The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 607: Building Relationships

Chapter 607: Relationship

The two of them talked very well and walked away without any hesitation. After he left, Twenty-Four Star's expression changed. Kuwu had not offended Zhang Awei and could leave safely, but he was different. He once wanted to kill Zhang Awei, but he also did it. He simply broke the jar and said directly: "Let's go." ." Yi Ling led Feng Ren forward, but at the same time he was wary, not knowing whether the ghost boy would take action.

Fortunately, Zhang was very tolerant and watched him leave with a smile. Then he clasped his fists at the white-haired old man and said, "There is always something unclear about your family's affairs. I killed his father, and he should seek revenge from me. I don't I don’t blame him, and I won’t blame the Hu family, but next time, if another top-level monk takes action, I won’t be merciful.”

The old man smiled and said nothing, and turned to look at the woman. Zhang Ai also looked at me and said slowly: "You want to kill me, I don't blame you, but you have to become a top-level master to have the strength to kill me. Your magic weapon is good, the best I have ever seen." One category, use it well.”

**I almost died of anger. I didn’t tell you whether I could kill you or not, but you still educated me? Holding back his anger, he glared at Zhang Afraid.

Zhang Jing said: "If you do something, you must be responsible. Your father's death was because he did something wrong back then. Go back." The kid is full of hatred. It's useless no matter how much he talks. It's better to let him Figure it out for yourself.

** snorted heavily to express his disdain, and then looked at the old man. The old man wanted to take ** away, but wanted to say something more: "I am partly responsible for what happened back then. There are many things in the world where no one is right or wrong. This is how the world of cultivation is. , The weak will prey on the strong, let’s go.” After saying this, he took his mother and left, barely defending the Hu family.

** really wants to kill Zhang Awei, but he is not stupid. If he and Zhang Awei die together, he will do it; but if the benefits are obtained by others and the Hu family gets nothing, he will definitely be serious and careful. Considering whether death is worth it, no one wants to be taken advantage of. This is one of the reasons why he quit the battle group early. He doesn't want to make wedding clothes for others!

Soon all the top ten masters left, and Zhang Aifeng was the only one left in the huge open space in front of the shopping mall. He looked around, well, this feels good! I'm a master now! He started to look bad again.

Song State and Yue State are neighboring countries. This time, Song Shangji had cultivators from Yue State come to buy and sell items, and some people stayed in the sky to watch the excitement. After the war ended and a group of people figured out Zhang Ping's identity, the righteous monks of the Yue Kingdom began to think about it. Even if you can't make friends with such masters, you must not offend them. At least you must be familiar with them.

While Zhang was still afraid to leave, people fell to the ground and ran towards him one after another. This is a necessary etiquette. With Zhang Wen's current methods, who dares to fly above his head and then fall down?

Someone clasped his hands and bowed his head and said: "This junior is a disciple of Jingmen and has met Master Zhang."

Tianlei Mountain was reopened decades ago, and Zhang Wen had been in charge for a few days, so it was reasonable for him to be called the leader. However, he didn't have a good impression of the Yue cultivators, so he only looked at them coldly and said nothing.

Wherever the first one stood out, the second one followed, and many people came forward to pay their respects, including members of the six major sects, all wanting to have a relationship with Zhang Ain. In comparison, although the disciples of the small sects wanted to get close to each other, they were a little more restrained due to lack of luck. Even if they came forward to pay respects, they would just say some words of admiration and then step aside.

They are reserved, but Zhang is very kind, smiling at everyone, and occasionally saying a few words to express intimacy. On the contrary, he would not be so kind to the disciples of the Six Sects, and he would ignore them. He hated most of the disciples of the Six Sects he had met.

When Tianlei Mountain was besieged, no one from the six major sects came forward. When Thunder Mountain was destroyed the day after tomorrow, no one from the six major sects came to help, and they didn't even dare to take in the disciples of Thunder Mountain, and sent them out of the mountain gate, ushering in more deaths. There were floods in Yue State again, and Zhang was afraid that he would use spirit spirits to manage the land and protect the people. Instead, the six major sects coveted the spirit land and had a fight with him.

What happened next was even more outrageous. Someone among the six factions actually wanted to occupy the gate of Tianlei Mountain.

It was Zhang who was afraid of having a good temper, so he cared about the friendship between his masters and did not embarrass them.

But just because I don't embarrass you doesn't mean I'm willing to pay attention to you. Zhang Ain watched their performance with a blank face and didn't even reply. He released lions and beasts from the big walnuts and teased and stared at them, ignoring what others said. His indifference made the disciples of the six sects dare not speak out in anger. Just when he was thinking about leaving, Zhang Ai suddenly stood up and looked to the east.

Not long after, four people came running quickly from the east. They only dared to run but did not dare to fly because of their scruples. Only when they saw that there was no one fighting in front of them and a large number of people gathered instead, the four of them dared to speed up and come quickly.

Zhang was afraid of standing out from the crowd, so the person who was running at the front among the four couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw him. Several people jumped over and said, "Are you okay?" The people who came were Liu Zhu and the other four, and Liu Zhu was running at the front.

Zhang Awei smiled at him and asked, "Why are you back?" Liu Zhu muttered in a low voice without knowing what he was talking about, but the next sentence made it clear: "It's great that you are okay." Zhang Awei was a little moved and recklessly Straight people have a straightforward heart and know how to care about others.

Then Yan Gang, He Hui, Wang Qingxian and three others arrived. Yan Gang said, "Zhu Zhu is worried about you and said that he must come back. He said that even if you die, there must be someone to collect the body." He said this somewhat to show his merit. He meant it, but Zhang Ping was very happy with his performance and knew that Yan Gang was trying to please him, but Liu Zhu would never do it. He smiled and said, "Thank you." He took out a jade bottle and said, "The blood of that stupid lion, Go back and write some spells to refine some magic tools that might come in handy.”

Liu Zhu refused, and Zhang Wen said: "Not enough? Then add more." One sentence caused the lion beast to roar, and Zhang Wen patted his big head: "Still making trouble? If you make more trouble, stew and eat meat." The lion beast. I just don’t accept it. If I can’t beat you, you can’t deal with those foundation-building boys? Chong Liu Zhu and the four of them looked at each other angrily, "Which of you dares to bleed me?"

Yan Gang knew that Zhang was afraid of having a crush on Liu Zhu and that he was sincerely giving the blood of the monster. He pulled Liu Zhu and said, "Just take it for you. How can Senior Hong miss this little thing?" Liu Zhu accepted the jade bottle and said, Say thank you a few times.

Zhang Ping said: "I have nothing to thank you for. Go back and practice hard. I will visit you when I have time."

He became famous in one battle, and no one dared to offend Liu Zhu or the other four. Who could afford to bully four poor boys after eating so much? The new God of War said a few days ago that whoever dares to harm four people without reason will repay him tenfold.

Liu Zhu was overjoyed when he heard this: "I'll prepare delicious food for you then." He couldn't think of anything to entertain Zhang Afraid, so he had to entertain him with a banquet.

Zhang was afraid of saying yes but still wanted to speak. Someone squeezed out of the crowd and hugged his fist and said, "Senior brother Hongwu, I am Hongyu, a disciple of Zhenmu Zhenren. Congratulations, senior brother, for becoming a top-level master."

You can ignore what others say, but this person speaks? Following the sound, I saw a middle-aged man wearing a dark green robe, and there were two monks dressed similarly to him beside him. All three of them were at the elementary level of pill formation.

Zhang Awei glanced at Hongyu without any impression. He lowered his head to look at the lion beast and pondered in his mind for a long time. When Tianlei Mountain was destroyed, more than 5,000 disciples escaped. Some were killed by the demon sect’s thieves, but most of them should have escaped. But the last time the mountain sect was re-established, only 773 disciples came back, and thousands more are unknown. Whereabouts.

Zhang Ao raised his head and asked, "What's wrong with the clothes you're wearing?"

Hong Yu blushed slightly and replied: "Unfortunately for my master, I escaped from the Yue Kingdom alone, and now I worship under the Hua Sect of the Song Dynasty."

Zhang Ai said, "This kind of thing is difficult to deal with. Are you going to take him back?" Ignore it? It’s all wrong! Asked: "Why didn't you tell me just now?"

"I was afraid of being scolded by my senior brother, but if I didn't tell him, I wouldn't know whether I would be able to see my senior brother in the future, so I shamelessly asked to see him." Hong Yu's face turned redder and redr as he spoke. The two people around him were a little surprised. They didn't expect that their classmates for decades would hide such a secret.

Zhang Awei nodded and said: "I know." Without any more words, you have to make your own decisions about future matters. He turned around and asked Liu Zhu: "Do you want me to take you back to the teacher's gate?"

The four of them, Liu Zhu, didn't dare to let him send them away. They all shook their heads and said, "Don't dare, don't dare, we can leave on our own." Liu Zhu also said one more thing: "I will go back and practice my cooking skills hard, and show off my skills when the seniors come."

Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense, Yan Gang." "The disciple is here." Yan Gang was shocked, not knowing what Zhang Ain was going to say. Zhang Fing said: "Go back and take good care of your junior brother. It is true to practice hard. Don't worry about cooking. You are not a cook." Yan Gang said loudly: "Yes!" He paused briefly and asked: "Senior Hong, we Say goodbye now?"

Zhang Pingxiao said, "Well, I'll see you later." Yan Gang quickly replied, "I'll see you later." He said goodbye to his three junior brothers again and set off on his way.

Hongyu was put aside, feeling uneasy, not knowing whether he did something right or wrong. Just when he was about to say a few more words, another group of people squeezed out of the crowd, including Pingmen Yueli and others.

After a large group of people came out, they all bowed to Zhang for fear of being too long. Yue Li said loudly: "Thank you, senior, for your help."

Zhang was afraid that they had discovered them a long time ago, and thought that it was not bad to be grateful, so he waved his hand and said: "It's nothing." He thought it was nothing, but Yue Li didn't think so. He used to hold Qingmen's thigh so that he could eat, but now his job is gone. He said, almost losing his life, and said loudly: "The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid with a spring of water. The day before yesterday, senior Meng saved Pingmen and everyone in danger. We have nothing to repay. We only have two arms and strength and a loyal heart." "In the future, if our seniors have instructions, we will all repay them with all our heart and mind. If we have two minds, we will never die."

Zhang Wei frowned secretly when he heard Yue Li's arrogant words. He mostly did things as he pleased, and would help if he didn't see anything wrong. But being a helper didn't mean that he would continue to help. Yue Li didn't say anything, and he felt a little disgusted. At best, you are serving me, but at worst, something has happened to you and you want to find someone to protect your life.

But if they really ignore it, since those people can find the black war to kill Pingmen, they may find the red war and the green war to continue assassinating them. After thinking deeply, he said to Yue Li: "I know." Although he didn't say it clearly, he meant it. People would definitely connect Yue Li with him, and he didn't care at all about how they connected.

More and more people wanted to talk to him in front of him. Zhang was afraid that he might want to leave. He looked at his former classmate Hongyu more, nodded and said, "Let's go." He threw out the flying stick, brought the lion and beast in with him, and never looked back. Others, fly away.

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