The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 850: Death

Chapter 850: Death

With the care of Song Yunyi, Cheng Xi'er and Black Bird, nothing will happen to Xiao Yao'er. Besides, she is a top-level Nascent Soul, so even if anyone wants to harm her, they must have certain abilities. After placing Yao'er, Zhang was afraid of going down the mountain again, and his target was Longhu Mountain in Qi State.

After what happened with the Yao family, I learned that the cultivators from all the sects surrounding the mountain had gone back, and now it was Zhang Wen who went to attack the mountain.

To the southwest, fly fast. In less than three days, Feiya stopped at the foot of Longhu Mountain. Longhu Mountain is named after its mountain shape. Two strange and tall peaks face each other several miles apart. One is like a dragon and the other is like a tiger. They are so tall and majestic that it makes people want to marvel at them.

Zhang was too lazy to guess which mountain King He was on. He chose a hilltop at random, took out the spiritual power cannon and aimed it. After filling it with spiritual stones, he fired a shot. A barrier appeared in the mountains, hissing, clicking, and the mountain guarding formation jumped. Flashing, slightly loose.

His shot, like knocking on a door, alarmed the people in the mountain. Tens of thousands of monks flew out from all over the two strange peaks, all targeting Zhang Ai. Flying in the front was Cai Xiaoxiao, an old acquaintance. When Cai Xiaoxiao saw that it was Zhang Ping, he waved his hand and cast a communication charm into the air. At the same time, he waved his hand and shouted: "Stop."

He had a high status in Longhu Mountain, and no one would disobey his orders. Thousands of monks stopped a thousand meters away from Zhang Ai.

The distance of a thousand meters was not too far, and the monks from Longhu Mountain fell to the ground under the leadership of Cai Xiaoxiao. Cai Xiaoxiao knew why Zhang was afraid, so he didn't ask any questions. He also knew that he was no match for him, so he shouted softly: "Formation." More than ten thousand people set up more than thirty formations based on their usual practice and familiarity. There are still more than 3,000 people left who can't form a formation. They need to retreat some distance to make room in front.

Zhang Ai stood there lazily watching them struggle. He was not in a hurry, and there was no point in killing some minions. His target was He Wang, Lao Niu, Cai Xiaoxiao and other masters.

Not long after, He Wang and Lao Niu came to the front of the mountain at the same time, flew straight to a stop a hundred meters in front of Zhang Ai, and He Wang said expressionlessly: "It was a mistake not to kill you before." Zhang Ai replied quietly. : "A lot of people think so."

King He stretched out his hand and a long sword appeared in his hand, and said softly: "Let's do it."

We are all smart people, there is no need to talk nonsense. If Zhang was afraid that he would not come to Longhu Mountain, King He might still put his hope that this guy would not be able to come, and he did not want revenge at all as before. But since he bombarded the mountain with his spiritual power as a greeting, there was no need to say more and let the fight begin.

King He flashed his sword, and Lao Niu followed suit. He originally had a powerful command of beasts, but knowing that Zhang Wei had more big snakes, he didn't release them to seek misfortune. He planned to combine the two swords into one and fight Zhang Wei.

Zhang Ain looked at the two of them arranging their postures, raised his hand and hooked his fingers at Cai Xiaoxiao: "You come too, you used to work so hard to chase me, but now I'm here to kill you, don't be embarrassed."

Cai Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, lit up his body and flew to the two masters. Cai Xiaoxiao flew forward, and the other Nascent Soul cultivators moved forward with him, blocking in front of the two masters. There were roughly a hundred people there.

Zhang Weijing hissed, no wonder he can compete with a hundred thousand mountains, no wonder he can unify a country of thousands of counties, this is the benefit of a vast land, rich resources, and many talents. After carefully looking at everyone's face, he asked casually: "Is there anyone else?"

How could there be no one? When he asked, the monks all over the mountain flew forward.

King He had dealt with Zhang Ai many times, and he knew that this guy was scary. No matter how many people came, he was just a target, and he didn't even have the strength to resist. Waving his hands, he said: "You guys stand down, Xiaoxiao stays."

The monks all over the mountain responded with a bang, and all the law enforcement weapons returned to their original positions. At this time, looking at He Wang, Lao Niu and Cai Xiaoxiao, they were all displaying their tyrannical cultivation. The grass moved in all directions under the fierce aura, causing gusts of wind to rise. With a serious and solemn expression on his face and a self-contained aura, Cai Xiaoxiao is so brave that it is hard to ignore the murderous aura in his face. King He is the demeanor of Yuan Tingyue Zhi. At first glance, Lao Niu seemed to have no feeling at all, but after a closer look, he found that he was integrated with the earth under his feet and the breeze around him, making him invulnerable.

After looking at the three of them, I looked at Zhang Ai, standing lazily with an indifferent expression, not making any preparations, and his aura was restrained, like an ordinary young man preparing for a lunch break. The lazy man who was about to take a lunch break asked casually: "Just the three of you? Find more people and set up another formation."

The three of them were silent, but Cai Xiaoxiao made the first move. The ghost in his hand suddenly let out a shrill cry, which was eerie and haunting, directly hitting Zhang Ain's mind. Zhang is afraid that this type of magic weapon is the most annoying, but the last time he played the sound attack talisman, he gained experience. He exploded the spiritual power in his body, guarded the Nascent Soul, and then shot several talismans to see which of the two of us could make the loudest sound.

Of course, ghost cries do not hurt people with their loudness. The Zhang Afraid spell is just used to disturb Cai Xiaoxiao's mind. People move with the wind and disappear out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, a thin line appears on Cai Xiaoxiao's neck, and then the thin line becomes thicker and larger. Blood flowed out, and it fell with a splat, and Cai Xiaoxiao died. At this time, the magic weapon of Ghost Crying was still whining and making strange noises.

When King He saw that his apprentice had been killed, he jumped up and stabbed Zhang Wei. He saw sword lights in the air and sword shadows everywhere within a thousand meters. Lao Niu cooperated with King He to take action.

Zhang was afraid that he was not polite at all. He had so much hatred with Longhushan that he couldn't even remember it, and he also had new hatreds. He attacked without mercy. In the light and shadow, his body was like floating catkins, turning back and forth lightly, Then stand back some distance.

Looking at the battlefield again, the shadow of the sword disappeared suddenly, two swords fell down with a clang, and then there was a thump, thump, and the two top masters who commanded the Qi Kingdom across the world died just like that.

The two patriarchs died, and tens of thousands of his disciples rushed towards Zhang Ai like crazy. After a while, except for some handymen, all the disciples of Longhu Mountain came to the front of the mountain. There were about hundreds of thousands of them. At the front were a group of Yuanying monks.

Zhang Wen took a look and realized that Fu Kong was right. There were tens of thousands of people in the mountain looking for trouble for him. Did he really want to massacre them all? At this time, a voice rang in the air, shouting: "Go back to me."

There were three small Nascent Souls floating in front of Zhang Ai, and the sounds were made by Lao Niu. No disciple of Longhu Mountain dared to disobey and flew back as ordered.

Lao Niu asked Zhang Awei again: "Who else do you want to kill?" Zhang Awei shook his head: "You three are enough." I don't know why, but every time he kills someone, he feels empty, as if he shouldn't do it. It would be easier if the people who were killed were people who had no conscience and committed all kinds of evil. Killing them was a good deed and they wouldn't think too much about it. But if they were killed to avenge themselves and avenge themselves, they would always be reluctant to kill them. The feeling after taking action will also be very unpleasant.

Lao Niu's order made him relieved that he no longer had to kill indiscriminately.

Lao Niu asked again: "What do you want to do with the three of me?" Zhang Ao said softly: "Follow me." These four words seemed like four spiritual cannonballs smashing into the group of monks in the mountain, and a group of people made a roar. Then he rushed over again, Lao Niu's little Nascent Soul glared angrily, turned around and shouted: "If I die, no one will listen to me?"

Everyone in Longhu Mountain fell silent again. Lao Niu turned around and said to Zhang Ain: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. I listen to you."

This time, he was convinced of his defeat. The combined power of more than a dozen sects could not break through the Thunder Mountain. However, he invited the master to fight with a little monk whose origin he did not know, and was finally captured by the mountain god. These methods were originally what they relied on, so they dared to besiege Tianlei Mountain. Since their reliance was useless, He Wang Lao Niu arranged some things early after returning to the mountain, just waiting for Zhang Ao to come to seek revenge.

Speaking of which, the two brothers are really pitiful. Deep down in their hearts, they also have the idea of ​​​​running away and hiding, but the more than 100,000 disciples in the mountain need their care and protection, and they cannot be killed because of their selfish thoughts.

After listening to Lao Niu's words, Zhang Ain asked He Wang and Cai Xiaoxiao: "Where are you?"

King He and Cai Xiaoxiao had no choice. They both accepted their fate and said, "Whatever you do."

Zhang Fei grabbed the three of them with one palm and flew away without even looking at the monks all over the mountain, refusing to leave even a single word behind.

From today on, Longhu Mountain should become much more low-key, gathering momentum to withstand unexpected events. Counting the terrifying women, two of the three most powerful people in Longhu Mountain are dead and one is imprisoned. However, the enemy Hongguang Inn has a top-level monk. With one thing going down and the other going, Hongguang Inn will never let go of the opportunity in front of it.

But these things have nothing to do with Zhang Ai. After he put the three Nascent Souls into his chest, these three poor guys discovered that there are quite a lot of unlucky people like them in the world! There are nearly a hundred Yuanyings living in Walnut, including many top-level Yuanyings. I was very surprised, how could such strong men not be able to kill only one Zhang Ping?

Zhang was afraid that no matter what they would think, he was hesitating whether to go back to Tianlei Mountain first or go directly to Yunlongmen. Tianlei Mountain is the enemy of the world. He is not on the mountain at this time. He doesn't know if there will be more sects surrounding the mountain.

After much deliberation, I decided to work harder and return to Tianlei Mountain first. If no abnormality is found, just go to Yunlong Gate to take revenge.

Two days later, I returned to Yue Kingdom. When I was approaching Tianlei Mountain, I received a spell from Zhan Yun, saying that someone was attacking the mountain. Zhang Ain cursed secretly as a bastard, but luckily he came back early. He activated his power immediately, flew back at full speed, and quickly reached the battlefield.

The familiar spiritual cannons were lined up at the foot of Tianlei Mountain, but no one was manning the cannons to blast the mountain. In front of the cannon, there were dozens of people fighting lively. Master Han Tian, ​​Zhan Yun, Fang Jian, Zhang Tianfang, and dozens of Bai Zhan members stopped ten people from fighting. Fu Tong sat on a huge lotus platform in front of the mountain. It is the last line of defense. Piglets and kittens are flying around in the sky, and they can be used to cool down the opponent.

Their opponent was Wu Yi, who led nine Nascent Soul masters to attack wildly. Each one of them was like crazy, using two-injury moves to fight without fear of death. Except for Wu Yi, nine of them were injured. In spite of Zhan Yun and others, a dozen people were injured and retreated to the lotus platform to rest temporarily.

Among the group of people, Wu Yi was the most ferocious. He had a high level of cultivation, and he was even more ferocious when he was risking his life. He forced everyone to defend with all their strength, thanks to Master Hantian's Baiyun magic weapon that was so powerful and ingenious that he was able to protect everyone. Zhan Yun, Zhang Tianfang, and Piggy and Kitty Huoer worked together to besiege him, and the fight was barely a draw.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Wen sighed in his heart, didn't he want to live anymore? Only ten people came to attack the mountain, and they did not hesitate to use their own strength. They clearly came to die.

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