The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 972 How strong is Zhang Afraid?

Chapter 972: How strong is Zhang Afraid?

Zhang was afraid of hearing this, so he scolded him back at that time: "Forgot when you killed someone? You bastard." He was also so angry that he couldn't catch up with the big devil after chasing him for a long time. It happened that the night battle came up, so he had fun by scolding him. Of course, in addition to having fun, he really wanted to kill Ye Zhan. The hatred of that guy that made Fang Jian cry blood cannot be forgotten.

Seeing that the big devil was getting harder and harder to chase, Zhang Fei didn't want to take too much trouble, so he simply came back to deal with Ye Zhan first, so he turned his sword and rushed towards Ye Zhan.

As soon as he moved, the eight night guards moved at the same time, forming a battle formation. The eight guards united into one, and they wanted to kill Zhang Ai with all their strength. Just like Zhang Ao wanted to kill Ye Zhan, these people had also wanted to kill Zhang Ao for a long time. He was a common man from the lower world who screamed and made trouble all day long. However, the big devil refused to kill him, so they could only endure and obey the order. It was rare that this bastard was willing. Take the initiative to deliver it to your eyes, and of course you will never show mercy.

Unfortunately, they forgot one thing. Zhang Ping had just struck the big devil with lightning. It’s not that I forgot that they didn’t have the cultivation level of the Great Demon King, and they were not as familiar with magic thunder as the Great Demon King. Although they saw that Zhang Ai could control the thunder, they thought that there must be traces when you release thunder. , when we run away, we will never be struck by lightning, so we boldly face the enemy.

It's just that their thoughts were simple. Of course, Zhang Weifang would not rush over and hit eight of them. Seeing that there was still some distance, he shouted: "Cut." At the same time as this word escaped his mouth, the magic thunder hidden in the hard iron knife exploded. The explosion came out and hit the eight guards.

Poor eight guys, they are considered experts, but they didn't even have a chance to take action, they were already struck by the magic thunder. It wasn't that they reacted slowly, it was because they were in a hurry to deal with Zhang Wei and rushed forward fiercely, without even thinking about their retreat. In addition, Zhang was afraid that he would be attacked if he did not move slowly.

The eighth brother's cultivation level was not as good as that of the big devil. He was attacked by lightning and fell to the ground on the spot. Especially the woman who was sleeping in the night fell into a coma. The cultivator's soul is strong and will not fall into unconsciousness easily, but Ye Mei has given a head start to a group of super masters.

Ye Zhan struggled to get up, pushed with both hands, and a ball of demonic fire ignited under Zhang Ao's feet. Zhang Ain frowned. The leader of the Eight Guards should not be so naive. He knew that the demonic fire could not burn me, but he still released it. Is there any conspiracy? With this thought in his mind, he drew back his left hand and inhaled the black fire directly into his body.

When he inhaled like this, he startled himself first, why was he so happy? Not only does it absorb magic lightning quickly, but it also absorbs magic fire quickly, and it's frighteningly fast! Have I fallen into the devil's path? I broke out in a cold sweat thinking about it, no way, I am a good person, not a demon cultivator.

Seeing the demonic fire being absorbed into Zhang Awei's body, Ye Zhan did not move at all. He only smiled coldly and shouted: "Broken." Then he heard a crackling sound in Zhang Awei's body, and he didn't know what was added to the demonic fire. , Zhang Zhi was put into the body without realizing it, and was blown up. The skin above and below was split open, and blood flowed everywhere.

At this time, Ye Zhan came at him with a bone spear, and the spear struck the bone armor that protected him, knocking Zhang Aoi away. It's a pity that although his bone gun is sharp, it is not as hard as Zhang Awei's original bones. He seemed a bit disappointed that he could not kill Zhang Awei.

Because there was a sudden explosion sound in his body, Zhang was surprised and was stabbed away by Ye Zhan who took advantage of the opportunity. I quickly looked inside to check the injury. Fortunately, although the explosion range was wide, it was not powerful. The blood stopped flowing out in a moment, the wound healed, and no harm was caused. Strictly speaking, this explosion was not as harmful as the shot from Ye Zhan just now.

But Zhang Ai understands that this thing is not meant to hurt people. As long as it sneaks into the enemy's body and explodes, causing the person who fell into the trap to panic slightly, it will give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it. What will greet him is bound to be a thunderous blow. . Masters compete, life and death hang on a thin line. With the help of such a weird thing, as long as you can seize the opportunity, it is difficult not to win.

I re-checked the demonic fire that had been absorbed into my body, and found nothing wrong. I secretly praised it, Ye Zhan was really powerful, and each of these masters in the demon world was unusual.

This is nonsense. The demon world has been torn for thousands of years. If you can become the king and hegemon in it, how can there be waste? Zhang Ao asked Ye Zhan: "What did you add to the fire?"

Ye Zhan didn't answer. Looking at the lively Zhang Awei, he felt a little uncomfortable. He couldn't help but let out a long sigh. How could this ant-like person become powerful? If I had known to kill him directly when we first met, I could have saved a lot of trouble.

In fact, he also knew that this was just a thought. The big devil wanted Zhang Ai, so why would he let himself kill people randomly? Looking coldly at Zhang Weifeng, who was covered in white bones, he couldn't believe it. The bone gun in his hand was the bone soul extracted from hundreds of millions of corpses in the demon world. It was extremely sharp and hard. Even the Great Demon King was unwilling to be faced with this gun. Tied to.

Normally, bone guns would not even be used against enemies or in night battles. But just now, he not only used it to fight the enemy, but also used a trick to attract Zhang Awei's attention, and then stabbed with all his strength, hitting the center. His whole body's strength was put into the stab, but he could not hurt Zhang Awei at all. How could he be a disappointed person?

At this time, Ye Sui woke up, and the first thing he did was to jump up and jump towards Zhang Wei. He was grabbed by the night guard next to him. This night guard was not afraid of Zhang, but he didn't want to make a useless attack. Ye Zhan is the strongest of the Eight Guards. He stabs the opponent directly with the supreme magic weapon, but can't hurt the opponent, even though he sleeps all night.

Ye Xue had just woken up and was a little confused. Seeing that he was being grabbed, he said angrily: "Why don't you kill him?"

She spoke, but no one answered. We are all smart people, and some words do not need to be explained. As long as a few moments pass, Ye Sui can figure it out himself. On the contrary, Ye Zhan lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, raising his hand to wipe the bone gun. The gun had become spiritual. Under his gentle brush, it rang loudly, showing a strong fighting spirit and revealing the master's wish.

Ye Zhan brushed the barrel of the gun, held the tail with one hand, raised it, pointed the tip of the gun directly at Zhang Wen, and said in a deep voice: "Zhan."

Zhang Zhen is very dissatisfied. I asked you a question. If you don't answer it, you still want to fight with me? He muttered to himself, the devil world is just a bunch of idiots with broken heads.

But, are there really idiots in the demon world?

Zhang was just about to speak when he suddenly realized that his body had been torn apart. He looked down in disbelief and saw a pair of hands coming out of his abdomen. After opening his belly, a head came out, then a neck, then the body and legs.

This guy emerged from Zhang Awei's body, which was originally a very bloody, terrifying and disgusting thing, but he did it in an extremely elegant and calm manner. After coming out, he turned around and said to Zhang Awei: "I know you can't die, but if you don't agree to me, You will really die."

This man is the Great Demon King. As long as there are no magic thunders bothering him, he will always have the confidence to fight Zhang Awei. Just as he was avoiding the magic thunder, a night guard intervened, temporarily distracting Zhang Afraid and not pursuing him any further. The big devil waited a moment longer, waited for the best opportunity, and suddenly struck out, hitting the enemy with one blow.

He didn't know what his hands were made of, but he could easily break through the white jade bone armor, so the sneak attack was successful.

Regardless of whether it is an immortal or a demon, being torn apart is always a serious injury. Even if one cannot die, one's vitality will be severely damaged and one's cultivation level will be reduced. This is a normal thing. No matter how magical a person is, they are connected by meridians. Any part that is broken will affect his cultivation. Therefore, at this time, Zhang is probably seriously injured and unable to fight against the big devil.

After hearing the big devil's question, Zhang Ping didn't say anything. The fat man on the side clapped his hands and said: "After watching it for a long time, it's interesting now." This guy regards blood as fun, which is weird enough.

Zhang was afraid of being seriously injured. The strange thing was that he didn't feel much discomfort. He looked down at the wound and saw that the internal organs in the abdomen were gone, lying in pieces on the wound, and many of them fell to the ground. There was a lot of blood oozing out from the wound, the lower limbs, and the ground under the feet. It was so red, so bright, and very dazzling.

Zhang Awei swallowed lightly and said, "What is this for?"

His body was originally reborn from spiritual energy, and the fat man's divine hand inspired him to spiritualize both his mind and heart. Although the whole body was still in human form, with blood and internal organs, and a complete body and soul, but The body is no longer what it was before. It can be said that Zhang Ai's body has died long ago. He is now more like a person who has been reborn, but this body is better and stronger! Therefore, the injuries he suffered at this time may be very serious to other cultivators, but to Zhang Ai, they are not much different from skin injuries.

So, in front of everyone, he watched the broken organs in the wound suddenly melt away, turning into spirits and pouring into his body. The blood also melted away, and even the damaged organs that fell to the ground and the blood flowing around turned into spirits and poured into Zhang Awei's body. Then he saw the organs reborn one after another, and then watched the wounds slowly grow back. , the skin returns to smoothness. In just a moment, Zhang Weijing's whole body was intact as before. Even the broken bone armor was fused together and re-condensed. Zhang Weisheng stood lazily like a normal person, smiling lightly and watching. Everyone on the other side was surprised.

The big devil's mouth opened slightly, his heart was extremely shocked, and he unconsciously said: "Are you not a human?"

After seeing this scene, the Great Demon King understood why Zhang Ai was not afraid of thunder. This guy was not a human body at all. It was composed of the thickest, most powerful and invisible colorless spiritual power in the world. How could thunder and lightning hurt him?

Zhang Ai smiled lightly when he heard this and said softly: "Thank you for your gift."

Ye Zhan was even more surprised. This guy had such a weird and powerful body. Why did he create such a hard bone armor outside? Cheating? His right hand trembled in anger, and he saw the blade of the spear in his hand flickering randomly, like a plum blossom nodding.

Zhang Ai thought about it, and found out that getting this body was an unexpected surprise. It was also the basis for him not being afraid of magic thunder and being able to absorb magic thunder. I wonder if it would also have this effect when facing sky thunder or divine thunder?

Thinking back to the trick that Ye Zhan had just stolen, I wonder what he added to the magic fire? It's amazing how silent and silent the attack can be. If you learn this trick, you can definitely use it to trick people. Well, it is also good to scare Zhang Tianfang.

This guy just realized that his body had a huge advantage, and he immediately became careless. He even lazily asked Ye Zhan, "What was that thing that exploded in my body just now?"

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