The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 820: Being Deceived

Chapter 820: Being Deceived

"This matter is a bit big, and I don't dare to make the decision on my own," Ruiyuan said. Zhang Ping smiled and said, "How big is it?" Ruiyuan simply explained the matter.

To put it bluntly, it is still related to the business market. In recent years, as Tianleishan Shopping Mall has become more and more popular, the original Yueshang Shopping Mall has gone from bad to worse. It can be said that the three major weapon refining sects relied entirely on the merchants to survive. Seeing that their business was cut off and they could not afford to offend Tianlei Mountain, the three sects made up their minds and asked to join the Tianleishan merchants.

One sect leader and two deputy sect leaders from the three sects came to the door in person to discuss the matter with Ruiyuan. Ruiyuan didn't want to pay attention to them. He was loyal and kind by nature, and he had no shortage of magic weapons and pills. He had no good impression of profit-seeking cultivators. However, the heads of the three major weapon refining sects came to see them. After all, they were fellow members of the Yue Kingdom and respected by the same sect. They had to meet them without giving face.

For the sake of their own interests, the three sects have painstakingly come up with three strategies: upper, middle and lower. In the final analysis, they want to join the Tianleishan Commercial Group and let the four jointly manage the commercial group and share the interests. They can even merge the original Yueshang Group into two. To build momentum for one. However, Ruiyuan doesn't have enough oil and salt, so he doesn't care about the business meeting at all. I have been hanging out with Zhang Awei for a long time, I have a lot of treasures on my body, and I am used to being generous. I don't want to compete with low-level cultivators for the interests of those three spiritual stones and two spiritual stones. I feel that this is good for now.

Moreover, in order for the trade fair to flourish, Tianlei Mountain not only refused to accept spiritual stones, but also sent people to protect them. Over time, the greater the momentum, the greater the reputation of Tianlei Mountain. This is the focus of Ruiyuan's attention.

The three sects are Lingshan Sect for alchemy refining, Wanfa Sect for talisman refining, and Bailian Valley for refining weapons. The three sects are stationed in a lack of spiritual energy, and they are neutral sects. They have had few enemies for thousands of years, so they can survive to this day. At this time, because of the sudden rise of Tianlei Mountain, the three families felt a sense of crisis. However, Ruiyuan repeatedly rejected their proposals, so they had to make one last request.

Because the three major sects are far away from Tianlei Mountain, they plan to build another branch. They hope that Tianlei Mountain will allow the three sects to choose a location within the Tianlei Mountain Range, and guarantee that they will not choose the Lingshan Spiritual Vein, but only choose an ordinary place as their home. place.

The words are pitiful, but the meaning is self-evident. You, Tianlei Mountain, have cut off the livelihood of our three sects and are unwilling to cooperate. Then we will survive under your protection, and the three sects will establish branches in Tianlei Mountain.

Ruiyuan was loyal and felt that what they said was reasonable and wanted to take care of it. However, although Tianlei Mountain was large and involved the foundation of the sect, he could not easily deal with others, so he felt embarrassed. It happened that Zhang was afraid of going back to the mountain, so he told the matter and let him make the decision.

Zhang Weijing laughed when he heard this: "Give them Tianlei Mountain, will they dare to live there? You let them pick whatever they want. There are many old sites that can be renovated and people can live in them. Just go and live there."

When Zhang Weijing said this, Ruiyuan immediately understood that he was not stupid, but he was suddenly involved in the Tianlei Mountain incident, and his head had not turned around. Moreover, he always thought of the good side of people when he thought about things. Unexpectedly, the three sects also played tricks when asking for help. Huahua's intestines turned cold, and he stopped talking.

Tianlei Mountain is huge. How can any sect be willing to build a gate near its base without fear of being swallowed up? The three factions said this, just putting on a pitiful posture and forcing Tianlei Mountain to give up profits to them. To put it bluntly, I just want to play rogue and get some benefits.

Zhang Awei said again: "They can choose any place within a hundred miles west of the main peak." After he said this, Ruiyuan completely understood that even if Zhang Awei no longer cared about them, he would not allow them to build a gate in the Tianlei Mountains. .

Tianleishan is not the same as other sects. Those sects built their gates, and most of them were built in the mountains. The main peak of Tianlei Mountain is the first peak when entering the mountain. If someone attacks the mountain, the main peak will be reached once they attack.

The Tianleishan Merchant Market was built on a piece of flat land in the southwest. About twenty miles to the north was where Zhang Ain said the three sects were allowed to build their gates. Behind that place is the continuous main peak, which is strictly outside the mountain. In this way, the three factions are actually building a foothold in the north of Shangji and do not take advantage of Tianlei Mountain.

In fact, many people have already set up tents in the north of the current shopping mall as a resting place. They think it will be safer to be closer to Tianlei Mountain. So it's not too much to have three of their sects in that place.

Ruiyuan responded with a smile, and then added: "One more thing, the Yamashita shopping mall is closed. Do you want to find out the reason?"

Zhang Ping said: "What are you investigating? If they are allowed to make trouble, what can a group of alchemy cultivators do?" Ruiyuan responded, bowed and left, looking for the three weapon-refining sects to discuss the establishment of a branch.

According to Zhang Weijing's intention, he ignored them and just found a place to place them randomly to save face. It's like two families doing business. One does it first, and the business is very good. Later, the other one does it too. The one who does it first will think that the second one has robbed his family's things, and will try to stop it. If it can't be stopped, it will forcefully intervene. , In fact, everyone does their own business, and whoever has the ability will do it. If it is not done well, it is everyone's business. Why do you come to ask for benefits?

Today's Tianlei Mountain is so powerful that it's already settled that I won't cause trouble for you. Are you still going to get into trouble with me? That is courting death.

Zhang Wen went to the back mountain to rest, took a short rest, and went to drink with Lin Sen. This time, no one came to see him again, and he finally had a quiet meal. After Lin Sen went to bed, he went to stay with Song Yunyi for a while.

He remembered the beautiful scenery in the monster cave and talked to Song Yunyi about it. Unexpectedly, Song Yunyi was not interested at all and only said that you are doing well, which is better than anything else. Zhang was afraid that he would be completely moved. When had the two of them spoken such intimate words, he held her hand and said yes.

Song Yunyi has liked him for hundreds of years and has never changed. Zhang Wen also likes her. Song Yunyi is the first woman he has met in his life. Although Song Yunyi was not interested in beautiful scenery, Zhang Ai decided to work hard to create a beautiful world for her, even if it only made her happy for a moment.

There are many people on the main peak, and the mountain appearance has been established. Even if it opens up a beautiful world, it will not be too big. He then shifted his gaze to the other peaks, turning east and west and finally settled on the place where he had stayed before, where the Ten Thousand Beast Cave in Tianlei Mountain was located. Now the top of the mountain has been almost flattened by bombs. It has been neglected for many years and is covered with weeds. His three stupid dogs came here to dominate the mountain for a while.

Clean up the weeds, set up a simple spiritual gathering circle, draw spiritual energy into the mountain, and then leave it aside for a while. Take advantage of this time to go down the mountain and look for flower and tree species in the market. After more than a month, when the gathering of spirits on the mountain peak was complete, I returned to the mountain and began to lay out, where is the road, where is the tree, where is the sea of ​​flowers, where is the path to the mountain stream, everything is calculated properly, and the array is reorganized to guide the spirits. Power goes around the mountain. But he took many flowers and tree seeds to the Five Spirits Blessed Land.

Put the flower seeds and tree seeds in the spiritual spring water for rest, and collect some exotic flowers and herbs from the Five Spirits Garden, and collect a batch of five fairy trees at the same time. When all the seedlings are moist and have shallow spiritual roots, you can take the flower seeds with you. Return to the Thunder Mountain set.

There is no need to elaborate on the hard work, but in short, we want to make this mountain the most beautiful place in Tianlei Mountain.

I have been busy for more than a month, and the scenery in various places has been renovated and renovated. On this day, the general work was finally done, and all that was left was to wait for them to grow. So I packed up and went back to the main peak to have a drink with Lin Sen.

At the wine table, Lin Sen asked him: "You don't know about what happened at the foot of the mountain?" Zhang Ain thought about it and asked, "What about the shopping mall?" Lin Sen nodded and said, "It hasn't been open for more than two months, and some traders came to protest. Please let Tianleishan make the decision, Ruiyuan is in trouble right now.”

"What's there to be embarrassed about?" Zhang Ping couldn't figure it out. Could it be that he only relied on those pill-forming cultivators?

Lin Sen said: "You think too simply. I won't tell you. I will go down the mountain to see it myself later." This sentence aroused Zhang Feng's curiosity, so after drinking, he went to the shopping mall to look around.

He went down the mountain and saw Fang Jian. Fang Jian was rarely practicing and was wandering around the main peak. When he saw Zhang Ain, he immediately came over and asked, "What are you doing?" Zhang Ain smiled and said, "I still want to ask you, what are you doing?"

"Walking around more is both for relaxation and for spiritual practice." Fang Jian replied, and then asked: "What did you do the last time you went down the mountain?" Zhang Wen was puzzled: "What can I do? What's wrong?" Fang Jian replied. Jian Hui replied: "Zhang Tianfang has not been out since the last time he returned to the mountain. It has been several months. The young monk went to wander around several times. When he came back, he said, Zhang Tianfang did nothing but didn't talk. I thought you had done something. ”

"What can I do?" Zhang was afraid that he was innocent, so he thought about it and said, "Let's go and have a look." Ignore the affairs of Shanxia Shangji for now, Zhang Tianfang is much more important than Shangji. The two of them turned to look for Zhang Tianfang.

Zhang Tianfang lived very close to Fang Jian and Fu Kong, and not too far from where Song Yunyi and the girls lived. It was a very orthodox pavilion. Zhang Tianfang lives in the outermost building.

As soon as Zhang Pancai approached Zhang Tianfang's residence, he realized something was wrong. There were faint spiritual energy fluctuations in the building, revealing traces of formations. After checking with his spiritual consciousness, Zhang Tianfang was lying on the bed and sleeping. As expected, there were magic circles around the building. They were very simple mazes and traps.

He was very familiar with these formations. At that time, Zhang Tianfang said he wanted to learn the formations. The jade slips he gave out included these types of formations. Zhang Tianfang looked at them for a few days and felt bored, then returned the jade slips to him. He didn't want to learn them. Several kinds. But, where did these formation flags come from?

His spiritual consciousness carefully scanned Zhang Tianfang, and he saw that this guy had nothing wrong with him. He was sleeping soundly, except for snoring. Turning around, he asked Fang Jian, "Have you seen Tian Fang these days?"

Fang Jian shook his head and said, "I practice every day, and I just came out of seclusion today. What I just said is what Fu Kong just told me."

When Zhang Wen heard this, he understood. This bastard didn't know why he was angry with him. He actually stayed angry for several months. He has become more capable.

Fang Jian was a very smart man. After hearing Zhang Wei's question, he also sent his spiritual consciousness to check, and found that Zhang Tianfang was sleeping. He laughed and said, "It would be great if he could sleep for several months." Since that guy can do it Sleeping without a heart or lungs means that nothing is going on. Then he said to Zhang Awei: "How did you offend him? I even helped him lure you into the trap."

Zhang Weifang laughed, and without saying anything, he walked into the small building. With just one step, the small building exploded and was filled with white mist. Zhang Tianfang woke up immediately and shouted excitedly: "This bastard has been fooled." He pinched the magic formula with both hands and activated the magic circle to trap Zhang Afraid.

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