The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 844 The Yijie is coming

Chapter 844 The First Ring is Coming

The formation made continuous clicking sounds amid a burst of color jumps and changes, and many places were damaged due to being attacked by huge forces. It is estimated that if this happens twice more, the formation will definitely be broken.

When this happened, Zhang Zhan couldn't sit still anymore, so he stood up and said, "Don't you want me to kill you? Wait." He stepped out of the formation. However, he didn't expect to be beaten by the young monk. He followed him out of the magic circle. At the same time, he released the Buddha's treasure and turned it into a lotus. He turned the monk's robe into the lotus itself and stood lightly in the air. As soon as Fu Kong came out of the magic circle, he jumped up and sat upright. On the lotus platform, he said to the woman: "Please come back to this female donor." The voice was low and soft, but it had a firm and irrefutable flavor.

The woman sneered: "Little monk? Haha, just right, I haven't killed a Buddhist monk yet."

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "You can't kill, why are you just joining in the fun?" Fu Kong replied with a calm face: "Who said monks can't kill?" See what that means, Fu Kong is planning to go on a killing spree?

The woman sneered and said: "You can do it when you want? You don't overestimate your ability." The green hairpin in her hand stabbed Fu Kong lightly. Fu Kong sat still and rolled up a piece of calyx on the lotus platform to block Qing Chai's attack, but Qing Chai easily pierced him. split.

But the Buddha is not so easy to deal with. The broken calyx was repaired immediately with the help of the lotus platform. The big lotus is still a big lotus, with no change at all. At the same time, more calyxes rolled up, blocking Qingchai's front.

The woman said coldly: "That's all." She raised her hand to stab him again.

The woman was making trouble for the monk. Zhang Wei quickly summoned a big black knife and rushed over, trying to block the attack for Bu Kong. However, he heard someone in the distance shouting: "Stop!" Following the words, another person appeared in front of Fu Kong's lotus platform. The young monk, wearing an old gray robe, multi-eared hemp shoes, and only a ring scar on his head, came.

The little monk was really powerful. As soon as he appeared, he raised his hand to block Qingchai. Hearing a soft snap, Yijie blocked the terrifying murder weapon with his bare hands. It was also the woman who did not attack the lotus platform with all her strength. The main target was Zhang Ai, so she was easily blocked by Yijie.

Another Buddhist monk appeared. The two Buddhist monks came together, plus Zhang Afraid and the more than a hundred god-defying snakes in the mountain. Such a powerful force made the woman hesitate. She was not sure whether she could kill Zhang Afraid, so she retreated. After a few steps, he looked at Yijie coldly.

Two Buddhists are not scary, but two Buddhists who intend to kill people are very scary. Even if the two monks join forces and cannot kill themselves, King He and Lao Niu, they can always kill the other seven. The woman did not want Longhushan's strength to be damaged and wanted to find out the opponent's purpose, so she asked coldly: "Young monk, do you want me to stop?"

Time was running out just now, and Yijie only had time to shout out one word. At this time, after hearing the woman's question, he put one palm up in front of his chest, lowered his head and saluted: "It's better for the female donor to leave. The young monk doesn't want to take action with the donor."

The woman was stunned when she heard this. That bastard was actually very close to being a monk. A Buddhist cultivator who never interfered in the disputes between cultivators actually had two people helping him. Looking at the single ring scars on Yijie's head, I hesitated in my heart: Why is this monk so weird? He asked softly: "Why did the little monk let me leave?"

Yijie did not answer the question immediately. Instead, he turned around and saluted Zhang Ain and said, "The young monk acted recklessly and brought disaster to the donor and the Guishan Gate. It is the monk's fault. The donor has asked me to return to the mountain. The young monk will bear all the faults here."

Zhang was afraid that he was unwilling to deceive Yijie, so he said frankly: "The matter has nothing to do with you." Yijie said stubbornly: "How can it have nothing to do with the young monk? It was precisely because the young monk asked the gentleman to go down the mountain that he caused such trouble. The gentleman does not need to be a junior monk. Excuse me, although the young monk is a monk, he also knows that he has to bear responsibility for what he has done, so please go back to the mountain."

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "It really has nothing to do with you, they are here to cause trouble for me."

"Sir, there is no need to say more. The young monk and Mr. Gui stayed in the mountain for several months. From summer to winter, the sentinels of those outside the mountain were especially present, but no monk or sorcerer entered the mountain. It felt quite strange. Mr. Gui said, Could it be that there was an accident? The young monk thought it was very possible, so he went out to look at it. He really saw what happened. It was the young monk's fault, and it was his karma. Mr. Yijie recognized it. If the matter is related to him, he must take responsibility for it.

Zhang Awei scratched his head and insisted: "It's really not because of you. You just happened to be involved. The main reason is me."

They were rushing to take responsibility, and the woman was depressed. What did these two people think of me? After all, I am a master in transforming gods, so no one is afraid of me? Fighting to fight with me? What on earth is this?

What can a woman do if she is depressed, loses her temper, and watches the little monk nagging her with a cold face, waiting for you to make a decision? It’s nothing more than a battle.

At the bottom of the mountain, the young monk was still arguing with Zhang Ai: "Sir, please come back. This matter was caused by the young monk and should be borne by the young monk." Zhang Ai suddenly remembered what happened in the Monster Mountain. This guy was very good at talking nonsense, and turned around and rushed to the lotus platform. Bu Kong said, "Don't just watch the fun. Come on, tell him for me."

Fu Kong stood up on the lotus platform, saluted Yijie, and said, "I've met my senior brother."

Yijie returned the greeting: "I've met senior brother." He talked a lot of nonsense as soon as he came, and then he had time to greet others.

Fu Kong didn't get off the lotus platform. He wanted to be wary of the woman's mischief and sneak attacks, so he sat down again after asking her, pretending that he didn't hear what Zhang Wen said, and didn't try to persuade him. Zhang Wen looked at him helplessly and thought: Even the little monk is not loyal anymore, alas.

At this time, the woman suddenly asked: "Are you still fighting?" Since Yi Jie showed hostility, it would be superfluous to think about anything else. Estimating the strength of both sides, the two young monks may not be able to defend themselves. At this time, the bastard boy's aura was much weaker. It was a great opportunity to kill him, and the woman didn't want to miss it.

The woman had just spoken, and a monk with a severed hand walked out of the Tianlei Mountain array, holding a long sword. Behind him were more than a hundred volts of divine snakes, piglets and other spiritual beasts. As soon as these guys came out, they surrounded Zhang Ain. Zhang Ai asked Zhan Yun: "What are you doing out here?"

Zhan Yun pointed at the monsters and smiled: "If they can come out, I can come out too, so Zhang Tianfang doesn't have to keep making noises in my ears."

Zhang Tianzhao shouted in the formation: "You bastard, let me out." No one paid him any attention.

On one side were many monsters and on the other side were ten people, facing each other at a distance. Suddenly a white cloud floated across the sky, gently falling, and stopped next to Zhang Awei. Standing on the cloud was a very beautiful ice woman, speaking to Zhang Awei: "I saw you fighting, and I couldn't intervene, so I didn't come down." , If you want to die, I will accompany you."

The woman from Longhu Mountain chuckled when she heard this: "You are really a passionate seed. Are you touched that someone will accompany you to death?" Then she spoke to the ice woman: "Northern Warlock, haha, I was still thinking, are you going to watch the fun? When did you see it? You couldn't help it anymore? "The woman said this to warn the woman, I have noticed you a long time ago and I have been too lazy to touch you. You are so ignorant."

Zhang's face was a little red because he was afraid of what the passionate seed said. He glanced at the ice woman Hantian and thought to himself: Don't say anything if you don't like talking. You say half and leave the other half, which is very misleading.

Turning his gaze to the woman opposite him, he chuckled and said sarcastically: "Just now, there was someone half-clothed..." He wanted to say that there was someone flying around with his naked buttocks in the sky, but he didn't have the guts to hurt people so much, or even even He stopped talking without finishing a sentence. After all, the opponent is a woman. Although she is very strong, she is still a woman. She should not be too presumptuous in consideration of her face.

But it was enough for him to say the words "unclothed". The woman's face immediately turned redder than his, and instantly turned cold again. She looked at Zhang Afraid with a cold face.

At this time, there were three top-level cultivators, two Buddhists, and a lot of terrifying monsters on the Tianlei Mountain side, while on the Longhu Mountain side, except for ten people, there was only one black tiger. The woman doubted whether she could survive the two. Buddha and a bunch of snakes. Looking at the feet, snow water and soil mix together and turn into sewage, but no matter how dirty the water is, it is still water. If the enemy adds unpredictable ice water spells, the consequences of this battle are really unpredictable.

Thinking of this, the woman suddenly became a little confused. After going through all kinds of hardships to cultivate to the edge of the divine transformation stage, she could still be forced to such a point. She felt as if her life was all in vain. Still can't escape the fate of being bullied.

The woman's heart ached, her eyes were full of hatred, and thoughts of not giving up instantly filled her mind. She shouldn't give up! The green hairpin in her hand suddenly turned into a long sword, and the woman straightened the sword and stabbed Zhang Wen directly. No greeting, no warning, just sudden stabbing.

Fu Kong had been paying attention to the woman, but the woman moved too fast. His emergency defense was half a beat too late, and he failed to prevent the woman from attacking. He saw that the cyan sword had already stabbed in front of Zhang Ai. Zhang was afraid that his cultivation level would be lowered at this time, and he would not be as fast as the woman, and he would not be able to prevent her attack, so he thought about using the hard iron sword. The long sword had already stabbed him, and he was in danger. A gray shadow flashed in front of him, and someone She threw herself in front of Zhang Wei and blocked the sword with her body. The woman stabbed the man's body with one strike. That person is a ring.

Yijie had been guarding Zhang Ai's side. When he noticed that the woman suddenly made a move, he had no time to defend himself, so he rushed over to block the sword with his body. When he blocked, Zhang Ai finally reacted, and countless ice walls immediately rose in front of him. They were very thin and stood between the two sides with dirt.

The ice wall had just risen. Regardless of whether it could cause harm to herself, the woman did not want to be stained by the sewage. She drew her sword and retreated. She looked at Yijie coldly. She wanted to see what this Buddhist monk's cultivation was like. Moreover, the good opportunity for a sneak attack has passed. At this time, there are hundreds of giant snakes standing in front of Zhang Ai, fiercely guarding him. With their protection, it is impossible to hurt Zhang Ai in a short time, so he simply retreats for the time being.

A sword passed through the body, and then the long sword was pulled back. Yijie was seriously injured, and his face became ugly, but he did not fall down. He stretched out his hand to open the monk's robe, looked down at the wound on his chest, and saw blood oozing out.

After Zhang Ai set up the ice wall, he hurriedly took the Life Pill and gave it to Yijie. He didn't refuse Yijie. After taking it, he chuckled and said, "I haven't seen my own blood for a long time." His tone was soft, but it gave him a lot of blood. People have a terrible feeling, and something is jumping and flashing in their eyes, as if they are excited? Is it longing?

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