The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 858: See You, Mountain God

Chapter 858 The mountain god invites you

Lin Sen smiled and said: "That's it? We can escape from the ground. Who can find us when we go underground?"

Zhang Ai said seriously: "Be careful in everything. If one mountain god appears, there is no guarantee that a second one will not appear. If there are strong men attacking the mountain in the future and you find that the situation is not good, you can hide in the cave."

Lin Sen said obediently: "If you're not afraid of getting tired, just do it. I'll just go to bed." He returned to the house with the wine bottle.

Zhang was afraid that he would sink into the ground and toss around the cave, completing it in one day. It cannot be compared with the Five Spirits Blessed Land. It is just a hall with a radius of tens of meters, with some night pearls, beds and other items placed, which is very simple. The slightly more troublesome thing is to set up the magic circle, laying it out layer by layer outside the cave. After it is done, go back to the ground to check. At the same time, everyone is called. The two of them scan the underground with their spiritual senses, but they can't find the cave or the magic circle. , this is considered completed.

Then go to Lin Sen and tell him the formation control technique. Just then someone came to see him again. The disciples reported that there was a sorcerer dressed in red at the mountain gate who asked to see him. He said he came from Shiwanda Mountain.

Could it be that the mountain god wants to see me? After Zhang Ain told Lin Sen the formula for the magic circle, he got up and went down the mountain.

The man in red at the mountain gate is the blood-killing member of Shiwandashan. The Blood Killers are the bodyguards under the mountain god, responsible for guarding the safety of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Their number is not fixed, ranging from hundreds to thousands.

The blood killer was led to wait in the mid-level pavilion, accompanied by Zhike disciples. Seeing Zhang Wen come down the mountain and Zhike's disciples saluted and left, Zhang Wen asked directly: "But the Zuo Shi is looking for me?" Get together.”

It would definitely not be so troublesome for Zuo Shi to find him. Zhang was afraid of guessing that the mountain god wanted to see him, so he stood up and said: "There is nothing to do at this time, so let's go."

When he went out, he saw a woman staring angrily at him and saying with a smile, "What's wrong? Is there anyone on this mountain who dares to bully you?"

The woman was one of the thirty-four girls he had rescued before. They had always had a very good relationship with each other. Zhang Wen was very caring to them and never let them suffer any injustice.

After hearing what he said, the woman said angrily: "It's you." She turned around and shouted to the left and right: "Get out of my way."

There were many disciples at the mountain gate. After hearing what she said and Zhang Fei didn't object, all the disciples immediately ran away and speculated among themselves about what happened. The woman rushed to the blood and yelled: "And you."

Xue Sha was stunned. I heard that Zhang was afraid of old age. Why was he shouted like this by a woman? Looking around in fear, I asked for advice.

Zhang Ao smiled at Xue Sha and said, "Please wait for me at the bottom of the mountain. I'll go down right away." "Yes." Xue Sha went down the mountain in response. At this time, only Zhang Ao and the girl were left in front of the huge mountain gate.

Zhang Awei smiled and said, "Let's talk about it. Who bullied you?" The girl glared and said, "Let me ask you, why do you always ignore sister Yunyi?" Zhang Awei scratched his head: "Did I ignore her?"

"Nonsense, look what you are busy with all day long. How many times have you met your sister in total? Some time ago, your sister said that she was happiest when she was just with you and she was still a mortal. , living in the snowfield, going to the market every few days, and accompanied by a few stupid dogs." The girl said the reason for her anger.

Zhang Wen was suddenly stunned when he heard this. Ever since Big Tiger gave him power, he has been busy and troubled in the past few decades. The only time he spent a long time with Yunyi was when he took his children and Xin When the child disciple I recruited went out to sea to play, there were many people present, and it was rare to say a few words. Speaking of it now, the life in the snowfield was indeed very happy, peaceful, without demands, and without any fights or disputes. So he smiled and said, "Is that why?"

The girl suddenly became angry: "What do you mean just because of this? This matter is not serious? My sister only has you in her heart, but you don't care about her..." "Stop! When did I not care about her?" Zhang Ai quickly interrupted the girl. , if these words reached Yunyi’s ears, there would be no explanation.

Then he smiled bitterly and said: "It's not like you don't know that things are always happening in Tianlei Mountain. If you don't believe me, go ask Ruiyuan and ask me how busy I am. It's not that I don't accompany you, but I really don't have time." The girl snorted coldly and said, "I don't want to ask, that Wood will definitely help you speak, and if you are serious, no reason will be an excuse."

This sentence is very true. If you have the intention, you can always squeeze out some time. A big hat was held on Zhang Afraid, and he couldn't think of words to explain. He paused and said, "I have to go down the mountain again. Please help me and stay with Yunyi more."

The girl said anxiously: "You just don't have the heart!" There were thirty-six women living in the back mountain. Xi'er was busy disciplining the children. The girls were always making troubles. Only Song Yunyi had a detached status and liked to be quiet and not move. , usually stay alone in the house. She was so lonely, so the girls looked down upon her and teased each other, which led to the questioning at this moment.

Zhang Fei glanced down the mountain and said with a smile: "Thank you, Miss, for reminding me." He quickly walked to the back mountain. He originally wanted his disciple to inform Yunyi for him, but at this time, it seemed that it was better to go in person. I just don’t understand. They are cultivators after all. Why do these girls always think and care about things that are different from others? Even if there are differences between men and women, it shouldn't be like this. For example, Master Han Tian and Yao Mei'er, how can there be a female cultivator who is as crazy and messy as them?

Arriving at Yunyi Mansion in the blink of an eye. Yunyi was sitting alone in the room again, holding a silk book and reading slowly. Zhang was afraid of coughing and entering the room. When Song Yunyi saw him coming, he smiled and said, "Are you going down the mountain again?"

"Ah? How do you know?" Zhang Ain asked.

"What's there to know about this? Isn't it always like this recently? Every time I come here, I'm either going down the mountain or just coming back from the mountain." Song Yunyi put down the book, poured a cup of hot tea, and offered it to him.

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly: "You guessed it right, I never have time to accompany you." He took the tea and took a sip.

Song Yunyi tilted her head and looked at him with her eyes smiling like crescent moons. She paused for a while before speaking: "Are you afraid that I will be unhappy?"

Zhang Awei continued to smile bitterly: "Can you not be so smart?" Song Yunyi laughed, took the teacup from Zhang Awei's hand, put it on the table, took his hand and walked out: "Go quickly, I know you have me in your heart. It’s done.”

Zhang Ai was very touched. The most beautiful warmth between men and women is to know each other and trust each other. He stretched out his arms and gently put his arms around Yunyi's waist and said: "When we have time, we will go back to the old house in Xueyuan for a while, just the two of us."

While talking, I thought of Tie Mou's feelings for Yao Mei'er. Isn't the love that lasts a lifetime more exciting than the life of Ku Xiuyi?

After hearing this, Song Yunyi laughed and said: "Don't make random promises, otherwise you will be disappointed if you can't do it." Then he added: "Why do those girls tell you everything?"

Zhang Ping laughed, hugged Song Yunyi hard, and then stepped away and said: "I'm going down the mountain." Song Yunyi nodded slightly and warned: "Be careful."

The two said goodbye briefly, and Zhang Ai quickly came to the foot of the mountain, where Xue Sha stood next to a flying horse waiting for him. When you see him coming, please fly up to the sky, fly quickly to the southwest.

There was no talking all the way, and five days later we arrived at Shiwanda Mountain. After landing, they put away Feiya, and the two of them entered the mountain and followed the mountain road to the mountain god platform. The blood killing cultivation level was low and the traveling speed was slow. Zhang was afraid of accommodating him, so the two of them walked for more than ten days before reaching the mountain god platform.

After passing through the Taibao Market and arriving at the entrance of the Mountain Temple, Zuo Shi was waiting for him with a smile.

Zhang Wen hurriedly prayed to see her. Zuo Shi shook his head and said with a smile: "You are really powerful. Where can you find a powerful young monk to help you fight?" It was about the battle between the young monk Yijie in front of Tianlei Mountain and the woman from Longhu Mountain. Zhang Ping said: "We must thank the Mountain God for helping us, otherwise it is difficult to predict the outcome of the Tianlei Mountain incident, and there may be countless casualties."

"Stop talking nonsense, two Buddhists can't handle a Mongolian girl? Even if they can't, there are still more than a hundred subdued divine snakes. No matter how powerful the Mongolian girl is, after all, she has not transformed into a god. Facing more than a hundred submissive divine snakes, it is considered lucky to be able to escape unscathed. ." Zuo Shi said.

It turns out that the woman from Longhu Mountain is called Meng Nu. No wonder she is so fierce. Zhang Pingxiao asked: "Did the Mountain God ask me to come?"

Zuo Shi said with a smile: "You are really smart, you can guess right." Then he said: "I didn't expect you to come so fast. Stay here first, and I will take you to see the adults in a few days."

Zhang Ain looked at Zuo Shi and smiled, and asked with a hint of joking: "The Mountain God doesn't live in the mountain temple? No wonder you, the old man, have always been in power?" Zuo Shi feigned anger: "You want to be beaten? Are you familiar with me?" "Zhang Ai shouted: "It's unfair." He ran away from the door and said from a distance: "I live outside."

After coming out, there was nothing to do, just wandering around the market. It’s not that I want to buy anything, it’s just to pass the time. After enough walking, we went to rest in a tent house in the nearby mountains and forests. Three days later, news came from the bloody massacre, saying that Mr. Zuo Shi was here to see him.

Zhang Ao packed up his tent and came to the mountain temple. Zuo Shi was still waiting at the door. When he saw him coming, he said, "Let's go." Zhang Ao asked, "Where are you going?" Zuo Shi glared and said, "I will take you to die. I dare not. Huh?" Zhang Ping said, "Even if you want to die, you still need a place."

The left attendant led him down the mountain altar, turned onto a mountain road, and walked quickly towards the south. After walking for a while, he said: "Fierce Valley."

Zhang Ao frowned and asked, "What are you going to do there?" He knew that Liegu was a scary place.

When the Hongguang Inn was defeated by the Jin family and bullied by Longhu Mountain, the remaining few hundred people secretly played tricks and spread rumors that there were many monsters and rare treasures in Shiwan Mountain, tricking countless people into going into the mountain to hunt for treasures. I hope to rekindle the war between the two races.

Since the truce between the two tribes, people have been allowed to pass through the Shiwan Mountain. Countless greedy monks learned about the treasure and swarmed like mosquitoes after seeing the blood. Zhang was afraid that something was wrong, so he informed the left and right attendants of the news. The mountain warlock had time to calmly plan and resolve the crisis. The method is to lure all the monks who enter the mountain to Liegu.

Shiwandashan is vast and huge, with several places where monsters gather. Although it is not as majestic as Monster Mountain, there are at least hundreds of thousands of various monsters living there. Fortunately, in other places, the reason why the monsters were not hunted down was because the monks outside the mountain could not find the place, and the warlocks inside the mountain never took advantage of the monsters. Only the Fierce Valley, deep underground, is home to tens of thousands of terrifying monsters, which are even more terrifying than Monster Mountain. Even if the monks find the place, they will have their lives come and go.

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