The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 750 Mengshan

Chapter 750 Mengshan

"What's the big deal about Yuanying cultivator, and so is I." Zhang Tianfang muttered.

Zhang Ain continued to persuade him: "It's not a big deal for Yuanying monks. As the number one person in the Warring States Period, Wu Yi has great power and great responsibility. Not to mention Yuanying monks, even Qi Refining disciples cannot be handed over casually. , that's a matter of face. If something goes wrong, you can find other monks to be the scapegoats, but my disciples can't give up easily no matter what. I created a lot of terrifying monsters to scare him, and he dared to fight with me. Because I don’t want to lose face, I don’t want to discredit the sect and lose the dignity of a strong person.”

Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully: "You can't just run away with one move?"

After hearing this, Zhang Ain looked up and thought about it, and then said: "I'm such an idiot, why should I explain this to you?" He walked over and put away the dragon spirit and a bunch of small snakes. The little snake stayed with its mother for a while, and then parted again, feeling a little reluctant to leave. Zhang Ain put them into his bag and said, "When we get back to the mountain, you will be together every day. Even though there are no lakes on the mountain, they are all clear springs and streams, and there are no larger rivers. I feel sorry for you."

For Bai Zhan, Zhang Ping's order was everything. At this moment, Gongfu had put away the tent and everyone entered the carriage. There were still five leaders, four drivers, Wang Dake and Song Yunyicheng standing outside. Xi'er, Zhang Afraid and others. In addition, there are three tent houses in the distance that have been confiscated, and Wang Ti is sleeping in one of them.

Cheng Xier looked at Zhang Awei with a look of inquiry. Zhang Awei nodded. He knew what the woman was thinking. Seeing that he agreed, Cheng Xier walked to the tent to wake up Wang Ti and took her into the girls' carriage. Song Yunyi nodded to Zhang Awei and followed her into the carriage.

Wang Dake's uncle and nephew were hesitating. They didn't know how Zhang Ping would arrange for them and whether he would take him away. They really have no nostalgia for the Warring States Period. Seeing Wang Ti being taken into the carriage, I felt a stone drop in my heart.

Zhang Awei said quietly: "My sister has a mental injury and is going to Tianlei Mountain to recuperate. If you two want to go together, you can follow. If you don't want to, I won't force you. We can travel together in the world."

After finishing speaking, Wang Dake and Wang Changming said in unison: "The two of us are willing to follow you forever!"

"Then let's chase." Zhang Ao muttered softly, and then ordered the two of them: "Put away the tent house and go to the last carriage to drive." After saying this, he called back the big black bird flying in the sky and looked at a group of people. The white snake on the ground chuckled: "How can you be lazier than pigs?" The little pig and kitten were still outside. They were very unhappy when they heard this and roared fiercely, but it sounded like pigs. Humming randomly. Zhang Yin smiled and said: "Okay, gentlemen, let's get in the car." Xiaozhu got into Fat Baby's car with satisfaction, and Mao Mao and Huo'er followed.

Zhang Ai put away the big snakes and eight shadow tigers lying on the ground, jumped onto the shaft of the carriage with his robe in his arms and said, "Let's go."

Zhang Tianfang asked: "You really don't want to go to Yunlongmen?"

Zhang Ai gave the order, and four drivers led the convoy forward. One person rode with others. The five leaders also followed Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian's example and jumped on the roofs of several cars to sit down. The last car was driven by Wang Changming and Wang Dake.

They caused such a big incident, but no one in the world knew about it. The Yunlong Sect will not expose itself to its shortcomings, and Zhang Fang will not talk too much. It will be as if the incident had not happened. It was just that the four sects that relied on the Yunlong Sect lost dozens of people. I don’t know how the Yunlong Sect should explain it.

The carriage continued northward and soon reached the location of Foggy Valley. Zhang Ain looked towards the east, and there was a mysterious sea spirit there. His strength shocked even Zhang Ain. Over the years since they last met, he has always had a thought in his mind. If Hai Ling is really a powerful monster and his power is sealed, how should he face it?

Sighing secretly, there are too many mysteries in the world, and you may not be able to explore them in a lifetime. Don't think about it if you have nothing to do, just live a good life.

The convoy continued to move forward, just traveling during the day and resting at night. Soon half a month passed, and Wang Dake's uncle and nephew gradually recovered from their grief. Wang Ti would occasionally smile, but Wang Dake's golden elixir was not damaged. Although he can recover, he is pitifully low in cultivation and is always gloomy.

Zhang was afraid to see him looking miserable every day, so he simply reminded him: "After returning to the mountain, break the elixir and rebuild it, and I will give you an advanced elixir." Wang Dake listened to the suggestion, gritted his teeth and thought for a long time, then with one blow, he broke the elixir and repaired it. In order to fall directly into the Qi refining period.

Zhang Ping's original intention was to comfort him and tell him not to think too much. The worst outcome would be to break the pill and rebuild it. It's no big deal. You can do whatever you want when you get back to the mountain. I'll help you. Unexpectedly, Wang Dake ignored the first three words and destroyed the elixir on the spot. Zhang Ain scratched his head, okay, I will take responsibility for what I suggested. You have blackmailed me. He took out a carriage and said to Wang Changming: "Let your uncle go into the carriage to practice. You can pull the carriage and wait until the horse is found." Replace you."

Of course Wang Changming couldn't refuse. As a result, the convoy became six carriages, with four coachmen and one carriage each.

Because they wanted to buy horses, the convoy moved closer to the town. One day later I came near a city. The convoy stopped in a mountain col ten miles away, surrounded by green grass. Of course, Bai Zhan will do the buying of horses and food.

The dolls like to go to the city to have fun, but while wandering around in the wild along the way, the dolls have begun to think. These little chubby little guys have learned that as long as the white warriors leave when camping at night, there must be a city nearby.

So at night, a group of little fat guys, like Sesaku, monitor the actions of the Bai Zhan team members. Today I saw someone flying away again, and immediately besieged Zhang Afraid, making noises about going to the city to play. Zhang was afraid that they would not agree, so he persuaded them to wait until they returned to Yue State before entering the city. The fat baby refused, and the two sides started arguing. Zhang Ping asked you to set off fireworks, but the dolls disagreed: "It's only interesting for us to watch. It's interesting for everyone to watch."

Zhang is afraid of being defeated in Luohuang, but he can't outrun you even if he says he can't? He dragged Lin Sen out to fend off the pursuers for him, and ran to the foot of the mountain to stay alone. A hundred meters from the mountain pass is the official road, and ten miles straight from the official road is the city. It is very big. There are always travelers passing by this road. There are especially many travelers in the evening. Caravans are busy entering the city, and farmers on the market are in a hurry to leave the city. A little lively.

The city is large, located in the hinterland, and has been without war for many years. Outside the city gate, people have spontaneously built a shanty market to buy and sell cheap items. Not far from the shanty market, there are also some shacks built by poor people to provide shelter. But it's not too big. Even the shacks and shacks together are no more than a kilometer across.

Zhang Ping was sitting in a daze on a tall tree ten miles outside the city, a long way from the shed market. He was too lazy to use his spiritual consciousness to check on ordinary people. He just looked at the sky out of boredom, or at the passers-by on the official road.

After less than half an hour, the three white warriors who had gone out came back, leading a strong horse and carrying several food cages on its back. After they discovered Zhang Wen, the two of them led their horses into the col. One of them jumped onto the tree where Zhang Wen was sitting while no one was looking.

Zhang Aixiao asked, "Is there something wrong?" The monk's name was Meng Shan, who was usually quite active. He stood on the treetop and raised his hands and said, "Master, I made my own decision and did something, please punish me."

The tree where Zhang Afrai settled had many branches and leaves, so it was not a problem to hide him alone, but when another person came, he was still standing, and it would be difficult to hide him. Zhang was afraid of surprising passers-by, so he said: "Go down and talk." The figure flew out backwards, returned to sit near the col, and Meng Shan followed. Zhang Ping said: "Sit down." Meng Shan sat down as instructed and said again: "Master, I have done something."

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Just tell me." Mengshan explained the matter again.

In fact, it was nothing serious. The three men from Mengshan went to buy food first, and then bought horses. Because they arrived late, it was getting dark, and the horse market had dispersed. The so-called horse market is a large livestock market, where pigs, horses, cattle and sheep are sold. When times are bad, chickens, ducks and geese are also mixed in. Most of the horses sold are draft horses.

Because transporting large livestock back and forth is very troublesome, the market is opened near the city gate for easy entry and exit. Merchants also buy properties near the market and set up yards to foster livestock, including pigs, cattle and sheep, not just horses.

Now that the horse market is closed, the three Yuanying masters can't go back empty-handed, so they use their spiritual consciousness to find the horse, which is difficult for them. The dignified Yuanying masters have taken great pains to find the horse.

There are many merchants living near the horse market, and the three of them randomly choose one to buy horses.

When they came to the door, they saw a middle-aged man driving a strong pig waiting at the door. Next to him was a little girl about six years old. She was thin, with yellow hair, a pale face, and shabby clothes. She looked at the door with tearful eyes. pig.

The middle-aged man wore more ragged clothes, with straw sandals on his feet. He had a weathered look on his face. He smiled and spoke to the little girl in a gentle tone: "Da Ya, don't cry. I sold the pig to buy cloth for you to make new clothes."

Da Ya didn't speak, just shook her head, but still had tears in her eyes. Big Pig is very big, and he seems to have a good relationship with Da Ya. He rubs Da Ya with his dirty and black body.

At this time, the courtyard door opened, and three people came out. The leader glanced at the big pig and reported casually: "Two hundred catties, one and a half copper coins." One of the two people behind him came to drive the pig, and the other handed the money.

The middle-aged man did not accept the money and replied: "Sir, you can't. After raising it for three years, how come it only has 200 pounds?"

The leader had a beard growing under his chin, and his face looked very awkward. He glared and said, "What? You don't believe me?"

The middle-aged man apologized and said with a smile: "How can you do this? You are doing this, you are good at it, but my lord, I have raised this pig for three years and it has been weighed. You also know that the difference between the poor and the poor is one and a half pounds." It’s like having my heart cut out.”

The bearded man scolded: "What's the name of the party at night? Take the money and leave quickly." He glanced sideways and said, "If you don't leave, the city gate will be closed, and you will be taken to the Yamen and beaten."

The middle-aged man looked at the sky, gritted his teeth and asked, "Sir, is it true that you can't overdo it?"

"What are you living for? Living with your ancestors. I haven't eaten yet. How can I have time to spend time with you? Take the money and get out." The bearded man turned around and was about to enter the door.

He gave an order, and the two men behind him came over to pull the pig, and threw the money bag at the man's feet. Da Ya burst out crying: "Pull gently." She knew how long it would take for the pig to die after entering the yard, but she couldn't change anything and could only ask others not to torture the big pig.

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