The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 804 Lin Beast Sneak Attack

Chapter 804: Lin Beast Sneak Attack

This Datoutuo was not as serious as a Buddhist cultivator. He also talked nonsense when he spoke. He had a bad temper with Zhang Tian. He pulled him and shouted: "You are still interesting in what you say. Come on, let's talk."

Zhang was anxious to get rid of him, so he quickly introduced him sternly: "This is my best friend Zhang Tianfang." So a big Toutuo and a thick-headed guy chatted enthusiastically. But Song Yinglong and Ku Wu still refused to leave, saying their thanks repeatedly.

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "Don't pay too much attention, I didn't do anything." Thinking of something to say, he asked: "How did you get trapped in the formation?"

Ku Wu replied: "At that time, we were flying in the air, and someone suggested that we work together to bombard the black stone wall. Somehow, everyone believed it. They each cast spells to attack the black stone wall, but the magic circle was triggered, and then they all calmed down. ”

Zhang Wein nodded slightly when he heard this and asked one more question: "How many days are there since today?"

Ku Wu thought about it slightly and said, "Eighty-one days."

Zhang Ai made a plan in his mind, maybe eighty-one days is the expiration date of the magic circle, but I wasted more than sixty days here, and I don’t know how Hai Ling spent these sixty days? After all, there were many dolls on the mountain, so it didn't matter if he was missing. But how lonely would he be if he was the only one in the Refining Temple? You should go check it out.

While I was thinking about it, another person came down from the mountain ridge, Shura.

The bronze mask fell off, and many people saw his appearance. They were all amazed but did not dare to say anything. Everyone could see the angry look on his face, and it might ignite him. Although with his appearance, he looked very beautiful even when he was angry. But at this juncture, no one wants to ask for trouble. It was okay when he was trapped in the formation. Now that he is out of the formation, just pretend that you haven't seen him before.

Shura walked towards Zhang Ping, putting a bronze mask on his face. Zhang was afraid that he had already seen what was in his heart, so it was unnecessary.

Shura walked to a stop ten meters away and asked in a cold voice: "How can you enter and exit the magic circle freely?"

I'm afraid Zhang really has a headache. Has this guy forgotten that we have a grudge? Why do you dare to come and talk? He scratched his head out of habit, and felt depressed as soon as he scratched it. He forgot that he was bald, and asked back with a cold face: "Do you still have a mask?"

Zhang Tianfang was curious: "What do you want that thing for?" "Nonsense, I am a great master, but I am walking around the world with a big head, what will I look like?" Zhang was afraid that he was trying to save face when he shouldn't be.

"Boring! Hypocritical!" Zhang Tianfang gave the two an appropriate comment, turned to Shura and asked: "Do you have a mask? Give this boring and hypocritical guy one."

Shura realized that he was so mean, so he had to come over to answer the question. No matter how magical the magic formation was, he shouldn't come over to seek trouble? So what if you can't enter and exit the magic circle freely? What about future practice? If he could kill Zhang Ai now, let alone practice in the future, he would be willing to die with him. If the sky has eyes, can't someone come out to torture him? Shura was so angry that he turned around and left without asking any questions.

"Hey, why did you leave without saying a word? It's so rude." Zhang Ain muttered.

Tong Mu was talking to Zhang Tianfang, and when he saw that Zhang was afraid of diverting his attention and talking nonsense, he thought to himself: "You can still survive until now by talking like this without any meaning. You really have the ability."

After chatting with each other for a while, Ku Wu, who was opposite, put on a look of understanding. He finally understood why this guy is the enemy of the whole world. Just this mouth. Alas, luckily he wasn't talking about me.

Song Yinglong had interacted with Zhang Ao several times. He already knew what kind of character this bastard was, but he pretended not to hear what he said. He pointed at the stone wall and asked, "Do you want to clean up the vines again?"

"Clean up? Are you still determined to give up?" Zhang Ain asked back.

Song Yinglong chuckled and said: "How can we give up so easily when we have a heavy treasure? Rumor has it that it's an immortal's mansion, so we can't go back without even seeing the door." Ku Wuyi nodded lightly, he thought the same thing.

Zhang Ain looked at the wall full of vines. It was green and full of vitality. It should be a peaceful place. Why did it have to be mixed with countless greed and killings? He curled his lips and said: "It doesn't matter, I won't get involved in your affairs." It means, if you are trapped again in the future, don't look for me.

Song Yinglong also looked at the vines carefully. After looking at them for a long time, he nodded seriously. He was about to say something like try again, but before he could speak, Zhang Fei flew into the sky and hit a black light with his backhand a hundred meters behind him.

At this time, there were more than a hundred masters of Yuanying in the mountain. Zhang was afraid that if he moved, everyone would be alarmed, so they all looked this way. Zhang was afraid that the people around him hurriedly took a few steps back to take a closer look at what was going on.

I saw a black line shooting across the place where Zhang Ping stood just now, and fell into the open space a hundred meters away. There was a small pool of dark water, which looked very strange, and I didn't know what it was. But Zhang was afraid of stopping in the air and turned around helplessly to look back at the woods behind him. There was a beautiful woman inside and escaped out of the mountain. His huge hard iron knife still stood in front of the woods.

Zhang was afraid that Feifei's knife failed to hit anyone, and the force was not too strong. Only the tip of the knife was inserted into the soil, and most of the blade was exposed on the ground.

When Zhang Tianfang saw someone running away, he wanted to chase after him, but Zhang Wen stopped him and said, "Forget it." "Why forget it? She wants to kill you." Zhang Tianfang didn't understand. Zhang was afraid of falling to the ground, so he walked to the pool of water and stopped. At this time, several people came over to see what it was. Zhang was afraid to stop him and said: "Don't touch it." He took out a loess bottle, pointed at the black liquid in the air, put it into the bottle, shook his head and sighed, and walked to the forest to get the hard iron knife.

He took away the black liquid, and some people were unhappy, why should they give it to you? The Nascent Soul is given to you, and the Black Liquid is given to you? But I have seen Zhang afraid of being too powerful, so he didn't dare to ask questions, and he suppressed his anger and looked at him sideways. Zhang was afraid of knowing what these people were thinking, so he didn't explain. He put away the big knife, held up the khaki vial and said, "It's not a good thing. It's best to stay away from the Yao family when you see them in the future." Then he put it away.

Zhang Tianfang was not willing to be wronged in vain, so he asked: "If someone kills you, won't you kill him back?"

Zhang was afraid that he was very depressed. That crazy woman kept going against him. If she hadn't promised Tie Mou, he would have really wanted to give Yao Mei'er a good beating. But at this time, she was lucky, Zhang Ping didn't want to kill anyone, so even if she attacked with poison, she still tolerated it. Then he said: "There is nothing to kill, a crazy woman."

Calling the ancestor of the eight major medicinal families of the Lu Kingdom, a top monk, and one of the most beautiful women in the world a mad woman, Zhang Wen is probably the only one in the world who has the courage.

Although others didn't understand why Zhang Weifang let Yao Meier go, those things were not what they should be concerned about. Their attention was still on the stone wall. Kun Wu asked: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, stay here and study the secrets of the stone wall with us." ?”

Zhang Ao chuckled lightly: "You are really persistent." He flew up and threw Zhang Qixing's spell. There was a loud noise and the vines outside the stone wall were blown away. The target of the spell was the black stone wall. When the explosion hit the black wall with huge force, the sky and the earth were shaken, light and shadow flickered, and then calmed down again.

His messy behavior angered hundreds of cultivators, but Zhang was afraid that because of his unpredictable abilities, he only made them angry. No one dared to yell at him, and they all held back their anger and glared at him. Zhang Fei just pretended not to see it, walked into the valley leisurely, touched it slightly, and laughed: "The magic circle is activated again."

He laughed. More than a hundred cultivators wanted to kill him. This bastard thing harmed others without benefiting oneself. How could we figure out how to open the array after the magic circle was created?

Zhang was afraid that he would care about that, so he clapped his hands and said, "Let's go." These two words made all the cultivators even more angry. This bastard kid actually did it deliberately! If you don’t want it yourself, don’t let others get it. Zhang Tianfang looked at it and laughed: "You are so bad."

Of the hundreds of cultivators here, they are probably the only ones who don't care about the stone wall. No matter whether they have treasures or not, it has nothing to do with me. They can barely be regarded as being strong and open-minded without desires.

Ku Wu chuckled, shook his head helplessly and said: "You two, you are really innocent at heart. This kind of ambition has opened my eyes to the old man and I admire you."

Zhang Wei also shook his head, meaning that he was even more helpless. At this moment, a ferocious beast appeared on the ridge on the side. It was as tall as a person, with eyes like red beads and hard scales all over its body. As soon as that guy appeared, he turned into a meteor and rushed towards the cultivator closest to it.

As soon as it appeared, the faces of more than a hundred cultivators changed. Some people shouted: "This bastard thing is here again." Others shouted to kill it, and more people had cold faces and surrounded it with magic weapons.

When Zhang Wen saw it, it was really lively. The Lin beast came again. It seems that he is not very agile in his movements, and his scales are also damaged. He must be injured. This unlucky guy was beaten again at some point.

Ku Wu saw that he was paying attention to the Lin beast and explained more: "When we first came here, this ferocious beast came to provoke every day and killed more than a dozen low-level cultivators. Later, the top-level cultivators teamed up to set up an array and seriously injured it before it was safe. These days, I don’t want to come back today, I really don’t know how to live or die.”

Lin Beast was also unlucky. The person he attacked was Shura. This guy was standing outside with anger, thinking about how to torture Zhang Afraid. Before he could come up with an idea, the lin beast came and attacked him actively. Shura was angry at that time. People are bullying me? Monsters bully me too? The eyes behind the bronze mask flashed with cold light, and the whole person disappeared out of thin air. He instantly appeared behind Lin Beast, with a cold sword piercing his back.

Lin Beast is a super-level monster, and it has the advantage of being in a monster mountainous area. Its abilities have been greatly enhanced. Although it is injured, it can still easily dodge the opponent's attack. At the same time, it raises its hind hoof and sweeps towards Shura with a fierce energy.

The two of them took action, and more than 30 cultivators rushed towards them. Whether there was a treasure in the stone wall would be known later. But the lin beast in front of them was definitely a treasure. As long as it was killed, they could get some leather armor and teeth. , it’s not a waste to enter Monster Mountain.

The lin beast charged in a rage, but only with the intention of making a sneak attack. Seeing the crowd surrounding it, it turned around and ran away, not caring what others thought of it. He was so angry that all the monks chased him, and it didn't matter if he didn't chase him. Only Shura rushed forward in anger, stretched out his body and chased after him.

Zhang Awei was very happy to see it. How did you become such a big guy? Who did you learn it from? Zhang Tianfang asked: "Why are you laughing?" Zhang Ping said: "The Lin beast is quite interesting." Ku Wu said seriously: "We must destroy it. At least we must beat it so that it cannot come back. Otherwise, if it breaks the formation, it will come again." If you make trouble, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

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