The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 52: Zhicai recommends General Xuande

Kong De arrived in Xuzhou Prefecture to govern Tan County, and rushed to the prefecture to ask to see Xun Zhen, only to find out that Xunzhen was not in the prefecture and had gone to Hexiang.

Therefore, Kongde kept going without stopping, came out of Tanxian County, and then rushed to Hexiang in the west.

But why did Xun Zhen live in Hexiang now?

This is because the current situation in Yanzhou is very bad, and it is quite critical.

Since Gao Su and Feng Gongshen were killed in battle, Pan Zhang was defeated because he underestimated the enemy. After the defeat, Cao Cao took advantage of the victory. Liu Fu and Pan Zhang, the ministers of Jiyin, were unable to defend the county government of Jiyin, Dingtao, and had no choice but to withdraw Changyi east. . Cao Cao continued to advance and besieged Changyi.

On the one hand, it was because Xun You had punished the children of the local powerful families, and on the other hand, it was also because Gao Su had previously killed Zhang Chang, a famous madman in Yanzhou. Although Zhang Chang was a madman, he was a native of Yanzhou. Many scholars did not like to see him, but the mad scholar was also a "scholar", and he was from Yanzhou, but he was killed by a general in Xuzhou, which inevitably caused some dissatisfaction among the scholars in Yanzhou. Of course, the most important reason is that Wan Qian of Yanzhou prefecture had an affair with Chen Gong, and reported the situation of military defense in the city long before Cao Cao's troops arrived in Changyi, and secretly reported it in detail. When Cao Cao was informed, the art of war is clear: Know yourself and your enemy, and you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles. So Xun You and Le Jin defended the city for a few days, Xun You keenly sensed that the situation was not right, and felt that Changyi City might not be able to be defended, so he made a decisive decision, and after negotiating with Le Jin, finally Decided to give up Changyi and retreated westward to defend Kangfu.

As a result, Changyi was also captured by Cao Cao.

Xun You and Le Jin led their troops to break through the siege from Changyi. On the way to retreat to Kangfu, they encountered reinforcements from Jibei and Dongping, so they all joined together and retreated into Kangfu City, together with Kangfu and other troops. Kang's father served as the garrison of Chengguo, guarding the city together.

As mentioned above, there are basically no dangerous places in Yanzhou. The only places that can be called dangerous are the Yellow River in the west and Kangfu in the east. With the support of reinforcements from Jibei and other places, Xun You and Le Jin's men The number of troops and horses is not too small, so although Cao Cao used his troops quickly, following Xun You and Le Jin, he entered and surrounded Kang Fu, but he has attacked so far and has not been able to defeat him.

——Speaking of which, not long ago, when Xun Zhen attacked Yanzhou, the city of Kangfu was in the hands of Cao Cao, and Cao Cao was the defender. Now the situation has changed, Xuzhou soldiers have become the defender, and Cao Cao has become the defender. The attacking side.

Whether it was defensive or offensive, Xun Zhen fought Kang Fu with a lot of effort that day, and it was the same when Cao Cao fought Kang Fu. However, even so, the situation in Kangfu City is now quite dangerous.

Therefore, Xun Zhen is no longer in the prefecture of Tan County, but has arrived in Hexiang County, east of Kang's father.

With him in Hexiang, there were also soldiers and horses summoned from all over Xuzhou.

In fact, the soldiers and horses gathered from all over Xuzhou have almost arrived. As far as the soldiers and horses are concerned, the time has come to rush to help Kang's father. Just a few days ago, Liu Bei, who was in the army, suggested to Xun Zhen: "Kang Father is afraid that he will not be able to stay for a long time, in case of foolishness, it seems appropriate to cross Sishui west to the west immediately to help father Kang quickly."

However, Xun Zhen did not accept Liu Bei's suggestion.

This is because Xun Zhen actually has other ideas.

How was the battle situation of Father Kang's defending the city. Every day, scouts reported to him, whether he could hold it, and how long he could hold it, he knew, this was one of them.

Yanzhou is a newly acquired land. Not long after it was laid, Cao Cao and Zhang Miao joined forces to counterattack, and many local tyrants in Jiyin and other places responded. As the war broke out, Xunzhen lost Ruyin and Shanyang counties one after another. It can be said that Cao Cao's department is now full of momentum. If they go to support Kang's father now, it will obviously be a bad battle. This is the second.

Combining these two points, Xun Zhennai accepted Xi Zhicai's opinion. His current plan is to stop at Hexiang first, and use Xun You, Le Jin, etc. to defend the city on Kang's side, so as to kill Cao Cao's offensive aggressiveness. , and when the time is almost exhausted, he will lead the troops from Hexiang to Kangfu. He believes that at that time, he will be able to defeat Cao Cao with a single blow.

Of course, there is a premise for his plan, that is, he can't be smart. First, he must ensure that his father is not lost, and then his strategy can be implemented. - Xun Zhen is still confident about this. Xun You was good at planning, and Yue Jin was good at fighting. With the two of them around, plus the danger of Kang's father, if he could defend for a while, it would not be a problem at all. Let's take a step back and say that Hexiang is not far from Father Kang, and there is really a crisis situation. Even if his main force cannot arrive soon, he can still arrive relatively quickly by dispatching a leading force as reinforcement. Therefore, he did not agree to Liu Bei's suggestion to "immediately help Kang's father".

These need not be said.

It is only said that Kong De went outside the Hexiang camp and asked to see Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen heard a report from the military officials outside, saying that the prefecture of Yuzhou was engaged in Confucianism and asked him to come in.

Kong De and Xun Zhen are old acquaintances. He has always been fascinated by Xun Zhen. It's just that Xun Zhen doesn't like him very much, but Sun Jian and Sun Ce both know Kong De and Xun Zhen's "old acquaintances" Therefore, before Sun Jian or Sun Ce, every time he sent Xun Zhen a letter or gift, most of them would send this Kong De.

Because of this, Xun Zhen thought that it might be Sun Jian or Sun Ce sending her a letter or a gift again when she heard Kong De begging for a meeting.

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Who would have thought that when Kong De entered the tent, Xun Zhen opened his eyes and saw that Kong De's towel wrapped in a bun and the cloak on his body were all covered with dust, including his face, which was also dirty. Yes, I don't know how long I haven't washed it, and the shoes on my feet are even more dirty, and it looks like a very embarrassed look. Looking at his expression again, I see that he is panicked, and there seems to be a sad look in his eyes.

What kind of person Xun Zhen is, he immediately saw something wrong from his appearance, and asked him, "Kong Jun, what's wrong with you? But did you meet a thief on the way?"

At present, the civil war has been chaotic for a long time, and thieves are rampant. Even in Xuzhou, it can be called relatively peaceful, and there are no thieves. In Yuzhou, the two armies of Sun Jian and Lu Bu are now facing Runan.

Conde fell to the ground with a "plop" sound, pounding the ground with his head, like pounding garlic, and there was grief in his voice, and he actually cried bitterly.

While weeping bitterly, he said, "Duke Ming, it's not that the subordinate met a thief, but Sun Yuzhou, he, he..."

Xun Zhen asked, "What happened to Wentai?"

Kong De burst into tears and said, "Duke Ming, Sun Yuzhou unfortunately died in battle."

Everyone in the tent only heard a "pop", and everyone raised their eyes, it was Xun Zhen who dropped the tea bowl in his hand.

Xun Zhen sat on the seat for a while, then stood up suddenly, and subconsciously stepped down to the front of the hall. Before she reached Kong De, the question was already out. He asked, "What did you say? What's wrong with Wentai?"

Kong De said again: "Ming Gong, Sun Yuzhou unfortunately died in battle."

Xun Zhen's steps stopped and stood on the ground with a shocked expression: "Wentai unfortunately died in battle? How did you die in battle? Who killed it?"

Kong De then told Xun Zhen about Sun Jian's death in detail.

After Xun Zhen heard this, her standing body swayed back and forth, as if she was about to fall.

The officials in the tent rushed up and supported him.

Xun Zhen pushed them all away, tears fell from her eyes, barely stood still, stretched out her hands tremblingly, and said, "Wentai, Wentai."

Xi Zhicai and the others were all in the tent, ignoring their own shock when they heard the news, they comforted Xun Zhen one after another.

Xi Zhicai said: "Duke Ming, Sun Yuzhou was unfortunately killed by Lv Bu, which is really heart-wrenching! But the matter has come to this point, the dead can't be reborn, Duke Ming, please mourn!"

Xun Zhen closed his eyes, and after a long time, he opened his eyes with tears streaming down his face, pulled out his waist sword, slashed fiercely, and shouted: "Little Lu Bu, if you harm my brother, if you don't take revenge for my brother, I swear. Not human!"

Xi Zhicai stepped forward, carefully supported Xun Zhen, and said, "Duke Ming, Sun Yuzhou was killed by Lu Bu's dark arrows, of course this revenge has to be avenged! However, in my humble opinion, the most important thing right now is not for the sake of it. Sun Yuzhou takes revenge."

Xun Zhen closed his eyes again, and after a while, his mind became a little more stable, then he opened his eyes again, touched the tears, and said, "Zhicai, I know what you mean." His eyes fell on Kong De and asked: "How is Runan's situation now? Where is Bo Fu?"

Kong De replied: "Reporting to Duke Ming, the subordinates are here to ask for advice. It is precisely at the order of Sun Lang that they came to ask for help. When they received the news that Sun Yuzhou was unfortunately killed in battle, Sun Lang and the subordinates came to ask for help. He was in Chen State. When he received this news, Sun Lang made a decision that Xu Kun would guard the realm of Chen and Liang, and he returned to Pingyu to preside over the overall situation. Before he returned to Pingyu, Sun Lang ordered officials

Come to Xuzhou in a hurry. "

After listening to Kong De's words, Xun Zhen felt a little relieved, and said, "Bo Fu dealt with it properly, very well." He asked, "Where is Lu Bu's troops now?"

Kong De said: "When the subordinate came out of Yuzhou, Lv Bu's troops were still in Yingchuan, but now he must have led his troops out of Yingchuan. It is expected that he is besieging Zhaoling, and he wants to make peace."

Although Xi Zhicai and others have a good impression of Sun Jian, when it comes to feelings, they are not as good as the feelings between Xun Zhen and Sun Jian. Therefore, at this moment, Xi Zhicai and other advisers think more, not to avenge Sun Jian, but to Sun Jian. After death, what impact will it bring to Yuzhou? What impact will this have on Xuzhou and the Yanzhou battlefield? Xi Zhicai's mind turned abruptly, and he had already figured out the key point.

He said, "Sun Yuzhou was killed in battle, but Lu Bu was left alone. After Yuan Shu of Nanyang heard the news, he would definitely send troops north to attack Runan....Kong Jun, is there any news from Yuan Shu?"

Kong De said, "When the subordinates came out of Yuzhou, I hadn't heard anything from Yuan Shu's side in Nanyang, but now, I'm afraid it's not easy to say, maybe Yuan Shu has already sent troops to attack my Runan."

With the help of Xi Zhicai, Xun Zhen turned around and slowly returned to the seat to sit down. He wiped away his tears, thought for a while, and asked Kong De, saying, "Bofu sent you to my Xuzhou. What did you say?"

Kong De said: "When Sun Lang sent his officers to Xuzhou, he said to the officers: 'The situation in Runan is in danger now, with Zhang Miao in the north, Yuan Shu in the south, and Lu Bu in the southwest. The army must be hard to resist', Sun Lang begged Duke Ming to send troops to Yuzhou to help us immediately."

Xun Zhen nodded, but did not express her position on the spot, and asked Kong De in detail about Sun Jian's death in battle and the garrisoned troops in various places in Runan. Seeing that nothing new was coming, she waved Kong De out first.

When everyone in the tent heard about Sun Jian's death, they already knew that the situation in Yuzhou was very critical.

After discussing for a while, one of them stood up, faced Xun Zhen, and said, "Sun Yuzhou unfortunately died, and now the soldiers of Yuzhou are definitely fearful. Nan, with Zhao's opinion and the strength of Bofu, I am afraid that it will be difficult to defend. And if Runan is lost, it will be gained by Lu Bu and Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu is a wolf-like ambition, and Lu Bu is a strong general today. If this is the case, the west of Xuzhou will inevitably be unstable. And at the same time, if Runan is lost, Chen and Liang are small, and there is no room for manoeuvre. It is difficult to defend alone, and they will also be lost. If Yuan Shu and Lu Bu go north, they will be able to invade Yanzhou. The battle situation is already critical, and by that time, I am afraid that even if Duke Ming personally assists Kang's father, the whole territory of Yanzhou will not be owned by Duke Ming!

"The most urgent task, Zhao thinks, should immediately send elite troops to rescue Yanzhou!"

Everyone saw that the person who spoke was Zhang Zhao.

As soon as Zhang Zhao finished speaking, another person stood up and said, "Ming Gong, Yu has other opinions on this!"

The speaker was Xun Yu.

Xun Zhen asked, "Wen Ruo, what's your opinion?"

Xun Yu said: "From a military perspective, it is exactly as Zhang Gong said, Runan, or Yuzhou, is very important to Xuzhou, if Yuzhou is lost, not only is Yanzhou difficult for me to have, but also my border west of Xuzhou, It will also directly encounter enemy bandits, that is to say, it will also endanger the safety of my Xuzhou native land. However, Yu believes that it cannot be analyzed from the military level alone."


"It should also be analyzed at a political level."

Xun Zhen said: "Wen Ruo, you can elaborate."

Xun Yu said: "Duke Ming, I just said that Yuan Shu would definitely send troops to the north to attack Runan after hearing the news of Sun Yuzhou's death in battle. , but this is not necessarily what Lu Bu wanted to see."

"Wen Ruo, what do you mean?"

Xun Yu said: "Yes, Duke Ming, the meaning of Yu is that Lu Fengxian is a arrogant person, and Yuan Benchu ​​is a arrogant person. According to their temperament, the two of them were reluctantly together. Moreover, most of the soldiers under Yuan Gonggong’s account were from Yuzhou, Jingzhou, and Yangzhou, while those under Lü Bu were mostly warriors from Bingzhou and Liangzhou. As far as the generals and soldiers under their respective accounts were concerned, it was not the same. It was because the two of them were already intrigued, so Yu thought that Lu Bu's unwillingness to see Yuan Gonggong's troops entering Runan.

"Lü Bu now, what he wants is to monopolize Yuzhou!"

When Xun Zhen heard this, she nodded slightly and said, "Wen Ruo, what you said is good. Go on."

Xun Yu continued: "If Lv Bu and Yuan Shu are not in harmony, it will be difficult for them to be of one mind. One of them is Lv Bu and Wu Fu'er, who is courageous and without strategy, while Yuan Gonggong is both greedy and cruel to the people, arrogant and arrogant, and has no foresight. It worked, the other two.

"Thus, even under the current situation, Yuan Shu and Lu Bu took advantage of Sun Yuzhou's death and invaded Runan on a massive scale, even if they could gain the upper hand for a while, but with Yu's humble opinion, it would still be difficult for them to obtain Runan! He even said that it may not be long before the two of them will turn against each other and fight with each other. Therefore, Yu thought that Runan’s side actually seemed to be urgent, but not urgent.”

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "This statement makes sense."

Xun Yu said: "Runan's side seems to be tight but really slow, but Kang's side is not so. Cao Mengde is a man, and Duke Ming knows him very well. Back then, when he asked Dong, no princes dared to enter, only Cao Mengde dared to enter. Together with Duke Ming and Sun Yuzhou, they attacked Dong Zhuo. From this, it can be seen that this person is definitely not like Yuan Gonggong or Lu Fengxian! This person knows how to fight and can win people's hearts. He is a strong enemy of Duke Ming.

"So if Yanzhou is recaptured by him again, it will be very unfavorable to me in Xuzhou. Therefore, Yu thinks that, for now, we should focus on relieving the siege of Kangfu and recovering Shanyang and Jiyin! As for Runan, there is no need for finesse After the death, send a partial teacher to go there, and temporarily relieve the anxiety, that is enough."

Xun Zhen heard this, thought for a while, and asked Zhang Zhao, "Duke Zhang, what do you think of Wen Ruo's words?"

After listening to Xun Yu's analysis, Zhang Zhao sighed that he was inferior, and replied: "Ming Gong, Wen Ruo's knowledge is superior to Zhao. Now it seems that the priority should still be to relieve Kangfu from the siege and restore the two counties." After a pause, he added, "But Duke Ming, Runan can't just ignore it, otherwise, relying on Sun Bofu alone, I'm afraid he will really be unable to resist Yuan Gonggong and Lu Bu's aggression."

In fact, why should Zhang Zhao say this?

Whether it is from the overall strategic layout or the relationship with Sun Jian, it is impossible for Xun Zhen to ignore Sun Ce's request for help.

Xun Zhen thought for a while and said, "What Wen Ruo said is exactly what I want, and what Duke Zhang said is also very true. Wen Tai and I are like brothers. Now he is unfortunately killed by Lv Bu, I must do it for him. It's just that right now, there is a strong enemy like Meng De in Yanzhou, and I can't go to help Bo Fu in person for the time being. However, I will definitely send reinforcements!

"Not only do I have to send reinforcements, but I also have to submit a statement to the court today, and I will declare that Uncle Fu is the prefect of Yuzhou."

If it is said that sending troops to aid Sun Ce is military help, then representing Sun Ce as the prefect of Yuzhou is political help.

Only by listing Sun Ce as the prefect of Yuzhou, can Sun Ce justifiably call and direct the local people and scholars in Runan to defend against Yuan Shu and Lü Bu's aggression.

Of course, having said that, the imperial court is now far away in Chang'an, and under the manipulation of Li Jue and others, whenever the princes submit a statement, the so-called "list of who and why is the official position", usually the princes write a statement by themselves, and then send someone to Chang'an for a delivery. Or even if you don't even send it, even if this appointment is done like this, is there any gold content in this statement? There's really no gold content. But with this proclamation, at least it’s a pretense, and it’s considered to have gone through the procedure. It’s better than not having such a proclamation. This is the first one; the second one, although the proclamation has no gold content, it should also be looked at. Who is the person who watches, like Xun Zhen, or like Yuan Shao, people who have their own territory and are famous in the world, they will naturally get the recognition, response and support of some people.

Especially Xunzhen, his family is in Yingchuan, his family, and his surname itself is quite appealing in Yingchuan and Runan, then after his statement to Yuzhou, it is equivalent to showing his support to the people of Yuzhou. Sun Ce's attitude, this is a very good thing for Sun Ce, no matter what.

After deciding on this countermeasure, after everyone in the tent dispersed, Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu stayed behind.

Xi Zhicai asked Xun Zhen and said, "Duke Ming, just when he said that he was sending troops to help Bo Fu, I saw Duke Ming with hesitation on his face, and I dared to ask Duke Ming if he was thinking about who should be chosen as his general and went to help him. Bo Fu?"

"Those who know me, Qing also. I am indeed thinking about this issue."

The generals under Xun Zhen who could be in charge of the party were nothing more than Xun Cheng, Xu Xian, Le Jin, and Xu Rong.

Xun Cheng is now in Licheng, Le Jin is now Kang's father, Xun Zhen is now leading his troops to rescue Yanzhou, Xuzhou must be guarded by an important general, Xu Xian was left in Tanxian, these three could not be dispatched. only left

Xu Rong was hired. Xu Rong is now in Guangling County. It is said that he can be transferred. However, just half a month ago, I just got news that Yangzhou governor Chen Wen died of illness. Yangzhou was temporarily without owners. The situation may be It will become more unstable, then Xu Rong is on the Guangling side, and now he can't move.

In this way, who else can be dispatched as the main general to aid Runan?

A problem indeed.

The main general who brought troops to help Runan didn't mean to pick just one person.

First of all, this person must have a certain prestige. Without prestige, he would not be able to command those arrogant soldiers in the Xuzhou army.

Secondly, this person has to have the ability. The current situation in Yuzhou is as "tight and slow" as Xun Yu's analysis, but the fact that Lv Buhai is a hero in the country is real. , that is self-defeating.

Therefore, Xun Zhen was really embarrassed about this.

He asked Xi Zhicai, and said, "If you want to go to Runan to help this general, hope and ability are indispensable. In your opinion, who can you choose?"

Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "Ming Gong, there is only one loyal person who can take on this responsibility."


"It's Liu Bei."

Xun Zhen was stunned and said, "Xuande?"

Xi Zhicai said: "Xuande ignores wealth and pays great attention to righteousness, polite and virtuous corporal, and has a good reputation in the army, which is enough for him; since Duke Ming, he has almost always fought with him in wars. Yes. Besides, the most important thing is that Duke Ming treats Xuande like his younger brother, and when Duke Ming cannot personally rush to help Bofu, sending Xuande to help Bofu is enough to show that Duke Ming treats Bofu. Caring."

The first two reasons are nothing, but the third reason is more important.

It is true when you think about it. Xun Zhen and Sun Jian are brothers in love, and Sun Ce is Xun Zhen's disciple. Now that Sun Jian died in battle and Sun Ce encountered such a big change, if he sent a general casually, it would definitely not show Paying attention to it will make Sun Ce feel cold, and without mentioning Liu Bei's fame and ability, he usually looks at Xun Zhen's kindness to him. If Xun Zhen and Sun Wentai are brothers in love, then he and Liu Bei are seen by outsiders. It is also a brother in love, so it is obviously reasonable to send Liu Bei to the past at this time.

Xun Zhen hesitated for a while, then said, "Zhicai, what you said is very true, but let me think about it again!"

But on that night, the two of them asked to see Xun Zhen one after another.

One person is Liu Bei.

Liu Bei entered the tent, prostrated himself on the ground, and said to Xun Zhen, "Duke Ming, I heard that Sun Yuzhou was unfortunately killed by Lu Bu?"

Xun Zhen said, "That's right, Kong De just came today and reported the news to me."

When Kong De came, Liu Bei was not there because he had military affairs.

Liu Bei said: "Sun Yuzhou is the hero of this world! He was killed by Lv Bu! It's hateful and painful! Duke Ming, since Sun Yuzhou has unfortunately died, Runan may be in danger. If Runan is lost, it will be very bad for my Xuzhou Be prepared for my humble opinion, the current plan seems to be to send troops to help."

"Today's discussion in the account, it has been decided to send troops to help Bo Fu."

Liu Bei said, "Has it been decided yet? Oh, that's good, that's good. Beigang has not heard of this since he was still in camp, but he took the liberty to come here to disturb Duke Ming."

Xun Zhen glanced at Liu Bei, then looked at him again.

Liu Bei said, "Duke Ming, but is there any military order to be prepared?"

"No order." Xun Zhen beckoned, called him to come forward, and said, "Xuande, you said that this army of aid Bo Fu, who would I choose would be better?"

Liu Bei said, "Chen Baoke also!"

"Fair, careful, thoughtful, and resourceful. However, its power is light, and it still needs experience, which is impossible."

Liu Bei said, "Chen Wuke also!"

"Wu is also a man. Brave and resourceful, he is capable of all aspects of responsibility. However, his nature is strict. To aid Runan today, he needs to be cautious. It is impossible."

Liu Bei said, "Chen Daoke!"

"Uncle Zhi is stable and can win the heart of a scholar, but he is a little lacking in alertness, which is not acceptable."

Chen Bao, Chen Wu, and Chen Dao were the three highest-ranking generals in the Hexiang battalion.

Liu Bei heard that none of the three were allowed, and hesitantly said: "If none of the three Chens are allowed,..."

"Xuande, are you willing to take this position?"

Liu Bei concealed his ecstasy and said, "Duke Ming, be willing to lead troops to help Duke Ming!"

But why did Xun Zhen not agree when Xi Zhicai proposed Liu Bei as a candidate, but at this time, he proposed it? This is because, after much deliberation, Xun Zhen really couldn't find a more suitable person, so in desperation, she had to accept Xi Zhicai's suggestion.

Although Liu Bei tried his best to hide his mood, how could Xun Zhen not see his surprise?

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "All the generals think that I treat Xuande well, and I have never used Xuande as an aspect. If it goes on for a long time, all the generals will be suspicious. Rather than the generals being suspicious and talking behind their backs, it is better for me to use him now."

The reason why we decided to use Liu Bei as the main general to aid Runan this time, apart from the reason that no one else is available and Xun Zhenxiang, there are two reasons: according to Liu Bei's performance in the original history, although this person is not a human being in the end However, after he was sent to help Runan, he could be transferred back again. This is one of them; Xun Zhen is not what he used to be now. He is a good minister and military general. Did it happen? Xun Zhen believed that he couldn't turn the palm of his hand, and the other.

Liu Bei happily accepted this important task and bowed to Xun Zhen.

Not long after he left, another person came to ask to see Xun Zhen, and it was Kong De.

Kong De entered the tent, prostrated himself on the ground, and said, "Duke Ming, the servant Kong De pays respect to Duke Ming."

Xun Zhen said, "Kong-kun, is there something important you are asking for at night?"

Kong De raised his head, and seeing that there were no outsiders in the tent, he took a few steps forward on his knees, and before approaching Xun Zhen's seat, he lowered his voice and said, "Ming Gong, the situation in Runan is very critical now. However, Lü Bu, the most powerful general in the sea, the third prince of the fourth generation of the Yuan clan, and Yuan Shu is relying on the hope of his family, if the two attack Runan together, the officials will think that Sun Lang will not be able to defend the enemy's defense."

"I have decided to use Xuande as my general, and I will send troops to aid Bofu at the latest."

Kong De said: "Ming Gong, Lu Bu is a stalwart general, Yuan Shu has a high reputation, and only relying on General Liu to send troops to help would be difficult to achieve. Besides, Sun Lang is young and lacks morality. He is also a loyal minister, and his family is not a famous clan, and his subordinates are deeply worried, that is, to repel Lu Bu and Yuan Shu, I am afraid that it is still difficult to appease the territory based on Sun Lang's virtuous name and family reputation."

He took a few steps forward again and said, "The subordinate is bold, and dares to ask the Duke of Ming to lead his troops to help him! The subordinate is in Yuzhou, knows the favor of Yuzhou, and dares to report to Duke Ming, Yuzhou scholars, looking forward to Duke Ming. It’s like a child yearning for a baby, and a drought yearning for Yunni.”

Kong De's words were a bit obscure, and his meaning seemed vague, but Xun Zhen could hear what he was trying to say. He clearly hoped that Xun Zhen could take advantage of Sun Jian's death in He led his troops to occupy Yuzhou and took Yuzhou as his own.

To be honest, no matter whether it is a loyal minister or a traitor, whether it is a good person or a bad person, everyone likes people who are loyal and righteous, even if they are bad people, he also likes people who are loyal and righteous. He is a bad person, let alone Xun Zhen, he is not a bad person, so he has always had a bad impression of Kong De, who is in Cao Ying and Han, betrays the master and forgets righteousness.

But at this time, after listening to Kong De's words, Xun Zhen did not get angry, but frowned and said: "Bofu respects me as a teacher, Wentai and I are brothers, Yuzhou is in trouble now, I will naturally not help you. Don't worry, Runan, I will definitely help Bofu keep it."

Kong De heard this and said, "Ming Gong, don't you plan to bring troops to help yourself?"

Xun Zhen didn't want to talk to Kong De, but said to Kong De: "Kong Jun, I have already written a table for the imperial court, and my cousin Fu Jiwentai will take over as the prefect of Yuzhou. I will send someone to present this table to me tomorrow. Chaozhong. You, don't stay in Hexiang any longer, and you can go back to Pingyu tomorrow! Send me to the court, and my cousin Fu is the prefect of Yuzhou and Tianxuande will be able to lead his troops to the west to help Runan at the latest, and I will pass on Li Tong and Xun Min, who are in Ruyin, and ask them to help Bofu. You should report to Bofu as soon as possible.

"And tell him that at least half a month, I can defeat Meng De and return to him. That is to say, as long as he can hold Runan for half a month, I will personally lead the reinforcements to arrive."

Kong De didn't dare to say more, he bowed down and replied, "No!"

But he retreated outside the tent. Under the bright moonlight, Kong De stood for a while under the tall army flag outside the tent. He murmured: "It only takes half a month to defeat Cao Mengde, I'm afraid it's not easy to do! Zhendong, how does he want to fight this battle?"

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