The Most Lord

Chapter 105: Unveiling the list

In the center of the square, a three-meter-high gold list was erected. The gold list was covered by red cloth. It was impossible to see what was written on it, but obviously, the names of candidates who passed the retest were written on it!

In the square, people talked a lot, guessing which candidates will pass the retest.

Under the gold list, there are a few soldiers standing. These soldiers keep looking at the time, waiting for the time to reveal the list.

"Reveal the list!"

After a while, the captain of the soldier shouted loudly when he saw that the time had come.

The soldiers received the order and forcefully lifted the red cloth covering the gold list.

Jin Guang is dazzling, eleven big red names hang high on the gold list, and the top name is Arthur.

There was a moment of calm in the square, and everyone was staring at the eleven names on the gold list, one by one.

"There is me! There is my name!"

A shabby-clothed young man who knew at first glance was a commoner or even a poor youth who saw his name on the gold list, yelled excitedly, unable to control himself.

After yelling a few words, the young man sat down on the ground, holding his head in his hands, and started crying bitterly.

"Woo..., with my name, really with my name, I succeeded."

"Father, mother, have you seen it? It's not useless for me to study, it's really not useless."

This world is no better than the earth, and all parents hope that their children will study hard. In this world, the children of common people go to school, in the eyes of parents, it is a manifestation of not doing their jobs properly.

No matter how good your book is, what's the use of your talent? Power is always in the hands of the nobles, and nothing is given to the civilians just because they are talented.

Next to him, a few candidates who had a good relationship with him squatted down and kept comforting him.

The candidates in the exam, either excited or crazy, are venting the joy in their hearts. The candidates who did not pass the exam looked lonely, looking at those candidates, full of envy.

The residents onlookers also looked at these candidates with envious eyes, and successfully passed the re-examination. These eleven candidates can be said to have reached the sky in one step.

Lord Lord has said long ago that these candidates who passed the retest will have to be entrusted with important tasks in the future to let them govern a town. Putting it in the current Huaxia collar, a mayor can already be said to be a prince of a party, of course, a prince without military power.

Allen has made it clear that the mayor elected in this imperial examination is only in charge of administration. Military power is still in the hands of military generals, and military power is completely separated.

Don't look at all of these candidates now with shabby clothes and shameless appearance. If you see them in the future, you will have to call them adults.

From an ordinary civilian to the head of a town, how many times can you have such an encounter in your life?

Arthur stood quietly on the spot with a smile on his face. Compared with the other ten candidates in the exam, he was much calmer. Next to him, the three companions who came to take the exam with him congratulated him.

"Candidates who have passed the retest, please stand up and follow us to the City Lord's Mansion to meet with Lord City Lord."

A soldier walked up to the crowd and shouted loudly.

Eleven candidates, including Arthur, walked out of the crowd, followed behind the soldiers, and walked towards the lord's mansion.

In the lord's mansion, Alan was sitting high above the main seat of the chamber, bowing his head in thought.

"Lord Lord, the candidates have arrived and are waiting outside."

A guard walked into the chamber and told Alan.

Allen nodded: "Bring them in."

After a while, eleven candidates walked into the chamber one by one and stood in a row in front of Allen.

"See Lord Lord!"

The eleven candidates saluted to Allen in unison, and then looked up at Allen, feeling a little nervous in their hearts.

Most of these candidates are of civilian origin, even if they have some talents, but psychologically they are still civilians. Allen is definitely a high position in their hearts. At this time, facing Allen, he will naturally feel nervous.

Allen smiled softly: "Sit down."

There were more than a dozen chairs on both sides of the chamber. After hearing Alan’s words, the candidates sat down.

"You are the best eleven people I selected from more than 1,000 candidates in this imperial examination. I have high hopes for you."

After Alan waited for everyone to settle down, he spoke.

"Perhaps you have heard about it before. The position I am going to give you is the mayor of ten other towns in the territory except Huaxia Town. This position is related to the livelihood construction of an entire town and several surrounding villages and is extremely important."

"In your answer sheet before, I have roughly understood your concept of governing the territory, but the test paper is limited in length and can express not much. I now want to hear each of you individually elaborate on your own ideas."

"Wardhouse, you come first."

Allen said.

Wardhouse, one of the eleven candidates, is a slightly young man in his early twenties.

Among the candidates who passed the re-examination this time, the oldest is only in their 30s. It can be said that Huaxia will lead the management class in the future as young and unusually young.

Wardhouse stood up, a little nervous, and opened his mouth, not knowing where to start.

In fact, under Allen's eyes, Wardhouse only felt his heart thumping and plopping, and his mind was blank.

"Don't be nervous," Allen smiled gently at Wardhouse and encouraged: "Just talk about your thoughts."

Allen's encouragement seemed to work well, and Wardhouse's mind finally stabilized.

"Lord Lord, my governance philosophy is..."

Wardhouse began to talk about the thoughts in his mind.

Wardhouse's governance philosophy is relatively mild and similar to Allen's philosophy. Allen kept nodding while listening.

After ten people finished describing their governance ideas, it was almost noon. What made people feel strange was that Allen didn't let Arthur elaborate on his ideas.

This made the eyes of the other ten people looking at Arthur, all a little weird, but they heard that Lord Lord admired this young man named Arthur very much.

Arthur sat in a chair with no joy or sadness, his eyes thoughtful.

"Let’s go to dinner first. I will treat you at noon today." Alan smiled when he saw that it was already time for dinner, "After dinner, I will assign you official positions."

During this meal, the host and the host enjoyed the meal with twelve people. During the meal, Allen did not talk about governing the territory.

After lunch, the twelve returned to the chamber again, and Allen picked up a piece of paper from the table.

"Next, let me announce the town where you are appointed."

"Wardhouse, Constance Town."


Allen read out the towns where the ten people took office separately, which made the ten people feel excited. Before, they only knew that they might become the mayor. Now Allen officially announced that it was completely determined.

In the future, his own identity will undergo earth-shaking changes!

"Before you go to each town and take office, I will introduce a few people to you."

Allen finished speaking, clapped his hands, and ten Noxus agents walked into the chamber from outside. But at this moment, the attire of the Noxus agent has been changed, and all he wears is a normal samurai uniform.

"This is the guard I prepared for you. They are all fifth-level fighters. They will be responsible for following you to protect your safety in the future."

Allen said to everyone.

These ten Noxus agents, all bought by Allen this morning, cost most of Allen's money.

Said it is protection, in fact, it also means surveillance, but Allen has already explained that these Noxian spies, unless the object they protect betrays the territory, otherwise they cannot interfere in any internal affairs and are only responsible for protection.

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