The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 892 The Bad Guy

Chapter 892 Bad guy

The more he behaved like this, the angrier Hong Qi became. His pride took over and he could not embarrass himself in front of Lu Wan. With a trembling hand, the magic sword came out of his hand and turned into a sword light before stabbing him.

Zhang was really too lazy to pay attention to him. He flicked his fingers and heard a crisp sound. The entire magic sword shattered inch by inch and fell to the ground with a clang. The magic sword was destroyed, but Hong Qi was not afraid. He flipped his hand and showed another magic sword. He held it in his arms and looked at each other with caution, as if he was ready to do it again at any time.

Surprisingly, the indifferent Lu Wan spoke: "Stop fighting." After saying these few words, Hong Qi was both happy and ashamed. He was happy because Lu Wan broke up the fight, which showed that he cared about him; he was also ashamed because he broke up the fight. In front of the woman he loves the most, he shows that his cultivation is not as good as others. He wants to be embarrassed as much as possible, and his face turns red.

Zhang was afraid that he would not be as knowledgeable as him, so he waved to the thin man who had just laughed at Hong Qi and said, "Come here."

The thin man didn't go over and asked stubbornly: "What are you doing?" Zhang Awei shook his head gently and sighed: "Why are you disobedient?" With a move of his right hand, the thin man flew over involuntarily. Zhang Wen picked him up and said, "What do I say, and what do you do."

The thin man was restrained by one move and struggled with all his strength, but he couldn't exert any strength. Knowing that his opponent was stronger than him, he looked at the Danjie monk with nervous eyes, hoping to make the decision for himself. The monk Jiedan noticed something unusual and it was too late to save him. He raised his hands and asked, "What do you mean by this, fellow Taoist? Why are you embarrassing my disciples?"

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "What bothers me the most is people pretending not to understand or pretending to be dumbfounded in front of me, but it doesn't matter. I don't know why I'm making things difficult for you. It doesn't matter. Shut up from now on. I let you speak, so you can speak." ”

One sentence choked the sixteen people on the other side. Zhang was afraid of catching people from a distance. He was obviously a master. No one wanted to bring trouble on himself. Everyone turned their attention to the Danjie monk, waiting for him to make up his mind.

The monk Jiedan wanted to maintain his authority and dignity in front of his disciples. He coughed softly and said, "Fellow Taoist..." He only said two words, and suddenly a magic sword stopped in the air in front of his neck, and the silver sword tip was already pierced. If you dare to speak too much after entering the skin, you will not be able to decide whether you live or die. The Danjie monk looked horrified and jumped back, dodging left and right, trying to get out of the attack range of the magic sword. However, no matter how hard he tried, the magic sword was always stuck in the thin skin, making no progress or retreat. , straight at his neck.

The alchemy cultivator finally knew how terrifying his opponent was, and secretly cursed the five bastards who had tricked him. He only said that there was a beautiful cauldron that could be used for dual cultivation, but he didn't know there was a terrifying evil star. If he could escape today, he would go back and settle down. I want to skin them.

Seeing Zhang Weifang show off this skill, a group of people finally calmed down and stared blankly, thinking about how to save their lives.

Zhang Zhidao didn't even look at them, so he asked the thin man in his hand: "Who else came to bully people last time, besides you?"

The thin man hesitated to say anything. Zhang was afraid that he was impatient and spoke in a calm tone: "You bullied a weak girl with your strength, and even hired someone to come back to take revenge after she was beaten away. Fortunately, you are also monks. Since you made a mistake, you should pay the price." As the word "price" was spoken, Zhang was afraid Throwing the thin man far away, he fell to the ground with a thud, motionless, and the man was dead.

He killed people, and Lu Wan spoke again: "Senior, please show mercy."

Isn’t this a bad guy? Zhang Aif glanced at her and ignored her. He turned to face the monks and said, "I'll give you a chance. If anyone has bullied her, come out and admit your mistake."

Having seen Zhang Ying's killing methods, a group of people were uneasy, not knowing when it would be their turn to be unlucky, and no one came out.

Zhang Han sneered and asked Hong Qi: "There are four more people, please help me point them out." Of course Hong Qi was not polite and raised his sword to point out four people one after another. The four people reacted very quickly. As soon as they saw someone pointing out the evidence, they jumped up and ran away, flying in four directions. Zhang Ai raised his hands, and two rays of cold light flew out from each hand. The cold light disappeared in a flash. After a while, a series of thumping sounds were heard in the distance, and the four people who fled died.

Zhang Ai waved his hand, and four flying knives of various colors flew back from four directions. He took out a piece of cloth and gently wiped off the blood on the knives. At this time, Lu Wan ran up to him and said seriously: "Don't kill anyone!"

Zhang Ai said calmly: "Don't kill them? If Hong Qi hadn't rescued you that day, you don't know what would have happened this morning. Would you rather die in the hands of your enemies than kill them for revenge?" Lu Wanmo said in a calm voice: "They are not My enemy."

Zhang Awei was stunned. This woman was so awesome that she didn't care about him at all. She said softly: "Even if they are not your enemies, they deserve to die." Lu Wan looked up at Zhang Awei and asked in an emotionless voice: " What should you do so that you don’t kill people randomly?”

Zhang Ai sighed and said, "I didn't kill people indiscriminately." Seeing that the two of them were getting more and more tense as they talked, Song Yunyi behind him said, "I won't kill Yi Wan'er's son." Lu Wan turned around and saluted Song Yunyi: "Thank you, sister. ”

Zhang Ain looked coldly at the ten monks who were still standing. Every time he looked at one of them, that person would shudder involuntarily. Zhang Ain said: "You are lucky, I will let you go today." A group of people hurriedly bowed and thanked, and said repeatedly: "Thank you, senior, for sparing your life."

Zhang Ai looked at the monk Jiedan again and said coldly: "There are five people in your sect who are doing evil. When you learned the news, you not only did not punish them, but also helped them do evil together. What do you think I should do with you?"

The Dan Jie monk's face turned pale and he hurriedly said: "Senior, please spare your life." Zhang Ping said: "I won't kill you, but I will let you have a memory and practice again." After saying this, his figure flashed and he returned to the same place. , as if it had not been moved. Then I looked at the Dan-Jie monk, whose face was pale and standing on the ground sluggishly. After a while, cold sweat poured out all over his body, as if he had been fished out of water. The magic sword in front of his neck has disappeared.

Zhang was afraid that he would be dealt with, so he casually ordered: "You guys go." The foundation-building monks dared not to listen, and jumped into Feiya one after another, waiting to leave. It's a pity that the pill-forming monk couldn't move even half a step, and said with a trembling voice: "You are so cruel."

Zhang Aing said to Chao Fei: "Come down, help him in." Only then did a group of foundation-building monks know that the pill-forming monk's golden elixir had been exploded, and his cultivation had plummeted. Two people jumped out, carried him into the cave, and then flew into the air, heading back the way they came.

When they walked away, Zhang Ao turned around and spoke to Lu Wan: "I listened to you and didn't kill them. What should you do?"

"What should I do?" Lu Wan asked indifferently. Zhang was afraid: "What are you going to do? Your mother is looking for you. When will you come home?" Lu Wan said firmly: "I have no home, no relatives, and all my relatives are dead." Thinking of the six dead leopards , the beautiful eyes can't help but be covered with a layer of haze.

It's really tricky. Today's Bianshan is not as good as it used to be, and it is no longer suitable for living in seclusion. If Lu Wan doesn't stay, who knows what will happen in the future. But Lu Wan's determination left him helpless. He turned to look at Song Yunyi and said to Xi'er, meaning you two can help.

Song Yunyi took two steps forward and persuaded: "It's no big deal if I don't have any relatives. I don't have any relatives. Xi'er's family also passed away long ago. Now he has no relatives. He has no relatives either. Isn't he still living well?" she pointed out. Zhu Zhang was afraid and said.

Zhang Awei said with a grimace, "There's no need to talk about this."

Lu Wan said: "Whether you have relatives or not has nothing to do with me. If there is nothing else, please leave early." At this point, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Afraid, and he hesitated and said softly: "Senior has saved me many times, Wan I'm very grateful in my heart. Even if you don't admit it, I know you escorted me all the way here. Wan'er thanked me." After saying this, she bowed deeply.

Zhang was afraid that others would say thank you to him, so he quickly moved out of the way and said with a grimace: "What's the use of just thanking me? What will you do in the future? If something happens next time, who can save you?"

Lu Wan replied softly: "Life and death are determined by fate. You can't force it. If I'm destined to be robbed, I'll just accept it." After a pause, she continued: "Every time Wan'er suffers, there are seniors who save her life. Maybe there will be another time." Not sure."

Zhang Awei was startled by these words, and he quickly waved his hand and said: "There will be no next time." Cheng Xi'er stepped forward and said: "Sister Wan'er, no matter whether you go back to Yu Lingmen or not, this place is no longer suitable for living, so you should do it early. Intend."

Lu Wan shook her head: "It's nice here."

Hong Qi stood for a long time, as if he was a transparent person, and no one paid attention to him. At this time, he suddenly interrupted: "It's very good here, why do you want to leave?" After hearing this, Lu Wan said to him: "Hong Xiashi, let's go too. It's very inconvenient for a man and a woman to be together. You went and came back several times before. If you come back this time, I will die in front of you."

After saying one sentence, Hong Qi looked sad and whispered: "I'll speak for you, why are you driving me away?"

What a crazy woman. Zhang Anping thought about it and said, "Just now you told me not to kill people. I listened and didn't ask you to do anything. Now I ask you to move. Will you move?"

Lu Wan was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the wooden shack where she had lived for decades. After many repairs, every piece of wood was stained with her sweat, and she felt a little reluctant. He walked into the forest, looked at the row of graves in the distance, turned back and said, "I'll move them."

Hearing these two words, Zhang Weijing felt angry in his heart. After solving the first problem, he would persuade her to return to Ling Yumen. She walked over and asked, "Do you want to pack it up?" After hearing this, Lu Wan turned around and looked at him. After looking at him for a while, she said, "It was originally your thing. If you want to pack it up, you can pack it away."

Zhang was afraid that he was breaking out in a cold sweat. Wasn't he feeling uncomfortable? He stopped talking and left the forest.

Lu Wan watched him come out of the forest, stood there for a moment, then simply packed up the things in the wooden shed, put the bedding and other items into a storage bag, and then buried the storage bag in the forest, then came out and said, "Let's go."

Hong Qi asked anxiously: "Where are you going?" Lu Wan looked calm and replied softly: "I'm going to where I should go. Knight Hong, please go on your own."

Seeing that Hong Qi couldn't get an answer, he asked Zhang Ping again: "Where are you going? Which sect are you from?"

Zhang was afraid of trouble the most, so he shook his head and said: "You should leave quickly. By the way, you have saved Lu Wan once, so your hard work cannot be in vain. I will give you a gift."

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