The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 909 The fortune teller

Chapter 909: Fortune teller

Ha Wen was the first to shout: "No, it's because I didn't know the inside story and got involved abruptly, and that's why what happened now. All mistakes should be blamed on me. If you have any grievances, just complain to me. Even if someone quits, it should be me.”

There are three parties involved, two men have withdrawn one after another, and the remaining woman is blushing. Strictly speaking, the incident was also caused by her. If she had clearly refused when she met Ha Wen that day, what happened today would not have happened. However, who would have thought that Sheng Lin, who had disappeared for thirteen years, would actually come out of seclusion at this time, and would look for someone to fight for his life as soon as he came out of seclusion?

From her point of view, she did nothing wrong. First of all, she didn’t know how many years Sheng Lin would be in seclusion. She couldn’t keep waiting. At the same time, she contributed to restoring the family’s glory. She made a right choice both emotionally and rationally. How could fate mess with people? , but he fell in love with an infatuated boy, which made things complicated.

Seeing that the two men chose to quit, He Feng looked at Sheng Lin and then at Ha Wen, and said softly: "It was the little girl who did something wrong, which almost affected two lives. The little girl should bear these faults. Fellow Taoist Ha, I am a double cultivator." Let's leave it at that and ask for your forgiveness, fellow Taoist." After saying that, he didn't look at the two of them again and walked away.

The matter was settled in this way, and all three parties involved chose to give up. Although the ending is helpless, it is an ending without an ending. Feeling embarrassed with his family, he said hello to Zhang Afraid briefly, apologized to the other two families, and left first. Next came the Sheng family, who apologized to Ha Wen, and then came to thank Zhang Ping, who went back after being wordy for a while. Finally, Ha Wen and Ha Wu tried their best to establish a relationship with Zhang Ai and talked for a while. Seeing that Zhang Ai was impatient, the two of them said goodbye and left.

So Zhang Ai was the only one left in the forest. Logically speaking, he should go back to Feitian Lei Mountain or go to Wugu to meet Hai Ling. But there was a strange feeling in his heart, as if something was calling him to go back to Shenghe City. Could it be a surprise before leaving the city?

After thinking about it, he decided to go back to the city to find out what shocked him. On the way back, he used his spiritual consciousness to search, starting from in front of him and ending at every inch of land in Shenghe City.

Apart from two manors, no cultivator was found on this land. This made Zhang Ai particularly confused. Is it really his illusion? Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly realized something was wrong. He sighed helplessly and flew over.

There are more than a dozen manors outside Shenghe City, of which the two are the largest. One belongs to the Sheng family and the other belongs to the He family. They are not far from each other, more than a thousand meters apart. In the attic in the backyard of He's family, there was a woman with tears in her eyes, lying on her back on the bed, her energy dissipating. She was Hefeng, and although she was a cultivator, she was a dignified daughter first and foremost. She was so ashamed that she didn't want to live anymore when she caused such trouble in front of everyone.

After returning to the room, I first drank some water, then dug out some old things and looked at them slowly. Then when I was most sad, I committed suicide by severing my meridians.

While she was seeking death, Zhang was afraid to divide her soul into countless parts and check for any changes in her surroundings. Because there were only two cultivators here, I couldn't help but use more of my soul to investigate the situation. He Feng's method of suicide is to break his meridians, and he must first accumulate strength before bursting his meridians. Fortunately for her, she was discovered by Zhang Ai when she unleashed her spiritual power. This good old man didn't want to see someone commit suicide, so he rushed to save her. When he arrived at the room, He Feng would have his heart broken and he would die only a moment later.

Of course Zhang Ping wouldn't let her die. He had just appeared in the room and had already sealed He Feng's whole body's blood. Even if you were cut off, you had to keep it cut off. Don't expect the cut to be any bigger.

Speaking of which, He Feng was quite lucky. Zhang Ai was not far from He's home. He had superb cultivation and he also had elixirs refined from ten thousand years of herbs. All three conditions were indispensable to save her life.

He Feng had his heart broken and was waiting to die. The strange thing was that he was still conscious for a while. He was wondering why he wasn't dead yet? At this time, Zhang Wen said: "You have died once, do you still want to die?" He Feng then knew that he had been rescued, but his heart was cut off, his whole body could not move, he could not speak, and he could only hesitate in his heart. If you die this time, you won't have such courage next time.

Zhang was afraid of sealing her whole body's spiritual power and blood, so he sent his own spiritual power into her body, consolidated all the meridians, and then took the life pill and fed it. In just a moment, the broken bloodline recovered, and He Feng was fine. Zhang Ai stopped and asked her, "Do you still want to die?"

He Feng looked at Zhang Weifeng, biting his lips tightly, his eyes wandering constantly, thinking about it in his mind, it was nothing that the master in front of him saved Sheng Lin, he was not dead in the first place; but the method of saving himself was extremely shocking, and his heart Even if his pulse was cut off and he was about to die in a blink of an eye, he was able to revive him. This showed how powerful he was. He immediately bowed and said, "Thank you, senior, for saving your life."

Generally speaking, people who commit suicide but do not die are likely to think about dying again. Zhang was afraid that his spiritual consciousness would sweep over He Feng and know that he was fine, so he did not say anything, so he wanted to run away. Unexpectedly, after the woman said her words of thanks, Hutong knelt down and said, "This little woman made a big mistake and had no shame in living. She wanted to pay for her crime with her life, but she was saved by her senior. I knew that this life no longer belonged to me, so I still hope." The senior was merciful and took the little girl in. From now on, she serves tea and water for the senior and just wants to be a serving maid. "

Zhang Wei sighed in his heart when he heard that every time he rescued people, it was so troublesome. He looked at the woman again, casually threw down ten foundation-building stage advanced pills, and some spiritual energy pills, and said coldly: "With these pills, Do you still want to die?" After saying that, he walked out of the house and left, leaving the woman alone in the house.

For a low-level monk, the shocking power of these pills was unparalleled. The woman was shocked and paused for a while before tremblingly putting away the pills. Then I felt helpless and restless, walking around the room, not knowing what to do.

To save trouble, Zhang Pa sealed the pill when he threw it out, so that his spiritual power could not leak out. He locked He Feng with his spiritual consciousness, worried that he would do something stupid again. He left the manor and walked to Shenghe City after He Feng put away the pill and confirmed that he would not commit suicide again.

He left from the east gate just now, and now he entered from the east gate. It was noon when he went out, and it was still bright when he came back.

Zhang Pa walked slowly into the city gate, his eyes scanning the front like lightning. From here, there are two tall restaurants built 800 meters away, and he was shocked there just now. At this time, he walked to the front of the restaurant and stood still, looking carefully from left to right, but unfortunately he still didn't find it.

He thought to himself: It's really a ghost. In a blink of an eye, he saw the flag at the corner of the restaurant. On a piece of white linen, there was a big word written, "Xiang". Under the flag, there was a person sitting with his head down. Looking at his hair and figure, and checking his breath, he found that it was a middle-aged fortune teller who was dozing off.

Seeing the fortune teller, Zhang Pa thought of his miserable experiences over the years. There were endless things happening, and he was often hunted down. His luck was so bad that he should find someone to tell his fortune. Unfortunately, the fortune teller was sleeping, so he didn't disturb him. He turned around and went up to a restaurant nearby. He didn't believe that he had seen a ghost. With such a high level of cultivation, how could ghosts scare him? He wanted to stay here for a while and see if he could find something.

It was afternoon, and there were few customers. Zhang Pa sat down by the window on the second floor, pushed the window and looked out, and happened to see the silhouette of the fortune teller. After looking outside, he looked back inside the building, looking at each private room, most of them were empty, and still didn't find anything.

At this time, a big man came running down the street with his shirt open. He stood in front of the fortune-telling stall, pulled up the sleepy fortune-teller, and cursed: "You bastard, you cheated me of my money." The fortune-teller was very weak and was pulled off the ground. He was no longer sleepy, and he grabbed with both hands and said anxiously: "How did I cheat you of your money? Let go, let go quickly." The man smiled grimly, let go suddenly, and threw the fortune-teller on his buttocks, and then said: "I came to ask for wealth and gave you a penny of silver. You said there is wealth in the west, so I stand to the west when I go to the casino, but no matter what dice or dominoes I bet on, I lose everything. I didn't hear a fart sound from the twenty taels of silver. That's it, isn't this a scam? No matter what, pay me the money, or I'll tear down your fortune-telling stall. "

The fortune-teller stood up and said with a wry smile: "That's not how you interpret the fortune-telling in the West." The man said rudely: "I don't care, I just know that if I listen to you, I will lose money and pay! If you don't pay, I'll tear down the stall."

The fortune-teller still smiled bitterly: "On my stall, I can put ten for one penny of silver, and you can't even tear down a hundred of them for twenty taels of silver." The man said: "I don't care, the stall is not worth money, I'll tear down yours, and you say you'll pay me or not?"

Zhang Pa wanted to laugh when he heard it upstairs. It was the first time he heard that the fortune-telling in the West was interpreted this way, and he actually used it to gamble.

The two fortune tellers were arguing in the street, and soon some idle people gathered to watch the fun. They all lived in the same city. Someone knew the big man and gave the fortune teller some advice: "Just give the money. He is a fool. It is useless to beat him to death."

Someone on the side corrected him: "He is not stupid, he just insists on his own opinion." The original speaker replied: "Get lost. You are making a scene in court for a melon seed. Isn't this a fool?"

Someone didn't know what was going on and asked curiously: "What kind of melon seeds are so valuable? Gold melon seeds?"

The man said: "What gold melon seeds are bullshit? They are just ordinary melon seeds. Last time, the daughter of the rich man Li went out, and the fool was eating melon seeds on the street. One of them fell to the ground and was stepped on by the girl. The fool refused and asked the girl to pick up the melon seeds, clean them and return them to him, otherwise he would not be allowed to leave. The girl of the Li family refused to do so. They said it was dirty and couldn't be eaten, so they bought a new one for him, but the fool refused. Then they started fighting. All eight servants were knocked down. Later, twenty yamen runners came and were knocked down. Finally, the fool's sister-in-law was invited to persuade him to go to the court for trial. The prefect knew that the fool was a scoundrel, so he didn't sentence him. In short, he was acquitted. The fool was angry at the time. I walked so far with you and accompanied you to mess around, but you didn't compensate me for the melon seeds? Then they started fighting again. I don't know how he looks. The knife only cut his body and didn't hurt him at all. The government had no choice but to send someone to find a melon seed for him to fool him. "After the man said this, the person next to him asked in surprise: "Is it true?" The man said disdainfully: "Why would I lie to you? How many people in Shenghe City don't know him? Are you from another place?"

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