The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 806: Boom Mountain

Chapter 806: Boom Mountain

From the time the turtle appeared until the turtle left, that strong pressure has been weighing on Zhang's heart. He knew that the turtle was very capable, but he was not willing to admit defeat. I was also very capable. How did I know that I couldn't defeat a turtle?

He was aggrieved for a while, but still went out as he had intended. Zhang Tianfang was wandering around in the shopping mall, not buying anything, just looking around, and he was very interested. When he saw Zhang Weijing coming back, he asked: "So long?"

Zhang Ain replied: "Soon, what do you want to do?" "What do I want to do?" Zhang Tianfang asked. Zhang Ai explained: "What I mean is that it's time to go back to the mountain. What do you want to do?"

"What's going on here? Is it okay to watch a puppet show in the mountains for more than sixty days?" Zhang Tianfang shouted. Zhang was afraid of practicing in the magic circle and never stopped one step at a time. He looked like a puppet.

Zhang Ai asked curiously: "Do you still want to go in and knock on the stone wall?" Zhang Tianfang thought about it and replied: "If you really have nothing to do, you can just go and knock on the stone wall. It is better than going back to the mountain."

Zhang Ain smiled softly and said no more. I don't know why, but the turtle I saw just now keeps spinning in my mind, and I have a strange feeling, as if I'm having heart palpitations, always thinking about what I'm always thinking about. He was also a little uneasy, which made him even more curious. Could that big turtle cause harm to him?

At this time, Zhang Tianfang asked again: "Are you going? If not, I'll go." Zhang Ain stopped and said, "If you stay outside for a few days, something might happen in the mountains." "Change? What accident?" Zhang Tianfang became interested. .

Just as he was talking, a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators rushed out from the mountain, including Ku Wu, Song Yinglong, and others. Seeing them, Zhang Tianfang asked directly: "Why did you come out?"

Ku Wu smiled and said: "You can go in again after you come out." Chong Zhangwei held his hand and walked to the Wuliang Sect's station.

"Slippery." Zhang Tianfang muttered dissatisfied.

They were talking, but Zhang Weizing didn't seem to hear him. He stood there dumbly, not even returning Kuwu's hand gesture. He was always thinking about the big turtle in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't understand it. Strangely, why did he feel uneasy? It's like when you were a kid and you did something wrong and you felt uneasy; it's like when you were a kid and you had a fight with your brothers. No matter you lost or won, you always had to think carefully about what would happen if you didn't do this or if you did this.

Zhang was afraid that he was confused. It would definitely make people laugh to death if they said it. The best master in the world, the remnant of Tianlei Mountain who killed many people, would be upset because of the big turtle he had only met once.

Zhang Tianfang saw that he was silent and asked, "What are you doing? What did you think of again?"

"When I came out just now, I saw a turtle. It talked to me and forbade me to enter Monster Mountain again. It just said this. I don't know why, but I felt a little uneasy." Zhang Ain confessed frankly. It's a pity that Zhang Tianfang's attention can never be used in the right place. He said in surprise: "Talking turtle? This is strange. Where is it? Let's go and see."

"Monster Mountain is so big, how do I know where it is?" Zhang Ai replied helplessly.

"It's not interesting. You don't want to think about me for such a good thing?" Zhang Tianfang asked rationally.

"If you stop talking nonsense, I'll take you back to the mountain." He couldn't explain the reason to this guy. Zhang was afraid that he would simply ignore him and wandered around the mall with his hands behind his back, looking around and seeing nothing special. Just as he was trying to find a place to rest, a loud noise and rumbling sounds suddenly came from the Monster Mountain. From a distance, one could see green flames flashing and gray smoke floating above the Monster Mountain.

Zhang Tianfang clicked his lips and said, "Oh, you are making such a big noise."

There was an explosion in Monster Mountain, and Zhang was afraid that the image of the big turtle would appear in his mind again. He thought to himself, he was really sick, why would he still be thinking about the big turtle at this time?

The explosion was so loud that all the cultivators from more than a hundred miles away from the mountain heard it. For a time, countless cultivators gathered outside the mountain to look in. Watch the excitement, watch the excitement, the excitement is big enough. Some even had great self-control skills and ran towards the direction of the explosion.

Looking from here, the explosion site should be that strange stone wall. Zhang Tianfang was very excited and shouted: "Go and have a look." He rushed in first. If the big turtle hadn't warned him before, Zhang Afraid might not have joined in the fun, but after being warned, he felt dissatisfied. Why should he listen to you? Now follow Zhang Tianfang towards the explosion site.

Just then he started to move, and there was a roar in the mountains. He didn't know what kind of monster was roaring. Although it was much smaller than the explosion, the anger and murderous intent contained in it was very powerful and terrifying, making people shudder.

Hearing this roar, Zhang Aifang frowned, and it looked like something was going to happen. But now that they have entered the forest, there is no reason to go back. They speed up and rush forward to catch up with Zhang Tianfang.

The two of them walked quickly, followed by some top-level experts. They all had the same destination and one wish. If the stone wall was blown open, they would have to grab some treasures.

Soon, everyone returned to the valley and looked carefully at the stone wall. It was a mess from the bombing and there were countless rubbles. Not only were there no vines on the entire stone wall, but the stone wall was also damaged in many places. The strange thing is that there is no one here, not a soul. There was only a broken spiritual cannon lying in the open space opposite the stone wall.

Just now Zhang was afraid to come back and tell everyone to leave. About ten or twenty people had temporarily left the mountain. There should be more than eighty people left, but where were they? Zhang Weijing released his consciousness and his face became stern. At this time, many people realized that something was wrong.

There were more than a dozen of them in the group, including Ku Wu and Shura. After discovering the abnormality, several monks turned and entered the woods. More than twenty corpses were found in the depths, all killed with one blow.

These people are Yuanying masters. After death, Yuanying is still there. At that time, some people set their sights on Yuanying, and used their spiritual consciousness to search for Yuanying, intending to capture a few of them.

How could Zhang not know what they were thinking, but the two gods merged into one, and even after searching with all their strength, no trace of the Nascent Soul was found. Could it be that they were killed together by the murderer?

More than a dozen of them stood separately, some in the woods, some on the ridge, and some on the edge of the valley, standing together with Zhang Tianfang and Zhang Tianfang. Ku Wu looked at the stone wall and frowned and said: "These guys are too cruel." Bombing the stone wall with spiritual power cannons was not only a waste of spiritual stones, but also felt like using a cannon to kill mosquitoes. It stands to reason that under the bombardment of the spiritual power cannon, The stone wall should have been reduced to nothing, but this piece of stone only suffered some damage to the stone surface, and the entire mountain still stood.

There is no shortage of smart people among cultivators. Just then Zhang Wen came in and announced that about twenty people were coming out of the mountain. Among the remaining people, although they did not leave the mountain for safety reasons, they set up formations and ambushes to protect themselves, and some even used special secret techniques to hide themselves. After a while, there were only about thirty people left on the mountain ridge outside the valley. Most of these thirty or so people are high-level cultivators or below, and there are only four top-level monks.

Before leaving the mountain, Zhang Ping threw a spell and blew it up against the stone wall. The four people were reminded that since they couldn't find the core of the magic circle, they tried to blow it up. One of the four guys actually carried a spiritual cannon with him. Taking advantage of the lack of people, he set up a cannon, threw in tens of millions of spiritual stones, and had secret techniques to increase the power of the explosion, and then fired a cannon.

They were concerned about the power of the cannons, so they set up defensive formations in the forest and fired the cannons after hiding. But he didn't expect that one shot would attract a terrifying monster. After the explosion subsided, a group of people removed their defensive formations and came out to take a look. Before they saw the stone wall, they saw a terrifying giant turtle rushing towards it like crazy, slapping one person to death and biting another to death. This is the so-called Yuan Dynasty in the world. The infant master is vulnerable to it.

There were more than eighty monks in the forest, most of whom were hiding in the forest. When they saw the turtle being frightened, these people ran away. Wugui's hatred is hard to quell, so he naturally wants to pursue him, so Zhang is afraid that after more than a dozen people arrive, they find nothing.

With all his spiritual consciousness released, no monsters, no cultivators, no Nascent Soul can be found, but the stone walls of the valley are still standing upright. Although the surface is in tatters, the mountain is intact, especially the black stone walls in the middle. Lossless.

Zhang Tianfang wanted to fly over to see if he could pry or knock down the black stone wall, but was stopped by Zhang Awei. He slowly walked down the valley and carefully reached into his body. The strange and strange magic circle had disappeared and should have been destroyed by a cannon. .

Zhang Ao raised his eyes to look at the stone wall and immediately shouted: "Back off." He dragged Zhang Tianfang out of the mountain.

Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "What are you doing? You just came in and then went out again?" Zhang Feng said: "Shut up." He didn't know what happened in the valley, but at this time he thought of the big turtle again, and vaguely felt that the matter was related to it, no matter Willing to take risks easily.

It's not that Oogway is so powerful that he wants to run away, but he can't figure out why he keeps feeling uneasy. It seems like he's back to the feeling he had when he was a child, when others threatened him after being bullied, and he can only think about, I am so powerful that I have to deal with the situation of the other party. Do I want to take care of the big turtle?

Shake your head, let go of this thought, and walk out faster than you came in. At this time, he became a direction sign. A dozen top-level monks were slightly startled and immediately followed him outside. It's one thing to be unwilling, but the most important thing is to stay awake and not make wrong choices. Of the more than twenty corpses in the forest, at least six were of top-level cultivation, which was enough of a reminder.

People must be self-aware and never think that they are luckier than others. Top-level masters are all fighting in the killing array, and they never take chances. They understand that they are far from the opponent of the unknown enemy, so they naturally have to run away quickly.

As quickly as they come, they go even faster. Just as he was running out, a dozen monks ran in from the opposite side. The Nascent Soul monk was in the front and the Danjie monk was behind. They were obviously planning to come in and take advantage.

Zhang was afraid of being kind and shouted coldly: "Get out." He passed in front of them. Followed by more than a dozen top-level monks, they all ran out. This group of cultivators who came to pick up a bargain found that it was hard to find a bargain, so they quickly turned around and ran out again.

After this moment of tossing, the forest became quiet. There was no sound from people, no trace of animals, even the wind in the forest stopped blowing, and the leaves, grass and flowers stood still. But it was too quiet, a bit eerie.

Zhang Ai and others quickly ran out of the Monster Mountain. As soon as they stopped, Zhang Tianfang asked him: "Why are you running?" Zhang Ai replied: "I don't know." He thought of the big turtle again in his mind, and he was extremely worried. Strange, why do you think of it again and again? Do you owe it something?

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