The Monk

Volume One Chapter 880 No Progress

Chapter 880 No progress

After finishing all this, I started to learn the general introduction of the Divine Formation, but the Divine Formation was extremely difficult to understand, and I spent thirty years without gaining anything. So he temporarily stopped studying the Divine Formation and started practicing the exercises, thinking that if he improves his skills, he might gain some understanding of the Divine Formation.

Unfortunately, the result was the same, decades passed in a blink of an eye, and there was still no progress in cultivation. In the Nascent Soul stage, it was difficult for him to improve his cultivation. If he wanted to become stronger, he could only break through and advance. So things come around again, how can we become gods? This was something he had thought about for a long time but had not figured out yet.

After sitting for a while, I couldn't think of a clue, so I got up and went to Wuling Garden to relax. The garden is very large, with flowers of all seasons in full bloom, countless exotic flowers and plants, and the scenery is beautiful. He walked to the pavilion and sat down, taking out a bottle of sweet wine and drinking it slowly. Calculating the time, it has been more than 170 years since he entered Nitian Cave. Apart from refining a robe and making the bones in his body stronger, nothing else has been accomplished.

Recalling that the mountain god asked him to meet him before the foggy valley opened, it meant that they knew that the opening of the foggy valley was when the divine formation was at its weakest, and they were prepared to break the formation at that time.

If they want to attack forcefully, they will never be able to stop them, and they can't help but worry whether Hai Ling will be affected. What worried him even more was whether Zuo Shi had told the Mountain God about the formation diagram of the Refining Temple. If the Shen Shen and the black monster knew the formation diagram and forcibly broke the formation, the sea spirits and the billions of creatures in the valley would be affected. Life or death is hard to predict.

After sitting in the garden for a long time, I sighed and stood up. You can't escape things, and you have to face what you have to face. No matter how much you think about it, it's useless, so he went back to Nitian Cave and continued to practice. Zhang Wen held his breath. No matter what, he wanted Hai Ling to live well, and he had to take him with him. He came out to see the beautiful world outside.

It's just that becoming a god requires opportunity and enlightenment, and it can't be done by just practicing. He sat there for another thirty years, but in the end he still had no success. Zhang was so disappointed that he couldn't become a god? Being hunted by so many people, experiencing so many things, traveling around the world many times, seeing countless people's joys, sorrows, and sorrows, enduring a lot of hardships, having an extremely strong will, and spending a lot of time, why can't I become a god?

Sitting cross-legged, he opened his eyes and looked left and right. He was unable to understand the formation diagram and there was no progress in his cultivation, which made him extremely unwilling. However, no matter how unwilling he was, he could only accept the fact. After thinking about it again and again, he got up helplessly and decided not to practice anymore. .

The huge golden skeleton used for refining the weapon was still lying in the Wuling Pond. Only the skull was slightly damaged. Zhang Wen walked over and looked at the damaged area for a long time, and a strange idea arose in his mind, and he wanted to repair the missing bone completely.

But then I laughed at myself for being superfluous. I must be so bored to think this way. Repair missing bones? Do we also need to repair the Fu Shen snake skin completely? He put away his giant bones with a chuckle and stood looking at the Five Spirit Pond.

There were five kinds of spirits moving lightly in the sky above the five huge round pools, and the five colors looked particularly bright against the black space. He wanted to know, if he took the power of heaven and earth and absorbed all these five powerful forces into his body, would it be possible? Will he succeed in becoming a god?

He just thought this in his mind, followed by another wry smile. He was surprised by his weird thoughts. If these many powerful spiritual powers really entered the body, it would be strange not to die. He thought: I have been practicing for too long and I am a little stupid.

As of today, Zhang Wen has stayed in Wuling Blessed Land for more than a year, which means that he has been sitting alone in boredom for nearly four hundred years, and he still wants to continue to stay. It’s just that no matter how long you stay, you may not be able to transform into a god. Those two mysterious and mysterious formation diagrams, the Divine Array Master Array Diagram and the Refining Temple Array Diagram, are incomprehensible anyway. After thinking about it, I decided to go to Ghost Ancestor to discuss it. There are many experts in the world, but he can only get close to Gui Zu.

Go to the medicine garden to check, put away more than a hundred divine snakes, leave the Five Spirits Blessed Land, and escape to the boundless grassland. Speaking of which, more than a hundred snakes have been growing in Nitian Cave for more than a thousand years. Unfortunately, it is still a long time before they reach full adulthood. Otherwise, I really want these big snakes to try how to subjugate gods.

He also wanted to put the big snakes in the Nitian Cave and let them grow, so that they would reach adulthood in thirty or fifty years, but he was reluctant to let them go. He watched them grow up since they were young, and he was worried that something might happen if he stayed a little further away. After all, there are so many experts in the world, who knows what will happen. Didn’t I hear that there is a divine messenger? I don’t know what he looks like. Is it scary or not?

After standing on the boundless grassland for a while, he was unlucky. When he came out, it was early in the morning and the surrounding areas were pitch black. A cold wind blows by, and it will come back again in two or three years. "

"Then let's hang around." Zhang Ain said, chatted with Yunyi for a while, went to see Cheng Xi'er, and then went to Lin Sen for a drink. By the way, he talked about the current situation of Wuling Blessed Land.

From that day on, he stayed in the mountains for a full month, looking around, playing with the fat baby, torturing Bai Zhan, and was also tortured by Ruiyuan. During this period, I heard something about Longhu Mountain in Qi State. Meng Nu returned to the mountain a year ago, killed three hundred elite disciples in one night, established a new sect leader, and then ordered all the disciples to retreat to the mountain gate.

The reason why he retreated to defense was that a top-level master in Hongguang Inn was still alive. He took advantage of the civil strife in Longhu Mountain and looked for opportunities to take revenge all day long. He was lucky enough not to be caught by Meng Nu, who couldn't kill him. He was on his way to see the mountain god. At that time, in order to avoid further casualties among the disciples in the mountain, the mountain gate array had to be rearranged, and all disciples were ordered not to leave the mountain easily.

As a result, Longhu Mountain became a tortoise and lost all the land of thousands of counties in the Qi Kingdom. A group of small sects became bold and started fighting and fighting to grab the territory all day long. The Hongguang Inn even set up several secret branches. Accumulate strength and prepare to attack Longhu Mountain in the future.

Zhan Yun told him these things. The old man had less than two hundred years to live, and he lived a very free and easy life. He even learned the skill of spreading gossip. Zhang was afraid to take a look, are you so idle? Feeling extremely unbalanced, he showed the two formation diagrams to Zhan Yun and said, "Let's play a game. Can you understand?"

Zhan Yun stared at it stupidly for ten days before he realized what this thing was for. He found Zhang Afraid, threw the formation diagram back, and sneered: "I am just a layman now, please stop entertaining me with these things." After that, Then he wandered down the mountain to the shopping mall.

Zhang Ai put away the formation diagram and thought that this crap thing was really difficult to understand, and one more person couldn't understand it.

A few days later, I drifted away from the mountain and went to Wugu to find Ghost Ancestor to study these two abominable formations.

The foggy valley was very deserted and quiet, with no one inside or outside the valley. Zhang was afraid of going straight into the Refining Temple, and then straight into the void space of the fifth level. As soon as he entered, he asked: "Do you understand?" After a while, Gui Zu replied: "Are you polite? Even if you don't have any way, you should at least say hello and ask?" Zhang Wen asked helplessly: "You old man "Okay?" Ghost Ancestor smiled and said, "It's not bad." Then he answered the question: "The formation diagram is difficult to understand. Where did it come from?"

One sentence reminds Zhang Ai that everyone can't understand it because he is not a formation cultivator and has not learned how to make a divine formation. I secretly cursed myself for being an idiot for never thinking about this matter. I always thought that the more I cultivated, the more I would know. It was such nonsense. But it's funny to say that it's not only him who is so self-righteous, but also masters such as Zuo Shi and Gui Zu, who are just as stupid as him. After thinking about it, I felt much better, and laughed and said, "Didn't I tell you? A man gave it to me."

"Idiot, you still laugh when you don't understand." Ghost Ancestor said with disdain.

Zhang Wen did not think he was dissatisfied and replied: "Is it better to cry?" He secretly thought in his heart that if he had the chance to learn from scratch, he might be able to understand the general guide of the divine formation. When the formation master asked his disciples to break the formation, he didn't just throw away the formation diagram and leave it alone. He must have passed down some techniques, but the disciples didn't have the opportunity to understand it. If you can show the magic formula to a master of spirit transformation like Guizu, you can probably break the formation. The question is where to find these secrets. If I had saved Long Wu at that time, I would have let him go. If I had known about today's situation, I would have just asked a few more questions.

The Ghost Ancestor looked at him thoughtfully and asked, "What are you thinking about?" Zhang Ain replied, "The man who gave me the formation diagram went south. I don't know where he went. I can't find him." The Ghost Ancestor despised him. Once: "Idiot."

Zhang Ain replied: "You are not an idiot, you can't understand it either?" Changing the topic and asked: "If the black monster and the mountain god break the fog valley formation and save you, will you deal with the divine envoy with them? ?”

The Ghost Ancestor said: "It should be possible, but the Divine Envoy is difficult to deal with. He only needs one move to kill us. If a thunder strikes from the sky, we can't even hide. Even if there are me, the black monster, the mountain god, the two Ghost Ancestors, and the others... It is possible for Meng Nu to transform into a god, and the combined power of five people may not be able to kill him. Do you know of any other monks who transform into gods?"

Zhang Ai shook his head: "I don't know." Gui Zu asked again: "The Mountain God didn't say anything?" Zhang Ai continued to shake his head: "They didn't say it." Gui Zu thought for a moment and said: "There must be more. I can survive, and the Mountain God can survive." If you come down, other god-transforming monks will be able to survive."

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