The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 752 Thinking about it

Chapter 752: Thinking about it

Listening to his previous words, I thought he would let the gangster go. When the last words came out, Meng Shan and the other person were shocked and praised: "You are still ruthless enough, and you can get justice even if you kill someone."

The monk laughed and said, "Don't bother, I'll do it." As he spoke, he walked forward.

At this moment, three idle men were ready to rob, shouting loudly: "Pay back the money you owe. If you don't pay back, you will use pigs to pay off the debt."

"I'll give you your head back." The monk suddenly appeared in front of him and kicked each of them, without breaking his hands or feet. The three of them were like flying kites, flying more than ten meters before falling to the ground. The monk said coldly: "The price for doing bad things is that your fortune will be good this time. If you meet me in the past, huh." He turned around and left.

He was merciful and didn't kill anyone, he just let them lie there for a few more months. As he was walking forward, a soft word of thanks came from behind him: "Thank you, uncle." The voice was soft and almost inaudible, but it shook the mind of the Yuanying monk.

Thank you, uncle? It seemed that he had never heard anyone say this to him in his life. The monk stopped and turned around to look back. The skinny little girl was looking at him with big eyes and said again: "Thank you, uncle."

The monk frowned, wondering what happened to him? Ever since he was rescued by Zhang Awei and took over his body again, he seems to be someone other than himself? People like them never care about other people's opinions when doing things and do everything from their heart. However, the little girl's thank you touched him. He squeezed out a smile and said, "You're welcome. Come home quickly."

The man recognized the three of them and said loudly: "Thank you, my benefactor, for your help." He helped once in the city and again when he left the city.

Perhaps he was embarrassed to be thanked, so the monk took out three ingots of silver from his arms and threw them to the three gangsters who fell to the ground. He said, "Take them to recover, so as not to hurt your family." Then he spoke to the man: " Let's go." After saying this, the monk walked back to Meng Shan. Meng Shan smiled: "I thought you were so majestic, but it turns out you were just pretending."

"Get lost," the monk said angrily. Since following Zhang Ping, a group of Nascent Soul masters have actually learned to joke.

Soon they walked out of the shanty town and walked a little further. The three of them stopped and waited for a while while the man drove the pigs out. Seeing that there was no one around, Meng Shan took out a hundred taels of silver to greet her and said: "It's for the baby, educate her well and don't hurt her."

The middle-aged man was stunned and quickly pushed his hands: "Absolutely not, what's wrong with this?"

Mengshan ignored what he said, put the money into his arms, took out a few pieces of broken silver and handed it to Da Ya, saying softly: "This is your money, watch it, I won't give it to your father." After that, Just leave, ignoring the man calling him from behind.

The three brothers considered it as a man, and in order to avoid showing their money to others and causing unnecessary trouble to the girl's family, they chose to give money when no one was around.

This is what Meng Shan told Zhang Ain when he came back. He did good deeds but left the beginning and the end behind. He did not kill people cruelly. He was worried that the merchants and a few gangsters in the city would make things difficult for the family in the future.

Zhang Ai was shocked again and again. He felt like listening to the Book of Heaven. Well, you three shocked me. As for the beginning and end of the question, why is it so troublesome?

Zhang Ain likes to take responsibility. Whether it is his own or not, as long as it is related to him, he will stop him. For example, when it comes to the Wang family, it was Wang Changming's brother and sister's decision to stay with Li Fu. At that time, the young heroes were high-spirited and wanted to make a good name, but in the end they got into trouble and could not blame others.

And Zhang was afraid that he just happened to be passing by and someone begged him. He couldn't bear to see people die violently, so he just intervened a little. Who knew that some people in Yunlong Sect could be so cruel and cruel? He bravely took all this on his shoulders and caused a big accident.

At this time, what Meng Shan said made him a little embarrassed. He was worried that the little girl would suffer innocently, so he asked: "What do you want to do?"

Mengshan simply replied: "I don't know."

Zhang Ai was depressed: "You are acting like a rogue, do you know? You don't finish what you do." I feel very sad for myself. I am the best in the world, why should I worry about trivial things?

This matter of three melons and two dates, how can we not bring disaster to people? I frowned and thought for a while, then an idea flashed in my mind, and I suddenly realized that what the world has to do with me, why should I impose shackles on myself, always pretending to be a good person in the world.

This thought made me feel relieved. After all the incidents in the past, I was a little too obsessed. People in the world do the world's things, why should I make decisions for others?

He stood up and said with a smile: "You did the right thing, haha." and walked away. Mengshan made some unintentional actions, which made him untie a knot in his mind. Zhang Ai has always wanted to relax and be at ease, but there are always various things that stop him and make him worry about everything.

For example, I worry about whether the children will eat well, sleep well or have fun, or worry about the dolls being snatched away. For example, worrying about the girls being bullied is actually unnecessary. As long as you do what you should do, why bother about everything? Wasn't he just a stupid and ignorant child at the beginning? If I can grow up like this, others can do the same, or even be better than myself.

Everyone has their own way of living and must make decisions for themselves. This is how heaven and earth created people. They let you live, but they don't care how you live. Those who are strong will live on. Those who are not strong cannot harm others. God has given you a chance, but you can't grasp it yourself. This is the survival of the fittest.

Human fights are like beasts hunting for prey. Some people have fights, and some people have grievances. Disputes between people are as natural as tigers eating sheep and sheep eating grass. Should we feel pity for the sheep? So why should we always feel angry about who was bullied? It is true that there are many poor people who encounter injustice. If you see them, you will help them. If you don't see them, there is no need to worry. And once you have helped, you have already helped. No one can help others for a lifetime.

Zhang is afraid that he thinks too much and always wants to take care of poor people when he encounters them. He wanted to take good care of the girls in the past, the sixty-four disciples now, and the uncles and nephews of the Wang family. He wanted to take good care of them and continue to take care of them. In fact, you are a little crazy. How do you know that those people can't survive without your care? Can't you live a good life?

Now that I want to understand all of this, I will no longer be obsessed with the beginning and end issues. I will do everything from my heart, do what I want to do, and do my best. That is enough.

Zhang Weijing laughed back, and Mengshan felt confused. What happened to this crazy boss? What did I do right? When his spiritual consciousness was released, Daya and his father were happily driving the big pig home on the road in the distance. Although his spiritual consciousness was scanning, Meng Shan's eyes showed the happy smile on the girl's face.

I lowered my head and thought about it. Zhang was afraid that I had done the right thing, so it was right. Why bother to think about it again? Everyone has their own blessings. I can help once, but I can't help for a lifetime, so he dropped this idea and didn't think about it. However, he never expected that his stroll into the city would open up many things to Zhang Awei and untie a big knot in his heart. Do everything from your heart and don’t take everything on your shoulders.

Zhang Wen returned to the camp happily, greeted Bai Zhan and said, "We will have extra food today." He threw out the formation flag, set up a magic circle, added a layer of barrier, and then took out a lot of spiritual wine and meat, and invited everyone to drink.

They had a very happy night. Fang Jian and Fu Kong clearly felt that Zhang Ai was a little different, but they couldn't tell what exactly had changed. Fang Jian asked him: "Is there a happy event?"

Zhang Ping laughed: "Of course there are happy events, and living is a happy event." Zhang Tianfang shook his head: "This guy is crazy, really crazy." Zhang Ping said: "He is just crazy." Leaving Zhang Tianfang aside, he took the pill. After feeding the horse, cutting off its marrow and changing its body, the healthy horse he just bought turned into a BMW, and he gained another divine steed.

The night passed like this, and the convoy continued to move forward the next day. After taking a detour outside the city and walking for about ten days, a huge mountain appeared in front of us. Looking east, it was an endless series of ups and downs.

Many people in Bai Zhan lived here to practice cultivation, and they told Zhang Ain: "This is Longshan, winding for thousands of miles to the east, and is bigger than Qiyun Mountain."

We have never been to Qiyun Mountain, so Zhang Ain asked, "How does it compare to Tianlei Mountain?" "It should be two or three bigger." Bai Zhan replied.

"Oh." Zhang Ping looked eastward and scanned with his spiritual consciousness. There were hundreds of cultivators living in seclusion in the mountains over a hundred miles away. He nodded and said, "There are so many people."

"We are all here for the Valley of Refining Gods. Master, do you want to go to Shangji? There is a valley three thousand miles east. The terrain is flat, the scenery is beautiful, and the climate is good. Thirty percent of the cultivators in Longshan stay there, and there are always three or four Thousands of people." Na Bai Zhan said again.

Zhang Ping said: "If you want to go, feel free to go, we will find a place to stay, and you can go back quickly."

Bai Zhan had long been troubled by Zhang Weijian. He had all kinds of elixirs, medicines, and magic weapons, but he didn't care about mundane things. He smiled and said: "Every time I go to the market, all I want is magic weapons and medicinal materials. Now that we have everything, what are we going to do in that place? Looking at people?”

"That's up to you." The carriage bypassed the road at the foot of the mountain.

Longshan is so big that this trip is like making a big circle. We haven't left the boundary of Longshan in a day. Zhang Tianfang said: "This Bird Mountain is really big." Zhang Ping said: "It's nothing. If our convoy walks in Tianlei Mountain, we won't be able to get out in a year. It's all dense forest." Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully: "Follow me. Is it interesting for me to carry it?

Zhang Ping still wanted to speak, but there was a breath coming from the direction of Dalong Mountain. A mid-level Nascent Soul monk flew over and stopped the convoy. His cold eyes swept over the drivers Bai Zhan and Zhang Tianfang, and finally fixed his gaze on Wang Dake. On both uncle and nephew.

It is easy to understand that emotions are here to seek revenge.

With the arrival of this monk, more than 300 people came to Longshan one after another. Zhang Tianfang said: "I am not happy. I am looking for trouble all the way."

Since someone was blocking the road, the convoy stopped. However, Bai Zhan's team members didn't seem to see these cultivators. They all sat motionless in the carriage with unchanged expressions. Among the six carriages, only Wang Dake and Wang Changming felt a little nervous.

The first monk to arrive asked in a cold voice: "Zhanmen Bu Sheng has something to ask, and I don't know which fellow Taoist would be kind enough to reply."

Zhang Tianfang stood up on the roof of the car, pointed at Bu Sheng and said, "I don't care if you win, why are you blocking the road?"

Bu Sheng sneered: "You can make the decision? Let me ask you, Bu. I want to ask, how did my Zhan sect disciples offend you, so that they were killed by their limbs?"

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