The Monk

Volume One Chapter 673 Entering the Desert

Chapter 673: Entering the Desert

Zhang was afraid that he had no interest in chasing them, so he patted his big pocket and said, "Don't make trouble." Of course, a bunch of balls didn't listen to him.

The five shameless disciples looked at the changes in the scene and praised each other with admiration: "We really have foresight." Taking the first escape as foresight made the Holy Capital Demon Cultivator laugh in confusion.

Everyone else had left, but the lone mid-level expert refused to leave, but he didn't come over either. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhang Tianfang asked Fang Jian, "What is he doing?" Fang Jian shouted loudly, "What are you doing?" The mid-level expert remained silent, and Fang Jian told Zhang Tianfang, "He's not talking." Zhang Tianfang said angrily: " You fool me?"

There is no more fighting now. Zhang Tianfang's Ghost Sword is floating in front of him. One of the Five Shames asked his companion: "Why does that knife look familiar to me?" "Nonsense, of course it looks familiar. Since the birth of the Ghost Sword, there have been countless The sword looks like that." After the guy finished speaking, he looked at the ghost sword more, and he was shocked and shouted: "That's the ghost sword."

There are nine skulls arranged on the ghost sword, each one is lifelike, as if it is alive. It is impossible to imitate the living ghost head with an imitation ghost sword. And just now, the ghost sword easily cut off the opponent's magical weapon, and the combination of the two phases was even more certain.

The five shameless men looked at each other and shouted, "Run." They rushed into the city and disappeared. Others may abide by the rules of the Holy Capital, but the Ghost Sword Master will never abide by them. The story of that lunatic who dared to fight twice with the Deputy Capital Master Aotian with his foundation building cultivation has spread throughout the Holy Kingdom. Few people don't know about it, and the Five Shames The disciples were obviously the majority. Thinking of having offended the master of the ghost sword and making nonsense of him, they couldn't help but feel a little nervous, so they naturally wanted to run away first.

The other demon cultivators did not run away, but the name of the Ghost Sword spread throughout the world, and they talked to each other: "No wonder it is so powerful, it turns out that the Ghost Sword came out."

Zhang Tianfang was so beautiful that he proudly spoke to Zhang Fangjian: "Did you see it? This is strength, this is reputation. Who would have thought that I am quite famous?"

Zhang was afraid of ignoring him, so he walked forward carrying the boss's bag and said softly: "Why don't you leave?"

He was asking about the mid-level expert. The man had a dull expression and didn't speak, as if he didn't know what to do. Seeing Zhang Weijing getting closer and closer, the man's body burst into flames, some black fire and some red fire, entangled together and burning brightly.

Zhang Tianfang shook his head: "What are you doing? If you can't beat me, just run away. Why don't you think about it and burn yourself?"

Seeing his opponent on fire, Zhang Wen stopped and looked forward. What kind of skill was this? Quite strange.

As if to explain to him, someone in the crowd watching the excitement whispered: "Five Yin ghost fire, he is Yin Du."

Who is Yindu? Zhang was afraid of leaving him alone, so he turned around and asked: "Is Yin Du very powerful?" What he thought of was the little fire man who had only been taken in for a short time. If they burned each other...

At this time, Yin Du moved and pulled out a long line of fire towards Zhang Ai. Zhang Jing said: "What are you doing? Want to eat roast bear meat? Don't even think about it!" He jumped up and hid far away. He turned around and called Zhang Tianfang: "Don't you like fighting? This guy will give it to you."

Zhang Tianfang was unhappy: "Just give me anything? A big fire, what do you want me to do? No!"

Yin Du flew into the air, then jumped up, very fast, so the flames on his body were pulled into the line of fire by him, and he was afraid even thinking about it.

"You like to eat barbecue, but I don't." Zhang Ain said nonsense while flying, appearing to be very comfortable and relaxed. Seeing that he couldn't catch up with him, Yin Du rubbed his palms together and exploded a ball of fire, throwing it towards Zhang Ain.

A lot of black and red fire was really troublesome. Zhang was afraid of the long-sleeved dance and swept the fireball back. Yin Du shrank his hands and threw the fireball back, and threw another one at the same time.

This is not fun. Zhang Ain said coldly: "I'm in a good mood today. I don't want to kill anyone. I'll give you one last chance."

Obviously, Yin Du didn't need this opportunity. Two fireballs were followed by two more fireballs, forming a line around Zhang Ai. At this time, the line of fire behind him also disappeared, and turned into fierce flames beating around his body.

Zhang is afraid of being angry, but you are the only one who is angry? Protect the little bear with an air shield, then activate the Fire Spirit to use the Thousand Walls of Fury defensive spell. This defensive shield has not been used for a while, mainly because it was too loud. After cultivating to the top level, the momentum became even greater. I saw a wall of fire blasting out of the sky. It was wide and boundless, and the red flames danced violently. The tip of the flame was white, and the burning air was shaking.

Zhang Wei provoked and said: "Come here." With a thought, a tongue of fire shot out of the wall of fire and burned toward Yin Du. Although Yin Du's body was covered with fire, it was his own Yin Fire. Zhang was afraid of the power of the flames and jumped away. Looking from the bottom up, a flame looks like a T-shaped figure, and Yin Du is the hook on the T-shaped figure.

Zhang Ai sneered and said: "Don't run, come back quickly." Another tongue of fire burned over, and the original tongue of fire burned two dragons.

Everyone plays with fire. If you can't break through the opponent's flames, don't even think about killing someone. Yin Du decided to give it a try. He reached the peak of his strength and separated a ball of pitch-black flame from the top of his head, like a large ball of strange-shaped ink hanging in the air. It barely beat, burned quietly, and flew quietly towards Zhang Wen.

Since you want to die, I will grant it to you. Zhang Weifan lightly threw the bag on his body into the air, and it flew up to a height of about twenty meters. Zhang Wen took this opportunity to quickly fly towards Yin Du. He put down the Fu Shen Sword and took out the hard iron knife. He flew to his side and slashed lightly. The sharp blade was swept to the ground and submerged in the flames. He then put the knife away and flew back, chasing the big bag. , the bag was already in hand before it could be found.

Looking at Yin Du again at this time, his body was shattered into four pieces, but the flames were still burning, making a crackling sound as the body burned.

Because he flew high, he fell slowly. Yin Du fell into four pieces from a high altitude, burning as he fell. When his body fell to the ground, the flames had burned his body completely, and the flames that fell to the ground became smaller and smaller. After a few beats, the flames everywhere went out one after another. The huge Nascent Soul mid-level master Yin Du turned into air and died.

After the person died, the silent black fire in the air dissipated, leaving a panic-stricken Nascent Soul running for his life in a hurry. Zhang Jing said: "Don't run away." He teleported over and held it with his empty palm, wanting to send him into the Jindan Yuanshen. After thinking about it, he just wanted to kill me and he was not a ghost disciple, so he gave him one more chance. He stuffed it into the big walnut on his chest and trapped it inside with a barrier.

This battle resulted in massive killings in all directions. The demonic cultivators knew how powerful it was and did not dare to act rashly. After Zhang Wen landed, he smiled and spoke to the demon cultivator who was watching the excitement at the city gate: "No need to send you off, go back." The demon cultivators were depressed, who came to see you off? We are watching the fun. But it was because the three of them had cultivated themselves and no one dared to clarify.

Zhang was afraid of releasing Fei Gu, so he said again: "There's really no need to send him off, just go back." Finally someone couldn't help it anymore and whispered: "This is the shameless person." Although his voice was soft, the cultivators around him heard it. He was so clear that he flashed around, revealing himself alone. When he saw Zhang Weixun, his face turned pale with fright, his heart was broken, he had offended a ruthless person, and he didn't know what to do.

Zhang was afraid that he might not come over, so he smiled at him and jumped into Feiya. Zhang Tianfang followed him in and said with a smile: "You are much more shameless than me." Fang Jian also entered with a smile, then activated Feiya to take off, and flew away.

The three of them left, and a group of demon cultivators became lively at the city gate. Some said that the three of them were powerful, some scolded them for being shameless, and some were envious and jealous. They walked back to the city while talking. After they were all gone, a young man with white eyebrows and white hair slowly walked out of the city gate. He was very handsome. He looked at Fei'er leaving in the direction he was leaving and cursed in a low voice: "This bastard."

He was Deputy Capital Master Aotian. Zhang was afraid that the last few words he had just said to him, but he could not show up, and he felt extremely depressed.

He had a grudge against Zhang Weifang, and he had a grudge against Zhang Tianfang. After he showed up, did you say fight or not? Let's fight, but we can't beat him, and we are violating the orders of the capital lord. Don't fight. There are a lot of boring demon cultivators watching. If they provoke others, should I respond? Don't lose face if you don't deserve it.

He had no choice but to endure it and hide in the doorway. He wanted to see how far Zhang Ao had practiced and whether there was any hope of victory if he fought desperately. In the end, nothing was seen, and Zhang was afraid that he didn't use his full strength at all. On the contrary, he teased me a few words and made a big loss.

As they flew up, Zhang Tianfang asked, "What crazy talk did you just say?" Zhang Ain replied, "Aotian is there." "What? You didn't tell me when you saw Aotian? I'm going to beat him into a pig's head." Zhang Tianfang shouted. road.

"Forget it, you are just a pig, who do you want to beat?" Zhang was afraid of releasing a lot of balls. Anyway, a group of idiots are small and cannot fly, so there is no need to worry about them crawling out and flying. With the toy in hand, Zhang Tianfang stopped talking nonsense for a while, grabbed the little bear and messed around with it, and asked by the way: "Let's go to the desert for a walk. We won't let go of these. If we see any sand-stealing bears, we will kill them, like this The orphan bears are kept and raised, and the others are let go.”

It's rare for a murderous guy to be kind, so Zhang was afraid to say yes.

There is a vast desert between the Holy Kingdom and the Eastern Continent, where all kinds of snakes, scorpions, ants, insects, or some monster beasts live. The temperature in the desert is constantly changing between extremely hot and cold, and there are many types of wind and sand disasters. All living things have extremely strong vitality. It is also because of these external conditions and the lack of spiritual veins that few cultivators live here. It can barely be regarded as a pure world that has not been harmed by cultivators.

Feiya kept flying eastward and arrived in the desert a few days later. Zhang Tianfang asked: "Where is the sand bear?" The two of them did not reply because no one knew. The flying bird will be lowered and fly north along the desert. Anyway, it is just a matter of looking around. If you encounter someone, you can help them. If you don't encounter them, you will go home.

The desert is so big that ordinary people can't walk out in a lifetime. Even among cultivators, few are willing to play in the desert. With the exception of the three fools in front of me, I used the flying gun to circle around the desert, facing the cold nights and high temperatures during the day, huge sandstorms and strong winds, and all unknown dangers.

After only seven days, Zhang Tianfang got tired of wandering around and muttered: "Besides sand or sand, can't we have something else?" Zhang Weifang ignored him and took out fresh meat to feed the little bear. A dozen guys are too young to live without water and food. While he was feeding, his expression suddenly changed, and he stood up and looked into the distance.

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