The Monk

Volume One Chapter 882 Ruyi Lake

Chapter 882 Ruyi Lake

Zhang Ain put the money into the man's hand and said, "Take it." His attitude was very firm. The man thinks about it, and lends him some money first. He can tell his mother-in-law to bring a noble man back to stay for the night. The money cannot be faked. The mother-in-law may agree and stop getting angry. It can be regarded as a peaceful night. This person will leave tomorrow. When the time came, he just had to pay back the money, so he accepted it and said, "I'll borrow it for a while and I'll pay it back to you tomorrow. I definitely won't charge you the rent."

Zhang was afraid that he would stop grinding his tongue and let the man say whatever he wanted. He didn't care where he lived, he was just kind-hearted and couldn't bear to see others embarrassed, so he offered money and talked nonsense with him. The man took the money and felt a little unsure. He didn't ask his name for a long time and said, "Look at my brain. I don't remember things. How dare I ask my brother what his name is?" Zhang Aoi said casually: "My surname is Zhang." Said: "My surname is Heng, Xing Er, everyone calls me Heng Er."

The two arrived home soon. There were three houses in a concave shape, two mud houses and one stone house, which were obviously not built together. After entering the yard, Zhang Ain went to the earth hut on the right and then to the stone hut to get a bed and quilt. At this time, he heard a woman in the house asking loudly: "Where to get the quilt?"

The man didn't reply. He ran into Zhang Wen's room first, put down the quilt and hurriedly said: "Go to bed early." Then he ran back to the stone house and explained to the woman that he met an important guest who offered one tael of silver to stay overnight, so he directly gave him five taels of silver. , and pretended to show off: "Your man must be capable, he can earn five taels of silver in one go."

The woman's voice was high-pitched and angry, but when she heard the man say these words, she thought for a long time and persuaded in a low voice: "We can't take this money. It doesn't matter whether the person who comes here is taken advantage of or not. Isn’t he rich? Who doesn’t have trouble when he’s away from home? We can’t let people underestimate him, can we?”

Zhang Wen could hear it clearly in the house. Ganqing was a hero among women, and that was only five taels of silver. For two people in a man's family, it would take at least half a year to save some money. It is really unusual for a woman to say these words.

The woman was still worried and began to ask about the whole incident in detail. She was worried about causing disaster to her family. The man took the trouble to explain carefully, and the woman didn't find anything wrong after hearing it in the end, but she just couldn't let go. How can anyone stay at someone else's house and just give them five taels of silver? How did this person come to spend money so generously? When she said this, the man was also a little uneasy, and the two of them spent the night in suspicion.

Early the next morning, the woman prepared the meal and asked the man to call Zhang Wen to eat. The woman did not serve the table and ate alone in the kitchen.

Zhang was afraid that he would see it but did not try to persuade him. He just drank two mouthfuls of porridge, stood up and said, "I'm going to the restaurant to settle the account." Upon hearing this, the woman hurriedly came over with the money and said, "We can't ask for your money." The woman was somewhat worried. A heart cannot be at ease.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "It's room and food money. Let's calculate it together when I leave." After saying that, he left the house. Because I came out too early, the restaurant hadn't opened yet, so I strolled out of town.

The monks at the inn were very responsible. After one night, there were still more than a dozen people sitting in the inn guarding the intersection. When they saw Zhang Weijing coming, some were suspicious and some didn't care, but they always focused their attention on him.

According to Long Wu, the cave of the cultivator of the gods is located in the mountains two thousand miles southwest of Kaoshan Town. The obvious sign is that there is a lake nearby, which is formed by many mountain streams. Because the mountains are undulating, the lake water is affected by the mountains. Affected by the situation, it may be narrow or wide or rugged and winding, and a jade belt is pulled out in the middle of a piece of green. This jade belt looks like jade Ruyi, so the lake is named Ruyi Lake. The cave is on Yu Ruyi's head, near the circle.

Zhang Ain thought about going to take a look, but he owed someone a meal and had to pay it off. After wandering around the town entrance, a man came running over and asked, "Brother Zhang, where are you going? If you want to go into the mountains, I will accompany you." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "If you don't go into the mountains, I want to pay back the food." Money, the store is not open.”

The man wanted to say: "There is no need to pay it back, it's my fault." But he was poor and short-minded, so he didn't dare to speak out like this. He didn't know what to do with the five taels of silver at home. But if I couldn't pay back the money, I could always put in some effort. I ran straight to the door of the restaurant, banged on the door, and shouted: "Heizi, open the door."

The store lobby has doors on both sides, and the back door leads to the kitchen and bedrooms. After a while, he heard the back door of the facade open, and Heizi cursed: "Are you going to die? Why don't you stop so early in the morning?" As he spoke, he opened the front door, and when he saw it was Hengji, he glanced at him and said, "Are you having a funeral so early in the morning? How did you calculate the price of the drinks yesterday?" Before Heng Er could say anything, Zhang Ai came over and asked, "Shopkeeper, how much did it cost yesterday?"

Heizi was stunned. It was indeed rare for people to be in a hurry to pay back money early in the morning. He said casually: "Sixty-four copper coins, you can give me sixty." Hengji asked: "So many?" The shopkeeper was about to scold him, Zhang Ain handed over a broken piece of silver and said, "If you have more, buy some wine for Brother Heng."

Heizi Lima took the money and said with a smile: "Okay, do you want to drink it here or fight it back?"

Heng Er thought of his mother-in-law at home, and felt hesitant. Dare he drink at home? Looking for scolding! Heizi also understood this and advised: "Forget it if you drink here. Yesterday Pi San invited you, today I'll call them here and you treat them once." Heng'er said angrily: "Do I have to spend all my money on you?" Heizi smiled and said: "Don't you want to eat at an old money shop? He's so valuable."

The two of them were talking here, and a silver dot lit up in the southwest sky. It was so far away that you couldn't even spot it unless you looked carefully. But the monks in the Zhenkou Inn immediately discovered the bright spot, and their expressions changed. At that time, six people went out of the town and into the mountains, heading towards the bright spot.

Zhang Ping also saw the bright spot and thought to himself: "Something happened?" Just thinking this, bright spots flashed one after another in the southwest direction, and all the monks in the inn immediately dispatched and headed towards the mountains at full speed.

Could it be that the divine formation in the God Transformation Monk's Cave was broken? Zhang Ping also wanted to go over and have a look, so he told Heng Er, "I'm going to go into the mountains." Heng Er said, "I'll go with you." Zhang Ping said, "No need." After saying that, he walked out and added: "Maybe I won't come back." He walked straight out of the town, saw no one around him, walked quickly into the forest, and then flew into the air.

He was much faster than the foundation-building monks, and he flew to the place where the bright spot appeared in just a moment. Not far below was the jade-like lake.

At this time, there were more than 200 monks in the alchemy stage standing on the east bank of the lake, and more than a thousand foundation-building disciples were flying towards this side from all directions.

Zhang Ping understood it at a glance. After the people in the main gate escaped from the black monster, they remembered that I had rescued Long Wu and obtained the cave formation map and location. They were worried that they would be the first to get there, so they devoted all their strength to break the formation as soon as they returned to the mountain.

The Qin State is such a big place, and the caves of the monks who transform gods are a matter of great concern to many cultivation sects. Once the main gate moves, the other sects will follow suit. When everyone sees it, they all want to break the formation? Then let's break it. No matter what, we are both descendants of the ancestors and have this qualification. But they didn't want to take advantage of the unqualified people, so they sent low-level disciples to guard the surrounding areas and send them news if there was any trouble, so that they could respond in time.

It turned out to be exactly what he had guessed, basically everything. Something happened on the east bank of the lake at this time, so there would be loud arrows flying into the sky. There are two groups of people standing a hundred meters apart on the shore. One group is large, nearly two hundred people, with miscellaneous clothes, wearing everything. The other group is small, about thirty people, including six Nascent Soul monks.

The person with fewer people didn't seem to want to take action and stood quietly without speaking. A quarter of an hour passed, and the monks flying or running from all directions fell to stand behind the party with more people. There were as many as two thousand people, but there were no Nascent Soul monks.

The monk who sent out the signal was very depressed. They were notifying the masters of the division, but the masters did not come. Instead, they called the nursing disciples from all over. It's also annoying to say that among all the disciples guarding the mountain, none of them noticed that the monks from the opposite side had entered the mountain. Instead, they easily found Ruyi Lake.

Seeing that there were more and more people at the main entrance, but still no one spoke to the monks on both sides, they were all waiting. The scene was a bit strange.

Zhang Aing looked at the terrain in the air and thought about what Long Wu said. The cave was in a high mountain around Ruyi Lake. He glanced at it and saw that there were not many. They were far or near, big or small. There were seventeen mountains in total. How could this happen? try to find?

There are too many mountains to look for, so look for someone. His spiritual consciousness is free to search for the breath of cultivators. It is strange that there is not a single living person among the seventeen peaks, let alone cultivators.

Long Wu would not lie to himself, which meant that the divine man's magic circle was indeed wonderful and could hide and cover up all movement. He thought to himself: "Fortunately, I know the exact location, otherwise I would have missed it." Then according to what Long Wu said, based on the high mountains, low mountains, distance from the lake, mountain shape, mountain appearance and other characteristics, one by one analysis was carried out, and finally the three high mountains were finally determined. There is a cave house built.

The three mountains are all very high, but two of them are slightly closer and stand next to each other. To exaggerate, they are like two peaks of one mountain, and the other one is a thousand meters away. Zhang Ping looked around and always felt that there were two mountains. The mountain peak very close to the cave is the location of the cave. There is nothing else but its majesty and beauty. If you choose your own place to live, you will also choose a good-looking place.

As soon as the target was set, everyone on the lakeside finally spoke. A mid-level alchemy-forming monk came out from one side of the crowd, clasped his fists at the thirty or so people and said: "The eleven sects at the main entrance are doing business here. Please also invite fellow Taoists from Tiandang Mountain." Please stay out of the way for now, thank you.”

A pill-forming monk walked out from the opposite side and replied in a cold voice: "It's not like you are the only 11 cultivation sects in Daqin. Why should we give in if you say you want to? Is this Ruyi Lake your property?"

In this case, we had already asked twice before everyone arrived. Now we asked for the third time, but we were still rejected. Looking at the six Nascent Soul monks in Tiandang Mountain, the monk's heart pounded as he spoke. Why didn't the uncles come out? It just depends on how they can stop these masters.

But since there is a confrontation, we cannot lose face. The monk with the larger number of people continued: "The disciples have no ability and dare not offend the seniors, but there are always people who have the ability. The eleven disciples are all here. Aren't you seniors afraid of causing public outrage? ?”

Zhengmen and others came to Ruyi Lake to mess around, but they were discovered by other sects of the Qin State and came to get a share of the pie, so there was this dispute.

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