The Monk

Volume One Chapter 848 Little Yuanying

Chapter 848 Little Yuanying

Yaoshan is still the same. There are many exotic flowers and plants growing in a radius of 100 miles. There is a big manor on the main peak, which is the Yao family.

Zhang Pa was very surprised when he arrived at Yaoshan. He flew all the way. When he was 50 miles away from Yaoshan, he saw many white flags hanging on the roads everywhere. Paper money was scattered along the road. It was blown by the wind and all over the mountain and the road. He thought: Who died so big and made such a big noise? Could it be the Yao family? Is it such a coincidence? I came to cause trouble, and someone in their family died.

Flying to the foot of Yaoshan, Zhang Pa didn't leave. He landed gently on the ground. In front of him were pieces of white curtains hanging all over the forests in the mountains. At the foot of the mountain, there were 29 people standing. The leader was a little white face. He looked at Zhang Pa with a sad face. There was resentment, dissatisfaction, and unwillingness in his eyes, and more sadness. The little white face looked at Zhang Pa for a while and whispered: "Tie Mou has met fellow Taoist Zhang."

Tie Mou is the boss of the Tie family, one of the eight great families in Lu State, but this is the Yao family. Zhang Pa asked coldly, "What are you doing here?"

Tie Mou did not answer directly. He paused for a moment and asked himself, "What am I doing here?" He looked down at the paper money on the ground, and said with a long sigh, "I know what you want to do, fellow Daoist, can you not go up the mountain?"

Zhang Pa sneered, "Not going up the mountain? You were there when we surrounded Tianlei Mountain, and you were there when we formed the sword formation. Why do I come to Yaoshan to seek revenge, and you are still there? Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Tie Mou took a long breath and said softly, "Then kill me." He took a step forward, and the twenty-eight people behind him moved at the same time, all of whom were at the top of the Jindan level. With these people alone, the Tie family is firmly at the top of the eight great families, and it is difficult for any sect to have such a big hand and strength. Even if there is, they will only find a way to let them form infants early and become real masters, rather than forming a battle formation to fight in all directions and waste time. These twenty-eight people moved in a flash, forming four strange patterns, surrounding Tie Mou in the middle, and they all held law enforcement weapons in their hands, either knives, swords, guns or hammers, and there was no repetition.

Zhang Pa sneered, "We have met several times, and you always wanted to kill me. Today you finally did it."

Tie Mou replied softly, "I didn't mean to kill you." He stopped talking after saying this. In this life-and-death battle, talking too much would lower morale.

Just when the two sides were about to fight, a man flew down from Yaoshan, and quickly flew to the middle of the two parties and stood still, shouting, "Wait a minute." The man was one of the eight elders of the Yao family, wearing mourning clothes, holding a golden bead with water vapor in his hand. This thing is called a water condensation bead. Zhang Pa had seen it once a long time ago. The idiot Xiang Kong who had the life heavy sand in his body, his master took great pains to make one to warn him to be more responsible. It has only one function, which is to pass on messages.

To condense this bead, not only the power is consumed, but also the cultivation. Only dying people are willing to refine it, so this thing is rarely seen on the mainland. Zhang Pa is lucky to see one again today.

Seeing the arrival of the elder of the Yao family, Zhang Pa stepped back a few steps and stood, waiting for him to speak. He wondered in his heart, could it be that Yao Meier was dead? Dozens of miles outside the mountain, people were in mourning, and the love-crazy Tiemou was fighting with him. In addition, the elder of the Yao family came in mourning clothes holding the water condensation bead. All signs showed that this was very likely. But he couldn't be sure. That crazy woman was windy and rainy. What if she lied to me? The elder of the Yao family came close and said only four words, "Wait a minute." After Zhang Pa stepped back a few steps, he exerted force with his fingers and crushed the water condensation bead with a snap. The image of a beautiful woman appeared in the air, with a peach-like face, affectionate eyebrows and smiling eyes looking over, as if Yao Meier was right in front of him. The fake shadow of Yao Meier in the air stared at Zhang Pa for a while, as if she knew that Zhang Pa would definitely stand there, and just stared at him. After staring for a long time, she whispered, "I'm dead." The voice was very low, soft and light, like the whispers between lovers, and it was also very pleasant to hear. But the next scene was not pretty. Yao Meier held the knife in both hands, stabbed her heart with one knife, and cut her neck with another knife. Her head fell to her back with a snap, leaving only a layer of skin. Then blood gushed out, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Then a small Yuanying flew out from the fallen head. It was very beautiful and cute, as if all the spiritual energy in the world was gathered on her. After the little Yuanying left the body, she pinched the magic formula with both hands, and then the eyes darkened, the image in the air disappeared, and the scenes just now turned into this water condensation bead that just dissipated.

Zhang Pa was shocked. Was that crazy woman really so crazy? He was depressed. He wanted to curse and swear to vent his anger, but he didn't know who to curse. That crazy woman always did things beyond his expectations! After standing there for a while, he asked again, "Where is the Nascent Soul?"

The elder of the Yao family replied, "The ancestor said that when you come to pay respect to the mountain, you will see this bead. He also said that he wanted to leave the vitality for the Yao family and cultivate a top master. The ancestor said that she would not be able to help after she died, so she erased all her consciousness. When there are peerless talents among the Yao family in the future, they can use her Nascent Soul to make pills or fuse the Nascent Soul and pass on her power to future generations. It cannot be wasted in vain."

This answer once again surprised Zhang Pa. This crazy woman was so cruel to him? Xiang Xiang said, "Can I see it?" As soon as he said this, the elder of the Yao family in mourning glared at him. If he had just barely suppressed his anger and didn't show it, he was even more angry now and couldn't suppress it. What? People are dead, and you turned yourself into a blank sheet of paper, a fool who knows nothing, and you won't let it go?

Zhang Pa said slowly, "I want to see it." His tone was firm.

Tiemou was furious. It was the first time he had seen that video. He was very sad. When he heard Zhang Pa's request, he passed by the elders of the Yao family and shouted, "No!"

The elder of the Yao family saw Tie Mou being impulsive again, and sighed and said: "My ancestors have a destiny, try your best to meet the requirements of fellow Taoist Zhang. Senior Tie, what the Yao family owes you, I will pay you back slowly in the future. Please don't use force under the mountain of medicine. This That's what the ancestor said." After saying that, he clapped his hands three times, and then two more Nascent Soul cultivators flew down from the mountain. The person in front of her was holding a small Nascent Soul in both hands. She was cute and beautiful, but her eyes were confused and she stared blankly at everything. The monk held her gently and did not restrain her, but she did not move.

Zhang was afraid that his spiritual consciousness would be swept away, so he sighed secretly, "It's too cruel. This crazy woman is not only cruel to others, but also cruel to herself!" The Nascent Soul is actually the Yuanshen. After cultivating to an extremely powerful level, the Yuanshen will condense into a human form and gain human consciousness. It can speak, think, and move, and can also use some spells, such as rebirth.

However, these consciousnesses are given by the human body and are present as soon as the Nascent Soul is formed. If these consciousnesses are forcibly erased, this Nascent Soul will have a body of strength and many abilities, but they will not be able to be used. It will be whiter than a real blank sheet of paper. Lots of paper. From this point of view, the Nascent Soul that has erased its consciousness is actually dead. The living Nascent Soul is just an object. It knows nothing and can never be reborn. It can only watch and listen stupidly. The day the baby disappeared.

Maybe one day in the future, it will come back to life like a real baby, but who is the Nascent Soul who understands it? Is he still the same person as before? What's more, this is just a possibility. Before today, such a big world has existed for tens of millions of years, but there has never been a Nascent Soul that has regained its intelligence. It has never happened.

Therefore, except for leaving some strength to the descendants of the family, Yao Meier is basically dead.

Looking at the silly little cute baby in front of him, Zhang Wen suddenly felt a heartache that he shouldn't have felt. Why was she so cruel to herself? Why don't you give me a chance to kill her? After standing there for a long time and giving a wry smile, it seemed that there was no way to seek revenge against the Yao family. This woman is really smart. She knew that I would be soft-hearted, so she used herself to make a deal. That's all. Anyway, Yao Family is the only one who is against me. Let others go.

Zhang Ai was thinking wildly, and Tie Mou suddenly roared: "Have you seen enough?" He also scanned the Yuanying with his spiritual consciousness, knowing that there was nothing in this Yuanying. He was no longer the Yao Mei'er he knew, and this Yuanying Ying, who no longer knew him, felt very sad.

The elder of the Yao family asked coldly: "I wonder if you have finished reading, friend? I will take our ancestors back to the hall to rest. As for the purpose of your trip, everyone in the Yao family understands. Please be patient with me for a while." After the ancestors were settled, they came out to teach fellow Taoists about magical powers."

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly. They were talking now, whether it was roaring or making sarcastic remarks. Little Yuanying didn't respond at all. He only looked around blankly, but no matter how many things he saw, his eyes were still blank. . She didn't know that the paper money on the ground was scattered by her, nor did she know that the Yao family members were wearing sackcloth and mourning for her, nor did she know that there was a person who had been devoted to her with affection all his life, and that person was still looking at her with affection at this moment.

This world is quite interesting. Zhang feared that these words flashed in his mind, so he turned around and left. Since he had decided to let Yao go, there was no need to say anything else. Seeing him leave, Tie Mou breathed a sigh of relief. Although this evil god was a bastard, he was talkative and kind. He owed him one more time.

The three elders of the Yao family did not expect Zhang Wen to leave like this. Their expressions were complex, ranging from hatred to anger, but also a hint of happiness and luck.

Zhang was afraid of walking out. When he took steps, he could see the dazed little Yuanying shaking in front of his eyes. He couldn't bear it. He sighed secretly, "This is fate." He stopped and turned around to look back.

A group of people at the bottom of the mountain became nervous when they saw that Zhang was afraid of leaving, and all stared at him. Zhang Awei sighed and said: "Don't look at me like that, I want to ask something."

The elder who was the first to go down the mountain asked nervously: "What do you want to ask, fellow Taoist?"

Zhang Ain looked at the little Nascent Soul in the hands of another elder and asked softly: "She said that when a genius appears in your medicine family, she will use her own Nascent Soul to refine elixirs to help her disciples increase their cultivation? She doesn't "Does it hurt?" The last four words were said very softly, and I didn't understand why this woman was so crazy, killing herself, erasing all memory and consciousness, and causing her Nascent Soul to suffer piercing pain.

None of the three elders of the Yao family answered, and Tie Mou looked pained. In fact, it was more painful to like someone.

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