The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 631 Balance

Chapter 631 Balance

Jinda led the way, while Zhang Wen followed behind. Neither of them said a word until after leaving the valley, Jinda said: "I hope you won't come back again."

Zhang Zhi didn't speak, his mind was a little confused, and he didn't know how to answer. Jin Daye didn't seem to want to hear his answer at all. After speaking, he returned to the valley. In this place that had been a battlefield of life and death, only Zhang Afraid was left.

After thinking about it, the Jin family is really working hard. Not only are there dangers in the valley, they also have to deal with more than a thousand warlock sects in the barbaric land, and they also have to deal with the large and small sects that dare to challenge the dignity of the Jin family. If it weren't for his sudden increase in strength and his tyranny, which made the Jin family fearful, Jin Da would never reveal the things in the valley to others. To put it harshly, this is a sign of weakness.

Jin Da made it clear that the masters of Jia Tang cannot afford to die now. If you want to harm the entire Jin family, then just come and kill people. As long as there are a large number of casualties among the masters of the Jin family, the masters of the Mao Ren family will definitely not miss the opportunity to pinch the weak persimmons. It is not difficult to imagine what will happen next. Even if Jin Dajin and his second cultivation are extremely powerful and escape, what about the others?

Balance is relative, and once it is broken, the consequences will be unimaginable. If this incident leads to a large number of casualties among the clan members, it is conceivable that Jin Da will definitely fight against him and destroy Tianlei Mountain again.

Of course, Zhang Ping also knows that if this happens, what Jin Da will most likely do is to stay in the valley to clean up the mess and take care of the entire family. In such an emergency, saving the Jin family is the first priority. As for revenge? Wait and see.

The problem is, if this thing really happens, it will bring a devastating disaster to the Jin family, causing hundreds of thousands or even millions of casualties, and the cause is just that Zhang was afraid of killing seven people. If the casualties of millions of people were caused by him, , he can’t do such a thing! As for whether Jinda will come to settle accounts in the future, it doesn't matter at all.

So he stood and stood in front of Jin's house, motionless, until the sun went dark and then rose.

He could comfort himself by thinking that if the Jia Tang masters were killed, the Mao Ren masters would not be dispatched, and there would be no so-called mass casualties. Because no one knows what will happen in the future, everything is a hypothesis. But Zhang was too afraid to try this hypothesis. He didn't dare and didn't want to. For this hypothesis, the number one member of the Jin family, the extremely proud Jin Da, knelt down to see him. For this hypothesis, he confessed to him the Jin family’s ten thousand-year secret. Just because Jin Da didn’t want to see the hypothesis come true. Did he want to see it? What if it comes true?

Xu Shi was greeted by Jin Da. He stood here for a day and a night. No one from the Jin family came out to disturb him. The disciples who were responsible for patrolling and guarding in the past also disappeared.

Zhang Wei simply sat down, his mind a little confused. He found that no matter how high or low his cultivation level was, there were always too many things that he could not do if he wanted to.

He sat here for more than ten days, and his mind changed from how to take revenge at the beginning to how to help the Jin family get out of trouble. Maybe his body was poisonous and needed star grass to relieve it, maybe his body lacked something and needed star grass to replenish it, but no matter What, Star Grass is essential, can’t we find a substitute? But then I thought, so what if I found it? More than 6.7 million people, excluding wild weeds, what is enough for them to eat? Besides, the Jin family has never thought of a solution for thousands of years. How can they come up with an idea just by thinking about it?

He finally left on the morning of the eighth day. He didn't want to implicate more innocent people because of his own affairs, so he had to give up temporarily. The entire journey was filled with frowns and solemn expressions. When will this revenge be avenged? well.

On the way back south, he wanted to go to Nitian Cave to refine weapons and change the clothes of more than 700 disciples of our sect, but after careful calculation, he found that their equipment was not bad, and the materials used were similar to those of Black War and White War. In addition, the Jin family's affairs made him miserable. Lost in thought, he flew back listlessly.

Because he was thoughtful, he was not flying very fast. When he was about to leave the barbaric land, he was stopped by someone. A small group of six warlocks blocked the way. A pill-forming warlock led five foundation-building disciples and rushed towards Zhang Afraid from a long distance. He cupped his fists and said, "Fellow Taoist, could you please stop for a moment? Hantianmen has something to ask."

Hantianmen again? Zhang was afraid that he was too lazy to argue with them, so he stopped and asked, "What's the matter?"

Warlocks and monks are two different cultivation methods. The pill-forming warlock couldn't figure out the other person's cultivation level, but after looking at Zhang Wen's eyes, he knew it was not a method of ghost refining. He clasped his fists again and said: "Hantianmen has some unscrupulous disciples who kidnapped people to practice." Master Hantian was furious when he heard this, and ordered all the warlocks from all over the world to investigate the matter. So I apologize for stopping you, fellow Taoist. You clarified with your eyes that you are not those unscrupulous ghost disciples. On behalf of Hantianmen, I would like to thank you for your cooperation. , so fellow Taoist please feel free to do so.”

He spoke politely and explained the reasons in detail. At the same time, he used the name of Master Hantian to suppress the person and said good things about the other person, so that the person being stopped could not or was embarrassed to get angry.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Wen thought that it was probably because he had destroyed two sects in the past few days that he had attracted the attention of the Hantian Clan. However, Master Hantian was not bad, he had principles in doing things, and he liked him very much. He immediately smiled and said: "It's okay, I'll go then. ”

The six warlocks raised their hands and said, "Please." Let them go quickly. What they do is patrol the past cultivators to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

Master Hantian was angry, and all Hantianmen branches related to him cooperated with the main sect to act together. Especially unlucky elements like Hantian Changtang, who were inadvertently involved with the ghost disciples, had the opportunity to express their stance at this moment, which can be said to be a master's move Go out and investigate from place to place.

Hundreds of masters from sects were doing the same thing. Worried that the enemy would sneak away, some alchemy magicians were assigned to lead a large number of foundation-building disciples to set up checkpoints in all directions. The masters are investigating, and all these low-level disciples can do is to persuade former cultivators to check their eyes for symptoms of ghost disciple cultivation, and report them immediately if found.

Zhang Pa happily cooperated, which made the six sorcerers feel relieved. They had been doing this for seven days, and they would encounter many masters every day. Most of them were cold, arrogant and unreasonable. Fortunately, Master Hantian was well-known, so these people had to bear the anger and cooperate even if they were dissatisfied, but they would say some unpleasant words. They were not angry.

Zhang Pa smiled at the six people and was about to leave. Suddenly, a figure flew quickly behind him. He turned his head curiously and took a look. A high-level cultivator of the Nascent Soul? He reminded the six people and said, "Another person is coming."

The Nascent Soul cultivator was very fast. Zhang Pa had just finished saying five words when the cultivator appeared in front of him. At this time, the six sorcerers found the person coming and hurried over to intercept him.

Zhang Pa secretly said, "I hope I don't run into a thorn and get scolded." But his face changed immediately. Four more Nascent Soul sorcerers flew from the north. Due to the restrictions of the skills and because the other party's cultivation was relatively high, it was unclear to what extent they had cultivated.

When he found these four people, Zhang Pa knew that something was wrong. This was one escape and four chases, and there must be something wrong. He flew towards the high-level monk.

In a flash, in just a short time, the high-level monk flew close to him, and six sorcerers went to intercept him. The Jindan sorcerer had a high level of cultivation and ran in front. Before he could say anything, the high-level monk slapped the Jindan sorcerer to death with a backhand palm, and then fled to the south.

At this time, Zhang Pa was just thinking about chasing him, and found that the monk had taken action. He was very unhappy in his heart. Why do people always not care about other people's lives? In a flash, he flew to the front of the high-level monk and stood still. The monk was in a hurry to fly forward, and found that the sorcerer was blocking the way, so he killed the sorcerer. After killing the sorcerer, another person appeared. He was too lazy to care who it was, and slapped him again with his right hand.

Zhang Pa took a look, still wanting to kill people? Killing one is not enough? He stood still and let him slap him. When the monk's palm was about to hit his head, many sharp white bone jade spikes suddenly grew on his cheeks and quickly pierced into the opponent's palm. Then he turned his head to avoid the opponent's palm attack, but the bone spikes did not give way. As his head gave way, they bent in direction and continued to chase and stab.

The Yuanying monk screamed in pain and pulled his right hand back, but how could he deal with the bone spurs that even the top monk Jin San couldn't deal with? The whole hand was entangled by the bone spurs. From a distance, Zhang Pa's face grew a jade tree, hanging on the monk's hand and unable to move.

The Yuanying monk knew that things were not going well, and he was really decisive in doing things. Without hesitation, he raised his left hand and chopped his right wrist. Zhang Pa certainly didn't want him to escape. When he moved his right hand, a silver magic sword was horizontal on his right wrist. If the monk chopped with his left hand, the first thing he would touch was the Fu Shen Sword, not his right hand.

The monk's reaction was also fast. His left hand brushed the blade of the Fu Shen Sword and stopped, and then he drew a magic sword to stab Zhang Pa. The chance to escape is only a moment. Since there is no way to escape, just kill the person in front of you first.

This guy is really cruel. The whole set of actions is continuous, one link after another, and he doesn't give people a chance to breathe. Zhang Pa hurriedly summoned a hard iron knife to block in front of him. With a clang, the opponent's sword not only did not pierce into his body, but was broken by the hard iron knife. But the Yuanying cultivator did not give up. He threw away the broken sword and took out a small knife to cut Zhang Pa's head.

Zhang Pa saw that you are not giving me face to the extreme. The big knife moved horizontally, and the door-like blade lightly protected Zhang Pa, and by the way, the blade was slashed towards the opponent's right hand. Didn't you just play self-harm? I will help you. Zhang Pa wanted to cut off the opponent's right hand.

The two of them fought fiercely. Four high-level warlocks had arrived. Seeing Zhang Pa blocking people for them, although they didn't understand the situation, the two of them were really fighting. In order to avoid accidentally hurting Zhang Pa, the four people's law enforcement weapons stood in four directions to surround the two, and did not take action.

Because of their arrival, Zhang Pa's attitude changed from keeping the opponent to getting rid of him, so he wanted to cut off the opponent's hand. Correspondingly, the mentality of the high-level cultivator also changed, from being anxious to leave to wanting to hold Zhang Pa hostage as a human shield. The figure followed Zhang Pa and moved behind the hard iron knife to protect his right hand.

After fighting for several rounds in a short while, Zhang Pa discovered that this person was a ghost disciple. Not only did he have the aura of a ghost cultivator, but his eyes were also terrifyingly red. It seemed that the barbarian land was not peaceful.

Since the identity of the opponent was confirmed, and he was ruthless and wanted to kill him several times, Zhang Pa was not polite. He lightly tapped his fingers, and five five-color lights shot silently at the ghost disciple. His cultivation was already high, and this sneak attack was extremely fast. When the ghost disciple found out, a small knife had been inserted into his shoulders, chest and throat, easily blocking his meridians and locking his body so that he could not move.

The ghost disciple wanted to escape with his Yuanying out of his body, but he was reluctant to do so. He didn't want to abandon his body until the last step.

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