The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 45: Lv Fengxian abandons the camp and retreats (4)

Hearing the screams, Zhang Liao rode on his horse and raised his eyes to look at it, but he saw a little black smoke coming out from the sky above the Wengcheng, and then even though the walls of the Wengcheng were separated, he also saw the fire. On the battlements, he could vaguely see the soldiers of the strong army lying between the battlements. Although he could not see what weapons these soldiers were holding, he could guess at this time that they must be crossbowmen. And even though he couldn't see the scene inside the city because of the city wall, he could also guess that inside the city at this time, there must be the soldiers of Jian's army who were constantly condescending to shoot arrows and set fire to the soldiers of the city. The screams and screams, needless to say, can only be uttered by Gao Chang, Zhang Chang and their soldiers.

Zhang Liao was shocked, and Gu Yuzuo said: "As expected, I guessed, this is really Sun Wentai's trick to lure me! Fortunately, my department has not crossed the bridge yet, otherwise at this moment, there will be no way back, even if it is not complete. If the army is annihilated, I am afraid that there will be heavy casualties!"

After two small sections of the moat on both sides of the suspension bridge were filled in, according to Zhang Liao's order, now there are soldiers along the filled section of the river to go to the other side of the river, but the number of people who have reached the other side of the river is still low. not much.

Hearing the screams in the urn city, these soldiers who have reached the other side of the river, and those who are crossing the river, all carry knives and spears, or stand still, or look back and forth, take a look at the urn city, take a look The side of the river behind him was panicked and didn't know what to do. Zhang Liao immediately ordered his personal soldiers on the left and right to rush to both sides to give orders, ordering the soldiers who were crossing the river to stop crossing the river, and the soldiers who had already crossed the river to withdraw immediately.

However, the young general of the same clan as Zhang Liao heard Zhang Liao's military order and asked Zhang Liao, "General, why did you withdraw the soldiers who crossed the river? Could it be that Gao Chang and Zhang Chang's subordinates in Wengcheng ignored them and did not go to save them? ?"

Zhang Liao said, "How can we save it! It can't be saved!"

At this moment, the cave of the Tibetan soldiers on the city wall opened, and the soldiers of the Jianbu who had been lying in the cave for a long time ran out of the cave. After exiting the cave, they shouted and killed the soldiers of the Liao Dynasty who had passed the moat. The rain of arrows on the top of the city also shot at the soldiers of the Liao Dynasty. At this moment, without Zhang Liao's order, these soldiers were no longer in a panic, they knew what to do, they turned around and ran towards the moat. However, the two small sections that were filled in on the moat were quite narrow and could only accommodate two people walking side by side. And above the two sections, there is not no one now, but there are some soldiers who are crossing the river and have not yet returned, that is to say, the top of these two sections is really full. Those who crossed the river have not yet withdrawn, and those on the other side of the river rushed to them. You crowd me, push and shove each other and fight for the road, and immediately there will be soldiers falling into the water, first one, then out of control, one after another, noisy, cursing, and the sound of plop and plop.

The young general is not very old. Although Zhang Liao taught him the art of war before and told him the truth of "being kind and not in control of the army", he still hasn't endured enough to turn a blind eye to the death and injury of Paoze's comrade-in-arms. He couldn't help it. , once again said to Zhang Liao: "General, you can't watch Gao Chang and Zhang Chang who entered the city die in the city, were shot to death by arrows, and burned to death? And the soldiers who crossed the moat and came out of the cave behind the hidden soldiers. The strong soldiers are chasing and killing, and the front is blocked by the river, or it falls into the river, it is too miserable!

Zhang Liao said: "How can I save this? You have also seen that the soldiers of our army who crossed the river are now trying to retreat and have no way to go. If I cross the bridge at this time and go to the rescue, I am afraid that I will end up like them. No two! The only solution at hand is to withdraw the troops immediately." He looked at the thickening black smoke over the urn city and the chaotic situation on the river.

At this moment, a few soldiers rushed out of the urn city desperately.

These soldiers were obviously subordinates of Gao Chang or Zhang Chang, and they were all unarmored and wearing military uniforms. The uniforms were set on fire, and everyone looked like a man on fire. As they ran, they let out a piercing scream. Some ran halfway, were burned to death, and fell to the ground without making a sound; some insisted on running to the moat and rolled into the river desperately. All kinds of tragic, unbearable.

Outside the suspension bridge, when the soldiers in Zhang Liao's formation saw this situation, their faces turned pale and frightened.

Zhang Liao made a decisive decision and passed down a military order, ordering the soldiers to retreat.

But at this moment, the drums in the city were heard loudly, and the gate of the Weng City was opened.

First, hundreds of cavalrymen, then more than a thousand infantry, rolled out of the city. Zhang Liao reined in his horse and was eager to find his flag, but this army and horse did not raise the flag, and its leading general jumped into Zhang Liao's eyes. But seeing this general, riding a black horse, wearing red armor, with a majestic figure, holding a long lance, and from a long distance, he could not see the appearance of this general, but from his horse and his armor, Zhang Liao immediately judged that it was Sun Jian. !

Zhang Liao secretly called "not good" and thought to himself: "Sun Wentai personally led his troops out of the city to chase me, but I can't just retreat! If I retreat like this, if he catches up, I will die! I have to burn the suspension bridge first. , and then we can withdraw again!" Thinking of this, he looked at the generals left and right, and said, "This is Sun Wentai! Quickly burn the suspension bridge, and don't let him pass!"

- Zhang Liao sent troops to capture this suspension bridge just now, but now the situation of attack and defense has changed, but Zhang Liao sent troops to burn it.

After Zhang Liao's order was issued, some military officials took dozens of soldiers to take the fire and rushed to burn the bridge. Zhang Liao brought his main force and began to retreat. Before he could retreat far, he heard someone shouting, "The bridge is gone!" Zhang Liao hurriedly looked back and saw that the cavalry in Sun Jian's army that had left the city was running very fast. They shot arrows and scattered the Liao soldiers who were going to burn the bridge. The officer who was ordered to burn the bridge knew that whether the bridge could be burned was a big deal, but he was not afraid of death. He raised his sword and slashed a few fleeing soldiers, forcing the remaining soldiers to continue stacking flammable objects on the bridge. , trying to set it on fire.

Seeing that the flames had started, Zhang Liao's sigh of relief had not yet eased. At this moment, someone on the left and right of Wen shouted: "General, look!"

Zhang Liao looked at it, and it turned out that it was Zu Mao’s subordinate who had previously intercepted his thousand-person troops. Zhang Liao had not known that the leader of this strong cavalry was Zu Mao, but he didn’t need to say much, only that it turned out to be Zu Mao. Seeing that Sun Jian personally led his troops out of the city, he abandoned the thousands of other troops from the Liao Department and came to help Sun Jian seize the bridge. Suddenly, Sun Jian's troops and Zu Mao's troops cooperated with each other and killed Zhang Liao's troops who left behind to burn the bridge. stab to death. As soon as the officer died, the remaining soldiers who burned the bridge had no will to fight, either kneeling down or fleeing in panic.

The suspension bridge was then captured by Sun Jian's troops.

Sun Jian slapped the horse and rushed forward, Zu Mao followed closely, and more than 2,000 troopers rode behind, crossing the suspension bridge and chasing Zhang Liao.

At the same time, the drums on the top of the city were loud, but Cheng Pu and other generals who stayed behind were playing drums in each section of the city wall, cheering for Sun Jian and Zu Mao, and shooting arrows, arrows blocked the air, and small catapults Use all of them, and throw stones outside the city.

Zhang Liao's troops on the east side of the moat were already in chaos, but under the attack of arrows and gravel, they became more and more chaotic.

Zhang Liao is a famous general who deserves to be good at fighting. The more in this crisis moment, the more calm he becomes. He said to the generals around him: "The suspension bridge has been lost, Sun Wentai is also a fierce tiger in the east of the Yangtze River, and now he himself leads troops to chase me, Our army can't just retreat like this, we have to leave behind a group of troops and horses! Otherwise, if Sun Wentai overtakes me, I will die without a place to be buried! Asked left and right, he said, "Who is willing to take the responsibility of blocking and breaking the post for me?"

The young general of his clan said, "The last general is willing to break the queen for the general!"

This mission of leaving a sniper is very dangerous. It is a near-death situation. Looking at the young general's face, Zhang Liao hesitated in his heart and said, "I'm afraid you can't do it, you..."

Before Zhang Liao finished speaking, the young general was eager to make contributions. How could he be so thoughtful as Zhang Liao thought? He was very excited and said loudly: "General, if you dare, please hand over this position to the last commander! The last commander will surely complete the task and protect the general and my main force to return to the camp safely!"

This young general is a member of Zhang Liao’s clan. As for the matter of leading troops, one cannot talk about relatives or distances. He can’t just hand over tasks that are easy to meritorious deeds to his beloved, but refuse to give them dangerous tasks. Otherwise, there will be consequences. The army's heart was shaken, and it was difficult to convince the public.

Because of this, since the young general asked repeatedly, Zhang Liao was reluctant to send him into danger, but he had no choice but to sigh inwardly, thinking, "That's it." He said, "Okay, it's up to you to take the responsibility!" The strong bow and short halberd next to his saddle were all given to the young general, and he said, "If you succeed after breaking it, I will definitely ask the prince for your credit!"

The young general was in high spirits, and after receiving the military order, he led his troops to leave the main retreating team, stayed in place, and quickly changed into a defensive formation. There are about 300 soldiers in his headquarters. Speaking of which, this young general, who usually received Zhang Liao's teaching of the art of war, is also considered a little gifted in the use of troops. Therefore, although the time is short, he has actually arranged the defensive formation in a short period of time.

The shield player was in front, the spear player was behind the shield player, and at the end was the dozens of archers who were temporarily transferred to him by Zhang Liao.

The young general's back-breaking position was listed about a few hundred steps west of the suspension bridge.

At the moment, the overall situation near the suspension bridge is as follows: the suspension bridge is located in the west of Yan County, the north and south of the suspension bridge are the moat, and the suspension bridge and the moat are further west. , is the formation listed by Zhang Liao's reserve team. Further west, about three or two li, is the main camp of his army where Lü Bu is now.

- This young general's rear-breaking position is located in the middle of the drawbridge and the retreating troops, facing the drawbridge, in other words, facing the direction of Sun Jian and Zu Mao's troops who have passed the drawbridge and are rushing towards this side.

The weather after the rain was refreshing and pleasant, but at this time, the air in the west of Yan County was filled with the smell of fireworks and the pungent smell of blood. Here, it has now become a killing field.

Zhang Liao led his troops to retreat westward and retreated to the positions listed by the reserve team.

Cao Xing galloped from the front of the battle and met Zhang Liao with a panic-stricken expression, and asked, "General, what's going on?"

"Don't say it anymore! As I expected, this is Sun Wentai's trick to lure me. Have you seen the army that chased me out of the city? The leader is none other than Sun Wentai. The elite of our army is now dead in the urn city, and our army's morale has fallen, and Sun Wentai has come to pursue it in person.

"Quickly withdraw to the camp?"

"What? Does the lieutenant disagree? Don't you have an opinion?"

Cao Xing said: "General, you are very right! Now we should retreat immediately."

After speaking, Cao Xing drove his horse and left, leaving Zhang Liao to look at his back, dumbfounded.

But he said that Cao Xing turned his horse and turned away. Zhang Liao said in his heart: "Sun Wentai personally led the troops to pursue the attack. I am afraid that it is not enough to leave only one part. For the sake of safety, I still have to set up another defensive line." He called the army. They will lead the retreating troops to continue towards the direction of the main camp, and at the same time divide the reserve team into half and form an array on the spot, which is regarded as the second line of defense.

After the arrangement was completed, Zhang Liao, under the constant urging of his personal soldiers, joined the retreating troops and also withdrew to the main camp.

After all, the young general who stayed behind was from Zhang Liao's clan, and Zhang Liao had always admired it. Zhang Liao couldn't help but miss him, so he walked on the horse, reviewed frequently, and observed the situation on his side.

Sun Jian and Zu Mao's team had just reached the front of the broken young general.

The armored equipment in Sun Jian's army should take the lead in charging. It is said that armored equipment should not be used at this time. It would be a huge loss when used for rushing infantry to defend the defensive position. The defeat of the blocking enemy is more conducive to Sun Jian's continued pursuit of the enemy and the expansion of the victory. Therefore, Sun Jian was the only one who made this choice, but he was really ruthless in the war. That young general was Zhang Liao's beloved clan. The armor and riding equipment is Sun Jian's treasure, and he is also using it to rush into the formation at any cost.

The horse's hooves stepped on the ground, splashing mud, like a group of iron beasts, howling with the wind, slamming into the defensive formation formed by the young general. Although most of the soldiers under the young general were veterans, they fought with Lü Bu a lot, especially after Lü Bu occupied the southern part of Runan County, and even fought against Sun Jian's tribes many times. The screams seemed to still be echoing in his ears, and his comrades and comrades in the west behind him were retreating and fleeing in chaos. , Because some people actually had their legs trembling, most of them were pale, biting their lips and dripping with cold sweat.

The iron horse rushed close, as if it made a loud noise, but in fact, the sound was not that big. The loud noise was just an illusion of the guards who were under shock. The shield formation only blocked for a moment, and then declared its defeat.

As soon as the shield was broken, the spearmen and archers behind them were useless. They were trampled by this group of iron horses for a while. The ground was covered with corpses. The wounded soldiers fell to the ground struggling and moaning. In the moat, the river water on the bank of the moat was dyed red and black.

After overrunning the defense line left by Zhang Liao, Sun Jian galloped his horse and led his troops to continue to pursue.

But as he passed through the broken defense line, Zu Mao caught a glimpse of a young man dressed as an officer.

The young man was lying beside a seriously injured horse, with his legs pressed down by the belly of the horse. Zu Mao looked at him and saw that he should have been stabbed by a long lance that was riding in armor, and the armor on his chest showed signs of splitting. Although the armor pieces were not completely shattered, the powerful impact must have destroyed the young officer's internal organs.

Although he is not dead, looking at him like this, he will not live for long.

Zu Mao didn't have the time to pay attention to him. Although he was an officer, on the one hand, he was not injured by Zu Mao. Zu Mao disdain for greed for other people's merits. He didn't even notice it at all, so Zu Mao just glanced at this man, then followed the mount and passed this man, withdrew his gaze, and continued to charge forward with Sun Jian.

This young officer who is not dead but dying, waiting to die, is exactly that Zhang Liao's clan.

But there is no need to say more, just say that Sun Jian and Zu Mao led their troops to travel quickly, and they made a promise. The current formation, even the formation formed by the reserve team left by Zhang Liao, is the second line of defense arranged by Zhang Liao.

The reserve team had already formed an array, so it was much stronger than the temporary defensive line formed by the young general of the Liao nationality. Seeing Sun Jian, Zu Mao and others attacking, arrows were fired in the array. The spear is placed on the shield in front, the spear is facing outward, densely packed, like a hedgehog, shining with light, making people feel chilled. However, the armored and cavalry equipment under Sun Jian's tent, all those who can be armored cavalry, are all first-class warriors, but they are not afraid of it. , galloping horses.

When they got close to the formation, they either turned their horses and ran to the side, and stabbed the soldiers in the formation with their iron spears eight feet long, or relied on their superb equestrian skills and excellent horses to reach the front of the shield formation. At that time, he actually tried to leap over the shield formation, some did, some didn't, but even if they didn't, the armor and the horse's weight were enough to overwhelm a shield player.

These armored cavalry, horse treads, and spear thrusts disrupted the shield formation in an instant. UU Reading

After being reminded by his own soldiers, Sun Jian turned to look behind him and saw that the thousands of Liao soldiers who were going to aid Gao Shun and Gao Ya saw Zhang Liao retreat. Sun Jian immediately called Zu Mao to come forward, and ordered: "You must speed up your troops to block them, and don't let our troops chase and destroy Zhang Wenyuan!"

Zu Mao complied with his promise, then led his own light cavalry, turned over and went to fight the thousand other troops.

Sun Jian looked back at the front of the battlefield and said, "You can't be blocked by this formation for a long time, you should trap it quickly!" He picked up his spear, hurried his horse, and brought his personal soldiers to rush into the formation in person.

The main general rushes into the formation. On the battlefield, sometimes, it is just a symbol.

The armored cavalry in front of the formation saw Sun Jian personally come to the formation, and they were all excited and their morale was even higher. Sun Jian arrived at the right time, and he kept galloping, stepping on the shield that fell all over the ground, stabbing, picking, or swinging his spear, killing the spearmen and archers of the Liao Department behind him. .

The second line of defense arranged by Zhang Liao was also broken by Sun Jian's troops.

Further west, there is no line of defense.

Looking ahead, Zhang Liao and Cao Xing had just escaped for more than a mile, and they were still two or three miles away from Lü Bu's camp.

Zhang Liao leaned over on his horse, Gu looked back, and saw that his second line of defense had been broken, he was extremely horrified, and said to himself, "Sun Wentai is so brave!" , please send troops out to meet me, and organize the camp!"

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