The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 818 The Lin Beast thanks him

Chapter 818: Kirin beast thanks you

The turtle stared at Zhang Pa for a long time, finally made a decision, nodded and said: "Follow me." As he spoke, he floated down the cliff, went around to the other side of the stone mountain, turned left and right and walked for a quarter of an hour, and stopped in front of another cliff.

This stone cliff is much smaller, only more than 30 meters high, but very wide, about 500 meters, and looks like a hillside from a distance. The entire hillside is covered with bushes and thorns. Not to mention people, even monsters only glanced at this place. No one wants to stay in such a ghost place.

The turtle stopped at the bottom of the cliff. I don’t know what happened. The bushes under the cliff suddenly cracked open with a half-person-high hole. The turtle quickly entered, and Zhang Pa bent his waist and followed. In just a moment, the cave entrance behind him was immediately closed.

There is a small path in the cave, about ten meters long, which bends in the middle and turns to the side. Some night-shining pearls are thrown on the path to illuminate it. Turning the corner, there is a hall of fifty meters in length and width in front of you. Zhang Pa praised: "It's amazing, the mountain was hollowed out."

There were night pearls scattered everywhere in the hall, probably thousands of them, illuminating the huge cave as bright as day.

There was a small cave at the innermost part of the hall, only one person tall. In the cave was a one-foot-high platform. On the platform were several magic weapons, including swords and knives. There was nothing strange about them. But outside the cave, there were obvious signs of a barrier array.

The turtle whispered something, broke the barrier and walked into the small cave, but did not move the magic weapon on the platform. He just took a breath under the platform, and a storage bag flew out from the thin gap between the platform and the ground. The turtle bit it out with his mouth, and after leaving the small hole, he threw it to Zhang Pa and said, "Take it yourself."

It was hidden very secretly. The big turtle was really smart. Layer by layer, the storage bag is hidden in the most unexpected place. Even if someone accidentally breaks into this cave, they will only think that the magic weapon on the stage is a treasure, and they will also think that the night pearls on the ground are treasures. It is probably difficult to imagine that there is a storage bag without any spiritual power fluctuations under the platform standing on the ground.

He took the bag, opened it and scanned it with his spiritual sense. This exploration has broadened his horizons. The master of the transformation of the spirit is indeed extraordinary. Not only does he have a lot of things, but they are all treasures.

Now in Zhang Pa's heart, he has determined that the owner of the cave is a master of transformation of the spirit.

The turtle warned: "Look for it quickly." Zhang Pa scratched his head, so he looked for it. It didn't take long to find the storage bag containing materials. After taking it out and searching again, it is no exaggeration to say that it has everything. There is not only hard iron, not only the hard black ore in the Refining God Valley, but also many rare materials that he has never seen. He couldn't help but sighed: "How good it was ten thousand years ago, even the materials were endless." Take out ten pieces of ore at random, there are five elements materials, and five elements auxiliary materials, all of which are the best.

Then he put the material bag into the storage bag, and then returned the storage bag to the big turtle. The big turtle looked at him coldly, stuffed the storage bag back under the platform stone, and said, "Let's go."

Zhang Pa said okay, and then said, "Your place is good." The turtle immediately glared and said, "Whether it is good or not has nothing to do with you. If you dare to come, don't blame me for turning my face against you." Zhang Pa smiled bitterly and said, "Why are you doing this? If you don't want me to know where you live, just don't bring me here. Bringing me here and still being arrogant to me is really redundant." The big turtle was willing to bring him here and let him know where the treasure was hidden, which meant that most of his vigilance against him was gone, but he still stubbornly confronted him, which was indeed a bit redundant.

The big turtle didn't say anything else and led him out of the cave. He stopped at the entrance of the cave for a while, monitored the situation outside, and confirmed that there were no cultivators and monsters before opening the entrance to go out. When Zhang Pa stood outside, the cliff behind him turned into a thorny cliff. Without this trip, who would have thought that there would be another world under the thorny bushes?

The man and the turtle returned to the stone wall. The turtle said, "Let's set up the formation." Zhang Pa smiled and said, "Isn't this difficult for me? Can I refine the flag with the mineral materials? I'll be out for a few days, about a month, and I'll be back after refining the flag." The turtle didn't say anything after hearing this, as if he completely believed Zhang Pa. Instead, the little monk said, "Go and come back quickly. There are so many cultivators in the world. I'm just worried that a master of transformation will come." "What? A master of transformation? Don't scare me. If they come, it's useless for me to set up any formation." Zhang Pa shouted.

"Go quickly, it's always good to prepare more." The little monk urged.

Zhang Pa said helplessly, "I'll listen to you. I owe you and the big turtle in my last life." He spread his body and left the Monster Mountain. As he was walking, he met the unicorn. Seeing it, Zhang Pa almost wanted to shout, "Ancestors, please let me go. Do we have to be so destined? Let's meet each other if we have nothing to do." When the unicorn saw Zhang Pa coming out of the mountain, its red eyes glanced at him slightly and growled at him. Zhang Pa didn't understand what this big guy wanted to do, and asked, "What's wrong?" The unicorn beast looked harmless, and then it roared again. At this time, the big turtle flew over and said, "It wants to take you to a place."

It's so depressing. It's okay that the unicorn beast is not honest, but why doesn't the big turtle stay in the mountain honestly? Why did you come out? Zhang Pa was speechless. This group of monsters is always worrying. He turned his head to look at the big turtle, and then turned his eyes back to the unicorn beast.

The unicorn beast seemed to be a little afraid of the turtle. It took a few steps back and roared at Zhang Pa again, then turned and left. Zhang Pa had to follow it. No matter what it wanted to do, it didn't believe that it could kill him.

He was walking out of the mountain, but the unicorn beast took him back to the mountain and didn't stop until he was far into the inner mountain. The further into the mountain they went, the more depressed Zhang Pa felt. His cultivation was suppressed to the point that he couldn't even use half of it. After finally waiting for the unicorn to stop, the man and the beast arrived at the shore of a lake. The lake was not big, only a hundred meters wide. The water was turquoise, with a clear spring flowing in from above and a small stream flowing out from below. It could barely be considered a source of running water.

The Lin beast hissed and told him to wait, and jumped into the lake. After a while, the Lin beast came out, holding several fist-sized inner elixirs in its mouth, and brought them to Zhang Ain after emerging from the water. Only then did Zhang Ai understand that this guy Ganqing also knew how to repay kindness. He picked up one and took a closer look. It was a good thing, but it was a pity that he couldn't use it. He was surprised that this thing could improve his cultivation. Lin Why doesn't the beast take it? Thinking of this, he looked at the Lin Beast curiously, only to see it staring blankly at a few inner elixirs, its blood-red eyes showing some tenderness.

Zhang Ai understood that he had prepared these for his children, but the little lin beast was killed and these things could not be used. He sighed and put away one piece and said: "Thank you, one piece is enough."

Lin Beast looked up at him, as if he was considering whether what he said was true or false. He hesitated for a while, then sank into the lake with the remaining inner elixirs in his mouth. When he came up again later, he had a big skeleton on his back. It was at least as big as four or five lin beasts, and its bones were golden. It didn't know how long it had been soaked in the water, but its golden light did not diminish at all. This is not surprising. What is strange is that the entire skeleton has no spiritual power at all, but it gives people a feeling of beating blood, as if it is still alive. Afraid of curiosity, Zhang approached the lake and raised his hand to touch it. There was a buzz, and a powerful force surged out of his bones and bounced his hand away.

Good stuff, absolutely good stuff! A piece of dead bone, the spiritual power can still be hidden in the bone, so dense that it is not visible. I really don’t know how majestic and terrifying it must be when it is alive. Seeing this big skeleton reminded him of the skeletons of the Huping adults in the Valley of Refining Gods. They were all treasures. Based on what he had seen at this time, although he didn't know which one was stronger and better, he didn't care. He turned around and asked Lin Beast: "For me?"

The Lin beast carried the big skeleton but did not go ashore, as if the skeleton was very heavy, and nodded lightly at him. Zhang Ping took out an empty storage bag and put away the frame, and solemnly said thank you. These things are absolutely Tianbao floor materials. He also had the bones and teeth of an adult snake and most of its skin. It was so good that he didn’t know how to use it. He had only used a small part of it over the years. The God-Destroying Snake is said to have the ability to subdue gods, so its leather, armor and bones cannot be wasted easily.

The golden giant bone in front of him is obviously not bad either. From the surface, it is indistinguishable from the snake bone. Unless Zhang is afraid of holding a snake bone in one hand and a giant bone in the other, or looking for the bones of Master Hu Ping and colliding with each other to win or lose, he can determine which skeleton is better.

Of course Zhang Wen would not do this, and was unwilling to accept such a great favor, so he took out some life pills and spiritual energy pills in return, packed them in a small pill bottle, and put them on the ground for him. If the Lin beast is injured again in the future, he can take medicine to heal himself.

Lin Beast also carried the elixir bottle into the bottom of the lake and hid it. After getting out of the water, he nodded to Zhang Awei and turned around to leave. Zhang Ai stood there for a while, thinking that there might be more treasures under the lake. The small lake is not big, but it is quite deep. There should be some secrets underneath. However, he was just thinking about it. Looking around, he saw that a demonic beast was already carefully sneaking towards him. Zhang was afraid that he would not want to fight an unnecessary fight, so he jumped out of the mountain.

As soon as he ran away, the monsters chased him bravely. Zhang was afraid that he would not lose his temper with a few monster beasts, so he ignored them and just ran as fast as he could. Soon he walked out of Monster Beast Mountain, looked at the direction, and flew straight to the Five Spirits Blessed Land.

If you want to refine magic weapons, of course the Fire Spirit is the best. When he was at Wugui's house, he saw the hard iron in the storage bag. He even wanted to take a piece back, put it into the fire spirit and refine it with the soul, and use the method of refining a hard iron knife to make a magic shield to save his life. It's excellent.

It's just that that method is not only painful, but also very dangerous. If you are not careful, the soul will explode and be directly refined. Zhang is afraid that there are too many worries now, so he will not take risks easily. So he gave up.

More than a month later, Zhang was afraid of returning to Monster Mountain. Only a small part of the ten pieces of Five Elements materials taken from Wugui were used to refine more than two thousand various formation flags. The formation flag is not an offensive magic weapon. Its function is to change the world and attract the power of all directions. It uses only a small amount of various materials. When he came back, he told Wu Guiming: "The remaining materials will not be returned to you." Wu Guiming despised him: "I didn't want it in the first place."

"Whether you want it or not, I will definitely not give it to you." If you agree, you will have to work. Zhang Wen started to wander around the mountains setting up magic circles. He was very careful and laid out more than two thousand array flags, setting up a puzzle from far to near. As long as the cultivator came within a thousand miles, the array would alert him. If you walk another five hundred miles, you will completely enter the control area of ​​​​the magic circle. As you go deeper, the puzzle will turn into a killing array. Once activated, the breaker will be attacked more.

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