The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 77: Zhang Feisu will attack like a wolf (middle)

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As Cao Chun said, Xun Chang was originally a Confucian scholar. He did not take courage as an elder. He had a calm temper. Therefore, in the use of troops, it was not at the juncture of breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat. The military order issued by Zhen, if he could not arrive on time, was treated as "missed", but he still did not "rush forward". During the process of marching, he scattered scouts widely to monitor the movements of the enemy at any time.

Because, when Cao Chunfang crossed the river, Xun Chang knew this information, and when Cao Chun rushed to attack, he also knew it in advance.

After asking the scouts clearly, and learning that the Cao troops who crossed the river and attacked were all cavalry soldiers, and that the banner they fought had the character "Cao" written on it, Xun Chang said to Sun Kang: "This is definitely not a battle to come here in person. Under the Fenwu tent, the Cao surnames that have been reused are only Ren, Hong, Chun, Ang, and a few people. Cao Ang and Cao Shudian are Fenwu personal soldiers. Whether it is Cao Hong or Cao Chun, Hong is rash, and the ears of children are not enough, you and I will make plans, set up ambush and lure, and then break them, why is it difficult to win?"

Cao Ang was Cao Cao's eldest son, Cao Shu was Cao Cao's servant, and his father was Cao Cao's younger brother Cao Bin.

Cao Ang and Cao Shu are about the same age as Cao Chun, but a little bit younger than Cao Chun. They are younger, and their blood relationship with Cao Cao is the closest, so they usually don't lead troops, but are kept by Cao Cao. Guards, Guardsmen.

Xuzhou is very familiar with the situation of General Cao Jun.

Among the three Cao Cao, Cao Cao valued Cao Ren the most. Similarly, the Xuzhou side paid the most attention to Cao Ren. Although Cao Hong made great contributions to Cao Cao, he was courting Dong. For example, when it comes to the ability to command troops and face the enemy, Cao Hong is not very outstanding. It's just "people make things happen", and he mostly relies on Cao Cao's ability, so he is not particularly favored by famous generals in Xuzhou. Cao Hong is like this. Cao Chun is young and has not achieved great achievements, because he is not valued. .

Xun Chang is in his thirties this year. It has been nearly ten years since Xun Zhen fought in the first year of Zhongping. ", just like Cao Chunqing that he is "Confucian", it is normal.

After Chang Xian was killed in chaos, Sun Kang had always been careful as a person. When facing Xun Chang, he was deeply impressed by Xun Chang's calm, calm and resolute performance that night. The more Nuo Nuo, the obedience.

At the moment, seeing that Sun Kang had no objection, Xun Chang arranged for the camps and made arrangements.

Cao Chun galloped with his fine cavalry for more than ten li, when a scout came to report: Xun Chang's troops were not far ahead, traveling on the official road from Hexiang County to Rencheng County, inspecting his troops. During the march, the defense is not tight.

Cao Chun was overjoyed, and Gu said to the left and right: "This is a victory!" He sent orders to each song, "The one who captures, kills Xun Chang, and Sun Kang will be rewarded on merit!"

Soon, Cao Cao's cavalry, who were speeding up, saw the troops of Xun Chang and Sun Kang who were marching on the official road. Following Cao Chun's order, the drummers who accompanied the army sounded the war drums. Suddenly, the whole army became famous and moved. Various songs attacked. And go.

Cao Chun did not rush ahead, but followed behind with his own soldiers. Looking from a distance, he saw that Xun's soldiers were all infantry, and they were "suddenly unprepared" during the march. The charge that followed, in just a few moments, Xunbing's marching team was rushed to pieces. Several soldiers, led by their respective officers, tried to form a formation, but under the repeated interspersed and interspersed by Cao Cavalry, they couldn't. arrayed. The dust filled the sky, and the iron cavalry showed its might. The only resistance Xunbing organized was a few arrows shot by a few bowmen, but the number was too small to prevent Cao cavalry from rushing to kill at all.

It didn't take much time, about two quarters of an hour, when Xun's soldiers declared their defeat. Without Cao Chun's order, the various cavalrymen who were able to kill it smoothly followed one after another.

Under the protection of his own soldiers, Cao Chun followed behind Zhu Qu. At this time, he came to the battlefield where the Xun soldiers had been raided before. He looked around, and his originally overjoyed mood suddenly sank. He secretly said "not good", deeply feel inappropriate.

But it turned out that there were a lot of corpses lying on the road, but most of them wore common clothes, and there were few decent weapons. From a distance, it seemed that Xun soldiers had abandoned a lot of luggage. Most of the cars are small, and there are not many large trucks.

Cao Chun thought: "Xuzhou soldiers have always been known as excellent, and Xun Boping is also the heart of Zhendong's clan, and the tribes he brings must be more fierce, how can there be many soldiers without armor? From Hexiang to Rencheng, although there is no It’s far away, but Xun Boping leads thousands of soldiers. Even if you can carry less food and grain, armor and weapons are indispensable. If you think about it, you won’t only bring such a small amount of luggage. … Not good, or it’s a trick!”

He hurriedly sent people to give orders to the Qubei who were chasing the north, and ordered not to enter lightly. At the same time, he followed closely behind with his own soldiers. After chasing four or five miles all the way, I heard the drums beating loudly in front of me, and the Cao Cavalry, who were chasing forward, stopped one after another.

Cao Chun shot the horses again and again, and finally arrived among the soldiers who stopped.

The momentum of the charge stopped too fast, lack of buffer, and the Cao Cavalry of each song was in a mess, a mess, the voices and horses neighing, and it was very chaotic. Cao Chunqiang suppressed his nervousness and sent his cronies to give orders to the various officers, ordering them to rectify the queue immediately to prevent the Xun soldiers from attacking. The carriages formed a defensive formation.

Cao Chun hesitantly said, "If it was a trick to lure me, it turned out that there was a trap here!"

Fortunately, Cao Chun sent the order in time, and all the knights of the Cao army who were chasing the enemy slowed down, so that they could stop the rush to kill the first time they found the Xunbing chariots. Otherwise, if they were still the first. If they were running at that speed, they would definitely have to collide head-on, and by then, they would definitely be defeated. If so, the songs were chaotic for a while, and then they reluctantly realigned the formation.

The officers of each song came over and asked Cao Chun what to do next.

At this moment, the chariots of Xun's army opened, and more than a hundred soldiers came out.

In the armored soldier formation, a person riding on a horse called to this side: "Is the general coming from the opposite side, but Cao Zilian?"

The chariot array is a great weapon for the infantry to deal with the cavalry in the field, supplemented by the crossbow, not only can defend itself, but also has great lethality to the cavalry. In the former Han Dynasty, Li Ling used 5,000 foot soldiers and 500,000 crossbow arrows to defend himself in a train formation. The enemy Xiongnu mounted more than 100,000 horses. He fought fiercely all day long, killing and injuring more than 2,000 enemies. It can be seen that this combination poses a great threat to the cavalry.

Cao Chun's troops were all cavalry, and it was difficult for infantry to attack and kill, but once the infantry formed a chariot formation, it was difficult to fight again. He took a closer look at the formation formed by Xun Chang, and couldn't think of a way to break the formation for a while, so he sent someone out to answer the call, in order to think about it again.

The person he sent out replied to the other party, saying: "To attack and destroy your generation, why do you need Ying Yang? My lord Cao Duwei is also."

Ying Yang is Cao Hong's captaincy.

It was Xun Xun Chang who was guarded by the soldiers of the Xun Army came out to question and said with a smile: "The original intention is that if the eagle comes here, if I capture it alive, it will result in a small merit. It turned out to be a younger generation. My Xun Chang is also, Chun! Come out and answer me, if you are willing to surrender, you can avoid death."

It can be seen from the armor that the person who was talking to Xun Chang was only a Sima, so Xun Chang said this and asked Cao Chun to come out and answer. Hearing Xun Chang calling Cao Chun's name directly, not to mention the words of contempt, all the officers around Cao Chun were angry.

Immediately someone called for battle, saying: "Xun Chang is arrogant and hateful! He is now alone, surrounded by more than a hundred soldiers guarding him, and he has broken Yi Er. The subordinate dares to bring Benqu soldiers to attack him and capture this son alive for the commander! "

Cao Chun was silent, and after looking at the car array opposite for a while, he made a decision and ordered, "Retreat."

The officers of Zhu Qu were all stunned.

One person asked: "Although Xun's soldiers are in formation, our troops are harassing them with bows and crossbows. Waiting for the chaos, there is no chance of winning. Commander, why did you withdraw your troops?" experience.

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