The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 862 Qin Monk

Chapter 862 Qin Monk

Zhang Ai categorically denied it: "We have never fought before, so I don't know who is stronger. Anyway, I think you are pretty awesome." This guy didn't even blush when he flattered him.

The left servant was amused: "You are the number one master after all, can you be more serious?" Then he solemnly repeated: "My lord, please pay more attention to this matter." After speaking, he bowed.

Zhang Awei hurriedly got out of the way and said, "Let's go." He ran towards the mountain. Seeing his arrogant expression, Zuo Shi smiled softly and turned around to go to the Mountain God Platform.

With the respect of the mountain god, Zhang is afraid to handle things. No matter how big or small the matter is, he must always deal with it. The mountain god still has nine pills of Evergreen Pills left. If he uses them sparingly, he should be able to last for a year or two. Now he just needs to go to the God Refining Valley to quickly find some herbs and send them back, which can be regarded as repaying the mountain god for his help. On the other hand, the Meng girl in Longhu Mountain is a troublesome problem. If the mountain god doesn't kill her, he can't keep her prisoner forever. The matter will eventually fall on him. Alas, let's talk about it then.

Go straight out of the mountain and fly eastward, aiming for the Warring States Period Wugu Valley. While flying, I felt pitiful. I was running around every day, what the hell was I trying to do? It was really not as quiet and comfortable as returning to the snowy field with Yunyi.

Just thinking so in his heart, he still needs to do the things that need to be done one by one. Returning to the Warring States Period in a day, flying into the high mountains south of Longshan, you can reach Wugu Valley just a little further away. He lowered his altitude and was flying when he suddenly noticed two familiar scents escaping in the woods in front of him. They were Hawen and Hawu. Behind them were four pill-forming monks who were chasing after them. These people were highly cultivated. They quickly caught up with the two Havins and divided into two groups, one in front and one in back to surround them.

Zhang was curious, had these two brothers offended someone again? No matter what, it’s always acquaintance. You can’t see it and it’s the same as never seeing it. Then it turned and flew towards the two of them. Blinking and approaching the two of them, they heard Ha Wen explain: "I have told you many times that my brother has nothing to do with the Zhan sect. We are from the Ha sect of the Yan Kingdom. If you don't believe it, you can go check it out." The two brothers were very careful. While explaining to the other party, all the law enforcement weapons in his sleeves were on alert.

The other person snorted coldly: "Yan Kingdom? Why didn't you say it was the Holy Kingdom on the other side of the desert? Who has eaten too much to investigate what kind of Hammen? If you dare to help Zhanmen and go against our Killing Alliance, then you will die. "Okay." These four people are really ruthless, and they will attack Hawen Hawu if they surround him.

At this moment, Zhang was afraid of appearing on the scene, and the four monks quickly stepped back and watched carefully. Ha Wen was overjoyed when he saw that it was Zhang Ping, and shouted: "Senior, explain to me, they said I helped Bu Jingyun fight."

After hearing what Ha Wen said, the four monks turned around and ran away without saying a word. After thinking about it, I have already guessed Zhang Ping's identity. Zhang Awei scratched his head and said, "Am I so scary?"

Others can not know who he is, but they dare not not know who he is in the killing alliance. At first, the five monks wanted to kill Bu Jingyun, but were frightened away by Zhang Afraid. Later, five monks discovered Zhang Ping and asked a dozen Yuanying monks to come forward to retaliate. As a result, one of them met and two Yuanying monks were killed. Since then, Zhang Ai has been included in the list of important enemies to kill the alliance.

Speaking of which, the killing of Haer Hawu by the monks of the Killing Alliance was also related to Zhang Ai. Outside the Foggy Valley, the opponents of the five monks were Zhang Ai, Bu Jingyun and Ha Wen Ha Wu. Now, Bu Jingyun returns to Zhanmen and can't find anyone; Zhang is afraid of being too powerful, so Shameng doesn't dare to offend him; there are still two unlucky guys, Ha Wen and Ha Wu, who can they bully if they don't bully them?

It was also the two brothers who were unlucky. They tried hard to find a place to hide, but were easily found by the members of the Killing Alliance. They then explained that the Killing Alliance wanted to find someone to vent their anger on, so they didn't care about their explanations. The two brothers had no choice but to run away with their lives, but they were caught up in the end. Fortunately, they were bumped into by Zhang Wei.

Seeing the enemy leaving, the two brothers hurriedly saluted and thanked Zhang Ping. Zhang Ai smiled and said: "You two brothers are really unlucky. Wugu will not open for more than ten years. Why not go back to Yan country first and come back when the time comes." The two knew that Zhang Ai was right and said many words of thanks. , let Fei Gua return to Yan State.

Watching them fly away, Zhang Ain said to himself: "It's so arrogant to kill an alliance." He set off to continue walking to Wugu.

This place is a dense forest south of Longshan, and far to the northwest is Longshan Shopping Mall. He was not in the mood to visit any shopping mall, so he flew eastward, but he made another discovery not far away. He smiled in his heart, the Warring States Period was really lively nowadays, and there were people fighting in front of him.

With his current level of cultivation, he would not change directions and take a detour because of the fight ahead, but would still fly straight over. Soon after flying more than 20 miles away, I saw a group of monks chasing and beating a man. He had seen a party with a lot of people. When the passage to the Withered Bone Forest appeared a few days ago, a flying horse flew from the southwest. There were pill-forming and Nascent Soul monks. He stopped after spotting the dark clouds and planned to enter the Withered Bone Forest to try his luck.

Now these many people are chasing and killing a pill-forming monk. Although the monk's cultivation level was not high, he was small and thin, and his movements were weird and fast. A group of people surrounded him, but they couldn't hurt him.

When the thin monk saw Zhang Awei, he hurriedly flew towards this side and shouted loudly: "Senior, help me." Zhang Awei frowned and stopped, what's wrong, just let me stop? He didn't dare to be interested in other people's grudges. After he stopped, he didn't move or say anything. He made up his mind, if others like to kill, what does it have to do with me?

However, the group of people who were chasing the skinny monk had seen Zhang Afraid. When the Withered Bone Forest Passage was just closed, a dozen Nascent Soul masters from the Killing Alliance besieged Zhang Afraid, and two of them were easily killed. They were present at the time and saw the whole thing. They knew that Zhang was afraid of being powerful and did not dare to offend easily. They stopped one after another and looked over with different expressions. Some were anxious and some were confused. Seeing their behavior like this made Zhang afraid. A hint of curiosity.

A mid-level Nascent Soul cultivator flew out from the crowd, clasped his fist towards Zhang Ping and said, "Ma Long, the main gate of the Qin State, has seen the seniors." The attitude was very respectful. Zhang Ping slightly raised his hand to return the salute, looked sideways at Fei and stopped beside him. The skinny monk, who was only a high-level practitioner of pill formation, was able to escape the pursuit of the mid-level monks of Nascent Soul, and he was also being pursued by a large group of people. This ability was truly remarkable.

Seeing a group of enemies, the skinny monk did not dare to chase after him. Knowing that he had encountered an expert, he hurriedly bowed and saluted, and said repeatedly: "Senior, please help me. Senior, please help me."

Ma Long from the main gate said loudly: "Senior, this thief stole a treasure from my main gate. He is a person who must be killed by the three thousand disciples of the main gate. Please watch, senior. After we capture the thief, we will thank you for your support and kindness."

Don't you just want me to interfere? He also said something about protecting his kindness, so he really dared to speak. And they suppressed me with three thousand disciples. Alas, I am too lazy to be on the same level as you. Zhang Ai said coldly: "He stole your things? You just go and catch him. You don't need to ask me about this."

The state of Qin was very small, much smaller than the state of Yue. It was located between mountains. Zhang Wen and his girls had passed there before, and the people's lives were ordinary. During the previous siege of Tianlei Mountain, a sect from the Qin State participated. A total of five people came. Unfortunately, they were too unknown. Until the fight was over, Zhang Zhi didn't know who was who, where they came from, and even killed a few people. have no idea.

Ma Long was overjoyed when he heard this. He cupped his hands at Zhang Ain and said, "Thank you, senior." He turned sideways and ordered in a cold voice, "Do it." A group of monks behind him immediately rushed towards the thin monk. The thin monk was shocked and hurriedly shouted: "Senior, help me, as long as I save my life, I will tell my senior a big secret."

The distance between the two sides was not far away. In the blink of an eye, the monk from the main gate attacked the thin monk. The thin monk hurriedly dodged and said the above sentence while dodging, but he was not injured at all.

Big secret? Hearing these four words, Zhang Wen was reminded of Shu Sheng at the Hongguang Inn. That guy wanted to exchange information about the ice crystal with him for the Subduing Divine Snake. Zhang was afraid but refused, but by chance, the ice crystal still attached itself to him. Hearing the thin monk say such words, he secretly laughed in his heart: It is impossible to get another divine object like ice crystal.

He was thinking wildly here, and the faces of the monks at the front entrance all changed, as if they were afraid that the thin monk would reveal the secret, and they rushed over like crazy, including Zhang Weijing.

When the thin monk saw this, he knew he couldn't escape. Since the main disciple didn't dare to offend Zhang Weir, he made up his mind and used him as a shield, jumping around and drawing many attacks to him. This time, the monks at the front gate immediately became much more cautious, not daring to really hurt Zhang Weifang, so they had no choice but to let the thin monk run rampant.

Zhang was afraid that he would find out that he was being used, and his temper became bad, so he shouted in a cold voice: "Get out."

The thin monk saw that Zhang was angry and knew that if he couldn't persuade him, the day would be miserable. But he was reluctant to tell the secret, so he fled all the way from the Qin State to the Warring States Period, running back and forth here and there for more than a year, just for this secret.

But what if you don’t say it? I have been running away for more than a year and tried countless methods, but I still can't escape the pursuit of the monks from the main gate. Instead, I am so tired that my whole body is covered with injuries. I have used all kinds of life-saving magic weapons and elixirs. If I can't escape this time, I will be caught by the monks from the main gate. , there is only one ending, which is death.

Thinking of this, he suddenly shouted: "Senior, help me, I know the cave of a god-transformation monk."

With these words, the main monk suddenly changed from being cautious to a crazy state. He was not as concerned about Zhang Awei's feelings as he was just now. What he was thinking about at this time was that he would rather accidentally injure Zhang Awei than kill the thin monk.

They were crazy about them. Zhang Ai's face was completely unmoved, and he was a little disapproving in his heart. What about the cave of the monk who transformed into gods? He has even seen living cultivators of spiritual transformation, so why would he care about a cave. Besides, isn’t it just a cave? There is also a place in the Monster Mountain. It is really easy to see it.

The skinny monk shouted those words and then fixed his gaze on Zhang Ping's face to see his expression. Unfortunately, he saw nothing. He said in his heart that he was going to die today. But I don't want to die like this. I gave Ma Long a hard look. Even if I die, I can't make you better! After making up his mind, he took out a leather map from his body and stuffed it into Zhang Ain's hand, shouting: "Senior, this is for you."

He kept wandering around Zhang Weijing, almost touching each other. It was so easy to stuff something into him.

Knowing that he meant no harm, Zhang took the drawing and felt funny in his heart. He had never heard of any monk making a map for his home, let alone a master of transforming gods. It was just nonsense.

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