The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 48: Sun Wentai chasing the enemy to death

Outside Lv Bu's camp, Sun Jian did not immediately attack the camp. On the one hand, he wanted to further disintegrate the spirit of the army in Lü Bu's camp. On the other hand, it was also because there were not many soldiers and horses brought by his men to pursue Zhang Liao, only about 2,000 of them. The five hundred were still cavalry, the infantry was only 1,500, and there was no large-scale ordnance with which to attack the camp. Therefore, relying on these men and horses alone would not be good for attacking Lu Bu's camp by force, so he was waiting for Cheng Pu and others to lead the reinforcements from the city to arrive. , and Sun Fu, Song Qian, and Han Dang led the troops from the northern camp. After they arrived together, he planned to attack the camp together.

Just as the 1,500 foot soldiers under his command were lining up and shouting incessantly at the camp, in order to disturb the hearts of the troops in Lü Bu's camp, he saw that in the Lü Bu's camp, on the highest watchtower not far from the Yuanmen, someone first appeared. Climbing to the top, after a few conversations with Lu Bu on the watchtower, Sun Jian could still tell that the person who had been on the watchtower must belong to Lu Bu despite the height of the watchtower. Then, he saw Lü Bu hurriedly descending from the watchtower . Sun Jian thought to himself, "Is this Lu Fengxian going to lead his troops out of the camp and fighting me?"

Immediately, the order was issued, ordering the infantry and the cavalry scattered to both sides of the Yuanmen to prepare for battle.

However, after waiting for a long time, the camp gate on the east side of Lv Bu's camp, that is, the camp gate facing Sun Jian and his troops, although the arrows from the guards on the gate wall became more and more dense, and there were more troops. The officers and supervisors inspected it, and it seemed that the vigilance was getting tighter, but it had been a long time since Lu Bu led his troops out to invite battle.

About half an hour later, Cheng Pu, Han Dang and others led their troops to arrive.

Sun Jian didn't care whether Lü Bu was going to go out to fight, so he ordered to attack the camp from the north and east at the same time.

After the order was given, several horses came over from the north.

Sun Jian saw that Sun Fu would take the lead.

Sun Fu galloped to Sun Jian's flag, rolled off his horse, and hurriedly reported, "Father, Lu Bu has run away!"

Sun Jian was taken aback and said, "What?"

"Lu Bu ran away!"

"Lu Bu ran away?"


"He, run..." The news was too unexpected, something Sun Jian never expected. He didn't react for a while, and subconsciously asked, "Where did he run from?"

"Father, he ran from Camp West!"

Only then did Sun Jian react and said, "You said that Lu Bu escaped from Yingxi?"


"But this camp wall..." Sun Jian looked at the heavily guarded camp wall, and immediately realized that this must be the army behind the camp that Lu Bu had left behind in order to cover his escape. Thinking of this, he turned his eyes to Sun Fu. He grabbed him and asked, "How did you know that Lu Bu ran away?"

"When I came from Beiying just now, I saw that the west gate of Luying was opened, and soldiers would run out of it. At that time, it was not certain who escaped. After arriving at the north of the camp, I immediately sent people to the west of the camp to inquire, and I saw the escape. Among those generals, there is one who rides a red horse, wears silver armor, and wears a red cloak, that is clearly Lu Bu!"

Lü Bu's mount is a red rabbit horse, red rabbits, red rabbits, and red horses. It is well known to the world that he wears white armor or a red cloak. As for Sun Jian, who has often fought against Lu Bu in recent months, not to mention Sun Jian and Sun Fu, they are just pawns in Sun Jian's team.

"Ah, this, this, this is really...".

This was something that Sun Jian did not expect at all. Lu Bu was so brave that he never expected that he would abandon the camp and escape! Sun Jian asked Sun Fu and said, "How many soldiers and horses have escaped with him?"

"A hundred rides up and down."

"Where did you escape to?"

"After they exited Yingximen, they headed west. It seems that they fled to Dingling County in the west."

Sun Jian didn't ask any more questions, he got on his horse and ordered his soldiers, "Follow me!"

Sun Fu was stunned, grabbed the bridle of Sun Jian's mount, and asked, "Father, what are you going to do?"

"If Lü Bu escapes today, he will be considered to have broken his battalion, and it will not be considered a complete victory! I want to chase and capture Lü Bu."

Sun Fu was shocked and said, "Father, although Lü Bu fled, he was brave, how could Father lightly pursue him! I would like to pursue him on behalf of Father."

"You are not Lu Bu's opponent."

"Then I would like to pursue him from my father!"

"You go after me, who will pull Lu Bu out of this camp for me?"

The two of them pulled together like this, and they alerted Cheng Pu and Zu Mao, who were commanding the soldiers not far away and deployed the attacking battalion. The two of them came over one after another. After hearing what Sun Fu said, the second general also tried his best to dissuade them.

But Sun Jian didn't listen. In the end, the three of them couldn't tell. For fear of delaying time and not being able to catch up with Lu Bu, he reluctantly made a concession and said, "Then let Da Rong go with me! Duke Cheng, Guoyi, Lu Ying, I'll leave it to you! Let's compare, whether you will capture Lu Camp first, or I will first capture Lu Bu and tie him with ropes for you to see!" Sun Jian stroked his beard and laughed.

Cheng Pu and the others wanted to persuade them again, but Sun Jian said sternly: "Bu, Yuan Shu's support is also to capture and destroy this thief, Nanyang I can have it! Now that I have Nanyang, Cheng Gong, I will return to my hometown with Gong, Jun and others. The day is just around the corner! Don’t miss this opportunity, it won’t come again, you don’t want to talk about it anymore!” After speaking, Sun Jian waved his whip, pulled away Sun Fu, who was holding the horse’s bridle, and led Zu Mao and more than a hundred cavalry to pursue Lu Bu in the direction of the south. went.

After passing Lü Bu's camp, he continued to go south for a short distance, chased after Li Xu, and sure enough, he saw a troop in front of him. About a hundred horses were up and down, and they were rushing southward and fleeing.

It was already afternoon, and this battle had been fought for most of the day. It stands to reason that he should have been hungry, but at this moment, Sun Jian did not feel hungry, instead he was full of energy.

He pointed forward excitedly, and said, "That's Lu Bu! You wait with me, and chase after me!"

The sky was high and the clouds were clear, and the cool breeze in the afternoon was blowing across the face. Crossing a field, the steed was brisk, passed a field overgrown with weeds, saw the hundred and ten horses in front, and entered a sparse forest.

Sun Jian rode alone in front, chasing after him, and headed for the forest.

Zu Mao wanted to persuade Sun Jian to slow down, but on the one hand, his horse was not as fast as Sun Jian, and was left behind by Sun Jian. On the other hand, the speed of the horse was too fast, and the wind filled his mouth. He wanted to shout loudly. He couldn't even shout, so he watched Sun Jian take the lead into the forest.

Because he was afraid of Sun Jian's loss, Zu Mao whipped the mount with all his might, kept urging the horse to speed up, and also broke into the forest.

Entering the forest, although the forest was sparse, there were still some leaves, and the light was dim. Zu Mao closed his eyes slightly and was anxious to find Sun Jian. Sun Jian's red horse and black armor were very conspicuous in this green forest, and he was immediately found by him. Seeing that Sun Jian had nothing to do and still had a majestic and majestic posture, holding a spear and a bow, galloping on his horse, and nimbly bypassing the trees in front, Zu Mao breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, the sound of arrows breaking through the air was suddenly heard.

The arrow came from nowhere. It seemed to be everywhere. Ju Chao was riding on a horse and shot at Sun Jian who was running.

Zu Mao's eyes widened, his eyes were about to split, and he shouted, "Ming Gong!"

Under the light and shadow of the mottled forest, Sun Jian suddenly fell off his horse.

After seeing the trees near and far, dozens of soldiers circled around and ran towards the place where Sun Jian fell from the horse.

Yu Qi, who followed Sun Jian to chase after Lü Bu, came to the forest one after another. Zu Mao didn't have time to say anything more, and the group of voices made them follow him forward, and almost instantly, they collided with the dozens of soldiers. Both sides fought fiercely. Zu Mao was fighting and calling out to Sun Jian, but there was no answer from Sun Jian. He glanced around and saw that Sun Jian was lying on the ground with arrows in his body. He didn't say more than a dozen, and he didn't move. It was obvious that he was already dead. Zu Mao was extremely mourning. During the fight, he spat out a mouthful of blood, but he refused to retreat. He fought desperately, hoping to get back Sun Jian's body.

Yiqi turned out and shouted, "How do you know Zhang Wenyuan?"

In the forest, there was no horse galloping, and when Zhang Liao was here again, someone from the riding shouted: "Duke Ming is dead, we should all die from Duke Ming, but the urgency of the moment is to kill Duke Ming immediately. The news reported that Duke Cheng and others knew about it! We must not make my elites overwhelm this. Only by keeping the vitality of our army, Sun Lang will be able to avenge Duke Ming in the future! Ancestor, let's retreat first!"

Governor Zu Mao couldn't do anything, so he had no choice but to listen to this man's suggestion and lead the remaining knights to withdraw.

After leaving the forest, he rushed to the north outside Lv Bu's camp to report the news to Cheng Pu and the others. Zu Mao looked back at the forest and burst into tears.

But it turned out that this was Zhang Liao's plan to "win in defeat" to Lu Bu.

Zhang Liaoshi said to Lü Bu: "Sun Wentai is light-hearted, and now he sees that he will win the battle. If he hears that Duke Ming is going south, he will pursue him. There is a forest in the south, and it is appropriate to ambush and kill him! Sun Jian is dead, and there is nothing left to say. also!"

Sure enough, Zhang Liao guessed right!

The hero of Sun Jian's first generation was about to defeat Lü Bu at the sight of his sight. On the eve of his lofty plan to go south to Jingzhou and capture Jing Yang, it was very likely that his lofty plan would be realized. But it was a tragic death under the arrows.

When Zu Mao rushed back to the army, Cheng Pu and others were shocked when they heard that Sun Jian was killed by an arrow.

All the generals mounted their horses one after another, and wanted to kill them in the forest. First, they wanted to take back Sun Jian's body. Second, they had to kill that Lü Bu. When the crowd was boiling, they heard the drums in Lü Bu's camp. Everyone looked up and saw that above the gate, one person did not know when to come, with his hands on his hips, his face turned to the sky, and he burst into laughter amid the sound of drums. One shouted, "Lu Bu!"

It turned out that the man who rode a red horse and wore a silver armor who left the camp was not Lu Bu at all, but Lu Bu found someone to pretend to be.

A bamboo pole was erected behind Lu Bu, and a head was hung on the bamboo pole.

Cheng Pu and the others saw that the head was furious with his eyes open and his beard parted, but it wasn't Sun Jian!

The cloth soldiers on the fence and in the battalion shouted in unison, "Sun Wentai is dead, so why don't you descend quickly? Wenhou's military order: Those who descend will not be killed!"

At this moment, Sun Jian's troops outside the camp were in chaos.

Originally the camp was encamped, but the morale was panicked.

The gate of Lü Bu's fortress opened, and Gao Shun and the others swarmed out.

Cheng Pu and the others had no choice but to retreat, and were chased by Gao Shun and others.

The soldiers of the Bu army changed their bodies and became the victors in the pursuit of the enemy. The pursuit was so ruthless that they did not give Cheng Pu and others a chance to return to Yan County.

Cheng Pu and others ran straight to the north of Yanxian City, where the two waters meet. With the help of Sun Fu and Song Qian's previous camp as the screen guard, this slightly blocked some of Gao Shun's offensive, but the soldiers and horses that were able to cross the river were also the same. Only one or two out of ten, the rest, either died while fleeing, died in the river crossing, or became prisoners of Lu Bu's soldiers.

Lü Bu packed up his troops, counted what they had captured, and summoned the generals to make plans.

All the generals came together at the same time and said that they should take advantage of the victory to fight.

Zhang Liao said: "Sun Wentai is dead, and his troops have no heads. Sun Ce, the son of Sun Wentai, has a small military reputation in recent years, but his milk is not enough. How can he be the opponent of Duke Ming? Take Pingyu! As long as Yingchuan and Runan can be owned by the Duke of Ming, why should Chen and Liang worry about it? With this as an asset, Duke Ming will not only respect Yuzhou alone, but also be the hero of one party!"

Lu Bu happily said, "That's right!" He ordered, "Wenyuan, you lead your troops to take Yangzhai, and I personally lead the troops to fight Pingyu!"

"Ming Gong, wait a minute."

"Wen Yuan, what else is there?"

"The matter of Sun Jian's death, Duke Ming must keep it a secret first, so that Yuan Gonggong cannot know."

Lu Bu laughed, stroked his beard and said, "Wen Yuan, do you still need to say this? I know it."

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