The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 2 Chapter 36: 3rd brother

December is a tough month with the coldest weather for the poorest people. If you are short of food, you can hang your life by eating one meal in two or three days. There is no way to do it in the cold weather, and there is no winter clothes. Warm up in a cold, damp bed or huddled in a haystack. So far this winter, it has only snowed once, and it is not too big, the snow is not thick, it is still a bit better. It is not uncommon for poor families to die of starvation due to freezing and starvation.

For the people of the middle family who have little wealth and do not have to worry about food and clothing, December is a relatively idle month. Ji" time.

And for the common people who have extensive family property, thousands of acres of fertile land, guests and disciples, December is a month that is both leisurely and busy. My dear, silk and bamboo are sweet to the ear, and wine is intoxicating, isn't it a pleasure? Busy is because until next month, spring starts, and the ground is rising, the land needs to be leveled to meet the busy farming season. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the farm implements and oxen first, appoint the person who will be the farmer, as well as the guests and apprentices. Attached, slaves and maids are paired to wait for the spring to plough. ——Coupling farming, that is, the farming method of two people working together.

Whether it is a poor family, a middle-aged family, or a wealthy family, these are the standard lives of "good people" in December. As far as the "light chivalrous family" is concerned, December is a month no different from previous months for them. They don't do production, and they don't need to prepare for the busy farming like the Hao family; They have spent the whole year in the drinking game, and they don't feel any difference from the past.

On the fifth day when Xun Zhen ordered Xu Zhong and Cheng Yan to investigate the details of the third clan, the third Lan was idle and had nothing to do. The two of them turned their heads at the door, dropped their plans, and went out to ask, "Who are you two? What are you doing in my house? Why are you turning heads? They don't look like a good family. Could they be thieves?"

The two hurriedly greeted them with a smile, clasped their hands in front of their chests, bowed to the end, and said, "Aiya, this Xiongtai, the two of us are from Dongxiang Pavilion, and we are also natives. We came to Guili to find someone. "


"Ms. Zheng."

"Oh? What are you doing to him?"

"I don't know Xiongtai, our two families are relatives."

"What relative?"

"The wife of Mrs. Zheng is my second-in-law sister. He is my second-in-law sister-in-law." The elder sister-in-law is the brother-in-law.

The third Lan glanced at the man who spoke, and thought: "I never heard that Mrs. Zheng has any relatives with Dongxiang Ting.  …, Cong elder sister? This relative is too far away! Look at this little vertical rag in ragged clothes. , with a hungry look on his face, he brought a broken basket with only two or three old chives in it, and he was embarrassed to come to worship! It was expected that due to the lack of food in the cold weather, the life could not go on, so he lowered his face and came with some distant relatives. Begging."

He showed disdain, waved his hand, and said, "Then you can go in!" He moved his body to clear the way, and when they nodded and bowed over, looked at their backs, and reminded, "Nai Gong has not seen anyone from Mrs. Zheng's family going out for three or two days. , when you knock on the door louder, don't tell his whole family to starve to death!" Haha laughed and thought, "It's interesting for a poor ghost to ask a poor ghost."

He thought again: "La Ri has passed early, and the end of the month is approaching. In the past few days, more and more friends and relatives have come to visit me. Among the people who came, eight out of ten were so poor. Since I’m poor, I’m starving to death, but I’m still unwilling to go out to beg for food, looking for people to borrow money…” Looking up at the sky, although it was a sunny day, there seemed to be clouds churning in the distance, and thought again. , "It's okay to take a loan! Look at this, it looks like it's going to snow again. I just hope that the snow will be bigger, and after a snow, I can release a lot of debts!"

His family is not engaged in production and does not have much farmland. When he first settled in his hometown, he started a business and did some business in order to make money. In recent years, due to the laziness of the clan, he has even saved the business. Usually, half of the money is stolen from Ming Dynasty. Up, half of it comes from lending.

While he was thinking about it, he went back to the school, grabbed it with a big hand, gathered all the money on the table into a pile, and put it into his own pocket. Among them is his money, and there is also the gambling money taken out by Lijianmen.

Although the prisoner was reluctant, he knew that the third Lan was a rude and unreasonable person, and he didn't dare to tell the difference at the moment. He had to accompany him with a smile when he was taken money, and sent him out of the school with a smile. ——When No. 3 Lan blackmailed Yue Jin, the prison gate was clearly seen in the school, and even the newly arrived township rank had to bow down to No. 3, not to mention that he was a little prison gate who worked hard and lowly. ?

Third Lan strode home.

Several generations of the third clan have been tyrannical and powerful, and they are both robbing and lending. The money comes quickly. Although they do not farm, they are better than farming. The yard covers a very wide area. At the door were two of his family's guests guarding the door, both in green clothes with bamboo crowns and flat crawler swords, sitting on the "chairs" talking.

Hu sitting is sitting with the legs down, with the crotch exposed, a very disrespectful sitting posture. Seeing the third Lan coming, the two guests jumped off the "maza"-like Hu chairs and saluted with their swords. No. 3 Lan asked, "What are you two talking about? You are smiling."

One of them said, "Young Master, today Old Liu saw a beautiful woman and is bragging to me here."

Although the third Lan was violent and not good at women, she was not very interested in listening to it, and asked casually: "Where did you meet?"

Another person named "Lao Liu" smiled and said: "Today, the villain was ordered by the Majesty to go to the village pavilion to collect a debt. On the way, he saw an ox cart, sitting in a woman, dressed as a maid, and she was thirty years old. Although Older, don't have charm, and I don't know who's maid?"

The third Lan thought for a while and said, "There are not many households in the township that can afford a maid, and there is only one person who is willing to give a maid a ride on an ox cart. It must be from Gao Su's family!" Gao Su is lustful, a villager Everyone knows.

——Although both the Gao family and the third clan are among the four surnames in the township, and Gao Su is also bullying and domineering in the township like the third Lan, there are still differences between the Gao family and the third family. The three clans are dedicated to the tyrannical and powerful, and the two have no regard for each other. Therefore, the third Lan bluntly said that Gao Su was "shuzi".

When the two guests heard it, they both said, "It's true, it's really possible." They both flattered the third Lan, "Young master god, the little people have guessed for a long time and can't figure out who it is, so the young master can explain it with a single sentence. all our doubts."

The third Lan lingered at the door for a while, said a few words to the two guests, and explained, "Haosheng guards the door!" Entering the courtyard.

The front yard behind the door is where the Gao family lived for the guests and the dead.

The Gao family has been rampant in this hometown for more than a hundred years. They know that when people are powerful and poor, if they want to be prosperous, they must gather the power of everyone and take advantage of the power of the guests. Therefore, they are very kind to the guests and the dead, and are willing to come out. Money, willing to work hard. Other people’s houses for entertaining guests may be very simple, thatched huts, but the Gao family’s houses are all brick and stone, spacious and bright, and the usual daily supplies are good wine, meat and clothes, and there is no delay.

As soon as the third Lan entered the courtyard, she smelled a strong herbal smell. She followed the smell and saw two seventeen-eighth young men squatting in the corner of the courtyard, putting plaster together, so she walked over and looked at the two Eyes, identified what kind of plaster, and asked: "How come together to create a plaster?"

"The maharaja said that the plaster at home is not enough, and asked the villain to wait and close some."

"In recent years, not to mention the small and medium-sized people in the township, even the wealthy families of Gao, Fei, Xie, Feng, Liu, etc., dare not fight against our family, and in the past few months after the winter, they have never fought with other families. , how come the ointment is not enough?"

Xiao Lang replied: "Your Majesty said that there is no danger."

"Since it's my eldest brother's intention, you can take care of it when you wait, don't neglect it."

The third Lan came into the backyard with her chest and belly touched, to find his "eldest brother".

The third clan lived together, and a small half of the people in Zhuyang were members of other clans, and the current patriarch was the father of the third Lan. The third Lan Gong has two brothers, and his brother's name is the third Ming, who is ten years older than him. ——The father of the third Lan is old now, and most of the affairs of the family are in charge of the third Ming.

According to the custom, the son Zhuang lives separately, that is, the son will separate the family when he grows up, and he will not establish an estate. Although this third Lan family is very competitive, it has one advantage, that is, the father and son live together. Although the two brothers have already grown up, they have not lived apart from each other.


The third Ming was drinking and talking with two capable guests indoors. Seeing the third Lan coming in, he temporarily sent the guests out and said, "You came just in time! I have something to tell you." He pointed to the door at the door. Sit down, teach him to sit down. The third Lan sat down cross-legged and asked, "What do you want to say to me, eldest brother?"

"I heard that you robbed a fortune outside the door a few days ago?"

No. 3 Lan laughed and said, "That's what I was asking about. What? Brother, do you want to? I'll bring it to you." Outside, No. 3 Lan is a rogue bully. At home, he treats him to him. His father and brother can be called filial piety.

Third Ming frowned and said, "Do you know who you robbed?"

"Why don't you know? A short-haired man from Kunyang, who is not amazing in appearance, but can fight with his hands, beat Xiaohong and Xiaowei until their noses and faces are bruised. Hehe, it's thanks to him that he beat people, so I can make a lot of mistakes. He has tens of thousands of dollars!"

The third Ming said: "I didn't ask you this, do you know that this short vertical is the friend of the newly appointed township official Xunzhen?"

"Why didn't you know that! The man named Xun also came that day, and handed over the money obediently." Seeing that the third Mingmian was unhappy, the third Lan asked, "..., why? Is the eldest brother afraid of him? What's the matter? Terrible?"

The third Ming hates iron not becoming steel, and said: "How many times have I told you! Don't go out when you have nothing to do, stay at home. Even if you can't sit still, don't always make trouble in the book, and don't make trouble inside and outside the door. Passersby! If you let the villagers see, what will they think of our house?" Different from San Lan's blind tyranny, San Ming is older after all, and understands the reason why rabbits don't eat grass beside the nest.

No. 3 Lan shook his head, disapprovingly, and said, "The surname Xun is only in his twenties. He looks like he has just been crowned, Wen Wen Xiu Xiu, just a Confucian scholar, what's so scary?"

"Haven't you heard of his night-slaying thief? How can someone who has the courage to cross the border to kill a thief be a Confucian scholar?"

Third Lan was dissatisfied and thought: "Who dares to fight a thief? I dare! Is a thief called a strong man?" The third year is more than ten years older than him, and his elder brother is like a father. Being reprimanded by the third bright, I have two points of fear of it, so even though I am dissatisfied, I don't say it.

The third Ming said: "You go to Xiangting now, go and apologize to the surnamed Xun, take the corrupted money with you, and return it all. No, ..., if you add more, it is our family's intention. , as an apology, please don't care about it, and ask him to take care of our family in the future."

"I told him this! I already told him to take good care of our family."

The third Mingqi didn't hit a single place, almost smashed the chopstick in his hand, and said angrily: "If you are a person, you will have three points of face, but a Confucian scholar with the surname Xun? You must be honest! You beat his friend~ corrupted his tens of thousands of money, and 'instructed' him to take care of our family? You, you, are you out of your mind? You have a coma! How to take care of it? Do you want him to come to find out about our family? He is also a good size!"

"Since our family settled in the local area, from the village Qiangfu in the beginning to the village Youzhi later, how many dare to search for our family?" The third Lan was scolded, but he didn't care, and said, "Brother, you are the roost. In the village, I look down on Luli, and I’m afraid that he will be a childish Confucianist? The big deal, we are like the fathers of fifteen years, looking for a swordsman,…”

"Shut up!" Third Ming was extremely angry, raised his hand, raised the chopstick, put it down, took down the short knife, threw the chopstick, and hit the third Lan on the head, interrupting his words. "What nonsense are you talking about?! Don't you know that some things can only be done and not said? Don't keep talking about this matter! Last time was a fluke, and no evidence was found. Get rid of the crime, be safe and sound, and make the village respect us and fear us, and all the family names are lying on the ground. If you find out the evidence, do you know what the crime is?"

No. 3 Lan touched the place where her head was smashed, but she didn't feel any pain, she pouted, still looking disapproving.

His brother was also helpless to him, so he finally said: "Listen to my words, take the money, and send it to Xun, be kind, be humble, and apologize honestly and respectfully."

No. 3 Lan got up at the command, put on his shoes and was about to leave, and No. 3 Ming saw that he didn't care and couldn't let go, and said, "You call Hu Jun, you two will go together." This "Hu Jun" was named Hu Mingping, It was one of the two people who had just accompanied the third Ming to drink, and he was the most useful guest of the third family. He was cautious by nature and a little resourceful.

Although the third Lan was reluctant and could not disobey her brother's order, she called herself Shanghu/Ping and brought the money.

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