress the thieves for the imperial court. All kinds of situations are as if they were yesterday, but today, the minister and I are fighting against each other inside and outside Changyi! My tiger-headed sack, I carry it around my body every day, and I often explore it. The sack is old! I heard a proverb: People are not as good as they used to be. Today, I am the enemy. sigh.

"In those days when I was courting Dong, Yuan Ben didn't move his troops and refused to go into battle. At that time, all the people in the world knew that his heart was unpredictable. Although his family was favored by Han, he really had no loyalty to the monarch. You can be regarded as a man of this world. The hero, who is now a tiger, is willing to be a minion at the beginning, and every time I think about it, it makes people very sad.

"Now I am hunting Changyi with the Qing, and I am besieging the city on three sides and missing one, not because of the lack of troops, but because of the relationship between you and me in the past, and I refuse to do anything. Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun have already attacked. Entering Dongjun, Sun Bofu had already defeated Lv Bu, and he was about to come to the aid and attack Changyi with me. Zhang Mengzhuo was a timid young man, and after being ambush and defeated by me, he now stayed in the territory and did not dare to go out. Meng De, Qing Now there are no reinforcements from outside, and I am trapped in a lonely city. Sooner or later, Changyi will be there for me!

"I hope Qing recalls the old heart of being loyal to the monarch and serving the country, and I hope that Qing will change his mind after knowing the past, and will no longer be a hawk and a dog in the world, and then, I would like to join hands with you to discuss the story of Dong Zhuo, and I dare to join forces with Qing. , sweep the country, welcome the Son of Heaven to return to the old capital, and revive our Han Dynasty.

"This is my heartfelt words, if you are willing to obey, I will meet you, and I will show you the prefect of Yanzhou. However, if you insist on going your own way and don't repent, then the north gate that I have vacated will be reserved for you to withdraw and leave. I really don't want to meet with Qing Dao Spear and fight against each other.

"Meng De, since your father Kang fled to Changyi in embarrassment, and then was besieged by me until now, I think you not only can't sleep at night, but you must also lack food every day. I have prepared two jars of fine wine for you, and a hundred heads of sheep. And a wild deer that I personally beaten in the nearby forest the day before yesterday. I will put it under the north gate of the city at dusk, and you can send someone to fetch it.”

After reading Xun Zhen's letter, Wan Qian, Xue Ti and others looked at Cao Cao together, as if waiting for him to laugh three times.

But in the end, he didn't wait, only to see Cao Cao holding the letter, his eyes on it, and he read it again and again, without saying a word for a long time.

But it's no wonder that Cao Cao was speechless. Xun Zhen's letter really occupied the commanding heights of morality, with an awe-inspiring look of justice.

Judging from what he said in his letter, it seems that they are all correct, but after investigating the meaning of the literal words and tasting the meaning, they still feel that the taste is not right. It is clear that many of them are confounding right and wrong. If someone with a low caliber saw the content of the letter, I am afraid that he would be furious on the spot. Cao Cao could read the letter for a long time without saying a word, which is already incredible.

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Seeing that Cao Cao had been silent for a long time, Cheng Li asked, "Ming Gong, what are the words in the arrow book?"

Cao Cao showed the arrow book to Cheng Li and others, and said with a smile, "Look at it, this is what Zhenzhi wrote to me."

Cheng Li, Xue Ti, Wan Qian and others took turns reading the arrow book.

Xue Ti blushed and said angrily, "I have never seen such a brazen person!

It was he who invaded our Yanzhou first, and invaded our Yantu for no reason. When the words came into his mouth, he became a loyal patriot and a patriot, and what did Duke Ming do for a tiger? There is no reason, no reason! "

Cao Cao could see it clearly, and once again brought out the "attack on the heart" as a weapon to resolve Xun Zhen's letter, saying: "The attack on the heart, the attack on the heart, it's not surprising." , said, "This evening, Xun Zhendong will send some sheep wine and deer to the north of the city. You lead the soldiers, and after they are delivered, bring them into the city."

Wan Qian listened, and said in shock: "Ming Gong, this is absolutely impossible!"

Cao Cao asked, "Why not?"

Wan Qian said, "Xun Zhendong used his soldiers to be cunning. Could this be his trick? He deliberately tricked Ming into opening the city gate to take out these things, while he ambushed his troops outside and attacked my city during the break?"

Cao Cao smiled and said, "Zhenzhi will definitely not do this."

Wan Qian wanted to persuade him again, but Cao Cao didn't listen at all.

This afternoon, Cao Ang led a team of soldiers to the north of the city. When it was dusk, he saw a team of Xuzhou soldiers carrying gourmet wine, rushing sheep and two deer to the north of the city, placing the food on the ground from a distance. , and turned away. Cao Ang then opened the city gate and ordered the soldiers to go out and bring things in. Wan Qian also rushed to the north gate of the city at this time, watching this scene with trepidation.

But until the soldiers carried the wine, sheep, and deer back to the city, there was no movement outside the city. If Cao Cao had guessed it right, Xun Zhen would be disdainful of doing this humiliating trick.

That night, Cao Cao held a banquet with wine, sheep, and deer brought by Xun Zhen, and had a meal with Cheng Li and others.

When the wine was intoxicated, Cao Cao stood up and danced his sword, recited several poems, in a heroic state, and invited Cheng Li to dance in a swirling manner. He was as cheerful as usual, and he didn't seem to have any feeling of being surrounded by the city, but what was his emotion in his heart? , which only he knew.

After receiving this arrow book from Xun Zhen, Cao Cao and others thought that Xun Zhen would attack soon, but no one thought that after waiting day after day, and three days in a row, Xuzhou soldiers outside the city actually Still, as usual, nothing has attacked.

This time, Cao Cao and others, especially Cao Cao, could not help but be suspicious.

This afternoon, Cheng Li asked to see Cao Cao.

When he entered the tent, he said to Cao Cao: "Ming Duke, it has been a long time since the siege of Zhendong city has not been attacked! The officials thought about it, and they always felt that something was wrong."

Cao Cao asked, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Li looked worried and said, "Ming Gong, will Zhendong surround us here, but he actually sent troops to attack Dongjun?"

"Send troops to fight Dongjun?"

"Since Zhao Yun has defeated the Jinan soldiers, if he joins forces with Xun Cheng and attacks our Eastern Commandery from the north to confuse Xiahou and other generals, at this time, if Zhendong sends more elite soldiers to attack the Eastern Commandery, the Eastern Commandery will be in danger. Alas! Duke Ming, you must not ignore it!"

After Cao Cao heard this, he pondered for a while, but did not express his position for the time being. He asked Cheng Li and said, "Mr. Cheng, why do you think so?"

Cheng Li said: "Duke Ming, our army retreated from Kangfu to Changyi, although it cannot be said to be defeated, but morale is not high, and the eastern part of the town has been relieved of Kangfu's siege, and defeated Zhang Mengzhuo Yudao, but the morale is not high. Not low, it is common sense, it should be attacking the city immediately.

"But now he has been besieging the city for many days, and he has been besieging the city without attacking. Not only that, but he is also constantly attacking his heart, and shooting arrows at Duke Ming, doing all these unnecessary things, how do you see it, how does he look like delaying time.

"Then if he is delaying time, what is his purpose? In his humble opinion, his only purpose is to take the opportunity to attack Dongjun. If Duke Ming is not in Dongjun, if they attack from both sides, it is very likely. It will bring down Dongjun."

Cao Cao didn't speak for a while, but at the end, there was no one else in the tent, so he said to Cheng Li, "Don't hide it from Duke Cheng, I have this concern too."

Cheng Li said, "Ming Gong, do you have this concern too?"

Cao Cao went down to the tent, walked up to Cheng Li, and said, "I had this concern yesterday." Although there was no one else in the tent, he lowered his voice and said to Cheng Li, "I've been in the city these days to watch it. , I found that Zhenzhi's department, especially the camp in the south and west of the The smoke from cooking at noon and at night seems to be much less than a few days ago."

Cheng Li said: "Ming Gong means that he really divided his troops to attack Dongjun?"

Cao Cao said: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Cheng Li frowned, twisted his beard, thought and thought, and said, "Ming Gong, Dongjun can't lose anything, no matter whether Xun Zhendong really went to attack Dongjun, even if it is 10,000 percent. With the possibility of 1, our army can't sit still in Changyi, and we should return to Dongjun as soon as possible!"

Cao Cao said: "But we finally took the opportunity of Lü Bu's attack on Yingchuan, and Li Jin and Wanqian responded, and our army recovered Jiyin and Shanyang. With solid information, Sun Wentai was indeed killed in battle, and this situation is extremely beneficial to us.

Cheng Li said: "Ming Gong, you have to withdraw whether you are willing or not, even if the two counties of Shanyang and Jiyin are gained and lost, but as long as the minds of the scholars and the people of Yanzhou are not in the east of Xunzhen, they will go from Wanqian, Chen Gong, Li Jin and other Yanshi and Haoqiang can see that it is impossible for Zhendong to win the hearts of Yanzhou scholars, at least in a short period of time. In this way, if Duke Ming has Yuan Benchu's help, he will be able to take these two counties again sooner or later. , and then recover the entire territory of Yanzhou! But if Dongjun loses, it will be a big deal! Whether it is more important or less, Duke Ming, please consider it."

Cao Cao walked in the tent and made a difficult decision. In the end, he had a deep understanding of advancing and retreating, and he had foresight. Before Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun pretended to attack Dongjun, he could ignore it, but if Xun Zhen really trapped him in Changyi now, he divided his troops to attack the east. County, then he is bound to be unable to ignore it. In the end, Cao Cao had no choice but to accept Cheng Li's suggestion, and he issued an order to abandon the city to the west and withdraw to Dongjun.

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