The Monk

Volume One Chapter 905 Entering the Desert

Chapter 905: Entering the Desert

Zhang Feng said: "You want me to do this? They are Buddhists, how can I lead them?"

The black monster said: "You have a calming bead, and you can release a few ghosts at random, and choose the most powerful ones. If the Buddhist finds the evil aura, he will naturally go over to check it out, or distract it? It's such a simple thing, and you don't need to fight."

Zhang Ai was a little depressed: "Have you already made a plan with me?" The black monster said: "You still need to calculate? You are such a pig! In short, you have to distract a few monks, and I don't want to get in." Zhang Ai laughed: "You still have to do it? If you really have to fight it in, I will only collect the soul, but I won’t let it go.”

He was despised by the black monster: "Idiot." Then he said: "I will teach you a skill that can control the concentration beads to absorb and release the soul. Don't you want to learn it?" The second half of the sentence was sinister and a bit threatening. . In order to avoid being troubled by the black monster, Zhang Ain sighed and said, "Learn." The black monster recited a few obscure magic formulas to him.

Zhang Pingzhao recited it once, then took out the concentration beads and used this technique to send the soul into the beads. The pearl is a world of its own, with a gray sky, gray ground, gray ghosts, and everything is gray. In the gray world, there are countless gray figures wandering around.

There are multiple streets and cities in the bead, which are stacked on top of each other like buildings. Each floor has multiple cities and countless streets, where countless ghosts gather. Each city is as lively as a city in the world. There are ghosts wandering on the streets, most of them have gray bodies, and few are gray or black ghosts. There are also market restaurants, but the items they buy and sell are different from those in the world, they are several kinds of gray flowers or fruits.

Zhang Ai was very curious, and his consciousness gradually looked further away, and he found that there were mountains and seas outside the city walls, but they were also gray. These fruits grew on the mountains, and there were also some gray fruits floating on the sea surface. They were probably a kind of self-generated Dingshen Pearl. It is a thing of Yin spirit, sucking the soul to maintain life. No wonder the souls in the beads do not need to devour each other to live forever.

The longer Zhang Ai looked at it, the more surprised he became. It was indeed a Buddha bone relic left behind by a great Buddhist master after he passed away. The Yin spirit breath in the bead is endless, nourishing and producing many Yin spirit items. As long as the ghost sucks the Yin items, it can completely withstand it. The dissipation speed of one's own soul. Because of this, the ghosts have no worries about their lives, and there are no fights. There is peace everywhere in the pearl, and it is actually a world of great harmony.

Zhang Ai used all his spiritual consciousness and swept down layer by layer, looking for high-level ghosts. He found that most of them were alone. Each high-level ghost had a golden swastika mark on his body. When a ghost wants to go berserk and devour other ghosts, When the soul comes out, the small swastika will bloom with golden light, locking the ghost who intends to do evil.

This made him look at Naole, that is, only Buddhist cultivators would do this kind of thing. Before they die, they would refine the relics into a Buddhist pure land. Not only would they accommodate all ghosts and live in peace for eternity, but they would also forcefully manage the fierce souls and prohibit them from harming others. . If this was left to Zhang Awei to deal with, the most he could do was to divide the ghosts into groups according to their levels and trap them. He could beat whoever liked it and kill whoever he liked. It was their nature anyway, so no one else could blame them.

He was looking around inside the pearl, and the black monster asked: "Is it fun in there?" Zhang Aing replied: "It's not fun, it's a nice place." The black monster smiled and asked, "Then do you want to go in and live there?" Zhang Aing glanced at it. He glanced at me and said, "Don't lie to me. Why should I go in there? Looking for death?"

He repeatedly made sarcastic remarks, but the black monster was not angry. He just said helplessly: "I'm not as bad as you think. To put it bluntly, I don't have you in my eyes at all. You are not qualified. What I have to deal with is the divine envoy."

Zhang Wen did not comment or answer, and chanted the magic formula in a low voice towards the concentration bead. As the magic formula filled the bead, the movement of the soul inside the bead became slower. As long as it is involved with the divine consciousness, it can be easily taken away. come out.

After understanding the whole process, Zhang Ain put away the concentration beads and said: "Ghosts can also live peacefully. There is really no need to kill and devour them."

The black monster said disdainfully: "How many ghosts are there in your bead? When the number of ghosts gradually increases and the Yin spirit energy absorbed by the beads is not enough to provide food for the ghosts, what kind of world do you think there will be inside the beads? The ghosts will still be there. Will we survive in peace? This bead is simply a false illusion, and only you idiots believe what the thief bald people say."

Zhang Awei argued: "One concentration bead can contain many ghosts, and one more can contain some souls. As long as there are enough beads, any number of souls can be contained."

The black monster sneered: "You also know that you have to have enough beads, but where can you find concentration beads? This thing is not a Chinese cabbage. Just dig one if you ask. Countless new ghosts are born every day in the world, but how long will it take? Will a calming bead come out?"

The black monster was right. Zhang was afraid of giving up the topic of the Calming Pearl, so he changed the question he was concerned about and asked: "You go back to Tiexian Valley to find the Second Ghost Ancestor, and then what?"

The black monster was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Second Ghost Ancestor, this name is interesting. According to you, the one locked in the Refining Temple is the Great Ghost Ancestor, the one locked in the Iron Line Valley is the Second Ghost Ancestor, and I am the Third Ghost Ancestor." Ghost Ancestor, everyone looks the same anyway.”

Zhang Ai said: "It's definitely different. Your whole body is completely black. The Second Ghost Ancestor is seriously injured. The Great Ghost Ancestor has not moved for ten thousand years. How can it be the same? Are the Second Ghost Ancestor's injuries serious?"

The Second Ghost Ancestor was seriously injured when he broke through the Buddha Formation, and since there were no more ghosts in the Iron Line Valley, it was impossible for him to heal his injuries with ghost refining magic.

The black monster said: "I only know that he was injured, but I don't know the extent of the injury. Give me some Changchun Pills, maybe they can be used."

"Give you some?" Zhang Ao shouted: "You are really fierce. Do you want some magic pills?"

The black monster said: "If you don't give me your soul, why don't you give me some elixirs? Don't go too far."

Zhang Awei sat up straight and shouted: "Do you want something so much? Which one of us is too much?" The black monster said contemptuously: "Pretend, if you were angry you would have stood up and shouted, quickly give me the elixir." Zhang Awei said He defended: "This level of anger is not worthy of standing up, do you understand? Because there is a problem with your attitude when speaking, I will give you ten pills."

"No! How can ten pills be enough? At least thirty pills." The black monster bargained with him. Zhang Ai then counter-offered: "Twenty pills, do you want it if you like me?" The black monster said: "Okay, you kid will take advantage." Zhang Ai said angrily: "Is there anyone else who is such a bastard like you, taking my elixir for nothing? , and you said I was taking advantage?" She angrily threw away twenty pills of Changchun Pills like flowers.

The black monster moved strangely, and in a flash, he put away all the elixirs and said, "I won't ask you for more if I don't have enough."

Zhang Aing looked at him putting away the elixir and suddenly asked: "Tell me, what are you doing when you come back?" The black monster glanced at him and calmly replied: "Didn't you just say that?" Zhang Aing said angrily: "You just told a ghost. ? Just keep threatening me to go with you."

"Didn't I tell you? Look at my memory, how could I forget it? By the way, can you distract eighteen great monks?" the black monster asked, changing the subject. Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Can you not be so naive? Do you think you don't have to answer questions after just talking nonsense?" The black monster scratched his head, clamped his eyes and said: "I have never lied before, I am not very skilled, and you saw through it. Zhang Ain looked at him helplessly and said, "What you just said was not a lie, it's just that you never said it."

"Really? That's okay, as long as you didn't lie." The black monster let out a long breath. After seeing his various performances at this time, Zhang Wen's original expression was helpless. At this moment, he suddenly laughed, and the black monster oil shoes laughed unnaturally, and said: "Why are you laughing? Don't look at me and laugh. There is a reason why I came to the desert with you. Yes, first of all, you have the elixir to heal the Second Ghost Ancestor; and there is the Concentration Pearl, which contains countless souls; third, among the masters I know, you are the only one who is free and can come and help; fourth... it's actually nothing. Fourth ." He was talking about the reasons why Zhang was afraid of coming to the desert, but he still didn't say why he wanted to go back to the desert.

Zhang Wen didn't want to talk in circles anymore, and slowly suppressed his smile, and said softly: "I am here for only one purpose. You need the soul in my concentration beads to heal the Second Ghost Ancestor; and for you to come back, there is only one reason, you want to give up the big ghost Ancestor."

Hearing Zhang Awei say these words, the black monster sighed softly: "You are right, I need you to help me enter the Iron Wire Valley, and I also need your concentration beads, but you don't have to worry about safety issues, I won't hurt you , I still need you to accompany me to a place. As for the Great Ghost Ancestor, I really don’t want to save him. Fighting against a master more terrifying than the Divine Envoy for him is definitely something a fool would do, so I want to come back. After discussing with the Second Ghost Ancestor, it was you who really surprised me many times. You even guessed my intention of giving up the Ghost Ancestor.”

"I couldn't have guessed it at first, but your attitude towards Meng Nu made me understand something. What you need is a helper who can deal with the divine envoys, not a useless burden. With this kind of thinking, naturally you will not work for a helper. To provoke more terrifying masters." Zhang Ai said the essence.

The black monster admitted: "You are right, I was planning to give up saving him, but the matter involves the Great Ghost Ancestor, and I have to come back to ask the Second Ghost Ancestor's opinion. They are the same person, so I have to make this trip. ; It is also because I plan to give up the Great Ghost Ancestor that I will wait for you outside the Lie Valley. Such things cannot be known to the Mountain God and Meng Nu, so as not to lose their morale and make the big thing impossible. "

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and murmured in a low voice: "I really don't know what the Great Ghost Ancestor will think after he gets this news."

"Those things are not what you should consider. What you have to consider now is to give me the concentration beads." The black monster said.

Zhang Ai firmly refused: "Absolutely." Hei Wei smiled: "Some things are not up to you." Zhang Ai stopped talking and didn't look at him. He moved back a little, lay down and closed his eyes to rest. The black monster asked him for something. Even if he wanted to kill people, he would not choose this time. Zhang was very relieved.

Seeing his performance, the black monster did not try to snatch the Concentration Pearl. He turned back and concentrated on controlling Feiya, and flew into the desert a day later. When we get here, we see blue sky above and yellow sand below. Even if we fly all day and all night, we will still see these things, which will not change easily.

Zhang was afraid that he would never see this kind of scenery that had not changed for thousands of years, so he still lay still with wine and meat around him. When he got bored, he would eat and drink, and then continue to sleep. This was an opportunity to enjoy himself, and he must not miss it.

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