The Monk

Volume One Chapter 894 Two Bullies

Chapter 894 Two bullies

"Isn't it okay? She's not too much after all." Song Yunyi asked back. Zhang Dawei said: "It's not a question of whether it can be done or not, but what should I do with Yu Lingmen? Not inform them?"

"Why do you need to notify? They gave up on Wan'er first." Song Yunyi replied from Lu Wan's perspective. Zhang was afraid that these women had good intentions and could not be persuaded easily. He changed the subject and asked, "Okay, I'll listen to you. How are my disciples doing?"

"Obviously it was Xi'er who taught me, why am I your disciple, huh." Song Yunyi rarely lost his temper and made a little joke.

Zhang Ping laughed and said, "If I can't defeat you, I'll go have a drink with Uncle Lin." After saying that, he left the room.

In the whole Tianlei Mountain, there are three most leisurely people. One is Zhang Tianfang, who goes down the mountain to harm others; the second is Zhan Yun, who harms various disciples on the mountain all day long; and the third Lin Sen, who drinks wine to harm himself. When Zhang Wen entered the hospital, the old man still raised a glass to invite him to drink. Unfortunately, there was no moon in the sky and no shadow on the ground. He reluctantly invited Feng for a drink, but the wind was not grateful. It caught up with the north wind and blew hard. Seeing Zhang Awei, Lin Sen said happily: "You're here just in time, come and have a drink with me." Zhang Awei asked curiously: "You have been in the mountains for decades and you haven't even found a drinking buddy?"

"Why not? Sha Xiong wants to steal wine every day, and Fu'er and a group of little bastards help them. Fortunately, Xi'er, I made a few complaints casually, and a group of little bastards no longer dare to appear in front of me. That's called being honest. To put it bluntly, Xi'er is still capable, it's not a loss for you to find such a wife." Lin Sen said.

Zhang Wen was afraid that he had taken a sip of wine, and he choked and coughed repeatedly: "Let's talk about this later, drink." The two drank for a while, and Lin Sen said casually: "If there is really an envoy, what do you mean by the owner of our Five Spirits Blessed Land? Can he also be killed by an angel?"

Zhang Awei nodded and said: "It's very possible. Why do you want this?" Lin Sen said: "When I'm fine, I just think about it. When I die and you die too, what will happen to the Five Spirits Blessed Land? Who can I pass it on to? Don't worry, just those idiots like Fu'er were sold and they helped count the money. They were originally thinking of passing it on to Xi'er, but she might not be able to survive you. It's really troublesome." Zhang Ying was stunned after hearing this. Sighing: "You old man is really busy."

The two of them were chatting. After Lin Sen got drunk, Zhang Fei got up and went down the mountain. He originally wanted to go to Wugu Valley, but since the mountain god was in a hurry, he decided to go to Shiwan Mountain first.

As he walked down the mountain, the black bird Suzaku was flying beside him. Zhang was afraid and said, "Aren't you bored alone? I'll find you a companion tomorrow." After saying this, he thought of Piggy, Kitten and Huo'er. The three little guys have not been seen since they came back several times. Based on their character of fearing chaos in the world, they might be harming someone. He let go of his spiritual consciousness and searched, and said depressedly: "They really can't learn to stay still!" He turned around and headed towards the dense forest behind the mountain.

There are mostly dense forests between the eighteen peaks, as well as mountain springs, streams and other places. On a hill, a huge nest was built with grass leaves. The nest was full of eggs, including snake eggs and bird eggs. There were a lot of wild beasts standing densely in front of the hill. It was mainly divided into two parts. One area was near the hill. Hundreds of snakes, and hundreds of birds in one place, all fixed their gazes on the hills, either angry or sad, wanting to rush forward but not daring, and reluctant to leave.

There were two little beasts incubating eggs seriously in the huge nest on the mountain. However, they were small and could not cover a few eggs even when they were crawling around. Most of the eggs were left in the open air. There was a weak little fire floating in the air, timidly looking at the angry beasts under the mountain. It was timid, and the people at the foot of the mountain were even more timid. It was because they were afraid of its power that they did not rush forward and fight desperately.

Zhang was furious when he saw it, couldn't these two guys do something good? In human terms, they are two typical bullies, bullying men and dominating women. He flew over and grabbed the two little bastards and said angrily: "What are you two doing?"

The little pig and kitten looked even angrier, glaring back at Zhang Afraid and growling in a low voice.

Zhang was afraid and said angrily: "Yelling at me? I'm no longer the same as before. I can't fight back when you bully me." As he spoke, he held one of them under his arms, turned the other one over and gave him a spanking, and then switched to the other little bastard to continue. beat.

The two little guys got angrier the more they were beaten. Although Zhang Awei didn't use any force, the problem was that he lost face. The piglet purred and breathed fire. Zhang Awei quickly put the piglet's mouth and the kitten's mouth together. They were angry and said, "Squirt."

Of course, you can't complain about this. The two little guys looked at Zhang Wei while holding back their stomachs of anger. Judging from their expressions, it was clear that there is a long way to go. Let's wait and see. Zhang was afraid that he sighed in his heart, thinking that he was bleeding, so he took out three ten thousand-year-old magical grass, one for each of the three little guys. The piglet and kitten ate the magical grass, and burped comfortably to endure the anger. But then he looked at Huo'er and said, "We can only eat after we get beaten. Why can you eat without being beaten?" This isn't fair.

Huo'er was hanging out with these two little bastards Tian and Tian'er, but he still didn't understand this. He swallowed the taller spiritual grass in one gulp, and then looked back without fear. Xiaozhu tilted his head and looked at it, thinking for a long time but still couldn't figure out how Huo'er could eat the spiritual grass that was bigger than him in one bite. But anyway, when the spiritual grass was gone, Xiaozhu forgot that Huo'er didn't get beaten. After that, he and the kitten happily flew to the front mountain. Before leaving, they barked at Huo'er, meaning to follow him. Huo'er bowed slightly to Zhang Awei and followed quickly. The invincible trio of Tianlei Mountain went to find new targets elsewhere, preparing to continue causing harm.

As soon as the three of them walked away, the snakes and birds under the hillock became chaotic, trying to rush up the hilltop. Fortunately, the black bird Suzaku is still there, buzzing down. It is the guest star of the snake and the ancestor of the birds. The beasts under the mountain surrendered again.

Zhang Ai carefully looked at the eggs in the giant nest. The big ones were bigger than his fists and the smaller ones were smaller than his thumb. He didn’t know how many snake holes the little pig and kitten had dug through and how many bird nests they dug out to get this pile of things. Lucky The strange thing is that it is not damaged and is still alive.

I cursed secretly in my heart, if you don’t learn from good people, why should you learn from other people’s methods of hatching eggs? I'll ask Ruiyuan later and ask them who taught them. They must take care of themselves.

Under the hills are snakes and birds, and on the hills are eggs. The number of eggs is more than ten times that of the animals at the bottom of the mountain. A group of poor mothers look up pitifully. Although they said they had driven away the two bullies, they were still uneasy when they were replaced by a more vicious bully.

Seeing the anxious expressions of the animals, Zhang was a little embarrassed. How could snakes and birds carry their eggs back when they had no hands? In addition, snakes feed on birds, so he must not let the beasts do what they want. A free-for-all might be fun. Even if there is no fight, a lot of guys will come up and cover the nest, and no one knows how many eggs will be crushed.

Fortunately, they were all ordinary beasts. Zhang Aifeng sent a messenger talisman to Bai Zhan and summoned the disciples of the Tianlei Mountain sect to come together.

He and Bai Zhan signed a heart-to-heart agreement, which was a kind of life-and-death contract. Whenever Bai Zhan made any changes, he would immediately sense it. You can also give orders to Bai Zhan through this contract. But Zhang was afraid that he would never do this. He didn't want Bai Zhan to feel like a tool, with his life hanging in the hands of others, always in danger, and living a precarious life.

Zhang was afraid that he would even force himself to forget a promise. Whenever something happened, he would send someone or send a talisman to notify him.

Not long after, more than 200 Bai Zhan team members and more than 700 disciples of our sect arrived. Because all the people who came were experts, Ruiyuan was worried that something would happen, so he also ran over and asked Zhang Ai directly: "Uncle Master, what happened?"

Zhang Weijing waited until everyone gathered before speaking: "Check it out for me, who taught piglets and kittens to hatch eggs? Isn't this a disaster for life?"

Everyone came running in angrily, and as soon as they heard about this incident, they thought to themselves: Uncle Master, Uncle Master, can you still be more out of character?

A disciple of our sect came out and said: "Uncle Master, maybe it was not taught by others, but they learned it on their own."

"What?" Zhang Ain asked curiously. The disciple replied: "I was patrolling the mountains a few days ago and saw pigs and kittens fighting with the dragon spirit. They were either really fighting or just playing around. But the dragon spirit had a child, and there were a lot of little snakes entangled around him. The pig and kitten were beaten away, and they were very angry, and then..."

"Then you steal the snake eggs and hatch them?" Zhang Aif interjected and asked.

Another disciple came out and replied: "It seems like this. Yesterday, I was patrolling the mountain. There were birds flying and snakes scurrying in many places on the other peaks. I went over to check and saw two spiritual beasts biting the eggs and running wildly. The disciple was heartbroken. After thinking about it, I didn't kill any animals anyway. Maybe it was a joke, so I ignored it. How could I have stolen so many eggs?"

This is true. According to the character of Xiaozhu and Kitten, he has done more outrageous things in the past. Stealing a few eggs is really not a big deal. Zhang Ping was helpless. The two brothers stole so many eggs to cause harm just to find helpers to fight the dragon spirits. He couldn't help but admire them. He shook his head and said: "Ruiyuan, watch those two bastards from now on."

Ruiyuan replied with a grimace: "Uncle, how dare I? You'd better find someone else." Zhang was afraid and asked, "What's the matter that you won't inform Xi'er about?" Ruiyuan responded helplessly. Zhang Ain continued: "Start working now. I will point out the eggs, snakes or birds, and you will send them back."

A group of disciples said depressedly: "Uncle Master, who knows where they live?" Zhang Ai was very angry: "You don't know how to ask?" A group of masters mourned: "I can ask, but they have to be able to understand."

Fortunately, there was a little Huo'er who flew back from a distance. When the piglet and kitten did evil, it had been watching the whole process. Now it flew back and nodded at Zhang Aizhi.

Zhang Pingxi said: "Do you know where their nest is?" Huo'er nodded again. Zhang Ai laughed and said: "So many people are not as good as a little Huo'er." As he spoke, he let go of the Yuan Shen. Fortunately, after hundreds of years of continuous tossing in the Nitian Cave, the Yuan Shen was so powerful that he was instantly divided into countless parts. , one soul locked a red bird, and the other side selected eggs with the same bloodline as it among countless eggs, and then pointed at the bird and asked Huo'er: "Do you know its nest?"

Huo'er nodded and flew slowly to the left. Zhang Ai ordered: "This bird, those eggs." Under the control of a powerful soul, the few found eggs floated gently from the ground and floated into the air. At this time, a disciple flew over, caught the bird and held the eggs, followed Huo'er, and sent the bird home.

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