The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 89: Raiders retreat to Xiahou???)

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Zhuge Jin, as a concubine of the Hou's mansion, had a residence in Xunzhen's back house, and often slept in the official residence, because he came soon after hearing the call.

Last year, when Zhuge Jin was brought to the mansion by Xun Zhen, he was less than twenty years old. This year, after the new year, he is considered to be a crowned adult. Although he is young, he is the son of a concubine, and he is also a retainer of the Hou mansion. However, Xun Zhen treats him. But he was very polite, and when he saw him coming, he ordered both sons to sit down, and temporarily hugged the daughter in his arms to Chen Zhi, waiting for Zhuge Jin to bow, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen Ziyu for several days, sir Thinner."

Zhuge Jin stood in the room and replied, "The weather is mid-spring, sometimes it's warm and still cold. I have a little ailment a few days ago. I have some symptoms of wind and cold. I'm tired of eating and eating, so I may have lost some weight because of this."

"Oh? I'm sick? Are you all right?" Xun Zhen looked at Zhuge Jin's complexion and thought it was fine.

Zhuge Jin replied, "I don't dare to bother Guan Nian, it's already healed."

"Fan A and Wu Pu have the true biography of Hua Tuo. If you are sick again, you can seek medical treatment for both of them."

Now Xunzhen's career is getting bigger and bigger. Those who followed him in the early years, either led heavy soldiers, such as Xu Xian, or mastered the secret, such as Xi Zhicai, Fan A and Cheng Pu are also "rising sky", they have long since stopped. It was necessary for the two of them to treat the wounds and illnesses of the soldiers by themselves. Now, both of them are serving in Xunzhen's shogunate, and they are in charge of medical officers. Except for the military doctors who are in charge of the various departments of the army, when a serious official is sick, Xun Zhen would also ask the two of them to go to a consultation and give them medical treatment. I have to say that these two have both internal and external skills, and their medical skills are indeed brilliant.

Not only are they highly skilled in medicine, Fan A and Wu Pu are also good at maintaining health. They have learned a set of "Five Animals" from Hua Tuo, especially Wu Pu, who is best at this skill. With lush beards and hair, and strong physique, he looks like a man in his thirties.

Xun Zhen told Zhuge Jin about the health benefits of Wu Qin Xi, and then continued: "I have learned this show from Wu Pu, and I played a set when I had time, and the effect was good. Last year, I was called Zhi Cai and Wen Ruo. , Gongda, Fengxiao, Yuanzhi, and Yuanlong have also learned well from Wu Jun, Ziyu, although Qing is young, and health care should not be careless, you can also learn this drama."

Zhuge Jin replied, "No."

Speaking of Wu Pu and Fan A, it reminded Xun Zhen of Hua Tuo.

Hua Tuo was from Pei, bordering Xuzhou, so Wu Pu and Fan A, his two outstanding disciples were from Xuzhou, Wu Pu and Guangling, and Fan A was from Pengcheng. When he was in Guangling that year, Xun Zhen asked Wu Pu and Fan A to invite Hua Tuo to see him, hoping that he could be recruited under the tent. Unwilling to provide.

At present, physicians, alchemy ears, belong to the same category as the five elements and divination, and their social status is not high. Therefore, although Hua Tuo's medical skills are excellent and have long been famous in the north and south, he is really ashamed of engaging in this profession. . After all, when he was young, Hua Tuo also studied in Xuzhou, and he was quite successful in Confucianism. With the ability of a living person in hand, all those who seek him for medical treatment respectfully request him, which has caused his "evil nature". Not to mention Xun Zhen made him a county official and a state official. Before that, Chen Deng's father Chen When Gui was the prime minister of Pei, he was named Xiaolian, but he should not be. After Huang Wan was made Taiwei, he was appointed as the official of the public mansion, but he still should not. What is the official counting!

Xun Zhen did not insist on this, and his thoughts turned to Hua Tuo for a while, and then Xun Zhen put his attention back to his eyes and asked Zhuge Jin, "Ziyu, Mother, brothers and sisters, how are you doing?”

"Thank you for your concern, Junhou, everything is fine."

"If your mother has a good work, you can send me another one or two. Ziyu, your mother's characters are round and full of majesty. Only such a woman can probably teach Qing and Qing Zhu. Children like brothers and sisters."

Zhuge Jin's mother's calligraphy was good, so Zhuge Jin was summoned to Furi, and Xun Zhen gave it to her mother with Zuo Bo paper and Bo Ying pen. Every once in a while, they are given more of these things.

"My mother's virtuous virtues are few and far between, but she is a mediocre disciple who is sincere with her brothers and sisters. She is ashamed of her reputation as a lord and lord, and she is ashamed of her stern teachings to her mother."

Xun Zhen laughed and said, "Ziyu, how modest!" After chatting with Zhuge Jin for a few things, Xun Zhen asked, "Yesterday when you asked to see me, I was busy with other business and couldn't be summoned. , it's only now that I have some space. What's the matter, sir?"

"The reason why I ask to see Junhou is that I have a plan to give Junhou."

"He Ce also? But is it related to the Hou Mansion?"

Zhuge Jin shook his head and replied, "No, it's a military policy."

"Military policy?"


"tell me the story."

"The lord is now using Yanzhou with troops to hold the capital with Caodong County. If you think about a strategy, you may be able to break this situation."

Xun Zhen nodded and motioned Zhuge Jin to speak.

Zhuge Jin then continued: "Gongsun Bogui is now an enemy of Yuan Benchu ​​in the south, and Liu Youzhou is a threat in the near future. He must be eager to seek foreign alliances. Although he was defeated and returned to Youzhou, Tian Kai, the prefect of Qingzhou, still remains. The army is stationed in the plain. Why don't Junhou send an envoy, make a secret alliance with Tian Kai, make a covenant, and invite him to go south from the plain to attack Dongjun? In this way, if the backyard of Caodongjun catches fire, he can only abandon Rencheng and return to Dongjun Now, the stalemate between the monarch and Yanzhou will be resolved.”

When Xun Zhen heard this, she thought to herself, "Ziyu is young, and his political acumen and overall outlook are not good enough."

Compared with Zhuge Liang as an adult, Zhuge Jin was not known for his strategy, but was famous for his virtue and elegance. The strategy he came up with seemed feasible, but it was not. From a military point of view, this tactic can be used, and it can be said to be similar to driving Jibei Yellow Turban west to east county. But when it comes to the political level, this tactic can or should not be used. The reason is very simple: Gongsun Zan bullied the literati, relying on the soldiers to be self-important, and forming an alliance with a person like him would damage Xun Zhen's reputation among the literati to a certain extent.

In fact, after Gongsun Zan was defeated, he sent people to Xuzhou to form an alliance with Xun Zhen. He attacked Jizhou from the south of Youzhou, and Xunzhen attacked Yanzhou from the west of Xuzhou. Xun Zhen was ambiguous and did not give him a definite answer.

Xun Zhen did this for two reasons.

First of all, Gongsun Zan was defeated, and he still had strength. Xi Zhicai and others all judged that although Yuan Shao had reversed the trend and entered the stage of turning defense into attack, he would not be able to achieve a complete victory in a year or two. , This means that Gongsun Zan can at least contain Yuan Shao for one to two years, or even a little longer. If Xun Zhen wants to attack Qing and Yan, this is very necessary at this stage.

This is the reason why Xun Zhen did not reject Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan was able to contain Yuan Shao's main force in You and Ji, so that he could not support Qing and Yan from abroad, but it was only a containment.

First, Youzhou is not as rich as Jizhou; secondly, the state shepherd is Liu Yu; thirdly, Gongsun Zan is not supported by the great noble clan of Youzhou; fourthly, the eastern part of Youzhou is now dominated by Gongsun Du. These four objective conditions determine In the battle between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao, he can only win, not lose. If he wins, he can have Jizhou. Once he loses, it will be difficult for him to have the capital to compete with Yuan Shao, that is, he has now lost the competition with Yuan Shao. Jizhou capabilities.

"He attacked Jizhou from the south of Youzhou," so to speak. If he was just coaxing people, he could do a small-scale intrusion, but he would never be able to do a large-scale invasion. Militarily, Gongsun Zan's prestige was almost exhausted after a defeat. Politically, he was at odds with the gentry. Why did Xun Zhen agree to form an alliance with him? This is the reason why Xun Zhen did not agree to Gongsun Zan.

——The last time Xun Zhen, Sun Jian and Gongsun Zan formed an alliance, the main reason was to take advantage of his power at that time. There are only permanent interests and no permanent allies. Although Gongsun Zan is still useful to Xunzhen and Sun Jian, but it is not as useful as before. Therefore, not only Xunzhen's attitude towards Gongsun Zan has changed, but so is Sun Jian. Gongsun Zan also sent He sent people to Sun Jian's place. Sun Jian refused Gongsun Zan's invitation to join the alliance on the grounds that Yuan Shu and Lü Bu had invaded Runan and he was unable to take Hanoi and attack Jizhou. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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