The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 659 Empty Pond

Chapter 659: Empty Pool

The five warlocks had strange shapes and looked like anything. There was actually a Big Toutuo. Zhang Pingxin said: "No wonder Master Hantian is the number one person in the North. If Big Toutuo is the number one person in appearance, probably no one else will." I’m embarrassed to say I’m a warlock.”

A thin man with a red face raised his hand and said: "Ghosts are committing murders and causing chaos in the North. Fortunately, fellow Taoist Zhang helped me regardless of past grievances. Baochen thanked fellow Taoist Zhang on behalf of the warlock from the north."

There is a saying that one should reach out and not hit the smiling person. The red-faced person said thank you to himself. Alas, bear with it, and replied: "There is nothing to thank, I have a grudge against that guy."

"We must thank you. Without the restraint of Fellow Daoist Zhang, how could we break the ghost disciple formation? If the formation is not broken, a war will begin. I don't know how many of the 200,000 warlocks will survive. I must thank you for this great kindness. I want to thank you on behalf of the people of the barbarian land. Only when the warlocks are here can they keep the people safe and stop the war. Tongmu thanked fellow Daoist Zhang." Datoutuo bowed and spoke.

As long as the name of the common people was mentioned, Zhang Ping thought that this person was very good and friendly, so he smiled and said: "The monk is still kind." Datoutuo was a little depressed: "I am not a monk." Zhang Ping said: "It doesn't matter, it's the same anyway. Bald."

In fact, some Toutuos were bald, but Tongmu happened to be bald. He couldn't explain it even if he wanted to, so he had to accept Zhang Wen's understanding of him.

While talking, the monsters and beasts came back one after another. A bunch of scary guys performed very well and captured the Nascent Soul alive. This is what Zhang Ai ordered. It is very troublesome to deal with the ghost disciple Yuanying. It would be better if there is a strong force to directly break up the Yuanying and completely destroy them. Otherwise, the Yuanying will not die. For example, you chop him with a thousand knives and chop the Nascent Soul into pieces, but he is not dead yet. The Nascent Souls of these ghost disciples are condensed from countless souls. When they are broken, they just disperse into their original soul form, making it easier to escape. Although they will become useless waste after escaping, Zhang Ping doesn't want to let them go like this. If you do something wrong, you must take responsibility and accept punishment!

With a bunch of super-level monsters, it's easy to catch a few Nascent Souls. The shadow tiger scratches it with its claws, the God-defying snake bites it with its mouth, and the black bird is more magical. It spits out several big bubbles and wraps the Nascent Soul back. Zhang Wei sealed dozens of Yuanyings into the Golden Core Yuanshen, put away a group of monsters, and then asked the warlock: "What did you do?"

What he asked was how to destroy the valley magic circle. Fortunately, Datoutuo Tongmu was smarter and explained, "We didn't do much. We just brought our magic circle over, smashed it onto the valley magic circle, and then exploded our magic circle." , and then that was it.”

He said it was simple, but it actually took a lot of effort. The five top-level warlocks must first set up the formation, then move it up, transport it, smash it down, and self-destruct at the same time. They must make no mistakes at all. This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Zhang Ping understood the difficulty and was very interested in this method of using formations to break formations. He asked: "Who came up with the idea?"

The five people did not reply immediately, but looked at each other, and it was Da Toutuo who spoke: "No one thought about it. Seeing you fighting in front, we also want to kill people. After a little try, it will happen if we don't want to. It seems that we are lucky."

Zhang Awei was stunned for a moment. Are you trying to test me? It's so irresponsible, it's better not to come. But then I think about it, if they don't come and I'm still working hard, okay, I forgive you. He is a very generous person with random thoughts.

It's just that this method of using formations to break formations is not practical. A few warlocks just got it by the way. Do I have to set up formations first for future fights? Even your enemies won't! Zhang Ai is scratching his head a little, it's too impractical, but the spiritual power cannon is powerful enough. I'll ask someone about the refining method and make a few for fun.

He kept thinking endlessly, nodded and said, "You're lucky." He dodged and flew towards the center of the valley. The 10,000-meter valley was blown to pieces, and the area doubled. The only thing that was not damaged by the explosion was a bloody spot in the middle of the valley. pool.

Fly over and take a closer look. The length and width of the blood pool are each three meters. The rest of the place is covered with broken rocks and rubble. However, the area around the blood pool is extremely clean. There is not even a trace of dust on the edge of the pool. I think there is a defense here. Outside When an explosion occurs, this defense can withstand the power of the explosion, so more than a dozen ghost-fighting disciples are not injured.

I walked around the blood pool and couldn't figure out what was in it. I didn't know why I didn't see the Ghost Emperor? What exactly are the sixty-four top-level ghost disciples protecting?

Look at a pool of blood. Alas, although it has no good use, it cannot be wasted. When I killed the masters of Hongguang Inn to save the wild beasts in Shiwanda Mountain, I collected the blood from many blood pools. Although it was of no use, it was better than destroying and wasting it in vain.

He took out a jade bottle and filled it with blood. Only after filling the bottle did he realize that something was wrong. The blood pool was extremely deep. Although the length and width were only three meters, the depth was absolutely terrifying. He used the largest bottle, one bottle could hold 100,000 kilograms of wine, and it took twenty bottles to fill a pool of blood.

At the time of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, one bottle and two bottles could collect a pool of blood, but now, the amount collected at one time has exceeded the total amount of the seventeen blood pools of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

He was surprised, and so were the five warlocks. Toutuo Tongmu said, "How many people have to be killed?" He looked at Zhang Ain with doubt in his eyes. Seeing that this man was collecting Nascent Soul and collecting blood, could he also be an evil ghost cultivator?

Zhang Afraid that no matter what he thought, he put the blood into the jade bottle and looked down. It was pitch black under the pool, and he didn't know what was there. Sending his spiritual consciousness in, waves of cold air surged out, constantly invading his spiritual consciousness. Zhang Ain asked: "Go down and take a look?"

The five warlocks looked at each other and refused with a serious expression: "We still have something to do." They did have something to do. They didn't see the Ghost Emperor and ran away with sixteen top-level ghost disciples. Two hundred thousand warlocks must be notified of such a big thing. , temporarily disbanded and continued to search for traces of ghosts.

Zhang Ai nodded, raised his hand and shot out the communication charm, calling Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian to come over. He was wondering what Monk Wuwu was doing. If he was here just now, he would surely be able to kill more ghost disciples.

Killing so many ghost disciples in one battle was definitely beyond the imagination of the five top-level warlocks. According to their original estimates, at least tens of thousands of warlocks would have to die in this battle to be able to kill all the powerful enemies. They did not expect that just one Zhang Fear would be able to kill them all. They gained a lot, and the five people solemnly thanked them again and left.

Zhang Ai smiled secretly: Finally, he is no longer the enemy all over the world. At least countless masters in the North will admit his love.

He stood for a while, and Fang Jian and the others arrived quickly. Zhang Tianfang saw that the land was deserted and asked: "Where are the ghost disciples?" Zhang Ping said: "Sixty-four top-level ghost disciples, twelve high-level ghost disciples, the dead are not counted, there are still sixteen alive. A top-level ghost disciple, and he has already run away." There was a bit of pride in his words. Counting the heroes in the past, who has achieved such brilliant results as him.

Zhang Tianfang was shocked: "So exaggerated? How did you do it?"

Fang Jian was smart and chuckled: "It must have something to do with the five warlocks who passed by just now." They walked across from each other and happened to see each other.

Zhang Ping said: "Of course, but I am the main force, and the five of them only contributed a little bit."

"Just blow it." Zhang Tianfang didn't believe his nonsense, looked at the three-meter-square pool and asked, "What is this?"

The blood inside has been drained, and the blood pool now looks like a cellar.

Zhang Ping said: "I asked you two to come here just to ask, would you like to go down and take a look? I think you are suitable for this job." The last sentence was said to Zhang Tianfang. Zhang Tianfang glared: "What are you doing? I'm not a well digger." As he said this, he walked closer to the pool, looked down, and then condensed a ball of light, holding it and jumping into the pool.

Zhang Tianfang jumped in first, Zhang Ping had no choice but to follow, and Fang Jian jumped in without hesitation.

There is nothing down there, it is a dead place like a well. The three of them stood at the bottom of the pool and then looked up, scanning their surroundings. Zhang Tianfang asked: "Is it two hundred meters?" "No, it's only about one hundred and fifty meters." Fang Jian said.

Zhang Tianfang asked Zhang Awei again: "What is this place used for?" Zhang Awei asked him back: "You didn't notice anything unusual?"

"Nonsense, it's just a very gloomy place. There's nothing abnormal about it." This guy went into the ghost cave as if he were going home. He grew up in a land of ghosts, so this coldness is really not abnormal. Zhang was afraid of being defeated by him, so he said: "Okay, it's just a very dark place, what's the use?"

"How do I know?" Zhang Tianfang glared, and then said: "But it is an ominous place after all, and it is not good to keep it." As he spoke, he stretched his right palm flat, and the golden swastika that he had not seen for a long time resurfaced. The palm of his hand slowly rotated in the air, shining a light into the dark well.

The darkness here is not the kind of darkness that the sun cannot reach, but the kind of darkness that is the habitat of ghosts and spirits, which is suitable for the growth of souls. To put it simply, this 150-meter-deep underground is the best place for ghosts to live. It is equivalent to the spiritual mountains, spiritual veins, spiritual water and spiritual pills of cultivators. It is an extremely yin place, also called the place of evil spirits. , there is nothing special about it, it is only good for ghosts and spirits, and a large number of ghosts often gather to live here. If the ghosts gather more and more, they will cause harm to the people around them.

However, there is not a single ghost in the ground now, and they are probably all refined by the Ghost King. There was nothing in the sky, just darkness and a cold atmosphere that ghosts liked.

Zhang Tianfang released the Buddha's seal swastika, and the golden light instantly dispelled the darkness. Even the lighting ball was no longer needed. The golden radiance emitted from the floating swastika in the air, rippling happily in circles, slowly washing away the darkness at the bottom of the well.

Zhang Tianfang was working while Fang Jian and Zhang Wen were in a daze. Zhang Ain took out the eagle-decorated spiritual weapon and gave it to him: "You keep it." He cared about the big black bird in the spiritual weapon. When he first got it, he added several layers of protective magic circles and wrapped it in a bag of spiritual silk, for fear that Bump it and break it. Facts have proved that the spiritual weapon is very strong and is also a good helper in fighting. Considering that Fang Jian lacks the strength to fight against top-level ghost disciples, it is necessary to give him a protection.

Fang Jian refused happily: "I want to rely on my own strength. With extra help, I am worried that I will become slack."

Zhang was afraid that he was very depressed. This guy was criticizing himself. Thinking about it, he was right. If he was lazier than anyone else, he would be second only to Zhang Tianfang. He put the spiritual weapon close to his body and concentrated on watching Zhang Tianfang's torment.

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