The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 780 Looking for the Mountain

Chapter 780 Looking for the Mountain

After talking, he went to the forest to collect branches and quickly collected a large handful. Strangely enough, his physical strength was beyond imagination. After walking for a whole day, he still had the strength to collect firewood. When he came back, he asked: "Lin There are many wild beasts here, is it okay to light a fire?”

"It's okay." Zhang Ping said calmly. At this time, he had already cleaned the whole sheep, decapitated it, removed its internal organs, cut off its limbs, and strung the body together with five wooden strips.

Kong Buer had been hungry for many days. When he saw the mutton, his mouth almost watered. He hurriedly lit a fire with flints. When the fire started, he took a leg of mutton and roasted it. Then he went to the rattan basket and took out a packet of salt, twisted a handful and sprinkled it on the meat.

Zhang Ping laughed and said: "The preparations are thorough enough." He found a few thick branches and stood them up, built a shelf, and put the remaining three legs and body on it to roast. Kong Buer said: "I have been carrying it with me for a long time, and finally I have a chance to use it. I also want to thank God for the sheep." He handed over the salt bag. Zhang was not polite, and after taking it, he also sprinkled it on the meat.

He had lived in Xueyuan for a while, and at that time he cooked for Song Yunyi all day long, and his cooking skills improved greatly. Later, he took care of sixty-four children, and prepared food for them when he had free time. The skill of barbecue was not a problem. Soon, the smell of meat filled his nostrils, and Kong Buer was so seduced that he swallowed his saliva.

Zhang Aif turned his head and saw that Lao Kong's leg of lamb was so raw and mushy that he couldn't even look at it, let alone eat it, so he took it over, removed the mushy part, and roasted it again.

Not long after the mutton was roasted, Kong Buer grabbed one of the legs. Not afraid of the heat, he held it, blew on it, and bit it. After swallowing a piece, he shouted that it was delicious. He also went to take out the wine gourd from the basket and sighed: "I knew it would be better." Today, I should buy some more wine to take with me." He unplugged the cork and handed the gourd to Zhang Wen.

Zhang Awei shook his head: "You drink first." There are three legs and a body on the fire. He has to take it off and put it in place to free his hands to eat. Kong Buer just had a mouthful of meat and a mouthful of wine to enjoy himself.

Zhang was afraid that he might not have much appetite, so he cut off a few pieces of meat with a small blade, chewed it carefully, nodded and said, "It tastes good."

"Brother Zhang is so good at his craftsmanship. I have never tasted such delicious food in my life, so fresh and tender." Kong Buer was talking while eating.

Zhang was afraid that if he laughed and said nothing, he would be hurting himself. Two-quarters of an hour later, the two of them had finished eating. Kong Buer hugged his stomach and screamed: "It feels good." He then asked Zhang Awei: "Why do you eat so little?"

Zhang Awei only ate a few big pieces of meat, chewed the taste slowly, listened to Kong Fuji's question, and replied: "You don't have to finish a good thing in one bite, there's still tomorrow, right?" He collected the remaining meat together and wrapped it in oilcloth. Okay, he put the salt packets into the rattan basket and said with a smile: "Thank you for the hard work." Kong Buer replied: "That's right." He walked over to tidy up the rattan basket.

When he was about to take a rest after eating, Kong Buer said, "I'll keep a vigil first, and I'll switch to you later in the night." Zhang Wen agreed, but with him here, why would he need to keep a vigil? I just didn't want to explain it to Kong Buer, so I just accepted it.

Spend the night safely and continue on your way the next day. We also encountered mountain springs on the way. Kong Buer drank enough water, cleaned himself, and filled the water bag and water hyacinth. He felt that everything would go well after meeting Zhang Wen, so he happily said: "You are a lucky star."

The two spent another day and finally arrived at the foot of the mountain in the evening. Kong Buer looked at the mountain as high as a pillar of heaven and wondered: "There is no road." Regardless of whether there was a road or not, he rested that night and started climbing the mountain after dawn the next day.

The mountain is high and big, with no buildings and no people, but a lot of wild animals, all of which were driven away by Zhang Awei. Kong Buer was panting from exhaustion and saw that Zhang was worried that nothing could happen. He praised him for his great ability and thought that it was lucky to have him by his side in this field, otherwise he would sooner or later become the food in the belly of a wild beast.

I walked slowly around the mountain, but there was no road and no cultivators were found. However, I spent the whole day quietly, so I rested and went down the mountain the next day. Kong Buer was a little disappointed, but he didn't give up and said fiercely: "There are so many mountains, don't you believe that you can't find a Taoist?"

Zhang Ping really wanted to remind him: On the other side of the mountain, go straight down the mountain for three miles and you will see a mountain road. Walk along the mountain road for two-quarters of an hour and you will find a small cultivation sect. It's just that the sect is not on the mountain, but in the forest at the foot of the mountain.

Speaking of the mountain sect, it reminded him of the five brothers and sisters of the Xiang family. They hadn't seen each other for a long time. He didn't know if Xiang Kong, the idiot, would still want to fight for his life when he saw himself now.

He couldn't find the immortal in this mountain, so he walked down the mountain towards another mountain. Kong Buer was particularly persistent and would not give up until he died. For more than half a month after that, Zhang Ping accompanied him to climb more than 20 peaks, but could not find the legendary god.

Zhang was afraid that he couldn't stand it anymore. This guy was more stubborn than him. When he went down the mountain again, he led Kong Buer to a mountain road, with another mountain in front of him. Kong Buer believed in the truth that the gods were on the mountain and continued walking with the rattan basket on his back. Not long after walking, I encountered a fork in the road. This is rare. There are no people living in the mountains and there are no roads. Not only is there a road, but there are also forks, indicating that there are people here.

Kong Buer said happily: "It's almost here. Even if you can't find the gods, you can still find the mountain people to ask for directions. It's better than the two of us running into each other blindly."

Zhang Ai thought to himself, "You were just blind." He nodded and said, "Go to the fork in the road and take a look, maybe there is someone there." Kong Buer agreed, and the two of them walked onto the fork in the road. Walking two kilometers along the trail, you see a small area of ​​buildings. Several wooden houses and bamboo buildings surround a stone house in the middle. The house has two entrances, front and back, and a hall and courtyard in the middle. There is a wooden plaque hung on the lintel of the main entrance of the house, with two words written on it, Dufa.

Kong Buer looked at the buildings with doubts, and couldn't figure out what Dufa meant. He said to Zhang Afraid: "I'll call the door and ask for directions." He walked over.

Someone was on the bamboo building of the wooden house outside. They saw Kong Buer passing by and jumping down from the bamboo building. A young man with copper-colored skin jumped down from the bamboo building. He was empty-handed and shouted from a distance: "Stop, what are you doing?"

The young man was a sorcerer, with an intermediate level of foundation building, but Kong Buer couldn't tell. He cupped his fists and said: "Students from outside the mountain have gone to Baoshan to seek Taoism. I hope I can give you some advice on where to go to find the way to practice Taoism." Law?"

"You? A Taoist? Are you an outsider?" The young warlock sneered: "Since you are not a commoner in the mountains, go back to where you came from, otherwise you will die." He was kind-hearted and was willing to give a reminder.

Of course Kong Buer would not leave. He bowed and said, "My student's lifelong wish is peace and happiness in the world. I wonder if there are immortals living in the mountains. Have you ever seen them? I hope you can teach me."

The young warlock shook his head and said: "You Han people always do things like this. You want peace and happiness in the world, but you go into the Hundred Thousand Mountains to disturb our purity. It was the same in the wars in previous years. In the name of saving the people, you kill innocent people indiscriminately. It's really ridiculous. !”

As he spoke, the door of a wooden house three feet above the ground opened behind him, and a shirtless man walked out and asked from a distance: "Xiao Si, what's the matter?"

"It's okay." Xiaosi replied casually. Judging from his appearance, he should be a disciple of his own generation.

The man said "oh" and said, "Let's get going." He went back to the wooden house. They used their spiritual senses to scan over Zhang and Wei. Seeing that they were ordinary people, of course they didn't need to pay too much attention to them.

Xiao Si then said: "Did you hear that? My senior brother has spoken. Let's go. Why are you, a Han, running into the mountains for nothing? Are you seeking death?"

Senior brother? An idea came to Kong Buer's mind. He raised his hands above his head, clasped his fists and bowed deeply. He bent down and spoke: "The student pays homage to the immortal, and hopes that the immortal will lead the student into the mountain gate. The student will spend his whole life working hard to practice and glorify the sect. To benefit the people and repay the immortal's kindness. "No matter whether this guy is an immortal or not, let's put his name on it first.

Xiaosi frowned when he heard this: "Why are you like this? What kind of Immortal Mountain Gate? Leave quickly."

Kong Buer will not leave, and he will not be able to bear the long bow: "I hope the immortal will take pity on the students, work hard and sincerely, and guide them to a clear path."

"You're sick." Xiaosi ignored the lunatic, turned around and jumped onto the bamboo building. He then raised his hand and swiped, and an invisible barrier blocked the way forward, blocking Kong Buer from the outside.

Kong Buer wanted to follow him, but after walking two steps he realized that he couldn't pass. He was overjoyed that he was an immortal, really an immortal. Only immortals have such ability. He knelt down on the ground and shouted: "Please have mercy on me, immortal." If the student is sincere, let him teach you.”

There was a barrier, so no matter how loud he shouted, it couldn't be heard inside. No one from this small sect called Dufa came out, leaving him kneeling.

Time went back and forth, and soon it was evening. It was getting dark, but Kong Buer still couldn't get up from his knees. Zhang Aifeng stood ten meters away and watched coldly. He wanted to know how long Kong Buer could hold on. Looking at what happened to him at this time, and thinking about Tianlei Mountain, it was a little too easy to recruit disciples at the beginning. They came as they wanted. After a simple screening, those who qualified could stay.

At this time, the main door of the middle house opened, and a boy walked out. He shouted to the bamboo tower: "Master asked what happened, what are the two people at the door doing? Why can't I kneel down?"

Xiao Si came down from the bamboo building and said with a smile: "I have met my brother. What new spells have you learned recently? There are two Han people outside, saying they are worshiping immortals. They are like idiots. When have there been immortals in the mountains?"

"Apprentices? Do the Han people have the heart to worship us as their teachers? Let's get rid of them. The Han people are so spineless and kneel down whenever they see anyone. They are so spineless and want to learn our secret and true skills?" The boy curled his lips and said, turning around and returning to the stone house.

Xiaosi didn't want to take action at first, but now that he had the order, he put away the barrier, walked up to Kong Buer, picked him up and said: "Kneel down at all times, is it considered a man? Finally, get out of here, otherwise Kill as soon as you leave.”

There was a blood feud between the two clans, and the main reason why the warlock didn't touch him was because he didn't want to bully ordinary people.

Kong Buer said hurriedly: "The student's heart can be learned from heaven and earth. Please ask the immortal to accept the student." Xiao Si looked at him in disgust, carried him out, and then said to Zhang Awei: "You should go too." Mi Yuan, he threw Kong Buer casually onto a piece of grass. He only rolled on the ground twice and stopped without any injuries.

Xiaosi said coldly: "Don't say I didn't warn you, if you dare to appear in front of me again, you will be killed!" After saying this, he slapped his empty palm on the ground, making a pit, and then glanced at Zhang Afraid who was following him. Turn around and go back.

Xiaosi's words were cold, and Kong Buer could hear the chill in them. After thinking for a while, he asked Zhang Ai: "He won't really kill me, will he?"

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