The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 84: Raiders retreat to Xiahou???)

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The purpose of attracting and constraining Cao Cao's remaining troops to Shanyang County could not be fully achieved. Cao Cao led Zhu Ling and other battalions to join the Rencheng battlefield. This means that the most important battlefields are still Jibei and Rencheng. There are two, and Dongping country is located in these two counties. Just as Feicheng is the important place in Jibei, Dongping country has become the next strategic focus for both sides.

The Dongping Kingdom is now facing off between two armies, with Bao Xin on one side and Jiang Hu and Li Zan on the other. Whoever can win the two armies can control the entire north-south narrow area from Jibei to Shanyang and the entire battlefield. towards.

Cao Cao can see this, and Xi Zhicai can naturally.

If Bao Xin wins, then Bao Xin will be able to disturb Lejin in the north and help Rencheng in the south, and Cao's army will be able to handle it with ease. , Chen Bao's army joined, and Cao's army did not need to fight any more, and they were already defeated.

So, since Xi Zhicai saw this, how should he deal with it?

He proposed a "first strike first" approach.

"Caodong County is out of the nest, and there are no troops available. Now we can send Zilong's troops to Jibei in a hurry, and join forces with Wenqian to break the Yellow Turban and head west to threaten Dong County and force Caodong County to return to the division to help. The siege of the city can be solved, and Dongping can also be worry-free.”

The part of the Yellow Turban chasing north of Ji went west, threatening Dongjun. This was an established strategy that Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai and others had negotiated before the war started. The reason why it has been useless before is that Le Jin only entered Jibei. Second, it is precisely because Cao Cao has a reserve team in his hand, and having a reserve team means that Cao Cao has the ability to deal with emergencies. Therefore, this strategy has not been used for a long time.

But he said Cao Cao, he was not unable to see that Le Jin would probably drive the Yellow Turbans westward in the Jibei battlefield to threaten Dongjun, but the problem was that he was only in charge of Yanzhou, and he desperately needed military exploits to help him stand firm. With this out of the way, he can only go all out to attack Rencheng County, and put the hope of blocking the possibility of the Yellow Turbans from Jibei to the west on the Tun Army in Linyi and the Cao Ren Department in Dongjun.

At this time, Xi Zhicai proposed that he could follow the Yellow Turbans to the west, which was very clever.

If you don't entangle with Cao Cao on the Dongping battlefield, if you entangle with him here, it will easily form a "stalemate" situation and lose the existing initiative. When the county wrote another article, he still had to lead Cao Cao by the nose and let him know exactly what Xun Zhen's intentions were, but he had to follow Xun Zhen's tone.

Xun Zhen asked Xun You and the others, "What do you think is the case with the only people who are ambitious?"

Xun You and the others all said, "This is a brilliant strategy."

Any battle, ranging from a small battle to a major battle—this war is different from arguing against Dong and fighting Mount Tai. It is no longer a simple battle, but a battle composed of multiple battlefields. Since then, only the previous year's attack on the entire territory of Xuzhou can be compared, including the battle of Xuzhou, the most important thing is only one, that is: "the initiative in the battlefield". Whoever has the initiative will have the upper hand, even if the enemy and we are of equal strength, even if the enemy is outnumbered, but as long as the initiative is mine, the victory is mine.

Take this battle as an example, Cao Cao was indeed divided by Xun Zhen. Then again, isn't Xun Zhen also divided? But just because Xunzhen had the initiative, the same division of troops had different odds of winning and losing, and the visible benefits were different.

Obviously, Xun Zhen has a high winning rate. After Xun Zhen wins, Jibei, Dongping, and Rencheng can be connected together, and the benefits are also great. Not to mention Cao Cao's victory rate is small, even if he can capture Rencheng County, at least Jibei will be held by Xun Zhen, and Dongping can also be defended, it is still not a big loss.

Xun Zhen considered for a while, made a decision, and said: "Okay, let's follow the strategy of Zhicai, I will call the shogunate Chuan Zilong, and order him to lead troops to Jibei, as Wenqian's deputy, to attack the Yellow Turbans together, and to fight against the Yellow Turbans. Xu Zhongren feigned to show solidarity with Dongping, intimidate Bao Yuncheng's department, and make him dare not act lightly."

Xun Cheng is in Mount Tai, and although there are many episodes, his troops and horses are mainly used at this stage to control the Yellow Turbans in Fu County and Northern Qingzhou. He "deterrent", he can only "feint", "feint".

Yuan Sui and other officials of the shogunate were also at the banquet, and they heard the order and agreed to it.

Xun Zhen thought about it for a while, and then said: "Xiahou Dun, brave general's ear, Junqing, Xuande, justice can be the enemy, Mengde is wise, and the enemy is also a strong enemy, I am afraid that the generals and schools of Junqing can not respond, I will come to Hexiang. Of."

Xun Pu moved north along the east bank of Sishui River and attacked Nanpingyang. Cao Chun knew that he would not be able to attack Nanpingyang City at this time, but he was worried that he would take the opportunity to cross Sishui near Nanpingyang to the west, because he was chasing after him. As a result, in the area of ​​Sishui Ferry in Nanpingyang, after all, Xun Pu's strategy of "fake crossing the river and set up an ambush on the bank" was caught in the middle. Many soldiers were damaged, and they broke through the encirclement only after bloodbath, and Xun Pu You was able to easily cross Si.

Xun Pu and Sun Kang's troops crossed Sishui and occupied the ferry port, and Yuan Yi was Baoben County, and strictly ordered Gaoping and Hulu troops and horses not to fight in waves, so Xu Xian led the main force to reach the east bank of Sishui and crossed smoothly. After arriving in Sishui, now he and Xun Pu's tribe had already arrived outside Rencheng County, and they had two tentative battles with Liu Bei and Chen Baocheng inside and outside the city, and Xiahou Dun in a small tentative manner, with no winner or loser.

Xun Zhen is the shepherd of Xuzhou. If he has to come to the state, it is not good to leave the state casually. Once he leaves the state, the nature of the war will change, and the impact will be even greater. Furthermore, although Cao Cao may visit the Rencheng battlefield in person~www.wuxiamtl .com~ But the current war situation is beneficial in Xuzhou, and there is no need for Xun Zhen to personally go to Rencheng to face the enemy with Cao Cao. Therefore, he decided to go to Hexiang to command the battle. Hexiang is not far from Rencheng, which is equivalent to It's the front line.

Knowing that the battle was related to Xuzhou's prospects, Xi Zhicai and others did not advise Xun Zhen, but agreed with Xun Zhen's decision.

When the matter was settled, Xun Zhen turned and said with a smile: "Wentai came to the book and asked if he wanted to send some troops and horses to attack Jiyin. Lv Bu's offensive in Runan is very tight, but I can answer the book, and I don't need his help. state."

The weather was getting warmer, and Lu Bu began to use troops again in Runan. Is Sun Jianyan a passively beaten? He retaliated, concentrated his troops, and launched a counterattack. After occupying Yin and half of Hanoi in Henan, facing Lu Bu's attack, Sun Jian's troops were not enough, and he was a little stretched. He still needed Xun Zhen to send troops to help him. Kindly accept it, but decline it.

In fact, even if Sun Jian sent troops to help, it would not be of much use.

Both Chenliu and Jiyin counties had county soldiers, especially Chenliu, who had strong and strong soldiers. Although Zhang Miao and Wu Zi each sent some of their ministries to Cao Cao, the majority remained in the county unless Sun Jian sent the main force to attack. Otherwise, it will not affect Cao Cao at all. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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