The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 74: Fighting hard with 1 army

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Liu Ruo was one of the important generals under Cao Cao's account. He was born in a noble family, and was from Pei. He and Cao Cao were fellows. Huan et al.'s strategy is not comparable to that of Chen Gong, Cheng Li, etc., but by virtue of his family reputation and his friendship with Cao Cao, Cao Cao now uses it.

Gaoping, a county in Sanyang County, is located in the easternmost part of Sanyang County, bordering Lu and Pei in the east, and Rencheng County in the north. , across the river from Rencheng County.

Cao Cao's intention to send Liu Ruo to Gaoping was obvious: for no other reason than to block the reinforcements sent by Xuzhou to Rencheng County here.

Although Liu Ruo is not as brave as Xiahou Dun and others, this task is none other than him. He is the best candidate. What is the reason? His family is the right surname of Peiguo, and Gaoping is connected with Peiguo. He and his family's reputation is not small in Gaoping. Many scholars and tyrants in Gaoping have old friends with him, and they can use his local acquaintances. These interpersonal relationships, so as to achieve the purpose of better blocking Xuzhou reinforcements.

Cheng Li, Chen Gong, etc. are all smart people. When they heard Cao Cao say this, they immediately understood Cao Cao's intention.

Chen Gong thought for a moment, then stroked his beard and said, "It is time to order the soldiers of Juye and Jinxiang to attack Rencheng immediately while Chen Bao and Liu Bei have just acquired the city, and perhaps the city is not yet stable. Wei entered Gaoping, and from the humble view of the palace, this matter is feasible, but the task of interception is very heavy, if only Liu Xiaowei is sent to lead the troops, I am afraid that a single hand will be difficult to make, and a single tree will be difficult to support."

"Oh? What's your opinion on the public platform?"

"It's better to choose one from Zilian and Zihe, and gather Gaoping from Liu Xiaowei."

Zilian, namely Cao Hong, Zihe, is Cao Chun. The Cao family is also a big family. Cao Cao has many brothers and brothers. Now there are no less than ten people in the army. Among them, Cao Ren, Cao Hong and Cao Chun are the most important ones.

Cao Cao's grandfather, Cao Teng, was an **** and could not have children. Only Cao Cao's father, Cao Song, was an adopted son. So to be precise, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, and Cao Chun are all Cao Cao's "re-conforming brothers", the grandfather of the three of them. Therefore, Cao Bao, the prefect of Yingchuan, and Cao Teng were brothers.

Cao Ren and Cao Chun were of the same birth, and their fathers, Cao Chi, went to Shizhong and Changshui Colonel. Cao Hong's father had never held a high-ranking position, but his follower-father Cao Ding, namely Cao Ren and Cao Chun's follow-up father, had once served as a minister of justice and held a high position. It was because of Cao Ding that Cao Hong was in his early years. Only then was he appointed Qichun Chang.

In a word, just as Xun Zhen employs people based on their talents, so does Cao Cao. Although there are many members of the Cao clan in the army, he does not use all of them, including his own younger brothers. There was no favoritism.

Compared with Xunzhen's clan, the talents of Cao Cao's clan are mostly in the army, and even the Xiahou clan, the foreign relative who married Cao clan, is also famous for martial arts, such as Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan. San Cao and Er Xiahou can be said to be the five most important generals in Cao Cao's army at present. More than 80% of Cao's army's combat power is supported by these five people.

Xiahouyuan was left in Dongjun by Cao Cao, and now he is stationed in Liaocheng to prevent Tian Kai from attacking; Xiahou Dun's military strategy is higher than that of Xiahouyuan, and he was sent by Cao Cao to Juye, and the main force of Cao's army in Juye and Jinxiang is now under his command. with. Among the three Cao Cao, Cao Ren is the best, and he can take charge of the front. Now he is stationed in Gucheng, guarding Jibei, and the rest of Cao Chun and Cao Hong are now under Cao Cao.

Therefore, Chen Gong proposed that one person from Cao Chun and Cao Hong could be selected to cooperate with Liu Ruo and block Xuzhou's reinforcements.

In fact, Cao Cao was not worried about sending Liu Ruo alone. Chen Gong's suggestion was right on his mind, he said in his heart: "Boshun has the right surname and Zilian has a high spirit. In battle, Zihe has both wisdom and courage, is humble and calm, and the troops and horses in his generals are also fine, so he can be dispatched."

Cao Hong's family is very wealthy, and relying on the power of the clan, he has been rampant in the county since he was a child. He is a domineering person. If he and Liu Ruo are in the same city, the two are likely to have conflicts.

Cao Chun is relatively young, only in his early twenties this year, but in terms of his temperament and the way he manages the army, in Cao Cao's view, he is stronger than Cao Hong. Cao Chun's ability was revealed as early as when he was young. When his father Cao Chi died, he was only fourteen years old. In that year, he separated from his co-brother Cao Ren. Cao Ren took care of him and took care of most of his family. All the property was given to him, and there were hundreds of servants and guests, and although he was young, he was disciplined and supervised, and he was not unreasonable. Cao Ren likes to make friends with young chivalrous men and bad boys, but Cao Chun is fond of learning. Is the rising star of the Cao family. Later, Cao Cao raised an army to attack Dong. When Cao Chun was 20 years old, he also gave up his official position and followed Cao Cao to Xiangyi to recruit troops. Since then, he has followed Cao Cao's side. .

After thinking about the candidate, Cao Cao said: "Zilian, I have another great use, and it is also good to have Zihe and Boshun be stationed in Gaoping."

Chen Gong, Cheng Li, etc. had no objection, and all said, "Yes."

Seeing that Chen Gong and others had no other opinions, Cao Cao immediately passed down an order, ordering Liu Ruo and Cao Chun to lead the troops out of the camp on the same day, and to settle in Gaoping City within two days.

Before they left, Cao Cao specially summoned the two of them to see him, and gave him a warning: "I have sent Yuan Rang, ordering him to go to Kang Fu no later than tomorrow night, no later than the day after tomorrow. Launch an attack on Rencheng County. Rencheng County is adjacent to Kangfu in the west and Lu State in the east. If this place is in my hands, our army can pass through Lu State at any time and attack Hexiang in the and become Xuzhou According to this, Xuzhou can take Shanyang from the west at any time, and threaten my heart, because although this is only a county, it is actually related to the offensive and defensive situation of Xu and our prefecture. Taking the offensive, although Yuan Rang is the elite of our army, I expect that Zhendong will not give up easily. He will definitely send troops and horses from Hexiang, Xiapi and other places to help Liu Bei and Chen Bao, and intercept them. The task of reinforcements is left to you."

When Cao Cao said this, he paused, looked at Liu Ruo and Cao Chun with bright eyes, increased his tone, and continued to say: "Can Rencheng County be recovered for our army, and Xuzhou's offensive and defensive situation can be reversed. If they are not in Yuanrang, but the two of them! As long as the two of them can block the reinforcements from Hexiang and Xiapi, so that the soldiers from Xuzhou cannot pass Sishui one step, Rencheng County can be defeated; Can Rencheng County defeat the reinforcements from Xiang and Xiapi?

Liu Ruo and Cao Chun knew that the task was very heavy, and the two of them had serious expressions.

Liu Ruo said, "If you think about it with all your strength."

Cao Chun said: "My brother, rest assured, as long as Chun is there, Xuzhou soldiers will not be able to cross Sishui!"

Cao Cao nodded in appreciation and said to Cao Chun: "My brother has this determination, I can worry about it!" Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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