The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 919 Watching a Opera

Chapter 919 Watching a Show

But just as he closed his eyes, his left hand was grabbed by someone. Just when he was about to open his eyes, he was lifted up by a huge force and flew rapidly in the air. Just by this flight, the fortune teller's guess that he was an extraordinary master was confirmed, and he was much more powerful than him.

The two flew very fast in the air, much faster than the fastest plane Zhang Pa had ever taken. He condensed a Taoist shield in front of him to protect himself and block the biting cold wind. He didn't want to open his eyes at this time. Flying so fast, he couldn't see anything except looking at the sky.

A quarter of an hour later, the speed slowed down, and the fortune teller said: "Open your eyes." Zhang Pa opened his eyes and sighed helplessly: "Do you have to play with me like this? It took me more than ten days to fly back to Tianlei Mountain, and you brought me back again?"

There was a desert under his feet, an endless desert.

The fortune teller said: "You have a lot of time anyway, just fly slowly." He flew forward while speaking. The further Zhang Pa flew, the more familiar his surroundings seemed to him, so he blurted out, "Who are you looking for?" The fortune teller replied, "What do you think?" Zhang Pa knew he was in trouble when he heard that. It turned out that the trap that Gui Zu and his men had set up with great difficulty could not be concealed from anyone. He asked in a deep voice, "Why did you bring me here?"

"You are the only interesting person I know, the others are just vulgar people." After saying this, the fortune teller stopped, took Zhang Pa to the ground, then let go and sat down, saying, "Wait a minute, you can watch the show soon."

Zhang Pa sat down and asked, "Why am I interesting?" The fortune teller said, "Do you remember what I said when I read your fortune? I said that since I set up the stall, it was the first time that someone like you came to read your fortune. People like you are cultivators, high-level cultivators looking for someone to tell their fortunes. Do you think it's interesting?"

Zhang Pa pouted and said, "Just a fortune teller, what do you mean by fortune telling?"

The fortune teller was not annoyed, and smiled gently, "I am really good at fortune telling, I am the best fortune teller in the world, but I just won't read it for you."

Zhang Pa glared at him and said, "Boring." Then he asked, "Why don't you hide your identity?" The fortune teller asked back, "What identity do you want to hide?" Zhang Pa said, "Pretend to be a fortune teller to deceive people, hiding your identity as a master of cultivation."

"This, I have never concealed it, it's you who are short-sighted and can't see it, how can you blame me?" The fortune teller said.

Zhang Pa had many questions in his mind, but he didn't know how to ask them. For example, who was the fortune teller, why did he look for him, why did he reveal his master's identity, why did he bring him to watch the fun, etc. There were too many questions, so it was better not to ask and wait for the fortune teller to explain himself.

But the fortune teller didn't say anything at all, just sat with him and looked at the sky. Fortunately, it didn't take long before a colorful neon suddenly appeared in the distance, rising slowly from the middle of the desert and stretching into the sky. One after another, dozens of rainbows rose into the sky in a moment, turning the desert in front into the most beautiful flower basket in the world. At this time, bells and drums sounded in the sky, playing clear and melodious music. It sounded faint, but very touching.

The fortune teller nodded gently and whispered, "There are still some merits in the Longhushan Kung Fu." Then he said to Zhang Pa, "The good show is on, let's go." After speaking, he stood up and strode to the center of the rainbow flower basket.

Zhang Pa's face changed and asked, "Are you a messenger of God?" The rainbow and clear sound just now should be the signs of the sky when Meng Nu became a god. The fortune teller walked in that direction, clearly intending to kill Mengnu. In addition, he said that he wanted Zhang Pa to watch the show, but he came to the place where the mountain god and others were ambushing to wait for Mengnu to become a god. Who else could such a person be but a messenger of God?

The fortune teller kept walking and said lightly: "You are quite smart."

Zhang Pa's heart suddenly became cold as ice after getting the affirmative answer from the fortune teller. The fortune teller knew everything from the beginning, but he still had to wait for Mengnu to become a god before appearing, which showed that he was confident and confident in dealing with all this. In this case, it means that Guizu and others are going to be unlucky, and the most unlucky person will be Mengnu, who will die just after becoming a god.

Thinking of this, he stepped up his pace to catch up.

The omen of becoming a god lasts for a long time, as long as half a quarter of an hour. If you have the chance to watch it, you will find that the most beautiful fireworks in the world are not as beautiful as this rainbow, which is flashing and jumping, constantly changing colors, shooting out from Mengnu and extending to the sky.

The fortune teller came over leisurely and sighed, "Why do you need to become a god?" After he finished speaking, he stepped into the divine formation set up by Zhang Pa. White fog suddenly appeared out of thin air, covering the whole world, even Meng Nu was covered in it, as if infinite beauty was born from a thick white fog.

The fortune teller was trapped in the maze, and the four most powerful masters of the time appeared in an instant. No one knew where they were hiding. Anyway, they were nowhere to be seen in the vast desert, but they could appear at the same time in an instant. Each of them held a magic weapon and attacked the dense fog maze, and did not let Meng Nu in the formation go.

Zhang Pa stood far away to see clearly, and felt pity for Meng Nu in his heart. Not only did the divine messenger want to kill him, but even the ghost ancestor and others just used her as a temptation.

The magic weapon of the black monster was the soul-calling flag. A flag fell down like a huge mountain, and there was even more gloomy black air winding into the white fog. The magic weapon of the mountain god is a real mountain, worthy of the name of the mountain god. The three peaks like ingots stand up to the sky, but they are not big. They are dark and the size of a human head, and they smash directly into the white fog. However, the divine array has its own world. No matter how many things are thrown into it, they may not hit the fortune teller.

At this time, the second ghost ancestor activated the array formula, and there was a loud explosion. The divine array exploded, dispersing the white fog and revealing the scene in the desert. The rainbow flying in the sky disappeared with the explosion. Meng Nu stood up, holding a green hairpin and casually slashed it. A green sword shadow flashed in the air and stabbed the fortune teller.

At the same time, the sinister black energy emitted by the black monster summoning flags entangled the fortune teller, and above the fortune teller's head, the mountain magic weapon of the mountain god was pressed.

Zhou Zheng's magic weapon is a black rope, which he ties up after leaving his hand. The giant banner of the Second Ghost Ancestor followed behind, and the black monster's soul-calling banner was made according to the giant banner of the Second Ghost Ancestor. It's just that one is evil and dark, one is upright, one sprays black energy to catch people, and the other locks people with a magic circle.

The five masters struck with thunder, full of force, and strong winds blew up, bringing up the yellow sand all over the sky. It seemed like a giant dragon jumped up and flew up from the sand, carrying sand and stones flying, and the earth shook.

It's a pity that the momentum is amazing enough, but it still can't hurt the physiognomist. The fortune teller also had a flag, a small white linen flag with the fortune teller written on it. At this moment, several rays of golden light suddenly shot out, protecting the fortune teller, while other people's attacks and huge power were all dissipated in this golden light. , although it was powerful and fast, it was all blocked by the golden light and could no longer move forward.

Seeing the black energy being melted by the golden light, the black monster roared loudly, and the soul-calling flag automatically grew in size without any wind. Dozens of dark souls flew out from the flag and pounced on the physiognomist. At the same time, the mountain god's mountain grew larger and hit it again with the force of Wanjun. Zhou Zheng's black ropes flashed across the ground into countless strips, and were tightly tied to the fortune teller like a black wall.

The fortune teller sighed softly: "You still don't admit defeat?" While speaking, he gently shook the white flag, and a cloud of smoke covered his whole body. It was very light and thin, as transparent as the thinnest gauze, but it was able to cover the fortune teller's body, and then Then I saw countless attacks hitting the thin smoke clouds, and then disappearing. This time, they really disappeared, like water dripping into the sea, along with several ghosts.

Meng Nu had just become a master of transforming into gods, and she was the weakest among the group of people. The mountain god and the black monster had just killed her fiercely, and it was clear that no one cared about her, even her. She could see clearly, but no matter how clear she was, there was nothing she could do about it. The fortune teller's thin smoke enveloped her in it, making it impossible for her to escape even if she wanted to. Meng Nu gritted her teeth and stabbed the fortune teller with the green phoenix magic weapon in her hand. The physiognomist smiled softly at him and gave him a light palm. Meng Nu flew straight out of the smoke and fell to the ground. The beautiful green phoenix The hairpin also fell to the ground, and the so-called magic weapon was completely vulnerable to the fortune teller.

Meng Nu had planned her last move. Her magic weapon was a green hairpin on her head, named Qingfeng. She wanted to use the magic weapon to get close and stab her. As soon as the fortune teller reacted, she let go and let the magic weapon attack on its own. She would use other magic weapons to attack the enemy. If she still had no success, she would decide to stay away temporarily and see how the other people responded.

Unfortunately, there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides. With just one palm from the fortune teller, her thousands of years of hard work had been shattered. Then he stopped looking at her and stood in the fog talking to the Second Ghost Ancestor: "You really disappoint me."

The four people on the periphery, the black monster, the mountain god and Zhou Zheng were all easily neutralized by the fortune teller. The remaining two ghost ancestors did not make a move. His giant flag also stopped in the air. Hearing what the fortune teller said, he chuckled: "Why do you let the fortune teller say this?" Are you disappointed?"

The fortune teller sighed and said, "If you only have this ability, I won't play with you anymore." Then he saw a little golden light shining in the thin smoke, beating gently. It was as big as gravel, but extremely bright, with every beat faintly carrying the aura of wind and thunder, and the surrounding air suddenly became tight, as if the golden light was very heavy and powerful.

The mountain god recognized this golden light and shouted: "Kill." He knew that the black monster and the two ghost ancestors had not yet exerted their full strength, but at this time there was no room for hiding anything. As soon as his spiritual thoughts came out, the stone mountain in the sky really turned into a mountain. It smashed into the sand with a whine and splashed yellow sand all over the sky again. This time the power was much greater. I saw the fortune teller being smashed under the stone.

The black monster followed the mountain god, opened its mouth, and sprayed out three skulls, one golden, one silver, and one black. The three skull heads flew forward, and three loud bangs were heard. All three skulls were plunged into the giant black mountain. However, looking at the surface of the giant mountain, there were no damaged holes. The three skulls were able to penetrate through the stone and bite the fortune teller.

Zhou Zheng also used all his strength. He had lived in the ghost cave for a long time and was a member of the demon sect. He used techniques similar to those of the two ghost ancestors. He discarded the black rope just now and pulled out a long, crystal-clear thorn from the top of his head, like iron. It is not iron, looks like bone but not bone, and cannot tell the origin. To put it simply, it can be described as being like hair, only longer and stronger.

The long thorn had just left his body. Zhou Zheng seemed to feel much more relaxed suddenly. He gently held the long thorn in front of him and activated the magic formula in a flash. The long thorn suddenly disappeared, but a silk net appeared. The net was full of spikes, and it began to shrink after covering the boulder. After a while, the silk net disappeared into the stone mountain.

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