The Monk

Volume One Chapter 907 Shenghe City

Chapter 907 Shenghe City

When it came, the black monster controlled Feiya to fly at full speed, and it took eleven days to fly here. When returning, Zhang was afraid that he would not stand there and check the direction, just input some spiritual power and let it fly, so it took him forty days to fly out of the desert. After finally seeing the yellow earth turn green, I hurriedly found a city to stay in, and first went to the city to laze around and rest.

He went to the inn to sleep, but he didn't expect that along the way, he was lucky. Because of his laziness, he managed to escape the search of the two black monsters.

His return was slow and took more than forty days. The black monster didn't expect him to be so lazy. After he and the two ghost ancestors escaped the pursuit of the Buddhists, he told Zhang Ao's origins, especially that he could enter the Refining Temple to see the great ghost ancestor.

When the Second Ghost Ancestor heard this, he and his other self had been separated for tens of thousands of years. Finally, they got the news and had a chance to meet, but they accidentally missed it, so they came back to look for Zhang Afraid. Of course, they also came here for the elixir.

It's just that they were too fast. If they accidentally flew in front of Zhang Wen, they would naturally not be able to find the lazy guy. But he couldn't find it and felt uneasy. Fortunately, the black monster persuaded the two ghost ancestors to recover from their injuries and then search slowly.

Strictly speaking, the black monster is more powerful than the two ghost ancestors. He devoured an entire oasis, all life on the oasis, and all the ghosts in the Yinling Land below the Iron Line Valley. It's hard to think of it as powerful. The Second Ghost Ancestor looked at the black monster's strength and thought about his own injuries. He suffered internal injuries, his breath was disordered, and he had never had a chance to recover from his injuries, so he agreed and found a secluded place to start healing. The black monster's protector and the Eternal Spring Pill had the miraculous effect. , the injury gradually improved.

They hid to heal their wounds, and Zhang Weizhen slowly appeared. I have been thinking about rescuing Hai Ling all the way from the desert. Unfortunately, no matter how much I think about it, it is useless and I am helpless.

The black monster and the mountain god were temporarily separated, and they wanted to give up rescuing the great ghost ancestor. It was interesting to say that the team that killed the divine envoy had already been torn apart before they even met. I just don’t know how the Second Ghost Ancestor will decide. After all, he and the Great Ghost Ancestor are originally the same person.

Apart from them, there was another thing that confused Zhang Ai. Where had the envoy gone? The black monster walking around can be understood to be an object made by ghosts, and the divine envoy cannot detect it. However, the two ghost ancestors are wandering around, but the divine envoy does not come out to kill him. Could it be that something happened to the divine envoy as well?

There were too many things that he couldn't figure out, and in the end they were all blamed on the Temple of Refining. Thinking of the lonely sea spirit in the sea, Zhang was afraid that he would feel a little depressed, so he went for a walk on the street to relax.

The territory here is under the jurisdiction of Yan State. It is named Shenghe. It is located in the west of Yan State. It is medium in size and has a population of 300,000 to 400,000. There are more than a dozen manors located near or far outside the city.

Zhang was afraid that he was just a passer-by, just wanting to relax, so he concentrated and pretended to be an ordinary person walking on the street, joining in wherever the excitement was. There is a little bird Suzaku on the shoulder, and a small green dragon is wrapped around the cuffs and wrists. If the gray robe didn't look old, it would still look like a dandy.

After wandering around all morning, during meal time, I casually found a restaurant to have something to eat. It's not that I'm hungry, it's just to kill time. He sat down by the window, ordered some food and wine, and didn't even eat, just looking at the street.

There was an inn at the corner of the street, and it was very lively with people coming and going in front of the store. It was a coincidence that Zhang was afraid that he saw two acquaintances. He had no intention of meeting the two of them, so he just sat still. Half an hour passed like this, and a young man suddenly came to the door of the inn. He stood at the door and shouted loudly: "Hawen, Hawu, come out."

The two acquaintances that Zhang Ping saw just now were Ha Wen and Ha Wu, junior monks of the Yan Kingdom's Hamen Pill Formation. When I first advanced a few years ago, I was so excited that I ran to Foggy Valley early to wait to enter the Refining Temple. As a result, he was very unlucky and caused a fatal disaster. He was rescued by Zhang Awei and returned to Yan State to seek refuge. He planned to go to Wugu Valley in a few years to try his luck.

Zhang Weing had a good impression of these two brothers. They were enthusiastic and righteous, and they dared to stand up for people they just met. They didn't sound like monks, but more like reckless soldiers. They could sacrifice their lives for others after just one drink.

At this time, I heard that someone was making trouble for them, and I looked over curiously. The young man at the door of the inn was a top-level cultivation base. He was dressed in ordinary clothes and had a calm face. He only clenched his fists and looked a little angry.

A moment later, Ha Wen and Ha Wu walked out of the inn. Ha Wen looked at the boy, whom he had never seen before, and raised his hands: "I wonder why you call me brother?"

Seeing Ha Wen, the young man suddenly had an angry look on his face, and said coldly: "See you at the river ten miles away from the east city." Then he turned around and walked east, not caring whether Ha Wen and the other two would follow him.

Ha Wu didn't recognize the boy and asked, "Who is this person?" Ha Wen shook his head: "I don't know, let's go and have a look."

Although the Ha family cannot be said to be extremely powerful in the Yan Kingdom, it is still one of the most powerful cultivation sects. Most of its disciples are proud and proud, and few of them are afraid of trouble. Ha Wen and Ha Wu will not be afraid of young people, so they stride towards the east. .

Zhang was afraid of causing trouble unintentionally, but since something happened to an old acquaintance, he should go over and have a look. He paid the bill and followed quietly.

There are two large restaurants in the east of the city. There is a divination stall in the corner below the restaurant, and a fortune teller is sitting there, with his eyebrows lowered and his eyes lowered, dozing off. When Zhang Wen passed by, the fortune teller suddenly raised his eyes to look at him, only glanced at him, and then lowered his head and continued to doze off.

At that glance, Zhang Wear was suddenly startled. He turned around and looked back. There were many pedestrians on the road, but he didn't find anyone surprising. He stopped for a moment and continued walking outside the city.

Not long after, we came to a long river, which was winding and winding. There was a forest on the river bank, but there was no one there. Zhang Wen knew that there was a blindfold in the woods to prevent ordinary people from breaking in and injuring their lives. After their spiritual consciousness swept over them, the three people in the forest walked into the woods before they even made a move.

The blindfold set up by the low-level monks was naturally ineffective against him. The scenery in front of him changed and he came to an open space. When he saw the young man stabbing Harbin with his sword, his expression showed unbearable anger. He didn't know what Harvin had done to make the boy hate him so much.

Zhang was afraid that because of his high cultivation level, he acted silently. The three people in the field did not notice him, so they each did what they were supposed to do.

Ha Wen was one level higher in cultivation than the young man. When he saw the magic sword stabbing him, he just flicked it away and asked: "You and I are strangers. What have I done to make you hate me so much?"

The young man missed a move, but he was not discouraged and said bitterly: "I will kill you." Then another sword stabbed him. Seeing that this guy was pestering him endlessly, and not knowing when he had offended him, Ha Wen showed his magic sword with his backhand, destroyed the opponent's magic sword with a bang, and said coldly: "Just this once, if you dare to offend me again, you will be killed."

The young man's eyes were red, and he shouted: "If you die, do you think I'm afraid of death?" The magic sword was broken, and the young man recited the magic formula. After a moment, a small fire ball floated in his right palm, and he looked at the bright flame, faintly shining with golden light.

Zhang Wen, who had been in the killing array for a long time, saw that the young man had a will to live and die. If so, wouldn't he try his best to find someone to die together? With Havin's cultivation, even if he could stop him, he would be seriously injured, so he wanted to stop him.

At this moment, the barrier outside the forest trembled, and a middle-aged man with an intermediate level of pill formation rushed in, shouting: "Stop." The middle-aged man's cultivation was not as good as Zhang Awei's, and he touched the barrier and was easily detected by the three of them. When the young man saw the middle-aged man, he became even more angry. Not only did he not stop, he closed his palms to hold the golden fire, and sprayed his own essence into the fire from his mouth. The flames soared several meters and burned toward Ha Wen.

At this time, Ha Wen Ha Wu was saluting the middle-aged man and said respectfully: "Ha Wen Ha Wu has met Uncle Master." Because a young man attacked them, the two of them neither wanted to be rude nor were attacked, so they released two shields to block the attack. On his side, he thought that the young man was just a foundation-building monk, and the two magic shields were enough to protect him from the fire ball.

But he didn't expect that the young man would fight as hard as he could. As soon as the magic sword was broken, he would give up all his cultivation to kill him and turn into golden fire and burn it quickly. With just one blast, the golden fire easily burned the two shields, and was about to burn Havin.

The middle-aged man was shocked when he saw this, but he had no time to rescue him in a hurry, so he had to shoot Jin Huo with his energy. In any case, it would be good to let Ha Wen suffer less damage.

The shield was broken, and Havin was the first to bear the brunt. He tried to dodge, but was not as fast as Jin Huo, and was about to be enveloped by Jin Huo. At this critical moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the air, extinguishing the golden fire and blowing away the energy of the middle-aged man.

Ha Wen was retreating and flashed dozens of meters away. He let out a long sigh of relief when he saw that he was not burned. Only then did he realize that the golden fire was extinguished. Looking at the young man with blazing eyes, he was about to rush over and kill him with his magic sword.

When the young man saw that he could not hurt the opponent despite his desperate efforts, he felt extremely disappointed and became furious. He spat out blood and fell to the ground. At this time, Ha Wen rushed forward. When he saw the boy falling, he had to stop again. He was filled with resentment: What on earth have I done? Make you hate me so much?

The golden fire attack just now caused Ha Wen to almost lose his life. Ha Wu was furious. He didn't care whether the boy fell or not, he jumped up and rushed towards him, wanting to kill someone to vent his anger. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, he was blocked by a thick air mass. He couldn't get away in a hurry. He was so frightened that he took a few steps back and looked around to be cautious.

When he looked up, he noticed Zhang Weifang in the woods, and he hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed, saying, "I've seen you, senior." Ha Wen came over upon hearing the voice, and when he saw Zhang Weifang, he also hurriedly paid his respects. Zhang Awei waved his hand and said, "Don't be so polite." He came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Hawen and Hawu were also confused, and replied: "Juniors don't know either." They already understood that Hawen was not burned just now, but was saved by Zhang Awei again, and he was more respectful in his words and deeds.

When the middle-aged man saw Ha Wen and Ha Wu calling a young man "senior", he didn't dare to neglect him. He quickly came over and cupped his hands and said, "Hejiazhuang Hekun has met senior. I dare to ask him his name."

Zhang Ai replied calmly: "My name is Zhang Ai." He pointed at the young man and asked, "What's going on?" He Kun looked a little embarrassed and hesitated before replying: "He is a descendant of the Sheng family." What he said was unclear. , who knows who the children of the Sheng family are?

At this time, eleven more people ran quickly from outside the forest, easily breaking through the barrier and entering the clearing in the forest. They were divided into two groups. One group was composed of four people, who ran to help the boy who fell to the ground. The other group was composed of seven people, who came to the clearing. Standing behind He Kun were two women.

The boy's side was from the Sheng family, and the leader was a middle-aged man. He helped the boy up and checked his injuries first, and then with a long sigh, he turned around and asked He Kun: "You and I are family friends, but you just watched Lin'er use the two-injury spell and... No obstruction?"

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