The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 622 I’m angry with you

Chapter 622: I’m angry with you

Zhang Awei asked: "Where are the two other Taoist friends, Wang Ying and Wang Yuan?" These two people are Wang Miao's classmates. The four of them and Zhang Awei went to Yue Shangji together and spent some time together. An old acquaintance, so I ask.

Wang Miao curled his lips: "It's over. If you can't improve your cultivation level, people will have to pass over. My father also passed over. Alas." He looked at it openly.

Zhang Awei was stunned for a moment: "How long has it been? Has it been three hundred years?"

"More or less, no matter how long he lives, I just don't care. What's the use of having a higher level of cultivation? Isn't it just death? The right way is to just muddle along every day." Wang Miao said lively, and Sun Ziqi gave him a look. It means don't talk nonsense. Wang Miao restrained himself.

Zhang Ping said: "What I'm saying is, whether it's happiness or hard work, it's all day by day. This time I'm going to stay in the mountains for a few more days and give you some good wine."

"If I had known you were a Duobao boy, I should have robbed you properly." Wang Miao said with a smile.

After all, Sun Ziqi was the sect leader, and he was much more stable than Zhang Weijie, the temporary replacement sect leader. He cupped his hands and said, "It's better to obey orders than to be respectful. I'm sorry for bothering you." Because their cultivation levels were so different, he was already prepared for a warm face but a cold butt when he came. , Unexpectedly, Zhang Ai was even hotter than them, which made him feel warm and comfortable in his heart.

Wang Miao couldn't help but pointed at the team of more than a thousand people and asked: "What do these people do? Why are there monks and warlocks at the same time? And they are demon cultivators?"

Zhang Ping said: "No matter what they did before, from now on they will be my Tianlei Mountain Protector disciples, haha, majestic."

"Ah? Are you robbing someone?" Wang Miao said in surprise. Sun Tzu's face tightened and he hurriedly pulled him, meaning that even if he was robbing someone, you couldn't say it to his face. This man was the best in the world.

Zhang Awei chuckled: "Why do I want to rob people? They did something wrong. It's good that I can save their lives."

"What did they do?" Wang Miao asked. Zhang was afraid and didn't want to hide it from him: "There are always women missing recently, don't you know?"

"I know, why don't I know? It's such a big deal. Women often go missing in the towns near the barbarian border of Yue and the Song Dynasty, which scares the people in the north to move south in fear. Could it be they did it?" Wang Miao asked.

"It has something to do with them." Zhang Ain said.

"Then he should be killed!" Wang Miao was a master of pill formation after all. In anger, murderous intent loomed.

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "The ones who should be killed have been killed." "Killed? Tell me how many people you have killed? They say you are the number one killer. Are there thousands of people?" Wang Miao really doesn't take the number one master seriously. , treated completely like a teahouse storyteller.

Sun Ziqi secretly sighed, forget it, you can say whatever you want, I don't care about you, anyway, it seems that Zhang is not angry.

Zhang Ain suppressed his smile and said, "I don't know how many people I have killed. I killed more than 4,000 people in the barbarian country a few days ago, and more than a thousand people died because of me. I'm scared to think about it, ugh. "

The words shocked the two of them. Wang Miao opened his mouth for a long time before he said something: "The entire Xianyun Valley is not enough for you to kill alone."

Sun Tzu is so angry, you idiot, do you know how to speak? Carefully observe Zhang Awei, but fortunately, the master is unmoved.

Zhang Feng said: "If you don't talk about this, how is Xianyun Valley doing recently?"

He was asking Sun Ziqi, but Wang Miao rushed to reply: "What else can I do? I'm a thousand-year-old turtle. We have to endure even if others bully us. This is the benefit of the so-called neutral sect."

"Is someone bullying you?" After all, he is a young friend, so he doesn't mind taking action if he can help.

Wang Miao waved his hand and said: "I'm used to it, it's not a big deal. We didn't come to you to ask for your help. We just thought that you are the best in the world. No one dares to bully you anymore. I dare to come to you. Come on. Congratulations, if you don’t see me, we’re here.”

Zhang Ping said: "Okay, according to what you said, we have to have a drink anyway. Let me remind you, my wine is not ordinary. Don't get drunk and act drunk." He is very happy now and has known many people in his life. , but I have known each other since childhood. Now, apart from Lin Sen and Fat Baby, there are only Wang Miao and Sun Ziqi, and even Song Yunyi only met later.

Wang Miao said: "Isn't it just wine? I don't dare to say too much. It's absolutely fine to drink one or two jars." Then he added: "I know you haven't changed. Senior brother is still too worried to come. According to me, it's completely redundant." After one sentence, he said: "You gave me the magic swords for four people at that time, and I passed it on to my son, haha, it's a family heirloom."

Zhang was afraid that he would know that he was joking. How good could a black iron magic sword be? So he asked, "Do you have a son?"

"Well, you can't have children if you practice cultivation. Two sons and two girls are awesome, aren't they? Unlike my senior brother, who is just a stupid person and lives with a futon every day." He said that he also hit his grandson Qi by the way.

"Congratulations." When mentioning the child, Zhang Ain thought of Song Yunyi, should I have a child too?

A large group of people walked for another five days and finally returned to Tianlei Mountain. They stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up. The mountain was majestic, and pavilions and halls could be vaguely seen in the forest on the top of the mountain. Zhang Ao pointed to the Tianlei Mountain Hall that was vaguely visible on the main peak and said, "When you step on the mountain peak, you are the disciples of Tianlei Mountain. Is there anyone who doesn't want to go up the mountain?"

More than a thousand people looked at Zhang Ping and then at the mountain peaks. Mumu didn't say anything. Compared with the barbarians, the buildings here are good and the aura is good, but who knows how he will treat us? Asked if we would like to go up the mountain? Just kidding, we’ve reached the bottom of the mountain, who dares to say we can’t go up the mountain? Even if you want to die, you can't die like this.

Zhang Wei waved his hand: "Go up the mountain."

They are all cultivators, and climbing a mountain is nothing. A quarter of an hour later, we arrived at the tall archway halfway up the mountain, with three big blood-red characters on it, Tianlei Mountain. There were more than a hundred people standing under the archway. Except for the first person who was wearing a green robe, the rest were all wrapped in black clothes, including their faces. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of going up the mountain, more than a hundred people shouted in unison: "Welcome the leader back to the mountain."

Zhang Ai smiled secretly in his heart: "The master has been passed down to Ruiyuan a long time ago. If he knows that I have usurped power again, I don't know if he will lose his temper with me." So he said: "Don't call me master, call me master. It will take a while." I'll call the leader back to you."

The man in green is Zhan Yun, a monk with severed hands. He leaned over Zhang Aif slightly and turned around to leave without saying a word.

Wang Miao asked: "Who is this person? So arrogant?"

"Anyway, he is a master." Zhang Ai explained casually and called Hei Yi: "These two are my friends, let them live here." Now the first leader of Hei Zhan, Zhang Ai was the only one who followed the lead and responded loudly, leading the two of them. Leave.

Zhang Weifang called the five people from Nanyun again and said: "The five of you are coming together to discuss and find a place to stay first."

Nanyun, Liu Li, Liu Dao, Zhang Zao, Zhang Changgong, the five Nascent Souls who were the first to seize the body responded in unison, and left with more than two hundred foundation-building monks who had taken the body and been reborn. Zhang Ain thought about it and said: "From now on, your name is Bai Zhan, I am the leader, and the five of you will pass on orders on my behalf."

Two hundred and twenty-two monks responded in unison and started to leave again.

He knew that this group of people was difficult to deal with and each had their own ideas, so he simply trained and managed them in a unified manner like the Black War, and turned them into the most fierce team in the world. The five Nagumo people were just one step ahead of others in seizing the throne. It seems that a lot of people were dissatisfied with them and took the power into their own hands, so that a bunch of former masters could be obedient.

Hei Yi arranged for Wang Miao and his two men and came back to see Zhang Awei. Zhang Awei pointed at the more than a thousand prisoners and said: "These more than 1,200 people belong to you. You can train them in any way you want. Choose those who can't endure hardship and those with poor qualifications." come out."

Heiyi said loudly: "In my eyes, there is no one who cannot endure hardship, and no one has poor qualifications."

Zhang Aixin said, you are planning to practice to death. Think about it and said: "Don't rush for success, including your original subordinates. Relax appropriately and don't tense up all day long."

Heiyi said yes. Zhang Ping said: "Go ahead." Hei Yi then led 120 Hei Zhan to torture more than 1,200 prisoners and disperse them all. Each Foundation Establishment Hei Zhan was responsible for fifteen prisoners. Twenty Jiedan Heizhan and Heiyi are responsible for inspection and supervision.

Seeing everyone busy, Zhang Wen first went to the back mountain to open the Five Elements and Bagua formation, injecting spiritual power into the formation's eyes. The thirteen main formation flags instantly released powerful power, flashing a burst of brilliance, and the formation was completed.

Zhan Yun suddenly appeared in front of him and asked angrily: "Why didn't you tell me?" Zhang was afraid that he would know that he was asking about the magic circle, so he acted rogue and said: "You didn't ask me." Zhan Yun was so angry that he really wanted to beat him. After a while, this guy seemed like a good person except when he was giving me pills, but he looked hateful at other times.

Zhang was afraid of angering him: "I'll invite two old friends to have a drink later, Mr. Zhan with us?"

Zhan Yun couldn't stand it, how could a top-level master give up for a pot of wine? Leng Bingbing replied: "I won't go."

"Oh." Zhang Awei blinked and said, "I forgot to mention that I am serving guests with spiritual wine."

Zhan Yun wanted to kick him away, why didn't he say that just now? I said no, so you said to use spiritual wine, staring at Zhang Wei while holding his breath.

Zhang was afraid that he would continue to add firewood and raise wages to make Zhan Yun angry: "One pot per person, enough to drink, and spiritual meat and spiritual vegetables. Are you really not coming?"

Zhan Yun finally couldn't help it anymore and raised his leg with a kick. Zhang Wein was already prepared. He floated up like catkins and disappeared like a cloud line. However, when he disappeared, he threw two jade bottles, which were full of spiritual energy. liquor. After taking it, Zhan Yun was so angry that he couldn't even laugh, and finally put away the bottle and went back to the room.

Zhang Weijing came to find Wang Miao and prepared a grand feast for the two of them. It was definitely a grand feast. Although there was no hot food on the table, every dish was nourished and nourished by the spiritual water. Wang Miao and Sun Ziqi were stunned when they saw a table of food. Is this still food and wine? It is clearly an elixir for increasing cultivation.

Zhang Aixing said: "Be careful when drinking, this wine is not ordinary." Wang Miao blushed: "I didn't expect it to be this wine."

Who would have thought of entertaining guests with spiritual wine? The three of them sat down, drank and chatted, and the night passed like this.

The next day, Nanyun and Heiyi came to see him. Heiyi placed more than a thousand people in the original residence of Qi Refining disciples, with rows of houses arranged vertically and horizontally. Nanyun placed more than 200 Baizhan in Ziguang Pavilion. These two places are both on the main peak, one on the left and the other on the right guarding the Tianlei Mountain Hall.

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