The Monk

Volume One, Chapter 554: Kill in the End

Chapter 554 Killed in the end

The aunt stole a glance at Zhang Pa and saw that he did not react. She whispered to her son: "We have caused trouble. If we don't leave, we will be in trouble." Xiao Zhi said stubbornly: "At most, I will die. Who is afraid of it?" The aunt continued to persuade: "You are not afraid of death. Do you want your second mother, third mother, brother and sister to die with you?"

Xiao Zhi shut up and stared at Zhang Pa's back fiercely. Zhang Pa had to lower the curtain to block his sight and said at the same time: "It is true that I forced your father to death, but I didn't kill him personally; besides, your father also killed others. Do others deserve to die? Do others have no family? I know you hate me, but do you know how many people hate your father?"

Xiao Zhi just pretended not to hear and kept silent. Zhang Pa shook his head and stopped persuading, concentrating on the road.

In the evening, the carriage stopped. This is a hillside, with farmland on both sides of the hillside, but this hillside extends to the south, connecting a forest, and everyone stayed there for the night.

Zhang Pa took out many quilts and put them in the car: "You guys squeeze in the car, I'll keep watch." The old lady said: "You've been driving the car, it's time for you to rest, let the children keep watch."

Xiao Zhi walked out of the car and said loudly: "You drive the car, I owe you, I keep watch, we both take the blame, we don't owe each other anything."

Zhang Pa hadn't heard such words for a long time. In the past, Zhang Tianfang and he had been talking nonsense, calculating who owed who more. Now he heard it again, and felt a little close. He smiled slightly and walked to a distance and sat down.

Although Xiao Zhi was big and had some manly spirit, he was not fully grown up. In the middle of the night, he leaned against a tree and fell asleep. Zhang Pa looked at him from a distance. There was a snake under the root of the tree, slowly swimming towards Xiao Zhi. Zhang Pa gently hushed to remind him, but Xiao Zhi didn't hear it. Zhang Pa threw a stone over, and Xiao Zhi suddenly woke up and asked: "Who?" As soon as he moved, the snake was stimulated and bit him, and then ran away.

Xiao Zhi was bitten on his calf, and he cried out in pain. He rolled up his trouser legs to look, but it was dark and he couldn't see anything, so he quickly looked for a lighter. His cry woke up the old lady, who came out of the carriage and asked, "What's wrong?" Xiao Zhi said stubbornly, "Nothing."

Zhang Pa came over, laid him down, tore open his trouser legs to reveal two small holes, and the area around them was slightly swollen. He looked at the holes and said, "You're fine after being bitten by a snake? It was a poisonous snake."

The old lady got anxious when she heard this, and ran over and bent over to suck blood to save him, but Zhang Pa stopped her, saying, "Don't bother." He took out a pill and gave it to Xiao Zhi, saying, "Eat it."

Xiao Zhi didn't want to eat it yet, so the old lady said anxiously, "Eat it!" Then he took it as he was told, and after a while the swelling disappeared, there was no pain, and the two small holes gradually became smaller. Zhang Pa muttered, "It's not like I haven't eaten before." Seeing that his injury was getting better, the old lady said happily, "Thank you, thank you." She kept thanking Zhang Pa, and Zhang Pa said, "You're welcome. I reminded him when I saw the snake, but he reacted too much and startled the snake, so he got bitten for no reason. It's my fault." After this episode, Xiao Zhi finally felt embarrassed to be hostile to Zhang Pa again after saving another life, including the two lives he saved yesterday. He lowered his head and didn't say anything, but the strong hatred still existed. Zhang Pa let him go. As soon as he stood up, his face suddenly became serious. How could these people not know whether they were dead or alive? He said to the old lady, "There's movement over there, I'll go and take a look." He didn't like to tell lies, and didn't want the old lady's family to know too much, so he was vague. The old lady didn't doubt it. After a few days of getting along, she felt that this person was not bad, and warned him, "Be careful." Zhang Pa nodded and went into the darkness, ran forward a thousand meters and stopped, looking up at the sky. At this time, thirteen people flew in the air. The monks of Yong'an County actually went out collectively just to catch him. Among them was the unlucky monk who had met during the day.

Zhang Palan stood there without saying a word, looking at everyone with a contemptuous and indifferent attitude.

The monks were very conscious. When they saw Zhang Palan, they scattered and landed carefully. The monk who had met during the day pointed at him and shouted, "It's him."

Zhang Palan said, "Okay, it's me. Why are you looking for me?"

"Come back to Longhu Mountain with us and let Master decide." The guy shouted.

Zhang Pa was really helpless. He smiled at the guy and said, "Are you sick in the head? I told you not to bother me, but you didn't listen and brought a bunch of people to bother me? Why? Want to catch me? Do you have the ability?"

The cultivators heard Zhang Pa's arrogant tone and used their spiritual sense to check his cultivation. It was easy to find out that he was just a disciple who had just built up his strength. There was nothing to be afraid of. They all laughed and said, "You are sick."

Zhang Pa said softly, "Isn't it good to live well? I have let you go once, do you know?"

The cultivators laughed, "Then let you go again." Obviously, they didn't believe him and looked down on him.

Zhang Pa sneered, "You are looking for death. You can't blame others." He patted the big walnut on his chest, released thirteen Fu Shen snakes, and said lightly, "Kill them." Thirteen white lights flashed in the night sky, and then the white light flew back, revealing thirteen fat bodies, lazily entangled Zhang Pa.

Looking at the 26 corpses not far away, he patted the snake and said, "It's not a good habit to be picky about food." He was also puzzled: "How did you grow so big without eating anything?"

Walked over and dug a hole, threw a bunch of corpses in, buried them casually, put away the snake and walked back.

The old lady was waiting for him and asked, "What did you see?" Zhang Pa replied vaguely, "The forest at night is like that." The old lady nodded, "Well, maybe it's a wild animal."

The next day, after dinner, he continued to move forward. Zhang Pa had no goal along the way, and mainly listened to the opinions of the people in the car. The old lady's family was choosing their future home, so of course they made the decision.

Four days later, they arrived at a small town and found an inn to stay in. After a short rest, the eldest and second aunts took Xiaozhi out to find a house, while the third aunt stayed in the inn with the other two children.

Zhang Pa also strolled in the city, looking up at the sky from time to time. It has been four days since the killing of those monks, and Longhu Mountain should have a reaction. Including this time, Longhu Mountain has been troubled five times, which can be said to be a brilliant victory.

Speaking of it, it was those monks who sought death. Zhang Pa had let them go, but he didn't expect that these idiots would chase him relentlessly. Regardless of their attitude towards Zhang Pa, he had to kill them just for the safety of the eldest aunt's family.

When they returned to the inn at night, the eldest aunt asked him to go over to talk about something, saying that the town was small and suitable for living, and they planned to stay here.

Zhang Pa agreed, took out some silver, a stack of silver bills, and a few jewelry: "These things are yours, I took them from your house at the beginning." He couldn't remember whether it was the eldest aunt's house or not, but it was true that he went to the Qinghui to get money. At that time, money was extorted from every household, and it was impossible to tell who owned what. He said that because he was worried that the aunt's family would not want it. It would be better to say that it belonged to their family. Given how much Xiaozhi hated him, he would definitely take it back.

As he expected, the two boys took a pile of money back and scolded Zhang Pa for being a robber.

Zhang Pa smiled and went out. When he closed the door, he said, "Don't be too anxious. I will stay here for a few days and wait until you are settled before leaving."

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