The Monk

Volume One Chapter 720 Fireworks

Chapter 720 Fireworks

Zhang Awei said again: "Remember, don't be afraid of anyone, don't be afraid of anything, remember?" He thought of his former self, who was afraid of everything, and how embarrassing it would be to be embarrassed. Although he experienced various things later, he gradually changed. I have to be bold and no longer afraid, but those days will never be forgotten and I don’t want to think of them easily.

The children replied, "Remember." The voices were loud and quiet. Zhang Ain asked again: "Louder, do you remember?" "Remember!" Regardless of whether they were four or ten years old, they all replied in unison at the same time. Although their voices were childish, they were full of determination.

Zhang Ain repeated: "Remember, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Remember!" the children repeated more firmly. At this moment, they are not afraid of being kidnapped, they are not afraid of losing their parents, and they are not afraid even if they never see their parents and have no home!

The children's chorus of answers stunned the road sergeant. What do you mean? Playing pre-war mobilization in front of us? Still mobilizing with a group of children, can you still look down on us? The soldiers were so angry that they wanted to rush over and kill them. However, their anger was only directed at Zhang Xin, and they did not want to embarrass the children.

Zhang was afraid that he would notice the murderous intention of the other party, so he said that it was okay, at least he was better than the generals. They also wanted to arrest the child and threaten me. He raised the hard iron knife in his hand and slashed lightly towards the uninhabited area on the side. A ditch of more than ten meters was immediately opened on the ground. He took back the knife and said coldly: "I don't want to kill you, get out of the way."

The power of a sword can break the ground more than ten meters long? No matter how stupid you are, you know that Zhang is not easy to mess with, but due to military orders, no one among the more than a hundred soldiers retreated.

Zhang was helpless, why did he always give in to ordinary people? With a wave of his hand, the cavalry turned around and headed back the way they came. He was at the back holding up a big sword and said: "I advise you not to chase." After saying that, he turned his horse's head and followed the cavalry slowly away.

Seeing Zhang Wei's bravery, the small colonel did not dare to issue an attack order rashly and hurried back to the camp to report to the general. Not long after, the bell rang, and a group of cavalry ran out of the camp and stopped in front of a long trench of more than ten meters. The leader was a strong man in his forties. He looked at the long trench and asked: "Is this the result of his sword?" Wei?"

The primary school around me quickly said yes. The strong man turned his head and looked at the horse team that was slowly marching in the distance. He thought for a while and then ordered: "There is no need to be whipped anymore. Let him go and recover well." He was talking about the general on the wooden frame, and then waved his hand. He ordered the sergeant in front to close the team, looked up at the sky, estimated the time, and rode back to camp.

Zhang was afraid that he would not embarrass a group of soldiers who were following orders, so he decided to return to the city wall, pass through the city and go east, taking a slight detour. After walking for a while, I realized that the children were very talented in riding horses, so they put away the carriage and Shadow Tiger, let the horses slowly increase their speed, and trotted back all the way.

Both children and horses have taken the Marrow Pill, and their bodies are much stronger than the same kind. After getting along with each other for a day, the cooperation between the children and horses has become even more tacit. Especially for a group of children, they themselves weigh little, but after the horses have improved their bodies, they can carry heavier things. The whole journey is like running on empty, which is not strenuous, and the speed is not fast, so naturally they will not be tired.

The fifteen miles of walking was a bit faster, and we soon entered the city gate. The guard guard looked at it and wondered why the murderer was back again. Everyone knew that he was a murderer, but no one dared to arrest him. One by one, they retreated far away, fearing that they would be killed.

Zhang Ai led the team into the city, checked the time, and stopped the horse team in front of the restaurant where they had eaten two days ago. The waiter in front of the door saw, Oh my God, the uncle who caused trouble is back again, and he stepped forward to say hello with a grimace. Zhang Ain said: "Don't open the business tonight, I'll take care of it." He turned around to greet the child: "Get off your horse."

A group of children are really fierce. No matter how big or small, they all have to turn over and jump down, but their movements are not smooth. Fortunately, the horse was smart enough to kneel down on its front hooves in advance to allow the children to get to the ground safely. Zhang Awei was startled and asked the child who took the lead to jump down: "What are you doing?" The child raised his head and replied: "We are not afraid of anything."

Zhang is afraid of being depressed. Aren't you afraid? This is stupid. Bring your children to eat in the store.

He came a little early, and there was no one in the store since it was not the time for dinner. Zhang was afraid to talk to the cashier at the counter: "Cook as many dishes as there are on the menu. You don't want soup, but everything else. Whether it's hot or cold, or meat, bring them all in a food box for me, and then serve them again." The table is ready, let's eat first." As he spoke, he threw out two ingots of gold, a total of forty taels. He didn't know how to cook, so he couldn't fool the children with dried meat all the time, so he bought more ready-made dishes and prepared them.

"Okay." The cashier collected the gold and went to the kitchen to give instructions. Here there were waiters serving tea and towels.

The meal lasted until midnight, the dishes in the menu were stir-fried for the tenth time, and various food boxes were piled up in the restaurant lobby. The cashier came over and said, "Sir, we can't stir-fry anymore. There are not enough plates to hold the dishes."

Zhang was afraid that he would let the accountant settle the accounts. The accountant was fiddling with the abacus for a while, and then said: "The money given by the guest officer is enough, there is still more..." The following words were interrupted by Zhang Awei: "That's enough. Bring two more barrels of wine, and you can go together. "Send the cashier and the clerk away together.

I checked the account carefully, worried that something might happen, so I locked the counter drawer first and then walked back slowly, paying attention to Zhang Wei's movements while walking. Zhang was afraid that he would not pay attention, so he quickly put away all the food boxes and said to the child: "Let's go."

When the children saw that the food boxes everywhere suddenly disappeared, they were all surprised. They dragged Zhang Ain and said, "Just do a trick, do a trick." As soon as they made a fuss, the cashier ran back, first checked the counter, everything was normal, and then raised his head. Looking frightened, Zhang realized that all the food boxes on the ground were gone, and he opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

The horses were obediently waiting outside, lined up in twos on the street, attracting passers-by to look at them again and again. Seeing that there was no rein, a greedy man tried to tie up one, but as soon as he got closer, he was stopped by someone who whispered to him: "The horse of the God of Death, don't move if you don't want to die."

Last night, thirty-five people were killed with swords. The reputation of the God of Killing spread throughout the city, and no one dared to offend him.

Zhang Ping only smiled after hearing this, waited for the children to mount their horses, and headed east out of the city. The waiter came after him with a wine barrel, panting and shouting: "Your wine, sir." Zhang Ai said, "I reward you." He rode away.

The cavalry had to leave the city. It was supposed to send the children back to Tianlei Mountain first and then to the border between Vietnam and Wu. However, these children were very clingy and they didn't want to leave their sight at all times. They kept watching them all day long. Knowing that he was afraid of being abandoned again, Zhang Fei felt sorry for them and couldn't bear to make them sad, so he took them south with him.

It was midnight at this time. Zhang Weifeng secretly took out a piece of jade and asked the children to stop and ask them to look up. The children looked up. The sky was dark with a few stars, but it didn't show how beautiful it was. In the midst of suspicion, suddenly I saw a white light rising into the sky, climbing high, exploding with a bang, and scattering starlight all over the sky. Dots of brilliance were visible before my eyes, and then scattered gently in all directions, as if it could fall to my side.

The children screamed and turned to look at Zhang Awei, guessing that it was him. However, Zhang Awei looked back with an innocent look on his face, and the children were not sure. Maybe it wasn't their elder brother who did it? Turn around and continue looking at the stars.

The starlight only lasted for a while, falling slowly from high in the sky. As he watched it fly above his head, he thought that after a while, the stars would fall around him, but at this moment, the stars disappeared.

The children were a little disappointed that they didn't catch the stars, but the beauty was so exciting that they raised their heads and looked around. There are always smart people. While others are looking at the sky, they are staring at Zhang Afraid.

Of course Zhang was afraid that he was being watched, so he refused to take out the jade piece, and just sat there silently. Finally, the group of children lost their patience and wanted to urge the horses to move forward. Zhang Weifang threw another jade piece and said, "Here we go again."

This time, the sky is not filled with stars, but with bright rainbows across the night sky. From one end to the other, they are shining and falling from high to low, which is another kind of beauty.

The children hurriedly looked up. When the rainbow dissipated, everyone stopped riding. They jumped down and surrounded Zhang Aif and shouted: "You did it, you did it. Don't lie to others. I want to play." Afraid laughed and said: "Queue up, five for each person, and they will be gone once they are released."

The children lined up obediently. After receiving their five jade pieces, they clenched them tightly in their palms and were reluctant to let them go. There were only five of them, and one less than the other, but they were encouraging others: "Put it away, let it go."

A smart ghost came and asked Zhang Ai: "Brother, how do you release it?" Zhang Ai said: "Just throw it into the sky." The smart ghost said: "No, brother, please show me." "Yes, teach us." . "When there are suggestions, there are also those who make noises.

Zhang Ping laughed, took out three of them at once, and said, "Look carefully." He raised his hand, and three white lights rose into the night sky in the shape of a letter. They exploded one by one in the darkness, shining out a bright light. This light The brilliance flickered, scattered or gathered, bit by bit, a piece of fire and silver flowers flashed out, connected together, giving the night sky the brilliance of daytime.

"So beautiful." Finally, one child couldn't help but threw out the jade piece in his hand, and the night sky lit up again, and the beauty shone that night, making every child's face filled with joy. Seeing their joy, Zhang was also very happy.

After playing for a while, the children were asked to get on the horse and line up. They took out the thin sticks like chopsticks and distributed them to them. They held them in the palm of their hands and flicked the tip of the stick with the other hand. A colorful light flashed out, shining in the hands of the children. jump.

Zhang Ao raised his right hand and said, "Let's go." Each child held up the colorful lights and rode forward, dragging a long colorful dragon in the night and heading east.

This place is not too far from the southeastern pass. Starting from the pass that day, you can reach the mouth of the lower reaches of the Ning River in two days. Although it is located in the upper reaches of the Ning River, it takes a long detour, but if you jog on horseback, you can always reach it in about four days. arrive.

Zhang Wen took advantage of the children's play to slightly increase the speed of the cavalry in order to reach the pass earlier. It's a pity that Feita can't hold the horses, otherwise this trip would be much simpler.

This road was a stop-and-go run, and the speed was not slow. Counting the time for meals and rest, we would approach the border in three days. From a distance, you can see a large military camp with tents standing in a wide area in front. There are fences outside to keep out horses, forming a large military camp.

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