The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 718 The villain rides the big horse

Chapter 718 A villain rides a big horse

But he was a soldier, not an interrogator. He didn't need to investigate and convict, and there was no need to look for evidence. He stared at the horses with his eyes, and after a while he suddenly shouted: "Shoot."

He didn't even bother to arrest him, and he was 99% sure that the person in front of him was the murderer last night. I heard from the guards at the city gate that this guy was a very good fighter, and one person could kill more than thirty people in the blink of an eye. The general was unwilling to take risks, so he ordered him to be shot.

What's more, no matter whether the person in front of him is the murderer last night, he deserves to die just for the sake of more than thirty brave horses.

The general ordered that more than 300 soldiers bend their bows and set up arrows. Those who can be shot to death from a distance must not be dragged into close combat.

This group of soldiers didn't look very good on the surface, but they were merciless in their attacks. Zhang was afraid that more than a hundred cavalrymen on the opposite side and on the side would shoot arrows at the same time, and more than a hundred arrows would shoot out a shower of arrows, all of which would fly towards him. If he could ejaculate into his body, Zhang would immediately turn into a giant hedgehog.

The soldiers were ready to kill people, and the children behind the carriage became anxious. Some children urged the horses to go over and save people. The horses also wanted to do the same. They are beasts with simple minds. They will be good to whoever is good to them, hoofing up. He ran to Zhang Aishen and planned to protect him with his body. At this time, a rain of arrows struck.

Zhang Awei chuckled: "I don't need your help." He showed the Fushen Sword and shook his hand, and saw a flash of sword light, and all the incoming arrows were chopped into two pieces. Then he spoke to the horse: "Get behind the carriage." The voice was soft but unmistakable. Looking at the anxious faces of the children, I thought it was time to get them some equipment. At least they should have a big shield to protect themselves.

He had plenty of equipment. He had refined many more weapons for the three teams of White War and Black War. However, the children were still young and had no spiritual energy in their bodies, so these magical weapons were in vain for them and there was no way to use them.

When the military general saw that Zhang Weifeng could defeat a hundred arrows with one sword, his face turned cold. He knew that the problem was serious and that this person was not something they could surrender. He looked at the many children behind the carriage, his heart changed and he ordered: "Seize all the children. "He planned to use children to coerce Zhang into submission.

Zhang Awei sighed and said: "I gave you two chances, don't you know? You can do things over and over again, not over and over again. Don't you know? Don't want to live? Do you want to force me to kill you?" He said it in one breath After four questions, he turned around and shouted: "Anyone who comes near me will be punished by death!"

Of course, the soldiers would not be intimidated by his words. In the army, obeying the orders of superiors is the first rule. Therefore, among the more than 300 cavalrymen, except for dozens of people in the front who were blocked by carriages, the rest rushed towards the children, intending to capture them. The man catches the horse.

As the old saying goes, when a scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain. Zhang Weijing was very angry at these unreasonable soldiers, and thought to himself: Neither the scholar nor they can explain the truth clearly. I am not a scholar yet, so I must not be able to explain it even more clearly, so I stopped talking and spoke directly with force. In order to express my opinion, It was not so shocking. He touched the shaft of the chariot with his toes, leaped into the air, and stabbed every soldier who had ill intentions towards children with his sword. At the same time, a barrier was cast, locking the children and the carriage together so that they could not see what was going on outside.

Killing is really simple. Just stab and retract with the sword in your hand, and a life will be lost. Zhang feared that he would soon kill more than sixty people. This completely shocked the general and extinguished all delusions. It was terrifying to kill hundreds of arrows with one sword, but it was even more terrifying to kill dozens of people in an instant. He quickly ordered a retreat, hoping to lead people to escape.

But just as he was about to retreat, the man had already jumped in front of him, blocking his way back, and said, "You stay here for a while and order your men to stop."

How dare the general disobey him? The man's silver sword was pointed at his throat, so he gave the order honestly. However, his soldiers could not bear the torment. Seeing that their general was captured, the men below him broke up the camp, and more than thirty people fled in a hurry, regardless of what orders he gave.

There is just a bunch of ruffians who do evil, bully the weak and fear the strong, and they can run very fast. How can we expect them to defend their home and keep the people safe? Zhang Ai shouted: "Everyone, stop right there, or I'll kill you!" Unfortunately, his voice lacked power, and no one who ran away obeyed the command and stopped, but ran faster.

Zhang Ai is a little depressed. I know you don't like to give face to cultivators, but I am not an ordinary cultivator, I am a top master. Feeling dissatisfied, he pulled out his sword and killed more than thirty people.

The military commander brought a total of more than 300 people, and one third of them died before anything happened. The military commander knew that it was over, and even if Zhang Wen did not kill him, he would not be able to explain it when he returned to the camp, and he was destined to die. Are you going to be a deserter?

Glancing at the more than 200 frightened soldiers left, Zhang Ain said coldly: "Tell me what's going on."

He killed people to establish his power, and the generals did not dare to have other ideas and stammered after introducing their origins.

After hearing this, Zhang Wen scratched his head helplessly and thought to himself: Why are there so many endless things every day? Can you still catch yourself up by accident? Feeling uncomfortable, he scolded the general: "What do you do for food? Can you lead troops? You brought out more than thirty horse thieves, and also brought out more than thirty people who didn't obey military orders. What else are you trash? Get out of here."

The general was scolded on the spot and did not dare to show any resistance. He lowered his head and accepted the request honestly. Hearing that Zhang was afraid that he would let him go, he bowed and apologized and left quickly. More than two hundred sergeants ran for more than ten miles before they dared to breathe loudly. However, they came back alive.

When the general left, he only hastily collected dozens of abandoned horses around him. There were more than forty horses in the distance, all of which were domesticated. Zhang was afraid of killing people too quickly and did not startle them, so he did not run far, and everyone lowered their heads. Grazing in the wild.

The officers and soldiers walked away, and there were corpses on the ground. Zhang Fei walked around, gathered them together, refined them with infant fire, and then removed the barrier.

At this time, the children were anxious. I don’t know what happened. Suddenly they couldn’t see or hear. Zhang Ai was clearly in front, but it felt so far away. He wanted to rush forward, but the horses didn’t move. Several older children jumped. They dismounted and ran over, but they encountered an invisible wall that blocked them back. The flustered children became even more anxious, and some even burst into tears.

After a while, the barrier disappeared, and the children rushed over and asked: Are you okay? What happened just now? What about the bad guys? Wait for many questions. Zhang Fei smiled and replied to calm the child's nervousness: "The military general is leading the people away." He was unwilling to tell lies or tell the child the truth, so he played word games to get away with it.

The ferocious bad guys were all gone, and the children became happy. Some asked: "My brother is so powerful, he must have beaten them away." Zhang Ping laughed and said, "You will also be very powerful in the future."

Not only were the children paying attention to Zhang Ping immediately, but the carriage door behind him had already been opened. A group of four and five-year-old children rushed towards him. They had been with him day and night for more than four months. Zhang Ping was the closest person to them, and they were all afraid that he would suddenly be like their parents. He disappeared and left them alone, so he kept a close eye on them. He didn't feel relieved until he saw Zhang Ping, and then he naughtily turned his attention to the war horses grazing in the distance, clamoring to ride on them.

Then ride it, it will divert the children's attention. Zhang was afraid of gathering the horses, and followed the old rules, wasting the Life Pill and the Marrow Pill to feed the horses, so that they would be reborn. It didn't take long for another group of mighty and majestic horses to appear, each of them majestic and proud.

The condensed water turned into rain, and the horses were washed and counted. There were eighty-one horses in total. However, the saddles, bridles, and stirrups were all military products, and when the officials saw that they would be troublesome, they took them all off and threw them away. Work harder on your own and make sixty-four new sets of saddles out of five fairy trees and spiritual silk cloth. As for the reins and bridles, there is no need for them. After the horses have cut off their marrow, the spirit platform has just emerged and can understand some things. There is no need to worry about them hurting the owner. I spent more time on the saddle, improved the armrests in the front, and added a low backrest in the back so that the children could be more comfortable. It was all about playing and not fighting.

This time, there is a man and a horse, and the small little people are riding on the tall horses, which looks very interesting. The children also insisted on pretending to be heroic soldiers, which only made people laugh, but gave them a different kind of warm feeling.

Now it's time to go see the two unlucky guys who are locked up in the prison. Zhang is afraid of taking people on the road. Soon he entered the city. As soon as he entered the city, he saw the scribe who had been beaten coming towards him. Zhang fearfully said: "Why bother." He said nothing with a cold face.

The scribe came over, bowed his head and bowed respectfully, and wanted to invite Zhang Awei to have a drink. Zhang feared that his consciousness was slightly weakened and he already knew what was going on. The two men were released from prison long ago. Not only did the scribes come to apologize, they also paid two ingots of silver each.

This is the majesty of Zhang's fearless hands that killed people last night. When the scribe got this news, he said that he was not afraid, which was a lie. He thought about it over and over again. If he wanted to ward off the disaster, he would rather do it more carefully than let others find faults. So he went to release people to compensate for the money, and came to the city to wait early in the morning. , no matter whether Zhang Wen comes back or not, he will always express his feelings. If the God of Death came back and he didn't come out to greet them, he couldn't even think about the consequences. The two corpses of the merchant were still parked in the Yamen, and he didn't want to lie down there.

Seeing the scribe's performance, Zhang Zhidao turned around and left the city without saying a word. The scribes rushed to see each other off. Zhang was afraid that he would not need to pay attention to him or give any instructions. He believed that the scribe would not dare to embarrass those two people again.

Scholars who have been hanging around in government offices for a long time know very well what should be done and what should not be done. They dare not take chances with such a major event as beheading. Speaking of which, he had already tried it once by chance, taking advantage of Zhang Weisheng's absence to extort money from someone. However, Zhang Weisheng rushed back that night and accidentally encountered more than thirty officers and soldiers pretending to be horse thieves. He killed them all without blinking an eye, and even dared to act so arrogantly. When you enter the city, you will act like a harmless person. A scribe would never dare to offend such a ruthless person again.

Ignoring the scribes, I left the city and headed south to resolve the issues in the city and also go to the military camp. The gang of soldiers who dared to attack him came from that camp.

This time, the imperial court ordered the formation of the Jingnan Army. Not counting the infantry, the cavalry consisted of seven teams, composed of soldiers from all counties and prefectures. During the war, the original numbers were canceled and dispatched uniformly. The cavalry camp here is the smallest of the seven teams and has been camped for three days. Unfortunately, the time was too short, the military morale was still uncertain, and military discipline never improved.

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