The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 860 Fierce Valley Monster

Chapter 860 Fierce Valley Monster

Zhang Ain replied: "It was the elixir refined by Master Zuo Shi." The mountain god said: "I know that the reason why the elixir of heaven can be made is mainly because you prepared enough herbal medicines. You got all kinds of medicinal materials, so it is said that you refined them. That's right; Zuo Shi told me that he gave you the recipe for the magical elixir. I want to know if you have prepared enough materials for other elixirs in the past many years. "

Not only is it enough, but the elixir has been refined, but this cannot be said to the mountain god. Zhang Ain asked back: "I wonder which elixir you are asking about?" There are eighteen kinds of elixirs in the elixir prescription. Each elixir is limited to nine kinds of medicinal materials. Multiples of the elixirs can be refined to nine or eighteen. Or thirty-six kinds of medicinal materials, such as Changchun Dan, which requires eighteen kinds of medicinal herbs to refine.

When the mountain god heard this, his face lit up: "Have you prepared many kinds? Do you have enough ingredients for the elixir?"

Zhang Ao nodded lightly, took out a jade bottle, poured out ten crystal-clear and round Changchun Pills, with a faint green shimmer. He presented the pills to the mountain god and said, "Juniors gather enough materials to refine the pills. Here are Ten pills, will it help your injury?”

The mountain god's dark, charcoal face suddenly seemed to come to life. He looked at it with both eyes and asked in disbelief: "Is this the Evergreen Pill?"

Few people in the world have ever seen the Changchun Pill. Firstly, it is difficult to find the recipe, and secondly, it is even harder to find the medicinal materials for making the pill. So far, apart from Zhang Ai, only the white mice in the God Refining Valley have seen this kind of elixir, and it was the first time for the Mountain God Zuo Shi to see it.

The Meng girl lying in the corner saw this elixir, and her eyes also shone. When she fought with Zhang Ao, Zhang Ao took this elixir and instantly regained her powerful strength. She was very greedy when she saw it, and now she is even more excited when she sees the real thing. be envious.

Zhang Jing said: "My lord, take one pill first and see if it has any effect." The mountain god said yes repeatedly, and with a wave of his hand, he grabbed ten pills back into his hand, looked at them again, put away nine pills, and left one pill. After putting it in the mouth, the elixir took effect after a while, and the powerful medicine soothed and restored the injuries on the body. Within a quarter of an hour, the mountain god became energetic, and the dark charred skin on his body was much smoother, and the color became lighter, turning from black to gray-black. .

The pill had miraculous effects. The mountain god was overjoyed. He took out another pill and looked at it carefully. After a long time, he spoke again: "Where did you come from? Since I got this prescription, it has taken me more than a hundred years to gather the ingredients for the God Pill. As for other elixirs, it’s something I don’t even dare to think about. I heard from Zuo Shi that you had an adventure in the God Refining Valley?”

An adventure in the Valley of Refining Gods? The adventure there was given to him by the big tiger Hu Ping. He would rather not have this kind of adventure. Thinking of Hu Ping, his eyes felt a little sad and his face looked a little lonely. He said softly: "Who hasn't had an adventure?"

The mountain god was very surprised. Why did this boy look sad when he mentioned his adventure? It's not like he was pretending to look at his expression, he couldn't figure it out for the moment. Then he asked again: "Were the medicinal materials gathered in the God Refining Valley?"

Apart from the God Refining Valley, there is no other place in the world that has abundant spiritual energy and many precious herbs.

Zhang Aif nodded without saying anything. He used herbs from the Five Spirits Blessed Land to make alchemy. However, the mountain god asked where to collect the herbs. There are indeed these herbs in the God Refining Valley, so nodding is not a lie.

The mountain god chuckled: "It's really good luck. There are countless monsters in the Valley of Refining Gods, and you can actually enter and exit easily." After hesitation, he asked again: "Is there any Eternal Spring Pill?" He asked for something as soon as they met, and it was an extremely precious divine pill. , looking a little embarrassed.

The mountain god was willing to come out to help him because he knew that he had many precious medicinal materials and could form a friendship to easily obtain the elixir. As a mountain god, I feel embarrassed to negotiate a deal with a young boy. Zhang was afraid that he understood these things, so no matter what the mountain god asked, he thought it was normal and asked back: "Can't ten Changchun Pills cure your injury?"

The mountain god shook his head and said: "No, my injury was caused by the thunder and fire in my body. Unless I die, it will not be cured for the rest of my life. The thunder and fire will burn for a while every day, and the power of thunder and lightning and the flames of the sky will torture me half to death. I can only rely on my body." If I try hard to resist it, if it burns me once, I will lose one of my power; if it keeps burning day after day, I can only practice hard. The Changchun Pill can speed up the recovery of the injury, but it can't stop the outbreak of thunder and fire. ”

Zhang Ain avoided the question and said, "Next time I come, I will bring all the herbs and give them to Mr. Zuo Shi." The mountain god was overjoyed and said with a smile, "That's troublesome." He paused and asked, "Do you think I'm being unreasonable? Just ask for a reward for doing a little favor." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "I really didn't think about it that way." What he was thinking in his mind was that he hoped that the mountain god would not be greedy like Meng Nu, and that would be troublesome. .

The mountain god nodded after hearing this. Zuo Shi told him that this son was very kind, but now it seems that he is indeed simple and loyal. Then he turned his gaze to Meng Nu in the corner and hesitated: "What should I do with this woman?" He was not worried that Zhang would kill Meng Nu. As long as it didn't involve hundreds of thousands of mountain warlocks, who would kill her. What he was worried about was handing over Meng Nu to Zhang Awei. If Meng Nu had a chance to escape and kill Zhang Awei, who would he look for to get the materials for the Changchun Pill? There is a saying that care leads to chaos. It is related to his own injuries. The mountain god who has been seriously injured for ten thousand years suddenly becomes a little worried about gains and losses.

Zhang Ping definitely didn't want to take over this hot potato, but he didn't want to let her go either. He Wang and Lao Niu still carry their Nascent Souls with him. The hatred between the two sides is so great that letting Meng Nu go is asking for trouble. Xiang Xiang said: "Only adults in the world have the ability to accept her, so she should stay here."

The mountain god thought about it. If he could suppress the damage caused by the thunder and fire as much as possible with the help of Changchun Pill, he should have no problem in dealing with Meng Nu. He nodded and said: "That's fine, I will take care of you for a few more days."

Just do it for me. Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to express his objections, so he stood up and thanked him. In this way, it was settled here. Zhang was afraid that he would not be willing to stay with the master and lack a sense of security, so he said, "Do you have anything else to do, sir?" The implication is that if you are fine, I should leave.

The mountain god said: "Nothing else matters, but you can't leave yet." Zhang Ain asked curiously: "Why can't you leave?" Zuo Shi explained: "The time we came in was calculated. It is safer at that time. There are a few in the valley. The terrifying monsters are sucking the air from the earth, and they have no time to pay attention to you, but that’s not possible at this time. If you go out, you will be discovered by them, and then let’s fight.”

"How many terrifying monsters?" Zhang Ping thought in his mind how terrifying they were. Zuo Shi said: "You ask this question, sir. I've only seen one, and it's really scary." Zhang Ping then turned his attention to the mountain god. The mountain god chuckled and said: "It's a bit powerful, but as long as you don't provoke them, it's basically fine."

Zhang Ai is a little helpless. You, the old man, cultivated as a spirit, and we cultivated as a Nascent Soul. Can it be the same? Asked Zuo Shi: "How long do we have to wait?" "This time tomorrow." Zuo Shi replied.

Then just wait. Zhang Ain asked again: "Is it okay to stay outside the cave for a while?" The mountain god smiled and said: "Even if you don't want to go out, I have to ask you to go out." Zuo Shi stood up and said: "Go out."

Zhang Ai was a little confused, but seeing that the mountain god had no intention of driving him away, he immediately understood and walked out.

The platform outside was not very big, and Zuo Shi and Zhang Wen stood side by side. Zuo Shi said: "My lord is very bitter." He couldn't explain to Zhang Awei. No matter what he said, it would damage the majesty of the mountain god, so he simply said "very bitter". Zhang Awei smiled and said, "You are suffering too." Zuo Shi knew that Zhang Awei understood what he meant, so he laughed and stopped talking.

There is no night or day in Liegu, and the earth fire lava far away reflects a fiery red color. Looking at the flames that occasionally licked up, Zhang Ain asked: "How about the fire there?" Zuo Shi said: "No matter how good it is, you can't use it."

Zhang Ying smiled and said, "Aren't we just sitting here and chatting with you out of boredom?" Under the platform where they were sitting, there were terrifying medicine beasts everywhere, most of them black, wearing hard scales, with sharp claws and sharp teeth, ranging in size from small to large. Just looking at his appearance, he looks very fierce.

They sat on the platform, and the monster turned a blind eye to them. Presumably, they were protected by a magic circle, blocking the monster's sight and spiritual breath detection. However, Zhang Ping didn't feel any traces of the magic circle on the platform, so he asked Zuo Shi: "Is this the magic circle?"

Zuo Shi chuckled and said: "What kind of formation is this? This area belongs to the mountain gods. They are afraid of being beaten by the adults and do not dare to come over and make themselves uncomfortable." Zhang Ain laughed after hearing this. He thought that he was overthinking. Then he looked outside. Not far away, a bear-shaped monster and a tiger-shaped monster were fighting. A horse-shaped monster was lying on the ground. There was a big wound on its neck, and it was bleeding out. It's not alive.

Zuo Shi said quietly: "That's how it is in Liegu. The weak eats the strong." Zhang Ping said with a smile: "It's the same in the world. The weak eats the strong." At this time, the two monster beasts competing for food decided the winner. The bear beast won and stood upright to charge. The tiger beast roared and showed its power. The tiger beast, with several scars on its body, looked at the bear beast, then at the food, and ran away unwillingly.

It ran into the forest, and the ground suddenly stirred. A big snake raised half of its body and quickly wrapped around the tiger. After strangling it tightly, it slowly devoured it.

Seeing the big snake coming out, Zuo Shi's expression changed and he said urgently to Zhang Awei: "Back off, back to the entrance of the cave." He stood up and jumped back. Zhang Wen did as he was told.

The tiger beast was very big, about the same size as an ordinary tiger. Even if the big snake had a big mouth, it would be difficult to swallow it. After a quarter of an hour, it swallowed the tiger beast, and looked at it coldly as its body swelled.

The big snake suddenly appeared, and the bear was afraid of it, so it grabbed the food and ran away. The nearby monsters also ran away, and there was only one big snake left within a thousand meters. It was lying down to digest the food in its body, but its eyes were always locked on Zhang Weir and Zuo Shi.

In the past quarter of an hour, in the past half an hour, in the past hour, the big snake just stared fiercely. Zhang Ai asked Zuo Shi in a low voice: "What is it looking at?" Zuo Shi replied: "Food, he is looking at his own food." Zhang Ai muttered: "Is this still a monster? How can it be just as clear as ordinary beasts in the outside world? Eat." When the monsters have cultivated to a certain level, they can live without food like humans, no longer eating, and only survive with spiritual energy. For example, the Fu Shen Snake has not eaten for a long time, otherwise Zhang Wei would be exhausted by their belly.

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