The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 872 Exploding the Black Monster

Chapter 872: Blow up the black monster

The black monster knew that what was on the ground was Zhang Wei's shadow and that his body had already penetrated into the ground, so he followed him into the ground without making any attack moves. The two bodies were left on the ground, and as a gust of wind blew by, they all turned into nothing.

Although the black monster is made up of souls, it is not as good as Zhang Ai in terms of ground escaping ability. It is not because he is too slow, but because he is too powerful. If the soul is dispersed and pursued madly, it can naturally be much faster. However, his entire body is composed of countless souls. If he wants to escape, he must first disperse his body, catch up, and then reassemble his body for a powerful attack, which wastes time. Because he was worried about Zhang Awei's concentration beads and didn't dare to spread his body too far, he chased after him while hiding, using the bone magic weapon as a weapon to intercept and kill Zhang Awei head-on.

Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to defeat the big black monster, but he had absolutely no ability to move on the ground. He was extremely fast. The black monster chased him for a quarter of an hour, but it could only lock his Qi from a distance. He could not catch up at all, so he had to float to the ground and stand helplessly. .

If he didn't chase him, Zhang would stop running out of fear, and then he would float to the ground, pointing at the black monster from a long way away and yelling: "Are you sick? If I tell the truth, you still want to kill me?" The black monster looked at him coldly and looked down upon him. Said: "Human nature is the most cunning and full of lies. It's true."

Zhang was very angry. You called me something else, and I accepted it, but you said I told lies? He said angrily: "Don't pretend to be holy with me, and don't think about how you made this thing. Come on, let's talk about it. How can I lie and be treacherous?"

The black monster looked at him with contempt and snorted coldly: "You said you have seen him, but when you see my face, don't you think it looks familiar? I don't believe there is another person locked up in this huge foggy valley."

Zhang Ai was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed: "You don't even know where the Ghost Ancestor is?" The two of them said that until now, they both knew the purpose of the black monster's trip, and they also knew that in the Temple of Refining With Ghost Ancestor trapped, Zhang was afraid of naming him directly.

Sure enough, when Zhang Weijing said his name, the black monster's face tightened and he asked anxiously: "Have you really seen him? Has he changed his appearance?"

Zhang Aoi raised his index finger and shook it at him and said, "I don't tell lies, and I don't want to be slandered. Why don't you explain to me why I lied?" His tone was very wild and infuriating.

But the black monster was not angry. Instead, he lowered his voice and said, "I made a mistake. I take it back. Can you tell me about the situation of the man in the valley?" Zhang Wei could say the word ghost ancestor, which means that he at least knows. For some things, the main purpose of the black monster's trip is to rescue Guizu, and other things are not important. He is not a human being, and he will not sacrifice face to save face, so he can speak in a low profile as much as possible, just to achieve his goal.

"Take it back? Can you take it back?" Zhang said coldly.

The black monster was startled. He didn't expect Zhang Ain to speak like this. But his temper suddenly changed. He refused to get angry when he was ridiculed coldly. He bowed to Zhang Awei and said, "I apologize to you."

This frightened Zhang Ping, wondering what was going on with this guy? All cultivators in the world, regardless of their level of cultivation, must first learn to be proud. I have never seen anyone admit their mistakes and apologize so easily. With the black monster's ability, if he is willing to inflict such injustice on himself, he must seek something. He didn't say anything at the moment and ran away. He made up his mind, since you care about Gui Zu very much, I can't let you get what you want. I won't tell you anything, I'll worry you to death. If you want to save him, I will cause trouble.

He ran away, but the black monster just watched and didn't chase him. He thought about returning to Foggy Bottom to figure out what to do. He was extremely capable, and he originally thought that rescuing the Ghost Ancestor would be an easy task, but he never expected that such an unexpected incident would happen. At this time, in the Iron Line Valley on the other side of the desert, which is also the Ghost Valley, the Second Ghost Ancestor forced the five holy monks to stay for him, just to free up his hands to do things. Could it be impossible?

After thinking for a while, he sat down cross-legged facing the vast white fog. He knew that Zhang Ai was hiding underground two thousand meters away and was ready to harass him, so he did not break the formation immediately.

This sitting lasted for ten days, one person and one ghost competing for patience. The black monster was so aggrieved. Compared with Zhang Ai, he was like an elephant and a mouse. There was a huge gap in strength between the two. There was no comparison at all. It was just that the mouse could burrow into the ground and the elephant could not catch him, so he could survive. Go down. But this ability alone ensures that mice will not be easily killed by elephants.

The black monster finally didn't want to sit down anymore. He repaired the soul-calling flag while meditating, and it happened to be completely repaired at this time. Then he took it out and put it on the ground. With both hands pinching the magic formula, the soul-calling flag suddenly grew, and in a moment it had grown to more than a thousand meters high, as if a tall black wall suddenly erected outside the foggy valley.

Zhang Wen looked at him struggling and felt something was wrong in his heart. What did the big guy want to do?

After the soul-calling flag grew in size, it spewed out black energy composed of souls as usual, rolling and gathering downwards. When the black air surged down, black lights suddenly flashed in the white mist formation, numbering about a thousand. It was like there were more than a thousand candlelights flashing in the dark night, but the scene in front of me was completely distorted, with black dots flashing in the white light. These black spots flickered and connected together to form a container, and the black air that rolled down from high altitude fell into this container.

Seeing all this, Zhang Ping discovered that a magic circle had been set up by a black monster in the white mist. Although he didn't know how he did it, he certainly couldn't let him do it anymore, so he surfaced from the ground, held the talisman in one hand, and placed it on his forehead. The concentration beads appear.

The black monster knew that he had appeared. He stood up and smiled coldly at him and said, "No matter who you are or what you want to do, I will kill you." He originally thought that Zhang Ai was a junior disciple of the master of the divine formation. If he could persuade him with kind words, Maybe we can open the divine formation. But Zhang was afraid that his actions these days were clearly against him, so he never mentioned the ghost ancestor, so he stopped harboring illusions and killed him first.

Because Zhang was afraid of being difficult to deal with, the black monster spent ten days showing his weakness, waiting for him to take advantage of him.

Zhang was speechless and hesitated to send the concentration beads. At this moment, he saw the black dot containers in the white mist being overflowed by the black air flowing from the air. They rushed wildly in all directions, and many of them were rushing in his direction. In the blink of an eye, he had rushed forward.

Zhang Ping's first reaction was to form a magic shield all over his body, and there were hard iron swords, black iron shields, and ice crystal shields blocking him layer by layer. Then he activated the Concentration Pearl to collect the soul. Strangely, it failed this time. , the Concentration Pearl naturally turned on its own, releasing a strong suction force, but not a trace of the black energy was absorbed. Zhang was afraid that he would know something bad, so he put away his concentration beads and ran away. At this time, the black energy flowing under his feet suddenly exploded. With a loud bang, the full force of the huge explosion hit Zhang Ai, blowing him into a flying trapeze.

The black monster used Ghost Violence in a different way, and easily achieved miraculous results. Then it was time for him to kill Zhang Wei. Then the entire black man disappeared, chasing Zhang Ai who was blown up in the sky.

In the explosion just now, only a few ghost bombs closest to Zhang Ping exploded. The others had not yet exploded and continued to flow slowly on the ground. But only those few ghost blasts had broken through Zhang Wei's whole body shield. The hard iron sword was blown away, the black shield was blown away, the ice crystal shield was exploded, and all the magic shields in his body were exploded. The huge power destroyed half of his body. , a big hole was opened in his abdomen, all his ribs and sternum were broken, and his right arm was almost broken.

Fortunately, Zhang Weijing's body is strong enough. After several times of marrow cutting, meridians and soul tempering, it has been strengthened countless times, and its strength and toughness are comparable to monsters. He also has various shields and ice crystals to stop most of them. The power of the explosion prevented him from being killed in a violent explosion.

Zhang was afraid of being blown away, so he quickly took out the Changchun Pill and drank it. At this time, the black monster caught up with him, but instead of taking action in a hurry, he smiled coldly at him: "It's useless to eat anything. You are mine in the sky." After saying this, he suddenly opened his mouth, and his big mouth suddenly became countless times bigger. It seemed that the height of nearly two meters only left one mouth, biting towards Zhang Ping.

Zhang was afraid that he wanted to eat me when he saw it? Cruel enough! He still held the elixir bottle in his hand. He didn't have time to think about it at this moment, so he smashed it over, summoned the talisman and threw it over.

It's just that his movements can be fast or slow. He can throw the elixir bottle very quickly, because Ben is holding it in his hand and the black monster is opening its mouth to bite him, so it can easily hit the black monster. But the black monster moved very quickly. By the time he took out the talisman, the big mouth had already bitten his head. As soon as the upper and lower teeth closed together, Zhang was afraid that he would eat him alive.

At this time, there was a sound in the black monster's body, which made him feel very comfortable and he paused for a moment.

When Zhang Wen threw the elixir bottle, he still had two Changchun pills in his hand, and threw them into the black monster's mouth together with the elixir bottle. Eternal Spring Pill is a magical elixir that melts in your mouth. It is helpful to your body no matter you are a human or a ghost. The black monster was shocked for a moment by the huge spiritual power of the two Eternal Spring Pills, so he hesitated for a moment and gave Zhang Ai a chance.

The black monster paused for a moment, but Zhang was afraid to take this opportunity and kicked it, using the force of his body to fly backwards. Taking advantage of the situation, he threw out many more charms, and several of them were coincidentally thrown into the black monster's mouth.

The black monster was only delayed for a moment by the wonderful power of the Eternal Spring Pill, and then he instinctively closed his mouth after reacting. At this time Zhang was kicked and the two separated in the air. Then I saw the sky filled with fireworks, the colors were really beautiful, and the biggest one was in the belly of the black monster. There was a loud bang, and black air filled the sky, immediately covering all the fireworks. No matter how beautiful the light, no matter how colorful the colors were, disappeared in the darkness.

This piece of black gas had a very wide range, and with the sound of the explosion, it spread out for more than ten miles. Then the black gas dispersed by the explosion stirred and surged in the sky like ink, retracting towards the center of the explosion. A quarter of an hour later, the black air shrank into a ball two meters in size. The black air in the ball seemed to be darker and thicker ink, and it continued to roll and surge. After a while, it condensed into a human shape, slowly revealing its legs, body, arms and head. Finally, the appearance of Guizu was determined out of thin air.

When the black monster was blasted into black air for more than ten miles, Zhang Aizheng used his strength to fly away. Because the distance between the two was too close, the power of the spell explosion also affected him. Zhang was afraid that he would take Changchun Pills to heal his injuries. In his case, magic pills were as worthless as broad beans.

After taking the Evergreen Pill and recovering from his injuries, he suddenly saw the black monster being blown away. This was a great opportunity to deal with the black monster and he couldn't let it go. He immediately turned around and flew towards him, hoping to beat up the drowned dog.

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