The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 641 The Ghost Emperor ran away

Chapter 641 The Ghost King ran away

They were fighting here, but Master Hantian at the gate archway was filled with anger. His jade-like face was so angry that Zhang Afraid was so angry that he chased after him with his feet on the clouds. As soon as he came, he saw eight people flying around and looking for each other. Ghost disciple. This time the real owner was found, and the weather turned cold instantly, even more than the nine cold days. The clouds under the woman's feet also began to grow larger, forming a sky full of clouds covering the whole world. Then, one saw cloud pillar cages rising up. They were huge when they first rose, restricting the ghosts to the clouds. Then the cages gradually lowered, and a The space was squeezed bit by bit, and finally eight three-meter-long cloud pillar cages were formed, in which eight ghost disciples were imprisoned.

Her cloud pillar cage was ineffective against Zhang Wei, but it did not mean that it was ineffective against others. The cloud pillars moved and surged one after another, and the clouds entangled and piled up. The eight ghost disciples were trapped in it and could not break free in a short time.

The title of the number one man in the barbarian land is indeed not a false one. He really has the ability to control eight masters of the same level with one person.

Zhang was afraid of triggering the Divine Comedy, and his soul separated. He noticed what was happening here, and while chasing the Ghost King, he shouted: "Just trap them." Of course Master Hantian would not listen to him, even though he couldn't see this bastard. Where is the boy, but what he says cannot be listened to no matter what. He gently puts his hands together and makes a lotus seal. Immediately, more clouds stick to the eight cloud pillar cages, covering them layer by layer, turning the cages into dense The cloud room is surrounded by walls.

Master Hantian said softly: "Explosion." People outside didn't know what was happening inside, they could only see the clouds shaking, especially the eight cloud rooms, which shook violently, and stopped after a while. Master Hantian said coldly: "Kill."

It means telling Zhang Ping that if I don't listen to you, I can still kill them.

Zhang angrily cursed: "Idiot." The concentration beads flew out from his mind, and he could only rely on this beads to track the Ghost Emperor's whereabouts. The ball immediately grew larger as it moved away from the back of the head, as if a huge white sun was standing in the sky. There were countless thick, light, black or gray auras swirling around inside the ball.

Zhang was so afraid that he pulled open his shirt, exposed his chest, and yelled: "Stop it!" Five rainbow bridges shot out from his chest and landed on the huge white bead. At the same time, keep reciting the Calming Technique, which is a kind of Buddhist technique that can calm people's minds and refresh their minds. In addition, it is also useful for the Dingshen Pearl. The Dingshen Pearl is the most precious holy object left behind by the great Buddhist master when he passed away. It is specially used to refine and absorb the ghosts in the world.

He cannot fully control the Concentration Pearl, and can only use the Concentration Technique to inspire the Buddhist treasure, maximize Buddhist power, and absorb more souls.

With the support of huge spiritual power, the concentration beads began to move around and suck towards the Ghost King. The Ghost King has a body of extreme yin, and he has cultivated it for hundreds of millions of years, so he will not be easily refined by the concentration beads. But Zhang Ai was watching him with eager eyes, and kept cutting him with the knife in his hand like a slice of meat. The huge power of each knife would disperse several ghosts. If things continued like this, it would be difficult for the Ghost King to die.

So this invisible and colorless guy decided to run away. He no longer wanted to counterattack Zhang Awei. He took a hard blow and rushed directly into the ground. He was a Yin spirit and could penetrate the ground more easily than Zhang Awei. He was gone in a whoosh.

Zhang was afraid of secret hatred, why was there no Buddhist cultivator here?

At this time, Master Hantian killed eight ghost disciples. With a thought, the eight cloud prisons dissipated, leaving them empty, and the ghost disciples exploded without a trace. She looked towards the void with cold eyes, preparing to lock Zhang Ain and kill him when he came out.

She had never dealt with ghost disciples, but Zhang Ai was very familiar with them. After calling Master Hantian an idiot, he activated the Concentration Pearl to get bigger in order to eradicate ghost disciples.

Every ghost disciple is composed of countless resentful spirits. It is easy to kill the outer body, but if the ghost spirit is not eliminated, it means that it is not completely killed. At this time, we can see the power of the concentration pearl. It rotates smoothly and absorbs countless black or gray threads from the top of the clouds. After completely swallowing it, it stops rotating, shrinks to its original appearance, and flies towards Zhang Wen.

Because the Ghost Emperor ran away, Zhang was afraid of stopping, so he was trapped by Master Hantian with a cloud prison, looking at him coldly, waiting for him to beg for mercy. Unexpectedly, Zhang was afraid but still ignored her, summoned the Divine Tears to emit spiritual power, summoned the Calming Pearl, and then lazily said: "Don't bother me."

So crazy, this guy is so crazy! Master Hantian was so angry that he immediately activated Yunlao to close the dragon, hoping to kill Zhang Ai like a ghost disciple. Zhang Ain asked, "Are you Master Hantian? Tell me, how do you plan to compensate for the destruction of the gate arch of Tianlei Mountain?"

The number one man in the barbarian land was despised to the extreme. Master Hantian urged Yunlao with a cold face to entangle Zhang Wei with cloud silk, then explode it, and then use the cloud silk to absorb the power of the blown enemy to strengthen the cloud magic weapon. But when he failed again, the cloud prison closed. Zhang Ai slowly walked out of the cloud wall, as easily as if he had penetrated the white mist.

He looked at Master Hantian up and down, not as a peerless master, but as an ordinary woman. While looking at him, he said, "Okay, I admit that I am unlucky, and you don't have to pay for it."

In his opinion, beautiful women are troublesome. Don't talk about how you met Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er, nor what happened to the unlucky Lu Wan. Just talk about Yao Mei'er. She has a cunning and brave guard who will risk her life to protect the flower. He doesn't want to attract more troubles because of the beauty in front of him. A group of flower protectors then said, "Are you Master Hantian? We have no grudges, so stop making trouble." After saying this, they flew back to the mountain gate.

He has never met Master Han Tian, ​​but based on Shi Cai's performance and two interviews, he can be sure that it is her. It is said that she is a good person, so he will not embarrass her.

Zhang Awei's method of distinguishing between good and bad people is extremely simple. Those who take care of ordinary people and think about them are good people, and those who do not think about them are bad people.

He left as if nothing happened. The number one master in the pitiful barbarian land was filled with hatred. How could this kid be so powerful? Thinking about it, I had fought Jin Si before and had the upper hand. How could I not be able to deal with him?

Proud women are especially good at saving face. The more arrogant a woman is, the more stubborn she is. She chased Zhang Afraid and said, "I don't care if you show off your cruelty in the barbarian land. I don't care if you clean up the warlock sect. I don't care if you kidnap a low-level warlock." You kill thousands of people and I don’t care about you. I only care about one thing. Hantian Changtang bears the name of my Hantian Clan. How can you hurt the people below?"

Zhang is afraid of having a headache. What is this woman's logic? She didn't care that I was smashing, looting and killing people, but she came to trouble me just because I injured her disciple's disciple? He said helplessly: "Stop making trouble, why don't you just cut off both of that guy's hands? If you think what I did is wrong, call him over, and I will give him advanced pills. One pill is not enough to give ten pills. Give him until he thinks That's enough." The Ghost King was seriously injured again in today's battle, and he probably won't dare to come again in a short time. Master Hantian also helped kill eight ghost disciples, and he didn't want to cause another conflict.

Unexpectedly, Master Hantian said in a cold voice: "Why are you keeping those idiots who don't know what's right and wrong? I've already killed them."

Zhang Weijing was completely speechless. Sister, you have already killed someone, and why are you standing up for that person? Which one of us did too much? Simply say nothing and go back to the mountain. I thought this woman was unreasonable, but Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier were the best.

He didn't say anything, but Master Hantian pulled out his jade sword and stabbed him in the back of the heart, assuming a fight to the death. But he was a pretty good man, so he shouted softly: "Take your life." He reminded him first and then stabbed him with the sword.

Zhang Ain sighed, this woman has probably been a fairy for too long and can't even fight. He dodged away from the distance and said with words: "The guy who ran away just now is the Ghost King. Aren't you worried that he will cause trouble in your holy land? Don't forget that there are still five ghost cultivating sects hiding."

Master Hantian stood still with his sword condensed. Although he could not see the Ghost Emperor just now, he could clearly sense the cold aura and knew that a master had escaped. The ghost cultivators hidden in the barbaric land were a serious concern for her. It was precisely because of the search They were not found in the barbarian land, so they came to Zhang to avoid trouble. If the master was allowed to escape to the barbarian land, the consequences would be disastrous.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked cold and fearful. If this guy just dodges, I can't hurt him. He snorted coldly: "Our business is not over yet." He turned around and left.

Zhang Weijing was depressed: "Why don't you finish it? Why should I be blamed for the people you killed?"

Upon hearing this, Master Hantian turned around again, straightened his sword and stabbed again without saying a word. After all, he was a top-level master. As the sword thrust out, the air was frozen and chilled to the bones. Zhang was afraid to continue to evade, and shouted: "It won't be over until it's over, you should leave quickly." He slandered: "Next time I ask you to go to Jin Da trouble, let's see who of you two torments the other."

Master Hantian finally sheathed his sword and left, and a fluttering white cloud leisurely went away. Zhang Ain looked at the beautiful back and muttered: "Crazy woman, don't come again."

Another battle ended. Eleven top-level ghost disciples were killed in this battle. Counting those killed by the Buddhists and demon cultivators from the Holy Kingdom before, more than half of the hundreds of ghost disciples may have been killed. These eleven people were also unlucky. Three were trapped in the Five Elements and Bagua formation, and eight were trapped in Rainbow Dash, unable to escape even if they wanted to. Rainbow Dash is Master Hantian's most powerful weapon and is extremely powerful. The poor top-level ghost disciples went to another world without being able to show their strength.

Back at the mountain gate archway, more than a hundred mountain patrol disciples and a group of disciples who came to be apprentices were busy. Some were cleaning up and some were preparing bricks and tiles. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of returning safely, they cheered loudly and shouted words such as invincibility. Zhang Wen smiled at everyone and wanted to go up the mountain. A disciple came over and asked him to write an inscription. He took out a piece of jade from his storage bag, which was six meters long and two meters high and two meters wide. He used his palm as a knife to cut the jade into thin pieces and used his fingers to Taking the pen as a pen, he raised his hand and wrote the three characters "Shangtian Lei Mountain", handed it to the disciple and left.

I just took two steps and sighed secretly. Can't you just let me stop for a while? Fifty meters in the air, Zhang Tianzai and Zhan Yun were fighting tooth and nail, but Fang Jian was nowhere to be seen. You knew what was going on without asking.

Just after the battle, Fang Jian took the opportunity to fly to Daxiong Temple. Zhang Tianfang wanted to join in the fun. No matter what you were going for, he was going anyway. Fang Jian disagreed and asked Zhan Yun to help stop him. At first Zhang Tianfang was too embarrassed to do anything, but when he saw Fang Jian running away, he became angry and struck at Zhan Yun with his ghost sword. Zhan Yun had a high level of cultivation, so he just avoided and did not fight back, waiting for Zhang Awei to come and deal with it.

So Zhang Ai had no choice but to fly into the sky, grab Zhang Tianfang, and carry him away without saying a word. Angry Zhang Tianda cursed: "You are all bastards."

You bastards, be bastards, it would be even worse if you knew that I kept the news of Fu Kong's injury from you.

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